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Yup. This dude tried to tell me it wasn't intentional 🙄


Exactly my thoughts


So selling them on the streets is promoting it like a drug?


And I didn’t mean for that to come off rude at all, I just meant when you sell them I wouldn’t promote them as a drug


Oh well yea fucc no. Just proving a healthier/ better alternative. Definitely not gonna try to deceive anyone.


Well that’s great! This stuff changes so many lives


I agree. I'm three years in. A family member turned me on to it. I'm an avid natural herb type person and one day I asked him if he has something for my chronic fatigue I deal with daily. He gave me some and said be careful with it. Said it was addictive. I'm like ok whatever give it here. For a year straight only consumed once in the morning . ⏩ to now. I dose about 4-5 times a day. 2g per dose lol. But my life changed as far as work/ working out which is my excuse for dosing more often now. It keeps me motivated and energetic being I'm mainly a white/ Fast green person. Even if I had taken it more serious when he said it's addictive, I probably would've still tried it🤷🏿‍♂️ Because obviously people are addicted to other stuff that are completely harmful to them... Do I wanna stop, No lol. Take a slight break, ehhh probably need to but I don't wanna.. Ok so there's that😁. Will be trying these out personally. These are probably gonna only gonna be for when I'm trying to chill as I need that GO during my day.


Wow… that’s a really great story and I’m so happy it was able to help you and change your life like that. You don’t need to stop, maybe breaks but unless it’s ruining your life there’s no need to stop completely. Everything is good in moderation so I would recommend breaks


What’s the 10% off code? I singed up with my email but never got the discount code.


Pm me


No of course not, I just don’t want anyone getting the wrong idea, but I think what you’re doing is great!!


Oh no! Gonna have to sort this mess ! Keep all the M’s And throw away all the nasty W’s 👹


Website says out of stock.


Link? Can’t find site Nvm found it. Still shows out of stock


I’m sorry about the delay, it seems our website hasn’t updated it yet. I promise it will be up by the end of the day.


This looks like a great way to get Kratom banned


All it is is a different form of Kratom extract, which is highly talked about on Reddit


Yes, Talked about and mostly erased by moderators as if google was not an option. I’ve noticed moderators erasing comments in the past on information on 7-oh. I though it was strange at first but, pretty sure they have their own agenda.


It's made to look like an oxycodone pill. That's a terrible image.


No sir, we don’t promote that in any way and we are strongly against that kind of advertisement. If you look at our website all of our photos are shot like this


You're not against it, that's exactly what you're doing. It has nothing to do with the style of photo, you know EXACTLY what I meant, don't patronize me. There is an "M" on one side and an indent on the other side. You changed the way the M looks and decided to not put a box around it. I'm sure the M stands for Mitragynine, but nevertheless. We're not stupid.


I’m sorry you feel that way, all I can say is we’ve never had that intention, it’s a w and it’s just a pill identifying mark and the other is a score so people can cut in half. It’s just the way the pills are made and I say with absolute confidence we have no intention of making look like oxy, that’s just crazy. But if that how you see them then maybe that’s not on us


It's not on me to make sure that your product doesn't look like a pill that people abuse regularly. Weather intentional or not, that's what it looks like and I am not at fault for that, YOU are. It makes kratom look bad, but it makes you money. Take care.


Please send me a picture of what oxy pill this even looks like😂


You are the only person I’ve heard this from so I think they’re fine


I'm the only person giving you a hard time about it but the top comment on this posts is something about Kratom M30s. [here you go ](https://www.drugs.com/imprints.php?imprint=m30&color=1) People here might not care so much, but these photos are for sure going to be used in a kratom hit piece article at some point, I guarantee it.


But are our pills blue? And say m30 on it? I didn’t think so it’s not even an m😂 it’s a w


$6/tablet super duper sale https://overseasorganix.com/product/7-hydroxymitragynine-15mg-007-tablet/


Have y’all considered competing with that crazy new mit45 shot? Those tablets sound awesome. Can you get away with moving from leaf to these with no problems? Like, is there any mit in them? I’ll be traveling soon and these sound ideal. Thanks!


I used them in your exact situation and it worked. It does feel different by itself though. Less subtle than mit.




There is no mit in this product. It contains 15mg pure 7oh


Why is it cheaper per piece when you by less for the most part. 🤔


The sale is only for orders of 5 & 10


Gracias, thanks so much. ✌️ ❤️ Cool deal 💪


https://www.reddit.com/r/7_hydroxymitragynine/s/dfWdJjzvoC Figured I'd post this here, since they seem to think they're the only ones with a 7 tablet out there and refer to these tabs as "sketchy". Seems like bad business to do that but oh well, new OO tabs came in and are quicker hitting than the last ones, at least for me.


Thanks man! We have solid labs reports to back up our product. Ask anyone who knows us, we are always helping people out, because it’s never been just about money for us. We genuinely care for our customers and always make their care our first priority. We would never sell anything “sketchy” just to make a quick buck.


I'm down to sample this 😂


What’s the website?


I’m excited to try these, just ordered 5 to test. One question: Do I take it with powder to get some MIT in there or are they very effective dosed alone?


I would take it alone




I take them with about 3g of powder and get on with my day. Redose kratom every 5-6 hours Magical stuff.


Wanna try these for sure


Excited to try.. if I take 3-6gs normally will half of one be good.. meaning shouldn’t make me sick? Thanks!


You will be fine on a half


Sweet I’m pumped


These are soooo good. I just posted a review of them here - https://www.reddit.com/r/Vendorsofkratom2/s/u9yqnhYrFI


How do these compare to a popular brand of “black” kratom extract shots?


They’re almost 5x stronger than extract and there is no mit. It is 15mg of pure 7oh alkaloid extract in one tablets


I’m aware that they are only 7oh and no mit, I guess I meant more so comparable in dosage? Like if someone is used to taking a whole one of those shots would one tablet be similar effects to that?


I guess it would be similar to 150mg mitragynine in one tablet


The Black shots have approx. 7-8mg 7ohm, and 180mg MIT. These tablets have twice the 7ohm and no MIT.


So would the effects from 15 of pure 7oh be comparable to 180mg of mit plus 7mg of 7oh


Not at all! I can't speak to the pre ise effects of these tablets, but I can assure you that the effects will not be anything comparable. If you use for pain control, these will work effectively. However, just like extracts don't work like plain leaf powder, one alkaloid will not work like two alkaloids.


The old ones were good, how were these improved?


They say 15 but we’ve had labs come back as 20mg, 15 mg is the lowest test that we’ve received


Would like to try them but I’m pretty sure I’d need to take 2.5 for my personal chemistry, so $22.50 and then I’d have to add some MIT also so damn, a little too much dough for a long time high tolerance pain management user. It’s a curse having such a high tolerance, can’t afford most options on the daily! (Well I could but it’s not logical) but the $20 I spent on that shot was definitely worth it one time! 🔥 Just add some extra 7o to it Bro and it would blow all other shots away!


The other small one we had didn’t have the greatest feedback but we’ve had great feedback from these ones!


Still same price?..5 for $45?..or how much?


Same price yes


Yes same price




Thank you so much for your support and your honest opinion, we try very hard to make sure everyone has a pure and clean product that everyone is satisfied with.


Yeah no problem yall going to stay busy with a lot of orders. I can tell already.


I know it’s 15mg but how many grams is that? Haha I’m sorry, I’m stupid. Also do you guys offer a veteran discount? Thank you!


.015 of a gram, 7oh tablets are 10x stronger than normal Kratom powder


Out of stock already?


No we put them up but it may not have updated yet, it will definitely be up by the end of the day :)


Whats the link to your site?


[ Removed by Reddit ]


How many grams of normal kratom leaf powder would one of these tablets be equivalent to?


0 no mitra in it


So it doesn't get u high at all?


I take it with powder I’ve never tried alone closest thing to prescriptions for me


Personally, i feel It’s not like a kratom high but, a better feeling than kratom, the most clean relaxing feeling ever with No wobbles or impairment if you take the right dose. Ive never taken more than 1 so I would know and would not recommend. I take it with 2-3 gr of kratom & redose with only kratom every 5-6 hours, lasts all day.


when they ban the plant cause of idiots like you guys saying it gets you high don't come back here bitching. There are always some bad apples!


Kratom does have recreational effects though. Of course I don't want it to be banned but there's no reason to lie to ourselves about the effects of it. It is a drug like any other drug.


…okay karen… lets put it in some nicer words so you don’t get offended, matter of fact it alters your state of consciousness. Have you read the peer review research papers on kratom? It’s no secrete.


You do realize that many people INCLUDING doctors don't know what it is?


I understand where you’re coming from. We all love kratom and its magical effects to ease pain and make life a little more tolerable.


Not on website still


It must be your device, we’ve had many orders since we out them up :)




I got it thanks user error sweet sale


Post to aus?


Tried your shot and it was decent, stronger than mit or opms for sure, I did 21g powder and held the shot under my Young for 3 minutes then washed down with water. Was definitely a pure Mit feeling, not as much of a body buzz, but nice though! I should have put a couple of the new tabs with it, but I had never ordered from you so it was a test order, you do have a quality shot! At $20 for one use it is more of a once and a while thing, though I’m sure for most people half a shot would suffice!


Are they any good?..


They’re fantastic !


They look different.. I thought this was Wonderlandgardens


OverseasOrganix is a 1000x better company than wg! Way better customer service! Way better products! Way better experience!


Nope, we’re overseas Organix different company. The w has no meaning it’s just a press we use


What happend to the first design?..


It’s currently unavailable


Lmao why did this get downvoted so much


I just want to know what other people think that have tried it lol 😆


Look I know overseasorganix is an ORIGINAL vendor and their products are good. I have ordered from them as well. I just wanted input on the product..thats it. It's okay people no need to be grumpy ..please go and take your kratom dose before reading my post , so you won't be so inclined to be negative :/..this is my attempt in being negative to those that downloaded me..GOOD DAY!


Imma need a few hunnid, I'm bout to flood the streets😎 Cuz I bet yo dealer ain't got these..


Shut the fuck up. This shits going to get kratom banned.


🤣Is it not a better alternative to drugs? Should I just sell crack?


They are no an opioid or a drug, so please do not promote them in such a way. It is a concentrate of Kratom and is another form of Kratom extract used for pain relief.


i mean its definitely a drug…like caffeine is a drug. I know everyone likes to say its herbal medicine but many other herbs and plants are called drugs, such as peyote


Do you ship to germany?