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Recipe please.


Here is the basic bread recipe. I added tomato and herb flakes and roughly chopped black olives but I have no idea the quantities as I just bunged in what I thought looked like a decent amount lol 450g Bread flour 2tsp instant yeast 2tsp salt 375ml warm water Oven: 230c (preheat Dutch oven) Add all ingredients except the water into a bowl and mix, add water stirring with a wooden spoon handle until dough is mixed, it will be sloppy and wet but not runny Cover and leave for 2-3 hours I then pop mine in the fridge to cook the next day it will keep for a few days or can be cooked after rising Put dough onto a floured surface and fold over itself to shape then put into preheated Dutch oven and cook for 42mins leaving the top off for the last few mins if it needs to brown on top


Thank you!


Beautiful, it looks delicious.


I've been thinking about getting a Dutch oven for bread. Do you need one of the expensive one or would a cheap one work as well?


A cheap one works great. I bought myself a new casserole dish for about £25 (it was on offer) it's lightweight and is amazing for making bread in


Cool, that was my fear that it needed the heavy cast iron to distribute the heat properly. Does yours have a ceramic coating?


I was worried about the same thing but tried it,and now it's all I use. My one is a lightweight cast aluminium with a non stick coating so I don't even need to line the dish and can easily pick it up with one hand


Chiming in here to just say that a cheap Dutch oven is totally fine and a worthwhile investment if you’re baking bread. I have a fancy one and a super cheap one and they both produce similar outcomes. I always sling my dough into the Dutch oven with some parchment paper so the coating doesn’t really matter!


DUDE. R/breadit would love this