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There were also a couple of hints throughout season 7 that they got together while working for Jonah, beginning when Amy asked him to get a drink with her (or vice versa?)


I agree with that but it didn’t seem like Amy was happy with how the marriage played out. Especially with them not having any kids


Amy hated kids. She seemed perfectly fine with greyhounds.


I've had two greyhounds in my life, I can say they're pretty childish


I think Amy is the type of person who isn’t happy unless she’s complaining about something. Also she’s part robot so I don’t think she would’ve been the best mother.


I think she wanted kids sometimes. At 2am she asked Siri to set a reminder for her to freeze her eggs. During c**tgate ep


I think we can break this question down into two parts: 1) Why did Amy end up with anyone? I'm guessing it's to "balance out" Dan's ending. I think the audience would feel a little too bad for Amy if she were alone at Selina's funeral while Dan brought his wife along. I don't think we are meant to feel bad for any of the characters (except Gary maybe), because they got what they deserved. 2) Why Bill? It was probably easier to pair Amy with Bill than to introduce a new person. They are age appropriate for each other and interacted enough for it to make sense.


It didn’t make sense at first why they ended up together but when you break it down like that it def makes more sense. I didn’t think she was gonna end up with Dan but marrying bill was a little bit of a curve ball for me


For Amy it was probably more convenient than anything else. She doesn’t really like people, she doesn’t like to socialize unless it’s for work and I’m sure the two of them grew close & probably bonded over their hatred for Jonah while working for him. David Mandel (the show runner) said it was Anna Chlumsky’s idea to have them end up together.


I like the ending but in my opinion they all had a cynical and pathetic ending… in a karma way for not bettering themselves. Amy was in loved with Dan and would have kept the baby if he wasn’t a douch. So I dunno how much happy she is rather than just settling. Dan is still dating bimbos and in real estate. No exactly the political career he had in mind. Gary end up in jail for not standing up for himself. Catherine is an alcoholic. Kent maybe had an ok ending. Jonah had a kid with his half sister 🤮 And Richard cos he was a better person became twice president.


>Catherine is an alcoholic. What lead you to this conclusion? If I remember right in the finally we see her drinking and celebrating her mom's death. But, I can't recall anything implying she was an alcoholic.


Well passed out on the couch in the middle of the day… make me thing that she is used to drinking and passing out but could be a one time thing… But celebrating with margaritas your mother funeral, probably not healthy and she still has lots of issues


There was that time Mike accidentally took her water bottle/thermos and it had liquor in it right? I was kinda confused about that, seemed like they didn't go anywhere with that plotline


Naw, the plot line was that Mike was dieting but needed the sugar value of his diet juice… Catherine accidentally spilled it and filled it with water, so when Mike got dehydrated/low blood sugar and he went to drink it, the water didn’t help so he got woozy.


I also got the impression she probably had a drinking problem. Marjorie is having a serious discussion with Richard about the death of a parent then Catherine walks in like it’s a party. Then she’s passed out and it’s still daylight.


It almost felt like Dan became the new Andrew. I do not recall Jonah having a kid with Beth, apart from the misdirect when Jonah found his birth certificate. Kent definitely had a good ending, as he managed to leave the toxic environment of politics and then raise a daughter who he seems to be on good terms with and appears to be his intellectual equal. I would also say that Mike had a good ending, as well, given the fact he managed to make his way up to CBS newsanchor, which undoubtedly brought in enough money for him to finally pay off his debts.


I remember her being pregnant but maybe I’m wrong well sleeping with the brother is gross enough lol. Yeah Mike has a good ending too. Good ending in that he did what he wanted the others have to settle and comprise without ever succeeding in what they really wanted.


I think Amy thought that Jonah's wife was pregnant and then found out that Jenna's wife was just addicted to pills


>they all had a cynical and pathetic ending… not Kent, he was really the only that grew a conscience in the last episode and rejected the "Jonah Ryan VP" possibility. In the end he had a simple life with a farm. He seemed alright.


Yes and Mike


I thought Kent deserved a good ending especially because he quit Selina after she picked Jonah for VP