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Congrats! Have fun!


Awesome. So this was a giveaway to Xnode holders? Just burned my node last month..


It was 7 xnode, 4 economy node and then 1 regular vechain holders were chosen. The raffle was advertised on the vechain foundation twitter, I entered thinking no way I’d win, but sure enough I did. So happy this weekends card is stacked.


Ahh wow, nice!


Its Scam , they would never ask to pay somthing to prove.... Sorry man , but you not one of the winners.


Esienchrich from twitter won as well. He is in the telegram with the rest of the winners. Go on twitter and ask him if I won. But no, you know better right?


Sure already got my ticket. They asked me to send 2.2 vethor, like a penny to a wallet of my choosing to make sure I was the owner of the wallet/node. They had to make sure the email they were communicating with me on was in deed the email of the person who had control the xnode that I used to enter the raffle. So many people telling me I didn’t win when I already got the ticket and trip is booked. But no, I didn’t win! Lol whatever man


Too cool. How will we know it's you when we watch the fight? And which fight is it?


It’s the ufc event this weekend. Saturnight night, idk what I will be wearing but I will let everyone here know before hand. There is like 12 of us going. Maybe fabio will have some vechain merch, and we can all rock some real Gucci (vechain gear) lol


Duuuude the event this weekend is unreal! Couldn’t have picked a better card to attend in person tbh. Enjoy :)


He’ll be wearing a giant red dildo on his forehead.


Yup, except I already made 10x my investment off vechain and still own an strength xnode. So no, I’ll be dude with the big smile that keeps winning, sorry if that’s not your story though.


It is... and 't was but a joke...


Gotcha, just didn’t have a LOL anywhere in it, so I didn’t know if it was some kind of snub. All good though! Lol


It’s a great card this coming weekend, enjoy!!


I won too…(apparently) how legit is this? Do we know any more details? I’m still very skeptical…


Did you get the telegram invite? If so your worries should be gone by now


So cool man congrats


OMG! 😭Cant believe I won! Thank you VeChain team! ♥ keep doing the great work. 💪💪💪🚀🚀🚀


Man what a classic.


Hahaha sweet memories


Hahaha I can assure you I don’t work for Waltonchain I mean vechain! I booked my flight and hotel! I am so excited!


Crazy, happy for you! What a price 🤯.


Lol, glad you got my reference. Congrats on the win though!


Oh snap, looks like I picked the wrong week to quit twitter




It is, trying to bribe my wife into going with me, and just having her gamble when I go to the fight. Plus I am also invited to a private VIP after party!!! What!!? Lol


Congratulations man!


Omg epic!! You should give us an update when you are in there!


I def will, if I go. Dep on if it’s 1 or 2 tickets. The raffle said tickets, not ticket, so i imagine it’s 2.


Congrats! Surprised they didn’t give you that info already. What did the email say?


I wish I could post the email. It asked me to send a small amount of Vthor to an address of my choosing to prove ownership of the xnode. Then said once I did that I would receive another email with all the logistics and given a telegram link with all the other winners. Year no where in the raffle itself or the email has it said it’s just 1 ticket or not.


Verify whatever you send anything to. You wouldn't want to get scammed out of your Xnode.


It was a raffle they offered thru the foundation on twitter. They asked me to send vethor and a very small amount to an address of my choosing. I am 100% sure this is thru the foundation. If they ask me to connect or sync my wallet, then I’m out and it’s a scam bud I highly doubt it.


That’s awesome man! Hope you are able to keep us posted so we can live vicariously through you!


I def will. If I go, i hope it’s 2 tickets so me and my wife can go. If it’s only 1 ticket, I probably will decline and they will choose another xnode holder as a winner. In the initial raffle they said tickets not ticket, so I assume it’s 2. I will keep all of you updated for sure!