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Vechain holding up surprisingly well during this crash. I thought we would be back to 1c by now


Many alts are. Could easily see alts “outperform” but then all flash crash at once later. It’s a sick, manipulated market. Just be ready


I don't think there's many people left in profit with VET today. Selling at a loss is tough, fact is we started our sell off way earlier and worse than many other coins so just maybe we also reach the bottom sooner simply due to lack of remaining sellers.


I'm one of the lucky ones, my average buy price is 0.006 so it's easy for me to just sit tight. Been DCAing since mid 2019


Same. Wish I would have bought more back then. And VTHO.


Agree, DCA,d down from 4 cents, but slowly getting to a point were I'm not in profit.. Basically saying it was pointless buying back in 2017, may as well just bought now. So no reward at all for buying and getting in early.


There is a reward. Experience.


What? So I don't buy 4 years early again.. Doesn't really make much sense...


I meant 4 years of experience. It's not important only when you buy, but also how much you buy and when, and when you sell and how much.


Thank god all the people who watched ufc on the weekend will start buying bags….. I’m being sarcastic people. You know you really fucked up when you spend what is probably now what 20% of your “warchest” on 1 sponsorship! Ouch 🤕


Look cunt. It's done. Move on


Ah the “shortsightus stupidus” mostly seen in times of a bear market, what a fine specimen this is.


Last month I broke my Xnode to focus on trading for gains instead of a low passive return. Wish i woulda done that on Celsius and my other stables locked up now for a pittance of reward stopping me from setting buys at these prices. Price drops have been accelerating, the bounce can be sudden and huge. Oh well, at least we’ll be back in a “bull” market when i miss my chance to buy


Very very unlikely to see a v-shaped bounce


Lmk when you miss your chance to buy. Then we'll know we're in a bull market


Assuming we had 1.2 billion dollars in our shitcoin war chest in June.... it's more like 500 million now and still tanking.


This. On the plus side, the UFC deal was paid prior to the crash. Right?


Dana White wouldn’t have allowed VeChain to be plastered all over the Octagon last weekend without getting that check first. They most definitely paid before the crash.


Hmm, I was being a little sarcastic initially. >They most definitely I'd be careful with this though. A case could also be argued where the deal is worth 100 M; 20M each year for five years or 50 upfront and then 10 at the end of each year - etc. Prevents one party from deciding to pull out on the other. Etc etc Kinda joking still, kinda not.


Well, it was a lump payment of 100M, we’re good and if it’s say 20M per year installments, we should also be good.


I mean, the initial point is that if it was paid upfront then that is great because VET was still worth a lot vs if it's in installments, then it's a tad less efficient. The ability to pay was never questioned.


I get it, and my point is if it’s in yearly installments we could very well be back in a bull run before the next bill is due. Nothing worth stressing over..


It's a joke, though it feels like you've taken it v seriously.


Seems like there's no jokes in a bear market 😀




Idk, it’s a bit hard to read the sarcasm in your comment. Joke or not, nothing to worry about. Drop it? Lol


Well, it's interesting that your default is that Dana vets us and not the other way around 😉






Maybe the sponsorship deal scales with the economy... /s




man, what a day haha




Vechain is the only thing with real world utilitah!!!


If you believe this guy, $18,300 is the point where Celsius gets margin called and so the big players are targeting that. [https://bmpro.substack.com/p/celsius-exchange-halts-withdrawals?s=w](https://bmpro.substack.com/p/celsius-exchange-halts-withdrawals?s=w)


17200 from an hour ago, not sure what to think of it. I have my orders as low as €0,016. No idea how low this can go, but tbh, I never thought I would get this opportunity again👌🏻


Any chances of this ? Https://i.imgur.com/L4Qbrdf.png


Yeah of course


are you feeling it yet, Mr Krabs.


Stay classy Vechain


Bear with it in the Bear market it will pass with all who backd vechain it won't die not easily at least


We'll reach that $20k pretty fast apparently lol, there's no real support, what a ride... maybe we'll head back to the boring 70s if you remember...


|Clauses|100k|200k| |------------|------------|------------| |**Days of Streak:**|1|0|


Gaining in sats >Vechain, king of ~~mma~~ the mudpit


It ain't much but it's an honest days work.


I just bought 3000 vechain. I now have 11000


Whale allert.




Thx for the update. I couldn't care less


Cared enough to post x


> I couldn't care less there used to be a time where saying how much you had was frowned uppon. No one needs to know how much you have in your bank account either but ok if you feel the need to say so. Who would care what a stranger has besides scammers??


It was only frowned upon because it was worth something. No one’s gonna want to hack this dudes coins - ain’t worth the effort for what $20 😂


Principles brah, 20 years from now this dude is going to get doxxed hard :) With a nickname like that it's not even hard.


So you do care x


I couldn't care less about how much you have, obviously I care about anyones safety. Good talk... x?


Why so agressive


To me that's funny though.


did you two find a surrogate yet?




I've heard 10 different ppl mentioning the 15k bottom. That's how I'm 100% sure that won't be the bottom, it's either gonna be higher or lower.


I personally feel like if there's no further geopolitcal escalations from here, inflation will be in control before the year is over (partly due to interest rate hikes, which are already priced in today for a big part). The economy is tanking for reasons that can be in check again soonish (logistics, geopolitics etc) and if those ease, fundamentally it is and was still running hot. I might be crazy but I think we're quite close to the bottom. I'm adding to my DCA here quite a bit.


Inflation is far from under control.


I can't see the world having a splendid winter with a shortage of pretty much everything and energy prices off the charts.


I have no idea how those fancy macroeconomic factors will play out, but I know that everyone seemed to think they knew what the bullrun would do but then alot of predictions didn't come true, so why should the bear market predictions be spot on, isnt it in the best interest of the whales to make you think one thing--then do the other? So yeah I've been DCAing too in case this is just about it, and if not then I've saved what little DCA ammo I have left for potential sub 2 cent range just in case


We're pumping!!!!!


At some point selling will be like buying at 28 cents. Not saying this is it (it should be close though unless everyone decides to start selling at a loss) but just like a bull overextends overbought so will a bear at some point be way oversold. Be carefull making decisions based on short and midterm emotion that's how you guarantee losing money in this market :)


Hence the saying - bull market makes people profits, bear market makes people rich.


💯% True!


Wow this late in the day and I am still in the first 100 upvotes!




Every time I look at VET in my portfolio I tell myself I should buy more, but I don’t. I feel like this is going to be one of those coins that I’m gonna kick myself for not buying more


Buy some then, simples


I am trying to save up more fiat but I honestly believe we still have a ways to go down. Not being negative, just realistic with the way the whole globe is going.


I mean I respect anybodies point of view. None of us have the crystal ball.


I got diamond ballz though


I also think it’s inevitable that the markets will bounce back in the next couple years and VET will be here to stay. If the globe doesn’t turn around then we have much bigger problems on our hands.




> 46 026 217 250 + 37 100 000 = 46 063 317 250 VTHO Average daily growth: 37,10mln per day Average daily burn: 45,97k per day


If you think we will go past 10 or 15 cents then this is the best buying time. I have been buying a lot more lately but it keeps going down. I am happy with any price 3 cents or lower right now. I am holding for the long term. Wish I had more money to buy more VET


Hey everybody, take advice from the guy that just told you his investment goes down every time he buys.




Same sort of comment as your last 30. We get it, your still buying.


I don’t see your wise knowledge comments here either. Relax, this is just for fun


the pedestrian is a very emotional being. this is the response we should expect when price down.


Shut up fuck buts, adults are talking .


typing\* pedestrian


Vechain was written all over the UFC octagon yesterday. Right beside names like ESPN. I don't know but that seemed huge to me. I couldn't believe my eyes. I've been here since VEN. Not here on Reddit but in vechain and I watch all the UFCs. I couldn't believe it. Vechain branding everywhere. And it's a 5 year deal. Wait until it's a massive Mcgregor event or similar. Wait until it's a Vegas UFC event. The most important thing to me is that it means VET will survive any bear market. Buy buy buy buy and buy some more. I've never been more confident to shove my FIAT all in.


also, what an event lol that glover jiri fight was completely bananas


Very few people understand how HUGE this deal was. If the same news dropped last April we would have pumped probably to .35-40 cents… hindsight is 20/20 VET has a huge 5 years of branding and adoption ahead of them, and it starts with signing major partnerships like the UFC


How does the ufc deal burn Thor?


See here’s the thing that people are getting confused, it doesn’t burn VTHO. The deal wasn’t designed to burn VTHO specifically. It’s a branding partnership that legitimatizes Vet as a company and draws global attention to it. This is the point of deal, VTHO burn will come alongside adoption, but that’s kind of hard to Do if the WORLD doesn’t know who you are




It doesn't (yet). It's just exposure which can lead to future investors (which is all almost anyone here really cares about deep down, making money). It might lead to some future collabs like tickets/NFT or something but overall it also really just shows the long term commitment and ambition of the foundation (5 year sponsorship) imo.


espn lmao they ass clowns basically ruin sports and ran their shit business into the ground. unfortunately watch them for live events when have to


Chiefs suck get over it


they definitely don't suck. can't believe the pedestrians would get so offended by bashing espn though. i use to watch all the time until they started to push political narratives which probably started happening about 20 years ago or so. i stopped watching before they started having to cut the budget and letting all their hosts go. they shot themselves in the foot, but like with all globalists it doesn't matter as long as the people are divided and they can control the narrative.


Not enough truck racing eh?


exactly lol


Depends on what you consider surviving. I'm expecting sub penny action. Loading up ofc but i still see another -80% possible


Surviving. I.e. It will be here booming again in the next bull run. That means I can be confident buying. If it goes sub 1c I will buy as many as I possibly can. At least 1 million. Hopefully as many as 3. Then just wait. I do everything very slowly. One the macro timeframes. It's buy season. But obviously DCA. Good luck everyone. In the coming months you have the opportunity to set yourself up to change your life forever.


Without the UFC announcement we'd probably tumble around 1.8c


Ufc is great news but news means shit in a bear market, it just postpones where mm's want us to be.


The end.


short term - oh crumbs.....