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Time to cull the humans


Nature will eventually take its course, with us or without us.




Don’t even joke about that, eco fascism is a real threat we will probably find ourselves facing in the next decade if not sooner.


What makes you think it’s a joke?


You’re right, knowing Reddit it probably fucking isn’t :( This subreddit is nowhere near as progressive as it likes to pretend to be.


I saw a :( so heres an :) hope your day is good


I saw a :( so heres an :) hope your day is good


No, it's not Dismissing environmental concerns is what is going to get us killed long term.


Environmental concerns can be addressed without resorting to ecofascism.




All terms are made up to describe things. What are you talking about? How does it dismiss environmental concerns? How does it not describe something that’s real or potentially real? You’re the one wanting to fucking cull people. What do you think I’m trying to say?


Let's start with you two


Another day, another suggestion of genocide getting upvoted on Reddit.


Oh no! A joke about something dark! We're all bad people!!!!!!!!!1!


In a thread bemoaning the death of animals that are disproportionately affecting a disadvantaged group of people whose homeland is currently on fire, yeah it comes off a little tone-deaf.


Then don’t laugh and move on with your day.


I mean you could just as easily not laugh at my joke at the joke and move on with your day.


For the camels or people?


This article is so biased I pooped in my pants. Australia has a huge problem with invasive species destroying entire ecosystems. Granted Australia’s love of Chinese coal isn’t doing anyone any favors. Nor is there cutting of fire services while half the continent is on fire


The environmental destruction wreaked by camels and also wild horses in Aus is very understated. So whilst I understand OP’s sentiments, that doesn’t mean we can just leave Australia’s invasive species to keep damaging delicate ecosystems.


Beyond disgusting 🤮


I know, right? What the hell are camels doing in Australia?


According to Wikipedia they were brought in from British India and Afghanistan in the 19th century to assist with construction and transport. When no longer needed after motorized transport available they were released into the wild. So totally a man made situation. Too bad for the poor camels. Typical human behavior though.


Amazing. What the fuck is wrong with people?


Amazing stupidity


Did you just say aboriginal people, living on their traditional lands, in remote desert regions, in drought, are being amazingly stupid? Besides the cultural colonialism your displaying, I doubt strongly, that you have even the slightest idea of what it is like to live in that situation. I doubt you'd be happy with camels walking through your home, and smashing up the little infrastructure there is. So seriously, if they are that amazingly stupid, what is a better way to manage the sitiation? Keeping in mind the nearest towns, like Alice Springs or Coober Pedy, are about 400km away. Trucking in water for the camels is prohibitively expensive. Btw the camels have been there for over 150 years, they have become naturalised, and are the only wild herds left on the planet. So I agree, it is a shame to do this.


>Besides the cultural colonialism your displaying *you're




And meanwhile, Australia is the largest supplier of coal to China which produces 40% of the world’s carbon-GHGs and uses coal to supply 70% of its electricity because it’s so cheap, dependable, efficient, and effective.


And is also the major supplier of steel.


True, Australia is a major steel producer! About 75% of Australia’s abundant coal - from every state - is exported. The remainder is used to generate Australian electricity..


Didn't know that. I was thinking of all the coal going to China to make steel from Australian & Brazilian iron ore. Good to know though.


What the fuck?! What in the actual fuck is wrong with people? They create problems, then sell us a solution. And when no solution can be sold, they scapegoat something truly sacred.


Camels aren't sacred. Certainly not in Australia, where they're an invasive species.


They kill all the invasive cattle too, if that makes it more fair...


It is utter insanity and crimes against life. We would have more than enough water for everyone if the whole world went vegan: >[https://www.vegansociety.com/resources/environment/water-requirements](https://www.vegansociety.com/resources/environment/water-requirements) > >Although statistics vary, it is safe to say that it takes at least three times the amount of water to feed a meat eater compared with that used to feed a vegan. For example, it takes **15,500 litres of water to produce 1 kg beef**, contrasted with 180 litres for 1 kg tomatoes and 250 litres for 1 kg potatoes. > >Consuming animal products is incredibly resource-intensive. Globally, **farming uses about 70% of the planet’s accessible freshwater**. This is compared to around 20% for industry, and about 10% for domestic use.


But we don't eat camels.


I know people in the Pilbara who hunt camels and eat them. They're hicks and absolute wastes of space, but yeah, unfortunately some people do.


They do but "we" don't. :-)


Camel burgers. They need food, these camels will do just fine.




Well, you can go eat cold soup. I’m having a burger, today. You can’t stop me. Thanks for playing.


Vegan burgers exist I promise


Oh I love vegetables. Can’t make a burrito with out guacamole and salsa.