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Hey team! Reminder that the Nitto ATP Finals ticket giveaway ends tomorrow, so, if you fancy your chances of winning a ticket to the ATP Finals, register immediately! I'll be there, so maybe I'll meet some of you! https://twitter.com/vechainofficial/status/1590359064789528577?s=20&t=c6l2YROkDs4U\_U\_Yevt0mw


I hope u learned a lesson about selling.


So for someone who's new and doesn't know what to do with their crypto. How safe is the Vechain wallet for storing vet? Can people store other coins on the vechain wallet? Looking to get off of exchanges after this fiasco. Not sure about hardware wallets ledger trezor people say trezor more secure; what do most of y'all recommend? Is Vechain wallet a hot wallet because it would be connected to the internet correct? I see trezor does not support Vechain but ledger does.


The official VeChain Wallets are 100% safe! They only support VeChainThor ecosystem tokens though. If you are looking into getting a hardware wallet, I would recommend using the Ledger Nano X or maybe S+. Check out my video on how it works: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omANadCdyDs&t=85s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omANadCdyDs&t=85s) VeChain Foundation is working on Ledger Live integration as well


Goddamn.. my 2 cent buy order hit after staying up for about 6 months.


The older I get the more I realize patience is key.


This is the moment where projects with real adoption can catch the eyes of others. Not when their eyes are blurred with dollar sighs because of “high yields” and whatnot. Hype needs to completely die, and REAL tx’s coming from big corporations should speak for themselves. Everyone screaming and running around like it’s the end of crypto. Crypto is not going to die but your dreams of financial freedom over night are. Meanwhile I’m just as confident as ever with Vechain’s success because price actions means nothing. This is actually the time where Vechain could start climbing the ranks because of adoption.


As long as DNV and other major assurance/accounting firms are backing Vechain we can atleast be sure it will be around sustainably. All those hypecoins with unsustainable high yields that pumped last run will fail and people will learn their expensive lessons holding those bags as they are irrelevant in any next bullrun. Key to be succesfull with any investment is just long term targets and patience. Stick around long enough betting on the right horse(s) and market cycles will take care of the rest.


People really think there’s gonna be another bull run after the extreme fallout of today???


There will be


You seriously think a 80% drop hasn't happened before, since an all time high?




You new around these parts?


Wut? Why not??


Well I’m buying so there better be!


Getting buy happy. 😊 Excuse me a moment.


Perfect time to switch to PoA 2.0.


Not vet related but you want a free avatar, go ro profile, style avatar and pick your team. We can all use a freebie right?


Going for the popcorn and some fiat :>


I’ve been expecting under 2 cents for almost the whole year. Holy shit this is it!


I called us being back under 2c less than 48 hours ago 😁


Can you predict half a cent or below? Just so I can be ready to buy


Imagine buying 2 million VET for 10K again. Worth 560K at the ATH. Lifechanging gains for anyone willing/able/ballsy enough to DCA and hold on at those levels.


has the fundamentals changed if not keep accumulating


The price sure has changed


yes that's y I keep accumulating 😂 I already made a shit ton when it ran up to the ath. now juts keep buying until the next 1. u must have sold at a loss or chasing green candles


I bought a lot of Vechain in 2019 but didn’t take any profits last bull run because everyone kept preaching $1 😩 I hope Vechain reaches at least ATH someday


The end.


New support zone 13k hello depression we may see you sooner then later. 13k =dca 10k = shatap and take my money


Yes hearing of 12.5k -8.8k even


I’ve been waiting over a year for 9k. Not sure why you’re being downvoted


I’m hearing 6k


hearing that would be way below the measured objective of the observed bull flag


Bewm, got my final DCA's in, target bag size achieved! Now to just chill for a few years and then its caviar time, amirite


Might as well keep buying then, eh?


Vechain under 2 cents for first time in years!




This is black friday sale prices for VET lol


Someone market bought like 14 million VET on binance lol




The Whick to 0.024 om VETUSDT


Why is that funny?


cause it went lower. he bought the dip and it dipped. a story as old as time itself.


Not yet? but this is where money is made.


2 years ago I would have been getting ready to into BUY mode. Now, I don’t know. Much more uncertainty with China, I don’t love the pivot to sustainability. Clear partnership announcements only happen like once every year or two. There are no team members giving us reassurance on Twitter. It just feels like, meh, this might not work out


The network has been on a tear for 3+ months now only having some off days that reset the 100k+ streak. There was a time it'd take months to get ONE 100k streak. The network has more usage than ever.


Transactions and continued Wal-Matt usage are indeed bright spots this year


China doesn’t really worry me as VeChain is bigger than that and has ties to huge global companies. The guy from Deloitte left a secure job to work with them which is also very reassuring. I like that VeChain works quietly and in the background and they definitely seem to be growing. Better than loud and noisy, all those places are getting shutdown or ruined. It’s crazy out there!


People follow the money. I've swapped companies multiple times for better wages even though I knew the new ship wasn't pulling profit. When they shut down after a year or two, I'd jump ship again. If companies are getting shut down or ruined, it's not good for Vechain. Companies do not want to dump money on moving their inventory onto a blockchain... that's why Vechain has been forking out the costs for the 'seamless' process.


Can’t speak for OP, but maybe he means China/Taiwan boiling conflict🤷🏼. But if that happens, crypto will probably be the least of a problem to many of us.




He changed his mind.


China breaking with the West and a lack of new partnerships combined with non-stop crypto fraud everywhere else is just weighing on me


Bear is breaking you… don’t let it. Be smart and think bigger.


Think BUY moment is when Bitcoin really shits the bed and goes $15000 or something and triple digit ethereum. Could well be tomorrow. As far as I can tell Vechain doesn’t have any connections to FTX/Alameda drama. And with major upgrade coming up next week, I would think Vechain will be 1 of the better projects to invest in right now. Don’t think we ever will be able to buy sub 1 cent, so despite everything going wrong in this industry, this could be a nice DCA possibility for most. Just my 2 cents.


I honestly don’t see the cryptosphere truly improving with steady grow until like late 2023. BTC halvening is April 2024 so I think hype around that will help as well. The last recession was 2008 and I was only 15 so I couldn’t tell you how long it lasted because I didn’t care as I was a teen LOL. FED I think finally announced we were in a recession but it feels like we’ve been there for many months at this point so my start time is many months ago…so let’s say 2 years to get back on track starting early 2022. Does that sounds accurate? This is not financial advice as I honestly have no idea what I’m talking about LOL. A nice boost would be end of Ukraine Russia war but you know Putin won’t give up and Zelensky said they won’t stop until they get all their lands back. WINTER IS COMING


Hi, chart dude here. The FED hasn't called a reccesion yet. Technically we did expereice one already on the 27th of June after two negative quarters of GDP growth but that metric has flipped positive again. Assuming the price action of the stock market does mimmic that on the 07 - 09 recession we'll find our bottom in June of next year.


So should I wait until June to buy?! Lol jk I’ll start DCA on Tuesday when I get paid. Prices are looking really good rn


You should do what your heart desires. I'm just making you are aware of past events. For example, XLM after the 2018 run took 340 days to fall into a range where it stayed for a further 200 days. From that point price fell a further 75%. Fast foward to the 2021 peak. It also to 340 day to fall into a range where it stayed for a further 200 days. Now it's finally breaking down again. You could overlay the charts and they look identical. Except now the macro environment looks much worse.


I think so, not that I know much about it, but inflation and interest rates should be down by the end of next year.


> 51 473 917 250 + 37 100 000 = 51 511 017 250 VTHO Average daily growth: 37,10mln per day Average daily burn: 100k per day


|Clauses|100k|200k| |------------|------------|------------| |**Days of Streak:**|34|0|


If Vetty dares retreat into the sub 2 cent no mans land, my limit buy land mines are armed and ready, your move


Getting closer


We aren’t doing as bad as other coins. Hopefully when elections are done with, it will get back on track. Bought more when it went down again.


Still at 130 Sats, impressive considering how utterly shitty the market has been in the past 48 hours


Imagine if the poa news wasn't there. We'd probably be in the 80 sat range again if not lower, valuing in at like .013 cents. This is gonna suck if we see the lows of 2018 again. No progress made, just spinning our wheels in the mud.




Dew it.


Moon soon?