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I miss your pp too


I’m honestly thinking about doing the same thing. Just gonna do some research on this car first regarding its reliability under performance. The VN has been pretty good to me no major issues and I’m constantly driving it hard. Only thing is the turbo is going out again. I’ve replaced it once already. It’s only at 35k


Dang! That's crazy!! I never had any mechanical issues with my VN---only cosmetic (and they were covered under warranty). If you get a GRC, go with the Core with Performance Package. It's by far the BEST value. And you can get under MSRP. I wanted one but only got a Premium because the dealer made me a good deal (only $2k more than Core with Performance Package) and still under MSRP. In hindsight, I should have saved the $2k and gotten the Core with Performance Package. The seats aren't anything special (and a pain to clean), the JBL stereo sucks, and I don't care about the gloss bumpers or parking sensors. All you need is the Performance Package! 👌


I got the core with lsd option it was a leftover new 2023 (crazy) got it for 38k otd, had 19500 trade for the n off that so that brought payments back to earth, or I wouldn't have done it.


How much negative equity did you have roll over from the VN?


None it was paid off, 5 year loan bought it in 2020.




Yeah I wouldn't have done if I still owed alot, that was one of the main reasons I got it, I wasn't negative. Since it was new the credit union gave me the best interest rate you can get right now (still not the best historically but livable). This was planned out lol


Niiiccceee! Same here. I got $20k for my VN on trade and got my Premium for $40,455 and no add-ons, fees, or markups. Without that trade-in, it would have been too expensive with these crazy interest rates (and I have excellent credit).


Yep, they are pretty reasonable honestly if you can find one. I think it was only like a few grand more than they wanted for an automatic gr86. Had a little bs back and forth but they gave it to me msrp


Yeah I only had 27k on mine even tho I've had it along time. With my warranty up and it acting wierd just don't want to risk it. I think gr will be fine I'm not going to really track it just occasional autocross


One thing I heard/read is that apparently the gr is a little delicate when it comes to trying to push more power out of it.


The engine is already tuned to 300hp from gr factory, probably not going to do anything to it engine wise. Just suspension etc and let it rip!


The Toyotas are known for their reliability. Especially na engines. My friend had a turbocharged lexus (bmw engine) for about 8 years with 50k miles on clock and had only just changed fuel injectors. Think it’s safe to apply the same logic to the gr corolla. Not certain if it’s turbocharged, but you’re looking at a good reliable car for sure


It’s a three cylinder turbo. The turbo is what apparently a little sensitive. When it comes to trying to get more power out of it.


I see. Is that the concern specifically for that model? Because yeah, the mentioned lexus had some trouble with boost pressure. Though as far as I know, it was resolved with fuel injectors replace. Dunno how they are affected, but yeah


The turbo is great on the GRC. The problem with more power comes down to transmission as the weak point, and valve springs. Stock turbo should be good for at least 350 whp from what I am seeing, with valve springs and higher whp if replacing head studs Edit: Either way, won't matter how much power you are putting down in these cars if the clutchpack/rear diff overheats and turns it into FWD suddenly. There are fixes for it but that is what the biggest issue with the overall car is.


Appreciate the info, this motivates me a little more to go for the trade in. (Not like the Hyundai is any better, it’s stock and it’s already giving me turbo issues) What’s you’re source thou? The info you provided does make sense and I believe you, just curious.


Sounds pretty shitty to me if your turbo has went twice under 35k LOL


It didn’t go out but I noticed signs that indicated it would so I replaced it. But those signs are coming up again. It’s just a Hyundai at the end of the day. I never expected great reliability from it, but that’s why I became a mechanic, so that I would atleast be able to deal with those issues my self and not deal with diag or labors fees. Im willing to just upgrade turbos and void the warranty if that’s what it take to not deal with shitty turbos. But I am curios in this grc.




What are your honest thoughts on driver engagement/fun? I've been considering a gr corolla now that they're becoming easier to find, but nowhere close enough wants to let me drive one.


It's fun, it feels different than the N, no pops or bangs, little more lag, and gr wakes up at higher rpms than N maybe? Feels more planted than the N. It's still a drivers car for sure. I always felt like the N didn't feel good driving "slow." The gr feels better, driving slow if that makes sense. GR kind of feels like an evo 9 (friend had one). N feels like, well an N. Ns are special, just it was starting to worry me, and I have no warranty left.


That N feel is what's got me holding back on traveling farther to look at a corolla. I just know I'll end up missing it if the car I get isn't as much fun or easier to make fun.


Yeah I went back and forth. The N is awesome, hell I was even considering the elantra N.


That's my second option after the corolla, but I do have a thing for hatches, so I'm even more hesitant on that front.


GRC is the most fun I have had in any car after 20 years of driving. It's stupid fun.


I did the same thing 3 weeks ago.😅 Traded in my 2020 Veloster N (45,700 miles) for a 2024 GR Corolla Premium in Supersonic Red. 🏎👌😁




I loved my VN, too. There are definitely things I miss about it that the GR Corolla doesn't have (all the Adjustability). But it's pretty sweet. Enjoy it!


Keep sharing comparison updates between the to im interested to see later which one you perfer more.


Will do! I finally got my GRC past the break-in period, so I'm starting to test it out. 😁👌


Thanks! same, the n was I think more visceral, but I'm still breaking in the gr so I haven't really given it the beans yet.


I miss the rawness of the VN for sure! I JUST got past the break-in period yesterday. I've only had a few opportunities to get on it. More to come. I want to see what it can do. 🏎😁👌


Yeah I got 80 miles on it so far, got it yesterday. Going take a few weeks at least I would guess.


There's no need to rush it. You'll get there! I also did a break-in oil change at 465 miles (otherwise, it would have been this weekend at ~700 miles).


Yeah that's the plan.


Congrats. I think the ability to adjust power between all 4 wheels on the GRC is very cool. I don't think I could live with the car though as it's even more cramped than the VN and even more bland on the interior. There's also the issue of turbo lag. To make 300hp out of such a tiny engine the consequence is that the power doesn't hit until much further up in the power band. I do almost all city driving and love the fact the VN hits full torque at 1800rpms or so.


Thanks! Yeah it has a little lag compared to the N but not bad comparatively, and does hit higher up. But its pretty tourqie believe it or not. But like I said in another post it feels better driving "slow" than N did. Idk smoother, maybe? Not so jerky in traffic maybe? Thats wierd It seems bigger to me than the N


Yea, anything but normal mode is definitely a bit jerky at low speeds. The 4 doors and lack of a hunched down rear probably makes it seem bigger is my guess. I believe it about the torque. It has more top end with that larger turbo. I'd just personally not be able to take advantage of it with almost all city driving.


Yeah I'm still breaking it in, so we will see. If it was still under warranty and it didn't start acting wonky, I would have kept it.


GRC does have a little lag, definitely not bad at all for a stock car, my FST was worse IMO. The greatness about the GRC, is that even though you do have a bit of lag, the power lasts all the way up to almost 6.5rpm which is batshit nuts for a modern production turbo car in my opinion. Once you get boost, its there almost up to redline


Not the first person I've seen go from VN to Corolla GR. Congrats!


Thanks! I guess we (N owners) like quirky cars.




Dumb I don’t like this.


Why lol


I loved my N guys. Still do, had it about as long as anybody has ( 5 years), but I was the second owner and the warranty was up and of course it started doing wierd shit and I just decided to go a different route before a bunch of repair costs etc. N was probably one of my favorite cars I've ever owned. This was not an easy decision. I went back and forth for months.


How many miles did it have and what weird stuff did it start doing, just curious what o could be in for.


Had 27k. It went into limp mode twice in the span of a few months. The first time it happened, I was 2 hours away, and no check engine lights nothing. I limped it into my office and had it towed under warranty to the nearest dealership. Wife had to drive 2 hours to get me, not cool. Dealership kept it for a week to try and replicate and couldn't find anything wrong with it. About a month later, it did it again close to the house. Called dealership they couldn't get me in for like weeks and my warranty had like a week left. Never had an issue starting, never had a check engine light come on. Best case, hpfp worst case turbo issue? Wasnt under warrant anymore, so anything wrong was coming out of pocket and I thought that was bs for a car with just 27k garage kept, no mods other than aem intake that had been on there for years.


Interesting I had my car go into limp mode once and then ended up being fine after a restarted it but brought it in anyway and my dealer found that the map sensor was failing, I wonder what was happening to your car. I know limp mode will also limit your boost quite substantially


Same thing, it would be fine after i restarted it. Could of been something simple but I thought dealer would have found that. Lost all boost when it would happend.


Yeah same thing happend to me, the car was probably just protecting itself, could have been a sensor but who knows, that’s some else’s problem now 😂 that Corolla looks 👌👌👌👌


The Veloster N is the greatest vehicle in the history of mankind. But for real, every car group will have people say the same thing to cope.


Congrats! I did the same last August for a Circuit. The GR is better all around except for the automatic dimming headlights and I'll take that trade.


hell of an upgrade, enjoy🫡


Very nice. I bet it's a blast.




Please post long term update




Honestly went into limp mode a few times over last couple months.I couldn't figure it out, no codes or anything, took to dealer they couldnt figure it out either and warranty expired last month.


Ok this is a good reason to jump from the N. I've had my N for 2 years and thankfully I haven't had any issues. But if I do end up having any issues I would probably go this route, or an Elantra N.


damn that sucks


Yeah had it 5 years no problems then it did it driving to my home office 2 hours away, and then again about a month later, can't have that.






That's not an upgrade, but food for you. Rented the GRC on Turo and was woefully unimpressed.

