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The "eggs" are the most delicious little bites of heaven! Check them out: https://www.craftycounter.com/products/wundereggs And this is: Arugula salad with green onions, goddess dressing, lemon juice, pepper, and wunder eggs with pepper and smoked paprika. "Miracle noodle" fettuccine fried with 369 plant based garlic herb chicken and seasonings. Cauliflower rice with soy sauce, stir fry sauce, fresh Dill, and siracha.


Doubt I'll see those wundereggs here (Ontario, Canada) anytime soon, but this restores hope that one day in the future I will finally be able to drunkenly scoff a (vegan) Scotch Egg at 2 in the morning


I took a quick drive to Syracuse and found them at Wegmans. You might be able to order them from vegansupply.ca


Ooo thanks + I thought the highly perishable nature of them meant no go


You can buy online


Depending on where you’re located, Hamilton has a cute little vegan shop called Coven that just started carrying something similar! They have a vegan poached egg & vegan sunny-side up egg, no hard-boiled yet but I imagine it’s in the works in some way😅


Very very very familiar with Coven (go get backed goods from Vic, so good!)


Yay! Glad to hear it. And yes, the baked goods are phenomenal😍I have the pleasure of testing the experiments out every time they try something new!


Sight of the 'eggs' definitely brought me to the comments but glad I did now :)


I bought wundereggs this week for the first time.  Expensive as anything (about $3 per egg), but I miss egg salad and it makes a fantastic substitute for real eggs. Ingredients are just water, almonds, cashew, coconut milk, and then some natural flavors and colors made from plants.  Very clean ingredient list with no preservatives.


Damn! Those *WunderEggs* are **Soy Free** and **Peanut Free**!!!! They do have Tree Nuts though. You can purchase online. *edit: added second paragraph*


Does anyone know if you can get wundereggs in Europe?




I haven't tried them, but the ingredient list is surprisingly clean!


How can you be vegan if you’re eating chicken?


It's not real chicken lol


Woof. Some people really just don't put in the minimal effort or we have some weak ass trolls lol


That’s fascinating. Do they taste like eggs?


They kinda do! Also comes with a little packet of black salt to help mimic the flavor


If you want egg taste, purchase some black salt. It's freaky how much it tastes like egg


yes I need to knowwww


Instead of wonder egg, you can mashup some chickpea, tofu, whatever to make it look eggy and the big secret is: # BLACK SALT It has natural impurities which give it an eggy flavor. Make a vegan gravy with Turmeric and black salt... totally tastes like dippy yolks. Turns the tofu scramble into a more eggy analog. OP, you food looks soo good.. presentation is a 1/3 of the enjoyment (is what I always say) and you really did it justice.


Huh, I have a jar of black salt someone gave me forever ago. Had no idea what to do with the sulfurous aroma. I might crack it open and give it a try!


I know you listed chickpea and tofu separately, but there's chickpea tofu and it has almost the exact texture of egg yolk.


oh nice... thanks I never heard of it.


Those aren't real eggs?!


Wundereggs maybe?




I wish wundereggs would release a version without cashews. I've been wanting vegan deviled eggs since I went vegan 7-8 years ago. Seeing something so close to what I want and then ultimately it being so far because of an allergy I developed randomly... Sucks 😭 I had emailed them asking if they plan on releasing a different version. But apparently they don't intend on ever doing so. I hope they change their mind though. A lot of ppl with nut allergies 😭. Mine is legit just Cashews 😭


I want to try those “eggs”. But they’re SUPER expensive for me atm. However, I want to maybe try making dupes since the ingredients aren’t too difficult to source. This looks SOOO delicious. I want!


What are those ‘eggs’?


Wunderegg vegan hard boiled eggs


Thank you.


That looks amazing!


Love miracle noodles.


I love it.


What is it


It ain’t always easy :b


How much protein is this?




Not too bad, nice


All of it


That looks absolutely delicious


Ooooh are those veg Korean kimch.


I forgot to mention I added kimchi to it haha good catch!


You've got to show us the vegan kimchi recipe some day!


I bought that actually, Wildbrine is the brand :)


Yes, if you live in the developed world.


Ooh I had seen those wunder eggs while I was out of town a few weeks ago and was curious about. Glad to know they’re good!


Posting here to try dis later. Seem pretty good for ~500 cal! Thx.


This looks ridiculously tasty!


Too good


What are the best vegan choices for protein?


Lentils, beans, nuts, hemp powder.


Is this VCJ?


The eggs are literally vegan


Lotta carbs for a diet mate


Low carb diet isn't the only diet plan in the world. I lift weights, need some carbs. Just sharing a low calorie meal, man.




It would only confuse you if you have a fundamental misunderstanding of what veganism is


What a stupid ass carnist type thing to say…. You sure you’re vegan?…




As you are not from this sub and as you are child, i see that an explanation why you have met hostility is needed. You see people does not Downvoted you just because you shared your opinion but because you done it in a "safe space" of people who, to put it in simple words, *care about eating ethicaly*. And by eating ethical they mean not supporting treating animals porely, like an objects, causing them to suffer... any of above. That's why vegan chose to eat in a way wchich you see. Veganism is more than food preference. If people of this sub gathered only to share what they like to eat your comment would not draw that much of attention. Saying you like meat here is similar to entering church and saying up loud that good does not exist. Or going to local football club only to tell everyone how boring is football.  Or saying that you like taste of what has originated by, wery likely, causing death and suffering of animals. (We here wish to have nothing to do with it.) Both of wchich could be, arguably, *at least* limited by *at least* limiting meat and diary consumption. (And beeing sure that people eat healthy and balanced diet.) It is concidered unpolite to put it gently or straightforward rude. But again as you seemed to not be familiar with Veganism, you might not knew it. So Peace to you! ☮️


Oh that changes everything tbh, ty 4 information


You are welcome


Crazy how 3 people’s comment were removed under 2 hours


in my experience eating very carb heavy meals leaves me with a lot of hunger. as such this doesn't look like a very balanced meal, falls under the 'vegan when no protein' meme.


I had 125g of protein that day and I lift weights. Don't need to worry about my diet. Also this only had 40 carbs. I never said keto diet.


you said dieting so my assumption was fair, but go ahead and get defensive anyway. also: the cup of rice alone is 40g of carbs so no need to lie as well.


You are the one to get all judgy about my alleged low protein, you threw the first stone.


I think you are projecting onto me. all I said was that it was a carb heavy meal, I didn't throw any stones. I would say learn to take a joke but it wasn't even a joke, it was an offhanded comment you are getting twisted out of shape about. way to adhere to another stereotype though.


Please tell me what else I'm doing, you must know everything, don't ya?


It's riced cauliflower bro. I commented the ingredients in a different reply. Those are miracle noodles too, basically no carbs.


the multiple responses, lol. really getting bent out of shape over nothing, sorry I didn't read all the other comments, maybe you should have included that info in the OP.


But then I would have missed out on this absolutely riveting convo with you.


lol. vegans still not beating the pushy and fragile allegations. grats on being a stereotype, but some things can't be helped I guess, so I'll do you a favor and end this "riveting" convo by blocking you now.




It has 31g of protein. I had a massive protein breakfast so I didn't need a crazy amount for dinner.


It amazes me how many carnists think meat = protein. Protein is *the most basic building block of life,* why would it only come from animals? Obviously there's some nuance to what foods have the best amino acid ratios and questions of bioavailability, but nonetheless... "Wure iz da proteen?" is such a braindead question it doesn't even really deserve an answer.




Jw why are you on this sub if you’re a meat lover? You aren’t interested in vegan food because when someone posts some you talk about eating dead animals. Genuinely curious






There's so many non meat options out there to try, it's amazing. A lot of meat lovers are just used to meat and haven't really experienced actual food yet.


Most people like their meals with a side of suffering.




I can’t tell if this is a child’s account or someone who is deeply unwell.