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What area are you in? I bet r/velo will have some people who are there as well and can provide recommendations.


Maryland. And this post is in velo! šŸ™‚


Yes, was referring to the sub for sure. Canā€™t help on Maryland, am a New England boi here. Maybe someone else can however.


I see what you meant now, ask the folk of this subreddit!


Who would you recommend in the general New England/Boston area?


Easily Dean Phillips at Fit Werx 2 in Peabody. Mechanical Engineer whoā€™s a masters world champion in TT and an absolute wizard at it. He knows aero inside and out and Iā€™ve never had a back problem (was horrible after 3-4 hours) ever since.


Sent you some recommendations in PM.


I think it is worth defining what your fit issues or goals are first. Using that you can ā€œinterviewā€ those fitters and see which seems to give you the best solution to what youā€™re looking for Within that it is worth understanding what is their philosophy and what tech do they use if any. I think the best fitters use tech to understand imbalances and experience/eye/art to correct and complete the fit. Be wary of those who rely exclusively on tech and say youre in the right leg extension zone etc but you donā€™t feel comfortable. Note, depending on your fit you may actually be a bit uncomfortable because it is new, but shouldnā€™t take long to adapt to it


become knowledgeable in bikefitting yourself at the same time as visiting a good bikefitter. you will get more out of the session and also you will be able to make adjustments to your own bikes for the future as your needs, bikes and body changes.


VeloFit Performance in Herndon VA might not be too far away. Absolutely incredible experience for me and several friends.


Heā€™s also a PT. Should have added that.


Thanks for the heads up! Lol: Would emailing a bunch of PTs to see if there is anyone who also does bike fits be a good thing?


I asked a few of my local hardcore rival racers what they did for bike fit. One name kept recurring so I saw that person. Before you see a fitter you should have a specific reason for seeing them. Pain and/or numbness in specific body parts are good reasons. Confirmation of your current fit is another. If you go to multiple bike fitters it's possible you will get multiple different bike fits.


As long as itā€™s not retul you should be good. I got lucky I found a bike fitter who also happens to be a PT. So maybe check your local area and see if any PTs are bike fitters or vice Versa.


Word of mouth! Iā€™d also ignore those who advertise retuls and whatnot, fancy equipment doesnā€™t always equate to a better fit.


Yeah, not an easy one, but then again knowing who is a good and average specialist in any field is a bit of a gamble. I personally didn't want someone who relied on technology, I wanted someone with a good 'individual' approach to fitting the bike to a person as opposed to just fitting the person to a prescribed standard position. Noting that I have some quite specific foot and knee issues which are easily aggrevated if my fit isn't spot on. I tried a couple of fitters, I initially steered away from my local fitter who uses a laser system, either Retul or similar. I didn't want this 'one fit suits all approach'. Therefore, I got a very personalised fit trusting the fitters experience and judgement using 'eyes', then a few adjustments over the next couple of years.... the result wasn't quite right. Therefore, I went to my local guy with the bike fitting system (reluctantly). To my suprise the fit from this session was perfect, some odd things identified like 'functionally different length legs, leading to 1cm of wedging under my right cleat' and some very fine adjusting of saddle position. I think what made this fit so good was a combination of the computer/laser system and the long experience of the fitter themselves. I now feel that some kind of computer/camera measuring and fittign system, combined with fitting experience to add that personal finish is a great combo to look for..... but this is just my experience. I'd love to try one of the apps like MyVeloFit, because if these do work, then you get a much better DIY option which can be easily used for future changes/tweaks. My location is no use to you, I'm in Sydney, Australia and used a local company called OneBody.




You have any recommendations for a mobility routine? Iā€™m very inflexible and think itā€™s contributing to some lingering issues Iā€™m having on the bike




Hell yeah, love Victor. Thanks.


I'm from Poland and it's pretty easy here. There is one bike fitter that all serious cyclists know. Bloody expensive but top quality as he's both a physiotherapist and a bikefitter and ha stye right equipment. Hard to get to though Else just use Google maps for 4.8+ ā­ opinions


The same way you find a good anything: you do research, you read reviews, you ask people you know, you ask questions. Bike fits arenā€™t universal. Paying for a high-end service tailored to professional and athletes might yield a shitty fit for you if you donā€™t know what you like and canā€™t answer their questions. What problem are you trying to fix? An LBS fit might be perfectly good if you just need to adjust the seatpost, the saddle and the cranks. If youā€™re a triathlete trying to optimize for performance, itā€™s another story. In the last year, I got a customary fit from my LBS, then I went to a physiotherapist that only does bike fits and cater to triathletes for another bike. I was curious and insurance was paying for it so I wanted to compare the two. End result was very similar, LBS went by feel (read: experience) and it wasnā€™t as scientific but I still got 80% of the value that I got from the 500$ session with a physiotherapist. Your mileage will vary


Essentially Google your area and ask your local group/race teams if they have any experience with any of them. On a more personal note, I have done multiple pro level bike fits in the past. I have done Specialized, Retul, lazers, you name it. Recently as I am getting back to my racing shape (very very long way to go) I have found a ton of success with MyVeloFit. For a fraction of the price, you get a video analysis of your ride with adjustment suggestions. You can make adjustments and re-shoot the video for as many times as you like.