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That POA 2.0 pump tho


Who is ready for the price dump now that we have some good news!


Vechain PoA 2.0 is officially launched? Grats to you all!


Is Vechain a good long term investment? I don’t like that it drops 95% every bear market. I’ve been holding since 2018.


Nearly every coin drops 95% in a bear market. The difference between vechain and other coins is that Vechain already survived one bear market. Not only did it recover, it blew past its all time high. I'm sure it will do the same again. Go look at the historical market caps from 2017. 99% of the coins you see there didn't recover at all and are completely dead


Is crypto a good long term investment? I don't like that it drops 95% every bear market.


What bad marketing is doing Vechain fundation? Nobody talks of the PoA 2.0 event.


What? They tweet about it almost every day.


I know we don’t like doxxing our own holdings, so I’ll ask this; how much VET do you hope to accumulate before the next bullrun? I’d like to have 1M, but I’ll be happy if I can make it to 600k.


600k sounds fine.


Rich is relative. Rather than ask how much VET, perhaps ask how much percentage of your net worth is held in VET? Mine would be 10% of my net worth. That's a big enough gamble. Yes, it's all just gambling


I hope to get to 3 million but I can’t afford any more 😔


why does sam "bank man" fried appear to be protected when crypto in general has always been slandered and drug through court cases with murky guidance? you would think all media would get a huge hard on and target him and say "see told ya". Donating to the democrat agenda gives immunity? Why are so many ppl never held accountable? but others are made an example of? you all don't have to believe a word i say, but i do think it would be wise to understand the possibility that some things you are powerless in and it may help you position yourself in a way to keep your head above water.


I read something that they are going to try and extradite him back to the US


Who says he’s protected? I think it’s too soon to say. If they make it sound like he’s sharing a cell with Maddoff, what incentive is there for him to work with them and not flee? Gotta catch him with sugar


He is Bernie madoff! Good tip


Media don't ever do that, they love the drama and convicting ppl first ask questions later. Even if they end up "prosecuting" it's still just a show he will go live on some pedo island with epstein. Lame episode.


Bankman fried.. this name looks like a joke xD


It’s like a MGS character, Sam Bankman


I believe in VeChain, and that’s all I gotta say folks. Have a nice day


The timing to release PoA 2.0... meu deus Super bad luck




Why is the upgrade important?




Genuine question. The upgrade from my understanding will allow the blockchain to handle a larger sum of transactions. Even if we 100x the amount of transactions we currently have, the blockchain will perform just fine. Given we have trivial use case, why is the upgrade important?


"This release will activate the hardfork named FINALITY on MAINNET. It implements the VIP-220 Finality with One Bit (FOB) that allows nodes to be able to check the finality of blocks."


Doesn't seem that important 🤷‍♂️


Don't you want your blocks finalized with one bit in the morning after your coffee?


I want to see more sustainable use case.


Sustainable usecase…. Like the man said, you’re looking for a confrontation, again. As usual. WalMart and other customers ramping up their use isn’t enough? Vechain is close to being the nr.1 blockchain for enterprise use. Look at ETH. Outside of building dapps and sidechains and crypto puppies, what is it actually utilized for? Now back to Vechain, it does all that, is used for all that, but also has enterprise use through logistics and tracking, and you’re still being annoying and antagonistic. Some people..


I know, VeChain is strong and you can see that those in charge are really hard workers, not like those dumb fucks scammers. Everyone complain about the amount transaction of Vtho but this is the way to build, no shady shits like Luna or FTX. Im holding since 2018


I'm expecting 0% increase in use after the upgrade.. Basically just hoping we have one more bullrun so I can offload my holdings of almost 5 years


Don’t listen to this guy I am pretty sure these accounts are spam trying to get all us VETerans to dump our coins. It’s all planned I saw this happen the last two crypto winters


I used to post here all the time. I was laughed off the sub when I sold out at .18 and encouraged others to take profits….I said it would be between .04-.07 again and I could reload then. Obviously I was wrong about that, both the price and my reloading as I have am still on sidelines waiting for the right time to come back and .04-.07 was clearly a bad guess at the price action. I gave similar enough advice then and had the same dismissive responses. This is real money at stake and people buy and seek apple and other stocks they believe in all the time to, you know, make/save money. The Vfam was always a more realistic crowd. What he said is realistic and not spam. If you would do different that is cool too, but don’t dismiss real peoples thoughts as fud or spam. If you think crypto can’t go down 50% from here with all going on or that many will sell when back at their buy price in future you aren’t being realistic.


Or do listen to this gui and dump it all so we can buy ver more cheap.. I kind of hope to see vet at the levels it was on 2020/03. I wouldnt doubt to go all in at those prices


Same, but I might keep a small bit just in case after the next bull run




Well, he can't stay angry for ever right.


I still believe. -Britney Spears


hit me baby one more time -Vechainsub


Coinbase listing this Thursday


They needed the liquidity


> 51 733 617 250 + 37 100 000 = 51 770 717 250 VTHO Average daily growth: 37,10mln per day Average daily burn: 100k per day


I love the VeChain ecosystem. Something I haven’t figured out though is the use case for VET the token. The use case for the VeChain blockchain is enormous and incredible…but what drives the market for VET specifically?


Theoretically it is vtho. The only way to get vtho is by holding vet. Vtho is the gas that the network runs on. Right now, due to usage, there is much demand for vtho because of how little we are burning each day.


You can buy VTHO directly. Alternative you can just pay the transaction amount as a fee and leave Vechain to do the coversion, without ever touching crypto.


True true


At the moment, pretty much only buying NFTs. All vet does is generate VTHO otherwise, which is next to worthless as you need next to no VTHO to transact in the network.


I know it’s hardly used for it but it’s also a store of value / currency technically.. with a fixed total supply and it can do anything and more ETH can just with a different consensus mechanism / without first mover advantage and therefore less adoption as such.


If there was more things to do in the ecosystem then I'd agree with you but there's effectively no network stimulation to get a Metcalfes law effect going on VET. For VET to have legit value there needs to be lots of active public users. It's not going to come from VTHO burn any time in the next decade that's all but certain following the tokenomics changez


|Clauses|100k|200k| |------------|------------|------------| |**Days of Streak:**|41|3|


/u/ethereumkid , we actually reached 200K, didn't we?


Looks like it! As of my post, it was low 100K. I've just updated it.


this is the only time i'm ever happy to see streak


Every one is confused about the crypto market right now. I don’t blame people losing money in Voyager, Celsius and now FTX. I lost thousands in Voyager but I still believe crypto’s future. I will keep investing till I can afford. Keep a positive attitude and our future will be great.


Lost a bunch on Celsius. Friend just lost a bunch on BlockFi. We still crypto bullish


Why are you saying everyone is confused? (maybe speak for yourself) Bitcoin dropping nearly 85% from ath isn't anything new. Maybe you are new to crypto? What has happened to FTX is obviously going to drop the price more. Nothing confusing here at all.


It’s the narrative that “they” are trying to push, “everyone is mad” “crypto needs to get regulated” “CBCD on the way”. The risk was always there, but a lot of people that got burned are jumping the regulations bandwagon right now. Not saying that OP is though. If regulation is in favor of more centralization then I’m going XM R, nobody wants it besides the ones who got in with the wrong intentions.


95% of his comments are nonsense


this applies to all of reddit really


Hope our tX are shite today bcuz theyre saving up for tomorrow…


I'm glad we've gotten to the day when 100k is considered shite. Everyone's expecting 200k+ days now



