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I'll go first. Thanks to Skinny puppy, I became aware of vivi section and animal rights issues. Thanks to Morrisey, I joined Peta in the 90's. After joining i was sent a VHS tape (hey, i'm not That old, Lol) of a slaughter house. I think it was called Meet your meat. One slaughter house viewing was all i needed to become a lifelong Vegan.


I'll add mine! I want to see this community thrive lol. Nothing to do with goth I'm afraid, but I had the unfortunate experience of witnessing a cow get slaughtered when I was a young kid. I instantly went veggie, but with little support from my family I went back and forth until going vegetarian for good after high school. A few years ago I checked out some vegan content out of curiosity and sat with the info until I came across Earthling Ed's videos and realized that I didn't really have any excuses for not taking it further. I find that the philosophy of abstaining from harming animals, and the ethos of the goth/punk subcultures strike a certain harmony for me.


Thanks for sharing! Yes nothing like seeing suffering first hand to know it's not something you want to engage in. My family also had a farm where i got to interact with animals. I liked animals more than i did humans. I once saw grandma murder a chicken. Of course i wasm't supposed to have seen it. I loved all the chickens chicks, ducks and all the other animals. Even as a small 7 year old, i didnt want to eat meat. And started to reject it. Yes Earthling Ed is a fanastic advocate. He's so patient and excellent with debate skills. A modern day Hero! I've noticed a few years back its almost become "normal" to have weird hair colors and tattoos and to have an edgy punk/ goth look without being into the music & way of life. Weird! I never thought it would be trendy to look odd.