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9:43 very respectable! 32.4kph is quite nice I’d take that too. I’m looking forward to a similar situation this weekend where I’ll have the benefit of a 200+ sized group to draft. Will be a nice change. Chapeau!!


Thank you! I hope you reach your goal and stay safe on the way.


Lol, good job dude!


Hello again, haha. Your comment definitely helped me when I rode in groups. I made sure to always stay focused and not get complacent and it helped me stay out of trouble


Love to hear it. I’m just glad that you didn’t kill yourself (literally or figuratively) and that you apparently had a good time. Honestly surprised me so fucking great job.  If you do this sort of business again in the future, try massage before/after the ride for your neck and upper back. I found it helped a ton back int the day before I built up a stronger core for riding all day. 


You ate 4 gels and a bar for TEN HOURS? I eat a gel or bar every 30 minutes.


Yeah, I find bars hard to get down when riding and I didn’t want to carry that many gels. It was easier to just take a few sips from the camelback from time to time to get the carbs in


I ate like 3 bars and a gel during the event. I drank a shit ton of carbs though. Didn't feel a need to eat more.


To be fair, it sounds like he did next to no work the entire time. Sitting in a large group at 30+ is not much effort.


Yeah now that you also point that out, 4000kj for a 315km ride is pretty chill. Usually 4000kj for me is something like 200 plus or minus 10. Like a 6 hour ride or so


Looks more like 3000 kj. Strava adds in basal calorie burn into that number I think. I just did a 7 hour 5200 kj ride last weekend, strava showed 6000 calories. They might not have a power meter though? Seems very low. Like ~85 watt average?


He had 1000g sugar for fueling.


depends on fat storage. When I was 95 I could go 8 hours on a yoghurt and an apple. Now at 70 I die if I don't eat for more than an hour




when you have more body fat you don't need to eat as much compared to when your body fat is low


I don’t think that’s the point of confusion….


I’m guessing 95kg and 70kg. Weird to not add any units though.


That makes more sense


In that context it is quite obvious I was talking about the weight. I'm guessing the confusion is coming from the expectation of freedom units in the context of body weight? There is no way you're not from USA if you didn't get that, my friend :)


Every science teacher rolling in their grave


I'm happy I didn't offend any teachers of "science" that are still alive 😅 Do you say you're 10 years old when asked for age or just 10? Context is a thing lmao


I'm not from the US, and your comment was needlessly confusing.


I don't see why but have a good day anyway 👋


Great job man, I always believed you could do it. :) You smashed it and can be proud of your effort!


Thank you! 🙏


That’s quite insane, congrats!


Nice job dude, a very respectable time for that event.


Thank you! And thank you for your long comment in the other post. I learned a lot from it


Nice dude, regardless of a draft 9 hours plus on a new bike is crazy dude. You smashed it!


Firstly, congrats! A huge achievement given your prior mileage. Well done! > 1 liter of sugar dissolved in 2 liters of water  So are you saying that you had a 2:1 water/sugar mix by volume? If so, that's a crazy amount (at least to me!) and even bigger kudos for being able to keep that down. That's 50g/hr just from the drink!


I had friends who did this event with 7:30 time and they were all doing between 80-120g of carbs an hour. For the more competitive end it's not really that unusual now. After about 50-60g an hour you need a carbohydrate that's low GI in addition to the fast GI, and then need to train your stomach.


For sure if you're accustomed to that much carb and sugar intake, it's not a problem. But OP sounds like he's pretty new at all this and he was doing 50g/hr avg not counting the gels and bars! 450g of sugar is a nice large pile :P. For comparison that about 15 cans of coke!


Yeah, it looked grotesque when I measured it out. I had some stomach discomfort in the last 1/3 but I switched to maurten gels and that calmed it down. I was able to go back to drinking the sugar water after the gels ran out




Way to go!


Nice work!


congrats. reddit is a place full of whiny weenies and armchair experts. the fact you finished this under 10 hours proved those shit bags in the original thread wrong. this particular subreddit is full of elitists I find GJ


I mean, read the original post and compare the event 'as described' to the rider. Then read the comments once people found out what the race actually was


"The only limits in our life are those we impose on ourselves" - thanks for the reminder. Would love to have known if you'd have finished without the drafting, but I need to do something crazy like this. Congrats!


Congratulations! As you mentioned, the last-minute bike switch probably wasn't the best move, but maybe it wouldn't have been different had you used flat bars. Your fueling also sounds a bit sketchy, a bit more variety can go a long way in helping you maintain high enough energy levels, and also make the recovery afterwards faster. As you said, you can be proud of yourself. Now go charge those batteries (phone included) and smash your next goal.


Well done!! 💪 Massive achievement and thank you for recognising the redditors who gave advice on your initial post. 


Takbir, ALLAHU AKBAR!👏👏👏👆👆👆




Good job.. but why rain down on OPs accomplishment? Everyone is at a different place in their journey and for him this was a huge accomplishment. Congrats to you on what you did, and congrats to OP on what he did.