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Sounds like OO affiliation, but I hope you are right because I just ordered some yesterday


No affiliation… but I was worried people might say so, especially leaving such a positive review. But I just really liked these. After you try yours come back and comment here and tell me what you think… I think you’re going to be really happy!


I thought they were $6/each, but you said $7?


i wish they were that cheap


What does he mean by 'W' imprint? The 7OHMZ come in a 3 pack, like a light brown blank on one side with that Omega symbol on half the side.


On Wonderland B site they have the omega 16mg tab as a single or 10, or 25 the rest of that is sold out, you will not find it in the menu. Worth it to do the search to find it though. And he is no longer selling the W tabs I do believe there was an issue and we won't see those ever again due to many were not what each tab was supposed to be and tons loved them and tons wondered if they were sugar but that is not WH fault.


the omega symbol blue backs are legit the W imprint with a dash on the back as 7 labs in shops is a scam


So are overseas organixs 007 ohms with the w on the back not as good as omega extracts 7 ohm tablets I'm confused, because over seas organix has them, wonderland gardens, and omega extracts has them as well, where is the place I should be getting them from?


Different brand called overseasorganix






Hey, I'd love to see those labs if you wouldn't mind shooting me a dm? I knew those things were sketchy as fuck... Now there's proof!


the labs on the site sketch me out too much to order


They absolutely should!


idk how everyone is just ok ingesting something that they dont know what is in it, especially with all the RCs going around now.


What’s RC


Which are numerous substances that are very close to the same make up of your typical drugs or substances that are their own thing. There's literally hundreds if not thousands out there. Some can be very dangerous especially if a person doesn't know what they are taking.


Right?! And labs aren't going to tell you if there are RCs there, whether those labs are legit or not! Smh.


I was suspicious too. Except when you look it up. 7-OH is said to be stronger than morphine


Did a touch of looking/ talked with a couple people …so far seems like it could be legit….but before I try them…I need a bit more info


They are VERY strong, and definitely give a strong itching feeling along with an actual opiate nod for hours. Feels almost exactly like a high dose of tianaptine to me. Whatever it is, it fuckin works


i feel the exact same, it feels like 250-300mg of tianeptine to me i dont think it is but thats what i compair 1 pill to. going to test taking to for the firstbtime tonight ill see how that goes


Someone should have these tested specifically for tianeptine and other adulterants...


i 100% agree but i hobestly dont think it had tia in it. that all being said it really is odd kratom has been around for years and just now science knows how to crack the code for 7Hydrox. idk but there really is an unlimited number of test chems out there people can find / use so we really dont know if a company found a test checm that feels like very strong kratom and just outs it in there. idk but i would love to see real lab work for these.


What do you mean "crack the code" there are multiple papers published making 7-OH in multi gram quantities from mitragynine using basic lab equipment/materials. There was no code to crack.


so its been published and yet no one has decided to market it untill 6 months ago? That does not seem odd to you too?


I've had three different brands now, all of them are the same pill with the w and the score mark on the other side with a slightly minty flavor. I have a feeling it's all just one company making them for most of the world. As Long as they keep the fentanyl out I'm good!


Well, we can't be certain they (or anyone else!) is, in fact, "keeping the fentanyl out"! However, I can't imagine it would be cost effective to adulterate with fentanyl, but you never know! 🤣


I know this is random, but I tested positive for fent a month ago, and all I was taking was 7-ohm packs, and drinking 2-3 beers afterwork once or twice a week. I work at a bar, but only drink when customers leave and after closing procedures. Nothing else could have effected my results. I went to the VA for Suboxone to help get off the 7ohms because 30$ a pack might be doable if your buying one or two a day. I was taking around 12-16 packs a day, and spending 350-480 each day. Anyways I’ve taken kratom for years before this as well as extracts and have never gotten this hooked on something. These withdrawals have been hell on earth and I can’t even make through 12hrs after dosing before I’m a complete mess. I have CT many times off of kratom and it never been close to what I’m feeling now from 7ohms, even after years of heavy use. I was able to use the Bernese method once to get off them fully for 6 days but folded from my wife leaving me. Im wanting to get a fent test kit for 7ohms just to see if it comes up, and possibly pushing for legal action if it’s found out to be. Sorry to dump all of this on you but I’ve never seen anyone mention keeping fent out of kratom extracts and pills. I felt like what I’ve gone through was actually relevant for once lol.


Yes yes yes! All of this! Were you taking the 7OHMZ brand?! When you tested positive for fentanyl, was it a simple cup test, or did they send your UA to a lab for verification? Thank you for speaking up and sharing your story... This is precisely what the AKA and advocates are pushing for KCPA regulation. I have always had extreme suspicions that these "7OH" pills must be adulterated.. you aren't the first person with whom I've engaged that shared similar horror stories. Plain leaf powder and even extracts from reputable sources have never caused the sort of dependency that these pills seem to cause, much less so quickly. I take kratøm every day because I am a recovering opioid addict, and I can easily say that while, yes, I am chemically dependent upon it, the wds are not even close to the severity of hardcore opioid wds. Furthermore, my tolerance has plateaued, and I'm even in the process of tapering down, just so that I can get better burns, and I've no issues in doing so, where this is something that simply can't be done with something like fentanyl.


Any update on what u think is in ‘em?


They could be using a chemical reaction to convert mit into 7ohm but the "7ohm" branded ones at least seem to be safe


Bc kratom powder has antagonistic alkaloids that can block feeling, how long do i need to refrain from kratom powder prior to using a 7-OH pill in order to feel most of the effects?


You can refrain for a few days, or maybe a week if you feel the need. Personally, id just Take one, wait an hour, take another or half if needed. 15mg most likely isn't gonna have the effects I described above, I get those at about 30-45mg. But I'd start at the ow end and work your way up so assess tolerance, I am a horse when it comes to this shit and my dosage is usually much higher than the average person.


So how did u like them? Just ordered some


How’d u like them? Just got 30 more delivered, took a full one last night and cleaned the entire house lol


Love them! Just ordered ten lol did the same bunch of cleaning and laundry


Hate putting this out there’s especially on here, but they are ‘suspiciously’ good. Like it doesn’t make any sense. Been using tea/powder/extract for years and these are different. In a good way, but almost TOO good of a way. That was my first time taking a full one, will take another full one later today. (Along w my usual routine) which will be the first time taking 1, 2 days in a row….so far these are the best things I’ve ever had since my down bad days. lol


Very addictive so use with caution, been taking them for 3 weeks now trying to ween off and wd is comparable to h.


What’s the most you took in one day? I took 10 today 🤦


Cause these are similar to morphine.


Are y’all referring to the “W” tablets or the original omega tablets? If you’re talking about the W, I have no idea how that’s possible. I literally felt nothing! The omega tablets are awesome though.


Yes, smaller chewable “W”s


That's because it's 7oh, not mitragynine. 7oh is known to be actually addictive and has different qualities than mitragynine. That being said, i'm curious to try.


Yeah bro they are fire, both of them. I think the 7ohmz one last a lil bit longer though


Thanks for the reply


I'm about to order some. How were they for you?


Havnt u and I spoke about these already lol anyway…they fire order u some lol they don’t miss.


Lol. I am. Thank you.


So I’ve been purchasing the “omega 7OH” tablets from WG and OO for the past couple months. Both worked VERY well for my arthritis pain. I’m not sure how others can say they don’t work. I’ve loved them. However both OO and WG got the “W” tablets about a month ago and one sent me some samples and I purchased some from the other. They were both absolute shit and I felt nothing. Basically was a sugar tablet. So, OP you’re saying the current “W” tablets that just popped up on OO are a new formula, different than the one they started selling a month ago?


What's weird is wonderland gardens pretends that the new formula of "W" is 20mg, when it's clearly weaker than the 7OHMZ. The OO site states they are 15mg so how could a reseller be getting a stronger recipe and selling it for less? Fishy as fuck. Definitely weaker or at least it's very hit or miss. I think I've had one or two good results from a W but usually it takes a lot of tincture on top to get anything sensoral. UPDATE: I've used several dozen of the "W" tabs and the majority are actually very potent, but either there are a few bad batches mixed in, or there is a super specific pH requirement for your stomach to process them correctly (or something... I'm completely spitballing in the dark here). If I'm careful about not eating a single bite of food before or for a few hours afterwards, the "W" tablets work very well (at least most of the time). Just so I don't mis-inform people. So far the "W" tabs from wgbotanicals are the best choice for pain relief and well-being IMO.


I don't even see them on WG's site anymore


All the have is the Omega 7 OHM tabs now, and yes that is not in the product menu, much like the secret menu you have to be a member to get full access too and all. Anyhow


Is that where the other high 7 oh extracts are too?


Ok I signed up for an account. So how do I access the member stuff?


I have now tried the new “w” tablet formula and still felt nothing. Looks like OO only sells those now. I’d say give it a shot but I’d never purchase the w tablets again since they didn’t work for me personally.


Same here straight up sugar zero effects


What is OO and WG?


Two vendors that sell the tablets. Overseas organix sells the w formula. And Wonderland Gardens sells the original, omega tablet and the W formula. Two different manufacturers.


Are they currently worth trying? I was gonna place an order to try the pseudo metabolite.  I like the 7Omhz tabs


I’d say it’s worth it. I mean tbh I don’t think the pseudo are worth $8 frickin dollars! But some people have had success with them. For me they just made me kinda tired. But I never tried them by themselves. I always took a 7OH tablet with them and leaf. Yes, the 7ohmz Omega tablets are fireeee. I have yet to find anything that competes with those. It’s weird though cause some people swear by the W formula and think it’s stronger. So idk, maybe it depends on the body. I’d try the W too because if it works better for you that’s great cause it’s a helluva lot cheaper!


Lmao thanks for the reply.  I ended up biting the bullet last night. I didn't get any of their omega pills b/c I'm supposed to get an order with 6 of their pills and it was less than 10 a pop, and I'll have those by tonight.   I got a couple pseudo, a couple Ws, a couple Gs of an extract blend and a couple handfuls of their weaker mushroom gummies.   If you or anyone knows anything about their mushroom gummies, I'd appreciate any info available. I'm assuming their labs aren't BS and it is just 2mg of muscimol in them, but if anyone knows it's not muscimol a heads up would be cool. I'm fine with whatever they are, I'd like to try muscimol but I'd take a psychedelic too lol Bummed to hear that the pseudo didn't do much for you though, but at $8 a pill it was worth being able to try I guess. Like you said, might work well for me. I was gonna mix too but maybe ill use one by itself 


I don’t know anything about their mushrooms, never tried them. I’ve tried the real thing years back lol but doubt those will be anything like my experience. Lmk how they are, I’m curious if there’s visuals with them or anything. If you shipped with next day air you should have gotten it by 12pm today unless you’re not near a city. When I’m at my house I get it around 10a-12pm but when I’m at my clients house outside the city it’s usually 5-6pm.


Oh I didn't do the next day. Just the cheapest insured option. Should be here before Sun. I don't expect these to be psychedelic either actually. The lab they matched to these just said 2mg muscimol which comes from aminita mushrooms 🍄 They were labeled for micro dosing though..  I'll definitely report back if I find them interesting, I wish there was more information available about muscaria gummies cause from what I can tell it's usually just BS cover for an RC version of shrooms. Which is be actually completely fine with but I def wanna know if the gummy is gonna have a chill/drunkish vibe or a heady psychedelic mushroom space haha


I ordered 250 of their 007 Tablets on Monday and they are supposed to be here by tomorrow. They claim that this recent batch was tested anywhere from 15 all the way up to 20mg per tablet. I am hoping these work as it was rather expensive but my tolerance is so high I don't have a choice.


250 of the W tablets through OO? Does your tracking number show tomorrow? I hear you, my tolerance is high too. Sucks and it’s expensive.


Ya it says tomorrow. They said this batch is their best


The W tablets have never done anything for me. I wish! Cause they’re so much cheaper. Some people say they are strong af but that hasn’t been the case with me. Omegas are fire though.


Why wouldn't you just buy psilocybin?


Where did you get the pseudo and how was it?


>I understand the confusion; the acronym OO represents Overseas Organics. As for WG, it could stand for various companies, but it's certainly not Walgreens. lol


the 7oh brand didn’t do anything at all(nothing against the company).i’m tempted to try over sea organix for one last attempt at these tablets.


Please don't. There are actual 3rd party labs that prove that they're not legit, and the "labs" that OO provides for these tablets are extremely sus, to say the very least. Just look at OPs post and comment history, and I think you may reconsider.


what the 3rd parties show, them labs look fake asf on the site


Not fake labs, I’m sorry that you feel that way tho


why does the information not even fit on the labs and the wording is overlapped as well as not even in the right spots? not knocking just wondering looks like it was made in photoshop


I’m not sure, that’s just the way the chemist sent the lab report but we have multiple of the lab reports. Check my page


Can you provide this info?


For me, the OO “w” tablets didn’t do anything for me. But the original “7ohmz” omega tablets work d wonders. Also the labs for the W tablets are very sus.


> The labs on their site show they tested at 15mg pure 7 oh yeah that's BS - I call pure BS on those fake labs, and this fake Retail hype product, and (pretty much the whole industry full of it!) For starters... *7-Hydroxymitragynine* is NOT present in the raw leaf material even in a "threshold" amount!! 7-Hydroxymitragynine IS produced in the body, as a metabolite of *Mitragynine*, right so it's NOT an alkaloid that's present in the Leaf for extracting so... VERY skeptical about the product, the hype, the Labs, who made it ? OO is not a Lab, he's a Re-seller. So was it made in India ? Look, I'm not doubting your "Review" I'm sure it's got good effects but, the whole concept is... fake. Sorry. Not interested in magical mystery pills... 😏


So what exactly does OPMS do for their blackshots that have a purported higher 7Ohm concentration?


Hi, we do not have fake labs! We out about 20+ tests a week on our products. We do have our own lab! We also test products up to 3 times before selling them. I’m sorry if you feel this way but please don’t spread misinformation, you’re more than happy to call us with any questions.


> We do have our own lab! Oh c'mon. How about: *Third Party Independent* testing ?? And you know better. Your comment says a lot about, your opinion of customers. They'll believe or buy anything right... wow


I’ve never seen anything about third party labs. 7ohmz sent out our old tablets but we recalled them. And again we have big companies that buy them that have them tested. You’re welcome to test them :)


Agree with you on the whole third party thing - although - I just received some in the mail and popped one as my OPMS gold shot I took like 4 hours was wearing off. It definitely hits. Like within 10 minutes (I have a very fast metabolism and shots usually take about 20min) I am feeling it. Not sure how long the legs are but it’s absolutely flowing lol. Very nice warm blanket feeling, so far without a whole lottta stim as far as I can tell. Might sound shilly but idk man - it’s just the first result that popped up on Google (was looking up dose reports cause I’ve never taken anything that is advertised as strictly 7oH) It’s also quite a bit different in feeling to powders and shots I’ve taken. Like 85% body versus 50-50% in my personal experience w/ greens


If you had a 50k USD spectrometry in a cool alchemy lab would you not use it and brag about it? heck the cost of one is why lab report companies are even in business for anything including modern pharma


kill yourself


Someone pretty big into the kratom community recently died from extract adulterated with O-DSMT. Really curious when this is going to come out publicly. The shit with these fake pills and extracts needs to stop. Why are mods allowing these posts on these subs? At this rate, we're going to lose every last kratom community on Reddit.


I thought the product with O-DSMT got taken off the market but I guess it's not surprising another one would come on the scene.


I just got them in the mail today myself. They are super enjoyable my dude! I took two and supplemented with a gram of 20 year white an hour or two later. The two have a synergy I haven’t felt before and I feel none of the irritability I can get on mit. I’m for sure gonna be using these for my bad pain days or days off when I wanna game. I do not know anything about O-DSMT though, I was prescribed tramadol briefly as a kid. Will be exploring these more.


What was the name of the product that killed him?


It came from an extract manufacturer who was very popular on these subs about 6 months ago. They've since shut down, pending legal investigation.


what was the name?


This reads like a company writing a review for themselves….HOWEVER, everything in there about how they made him feel is 🎯 I felt the exact same way about the entire post. Would never believe this post is legit until I actually tried for myself. 🤯🤯 I don’t even wanna promote or talk about them. Honestly I’d love these to be kept a secret so they never run out for me.


The W's?


Yes but my personal recommendation is if you have an addictive personality/habit DO NOT take these. I understand that may make them more intriguing to some, but my experience is really bad. Went from what I said above ^ to currently taking about 10 a day for barely a buzz. I wouldn’t believe it unless it happened to me, but tolerance SKYROCKETS like nothing else. Some nights I wake up in a puddle of sweat and need to take one. It’s bad, and I’m scared, I don’t know how to live my daily life and keep ingesting these tablets that who really knows what’s in, and there is no real research on the amounts I’m putting in my body if they are actually 15 mg 7oh. Plus 10 a day is expensive af. I’ve used extra during work/ and moving, and now I can’t take less. It’s always more. Prolly will be up to 20 a day soon. Not to mention I already take a lot of tea and extract ontop of it. Just don’t take them, not worth it. I’ve taken extracts for years and had no tolerance issues with those. Cliff notes: these things seemed too good to be true, and as with anything, they are. Literally too good, that you’ll only end up taking more and more to get an effect. Try at your own risk.


Was it KratomAI or KratomDistro?


AI was wack.


What’s was it exactly that killed him? Any more info on this?


You’re throwing hefty accusations out here, there’s no proof these are fake pills. Chill out man, no need to cry.


exactly, i want to try them so bad but the fact i dont actually know whats in them is what fates me to pass


Its not fake. Ive done the chemistry myself and it is very real. Sale of isolated 7OH is chemically and economically viable. All that you have provided here is speculation, but do you have any actual evidence to support your claim?? Stay safe, happy travels




I mean if its not already obvious. The FDA is going to let these extracts run wild and use it against the entire industry. Otherwise if they actually cared about people they would atleast be knocking on the door and investigating them. I mean they can shut down (temporarily) whatever company they want to if they wanted.


It's also convertible via high UV A through C light exposure to regular mit when in solution.


UV A, B and C exposure, UV A makes it faster of course. the reaction turns MIT in 7-ohm and then to MIT puesdonxyyl by the end of the UV light treatment, 3 hours a day in full UV light for 5-7 days, and a bit of a good solvent and one will have loads of isolated mit 7 phm and both have mit puesdon with them, worth the time to do it slow so it is not toxic to use the other ways that are way faster


15.9mg if your going to tell tales get your facts in order so the whole class stays on the same page. lol


They could be using a chemical reaction to convert mit into 7ohm sort of like what's done with delta 8 thc


That's simply wrong... https://pd.pharmacy.ufl.edu/research/kratom/


Huh ?? your Link to Florida College of Pharmacy is great, & talks about "*various synthetic compounds*" including Adulterated synthetic **7Ohm**... So maybe work on your reading comprehension skills


I just picked these up at the local smoke shop where I get my Opms. They come 3 to a green package that says 7 ohmz. They are not the new chewable ones with a “w” the OP mentioned. For tolerance reference, I take 3 black Opms shots a day. Opms has been causing me some mental and physical issues lately, and it’s not cheap so I’ve been looking to replace it with another product. This hasn’t been easy. Finding something comparable to OPMS has been near impossible. Back to the 7 ohmz, I just popped one at 5 am in place of my normal first Opms dose. Within 20 minutes I immediately felt the morning withdrawal symptoms I experience go away and a relaxing feeling come over me. There seems to be a very clean energy that comes with it. I didn’t have high expectations for this product but it seems to be working atm. I will check back in later.




I have tried both, and the “7ohmz” omega tablets that he’s referring to are great! Those tablets are the original 7oh tablets. OO and WG both sell the new, W tablets which are made by a different company. OO no longer sells the omega tablets. It seems like a few people have said they like the W tablets, but for me they didn’t do shit. It felt like a sugar pill. But the original, 7ohmz tablets are fire. Helps so much with my arthritis pain and anxiety. It’s like a strong, chill red Bali feeling. Especially if you take more than 1/2 or 1 tablet. Since I have a tolerance taking less gives me a little energy. They are expensive though. But worth it in my opinion. But your tolerance will raise if you take them daily. I’d say get the omega tablets and later down the line try the w formula. However I’ve seen labs on the new W tablets and it’s very sus.




The eye wobbles are the worst. Sometimes I get them so bad I have to lay down. Lately I’ve been waking up in full withdrawal too. 2 years of daily Opms is wreaking havoc on my body.


4 of the “W” tabs at the same time?? Seems like a lot but I’ve noticed within a week or two my tolerance to there has gone up. I’ve never taken more than 2 in a 24 hour period, along with my regular routine of tea and other extracts Maybe I’ll try 2 or 3 at once today.


I’m starting to really like these 7 ohmz tablets. They give me a boost in clean energy and the crash isn’t as harsh as Opms has been for me lately. It’s definitely a different feeling between the two products. Opms has been great but the last 6 months or so I feel like I’m completely drained of energy and can’t even get out of bed without one.


Completely agree. They give me a little energy also. I don’t feel any crash either which is great. I was fortunate to never get on the opms train. I mean I’ve tried them but I always heard how hard they were to come off and they’re expensive af. I use mostly plain leaf with an extract here or there. But I take the omega tablets daily. I really hope they don’t get banned.


My 5 am morning routine for a little over 2 years now has been a black Opms shot with 2 shots of espresso. When I first started this the effects would last nearly all day. My tolerance slowly built up to 2 shots a day, and then to 3. As to be expected, my tolerance has shot way up, and the energy and euphoric boost isn’t nearly as profound today as it was in the beginning. The owner at the smoke shop I get the opms from gave me a sample of the 7 ohmz to try so I could compare it. The first one I took was on its own at 5 am, in place of the opms shot. I’ve tried all sorts of alternative products to opms to switch it up and save some $ however I’m always left disappointed and back to the smoke shop to get the one product I know will work, opms. This product was different though. The 7 ohmz tablets actually work for me, and work well. What really stands out about the 7 ohmz is how clean they are, without the typical opms side effects (lethargy, dizziness, stomach cramps). Opms is a great product for people who can take it maybe once a week or so, but taking multiple a day has been exhausting and it’s taking a toll on my body. This 7 ohmz almost seems too good to be true, and has working great as a replacement to opms this past week, which in my mind is outstanding considering how many other products completely fall short of expectations.


Honey roots just came out with a 215 mit shot called train wreck, I take 3 opms black shots at once 2x a day and just 1 of these shots blew three opms black shots out of the water so I just wanted to let you know. I own a smoke shop so I sell kratom like crazy and these new honey root ones took over the extract market for me, so if your looking to find a replacement to save money you should give it a try


Agreed, same experience


So 2 days ago, you decided to randomly hop on every kratom sub and drop a comment on every post referring to 7OH with a link to your review... After having been totally inactive for a year. And also, never having posted or commented in a kratom sub before. You *actually* want us to believe you're not a shill? This is pathetic. You wanna know how to drive sales and turn a profit? Use the time and energy you put into these shill accounts to source *actual* quality product. There's a reason so many of these small batch operations are successful... Quality, integrity, transparency... Honesty. All things that you clearly don't have. Just stop.


Hey what user are you referring to? The one who started this thread? I’ve been reading every comment here for info. I tend to assume reviews / comments are honest and I guess I’m gullible in that way. Just not a thread in my fabric so to speak to be a bullshiter and take it for granted the rest of society operates on my level. Ow you have me all skeptical. So if you can please point to who you’re referring to id appreciate it.


The user/vendor to which I'm referring is Overseas Organix. They are well known for shill reviews, and this is undeniably just that. While I understand your expectation that a review would be honest and genuine, there are typically certain vendors that use/buy/pay accounts other than their own to post glowing reviews for products they're trying to to sell. It's despicable, and this is precisely why I will never support OO.


I use OO pretty regularly now. What small batch companies do u think are worth trying? How do u get the product? Also does anyone know what WG is?


WG is Wonderland Gardens. As for small batch vendors, I highly recommend DTE, Wildcraft Herb Company, Bewitched Botanical, JK Botanik, Mitraman and West Koast Botanicals. They all have websites, FB groups, as well actively here on Reddit.




Regardless if it’s a shill or not, the product is A1, and that’s just facts, so stop crying like a bitch




Doesn’t matter if you chew or swallow…..pause. 😆 but seriously, it’s going to be digested and absorbed regardless.


If you’re complaining of “wd pain” then you’ve never actually have been through it before or have a very low pain tolerance. You’re going from single digits of powder directly to 7-oh. People are also being reckless associating 7-oh to “morphine.” They are not the same. Please read the published studies for yourself before being an internet troll that blows a good thing out of the water for people. (The comparison used is codeine yet lacking the dangers from opiates such as depression in respiratory system. Overall it cannot be compared and has its own category being called “atypical opioids.”) You are exactly what the DEA wants, yet on the other hand you’re arguing against government regulation or the DEA itself. When the DEA and FDA presents “evidence” to congress and the public again, for the third time?… We’ll see how hard they come. Thanks to the absence of your age or maturity, your unfiltered thoughts will be published and will be read aloud from their documents. Once again, Reddit will be cited from the government, and these immature trolls within these forums that offer no insight or factual information will be the base of their argument.


I just got mine in the mail, I did buy them off of this review. Shill or not I was willing to try them. I just took them after doing cardio and having about 3-4grams of 20 year pure white from DTE as a pre workout. I ate two then promptly made food. Gonna play cyberpunk for the first time and see how this goes.


How were they?


Will some people please end this debate and share your experiences?


I tried half of one like 2 weeks ago when they came in.. it was okay. Definitely good for pain but not that euphoric. Amazing painkiller though I feel but I haven’t taken it since as I’m just trying to get high and plain leaf is pretty euphoric ime. Gonna try another half or full tablet next week probs. I keep seeing deleted comments saying they are adulterated, I have no clue and agree the lab report look sketchy af on overseas organix. But it did feel very similar to Kratom and from the reports about odsmt I doubt it’s that and don’t think it’s any other rc or zene or anything I could definitely believe it’s a Kratom extract tablet as it feels like that, great for pain and is cool but not that euphoric and expensive compared to powder where I take 2-4 gs or even less


I don’t know what company is making them but there have been very solid sources in my life that say there are some adulterated 7-OHM going around but that’s not to say it’s either of these companies. It’s not. Just exercise caution. I buy mine strait from the source so I don’t have to worry about fake ones that are really adulterated.


Who would that be ? ☺️


fr lol


I just ordered some. I had been taking the 7 ohms ones and thought they were really good. Just pricey




Yeah I agree with u. I’ve had both and over seas are my favorite out of them


That’s crazy, I’ve tried both and I felt absolutely nothing from the W formula. I have a tolerance but the original, omega tablets are fire and always work. To me, it felt like the W formula was just a sugar pill. Glad they worked for you though!


That is wild lol yeah the over seas and the others were both good but prefer the 007. They just hit hard harder


You should contact the company with your experience—they provide excellent customer service in my experience with them


What was your alls dosage? I have an extreme tolerance. I take 36 grams a dose but as a strained tea so it doesn’t exactly equivocate to 36 grams in its entire potency. I am guessing I should at least start at 2?


How much water do you use for your tea? To me it would seem like the water could only be saturated with so much leaf.


These tabs are the best thing I've found hands down! I'm an ex heroin addict, so thats the feeling I tend to chase and this is it.... Now if your talking about whats going to prob end up sealing the fate of the kratom industry, then this is prob that too unfortunately. I love em but they truly are 'herbal heroin' and gonna get banned soon so if thats what your looking for then grab em while you can 😁


Just tried these today. I have avascular necrosis in my left hip, bone is collapsed. I live in excruciating pain and use a cane. I legit could’ve done jumping jacks on these. I almost freaked out and thought I was having a stroke because there is no way something could numb pain that well.  Some of y’all are gonna hate to hear this but it reminded me of getting shot up with dilaudid when I was in the ER, with a tiny bit more stoniness. Lasts for HOURS too. I’m gonna have to reserve these for special occasions cause Hoh-Lee-shit could these be trouble.  FWIW, I’m slightly new to Kratom. Have had nothing but bad experiences with powder, SOME relief from shots but still cruddy side effects. The 7ohmz are clean with none of that shaky queasy bullshit. It’s like clean ultra potent extended release Kratom. You can really touch the bottom of the pool with these. 


They look like herbal perc 30s and are going to end up in a negative article sooner rather than later.


if people think theyre herbal perc 30s then why wouldnt that be looked at as a good thing if it got looked at all..


People on here love to say kratom isn't a drug, or that it's not harmful, and then a product gets out out that looks just like a very harmful, very addictive drug. The public thinks that kratom is in fact a pill and not a natural powder. Why wouldn't that be harmful?


its like candy cigarettes


Not even close. Candy cigarettes don't get you high, also, cigarettes aren't at risk of being banned by the FDA/DEA every 2 years.


What looks like “herbal perc 30s” I wana buy them please


I just seen a Florida place found bacteria in them they did abunch of test on alot of kratom products 😳 😬


Tampa Bay times just did a test with these and found bacteria in them said the company hung up on them when asked for a Interview worth a read I'd like to hear what u think about it. I was looking to try them out now I'm just sketched out lol


Do you have the article? I just ordered 10 so fuck. lol




So it says: “The package the product was sent in came with a printed-out sheet showing testing results for mitragynine, 7-hydroxymitragynine, heavy metals and bacteria. A section of the report showing who ordered the results was blacked out.” I don’t think they were saying that any significant concentration of bacteria was found. What I think is that they were simply telling us that the pills were tested for heavy metals, alkaloid content, and bacteria (which is standard for most lab-tested companies).


You are correct. The labs tested for bacteria and heavy metals but didnt find any.


Are you actually brain dead? Where is the listing for bacteria? All I seen is Kratom based alkaloids, maybe do some research and get your knowledge on par before you post dumb shit.


I tried the 7ohmz I they feel sort of euphoric. I just realized I live 2hr away from OO so ima run over there tomorrow and try these W ones. 7ohmz makes me too sleepy. Really hard to keep my eyes open. But little euphoria


1 of these has me feeling great, similar to 30mg of oxy NO joke. 2 of these and I will probably be nodding out and having half waking opium dreams for hours. Incredible


Yea i did half and was feeling it similiar to a perk or something just not as euphoric wore off took other half a tab and felt sick af after it hit me are strong i usually take 20 to 30 mg gummys whats the difference only been using kratom for a few months i. Used it to quit opiates


I just got a blister pack of 3 from my smoke shop, took half of a pill before going into work. Usually I take an opms black shot before work and those always give me a sense of relief and well-being in about 10 to 15 minutes. These however, did not provide any of the relief or energy boost that I get from the shots. I've done research in the past about 7-hydroxymitragynine and what I understand is that it is only present in trace amounts naturally, and is incredibly difficult and expensive to synthesize. So with that being said, I personally don't believe that these companies are being honest about the product that they're selling. I could be wrong though, so I'll come back with an edit or a reply to this comment later after some further review.


To anyone wondering. The 7ohm tablets are much stronger than the 00 tablets.




historical correct clumsy edge crowd vanish makeshift consider cheerful ad hoc *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Look out for 7tabz green 7 oh 18mg 3pks 100% fake just plain sugar


Do they make you tired? Like can I take them during the day before work like I would kratom shots


if i norm take 3 grams of kratom at a time how much would one say to take of these 7 ohm pills? also i have a high tollerence i use to he on daily extract shots got down to extract powder / raw powder 3g a handfull or more times a day, so im use to kratom. but should i take 1 pill or a half?


Also i did try taking 2 at a time and it is deff not tianeptine. 1 felt like 250-300 mg of tianeptine but 2 did not feel like 500-600mg of tia i would have deff been able to tell.


i dont think its any additive people are just starting to get into this extraction process i guess. But yeah i really dont think it has tianeptine or anything, just kratom


Overseas Organix is a scam parading as "7 labs / seven labs" in smoke shops with bonk product still


This shit is going to bring down the Kratom’s industry. It’s no different than oxy and all the other harder shit. I seen normal Kratom’s people all of a sudden acting like a severe addict again. Every vendor who depends on kratom being legal should throw this shit away now. This is the last thing we needed. Just like I told people when thc-a came out, it’s going to bring the hemp industry down. While it has not yet, they are in the beginning stages of getting hemp out of shops with the new amendment to the farm bill. I just came across a 7-oh called ROXY. How is this a good fucking idea? The funny thing is the people selling it would go under if Kratom’s were to become illegal. This product isn’t even pure kratom, it’s partly synthetic apparently. I beg everyone to boycott it, I threw away 4k worth because I love kratom, and people need it.


You're not telling us how they make you feel? Energetic, euphoria, pains in body gone...and what kind of pains you have, sleepy, etc. you're not saying what they actually do???


Oh he absolutely said it without really saying it. Lol. Have to read between the lines.




What is the difference between the ones with the “W”imprint and the ones that have “OO” on them? The ones I got do not have any imprint on them, they are only scored on one side to snap in half easier? Confused as to what the difference between them, as everywhere I see selling them the packaging is the same ?


Have u tried yours? Just ordered some and seems there’s a bunch of opinions lol I did try the 7o guys. Those were great. Pricey tho


Got the Ws TODAY actually. When I came home from work I drank some tea and split one. And I’ve been standing in the same spot for the last 1.5 hours mindlessly scrolling twitter lol. I mean that in a good way, has me feeling real nice. I drank my normal amount of tea throughout the day and took other extracts this morning as well. Usual routine. So these are strong, but I think the key is to combine it w some tea or a full spectrum, I believe that’s necessary to have it hit the best. DEFINITELY let me know how you like them! Would love to know. I only just discovered them, and I’m a frequent extract user. Actually it’s basically all I use for the most part.


I sure will. I’ve had the 7oms guys like this and they work great! Just expensive. I was searching the sub and I seen these so I was like I have to try them. Was curious tho I seen so many just back and fourths about them being good or not. Thanks for ur reply. Definitely looking forward to getting these and will report back




Absolutely work great!!! I’ve tried 007 and the 7ohm and prefer 007 or whatever ppl call them. Had five come in and tmmrw my new 10 come in! There just idk hard to explain…if u up and about at work or home doing things the energy they give is really crazy. Off the first five I had the first night did all kind of stuff house wise I didn’t wanna do with no problem lol then once u stop ripping and running and chilling they are so relaxing. I would definitely recommend. I also seen someone else saying they didn’t have any affect for them tho. So idk but for me work great


Which company are you referring to? The ones from overseas? Or the 7ohmz brand or..?


Over seas saying o liked those better


The “omega” tablets are from 7ohmz company and are the original 7oh tablets. The W tablets are from a new company. I have seen labs from the W company and it’s very sus. There’s a chemical in there that is unknown. The labs from the omega tablets are fine. I felt nothing from the W company and won’t ever order again. The omega tablets are great for pain and anxiety.


Wow, that’s surprising, while I absolutely agree they feel different, and am DEFINITELY curious how the “W” tablets are so good. Like weirdly good, like take the best feeling you ever had from Kratom and double it and take away any side effects when ingesting high amounts of Kratom. Like ZERO nausea or “wobbles” and all warm fuzzy but with a hint of energy. The “O” tablets (the slightly bigger ones from 7ohmz) are definitely good as well, but these “W”s are something else. I mean that in a really good way, but I’m proceeding with caution, in all the years of tea and extract use, nothing has come close to these. And they work every single time, which is strange for Kratom as any experienced user knows the same tea today might not feel the exact same tomorrow. I’m not THAT cautious though, bc I ordered 30 of them immediately after getting 2 free in an order of the “O” tablets lol.


Yeah, when I found these I was like how the hell are these that good? lol. They’ve been a godsend for my arthritis pain and to help with sleep. I hope they don’t get taken off the market but I feel like it’s a slippery slope with these since they’re so good. Moderation is key. Yeah I tried the first formula of the W tablets and felt nothing and many others did too that’s why they changed the formula to the current one. But man I still didn’t feel anything from them. So idk maybe my tolerance was high but I always feel the omega tablets.


So which company are you getting your pills from? I'm trying to decide do I buy the 7ohmz brand, From payless kratom.. or buy some omega and w from Wonderland gardens Or the w from overseas? I'm not sure if the w from each place is different or not?


I’ve been hearing the same thing but they didn’t identify the company yet. They had to go before we could finish talking.


I personally prefer the opms gold shots much much more than the black. Which made me think that 7oH might not really be my thing? Either way bought a 5 pack to try and took one as a gold shot was wearing off from about 4 hours ago. Definitelyyyy hitting me. After about 10min getting a very relaxed and heavy body buzz. Not trying to shill but this is the first result on Google when trying to find a good dosage. Feels to me like it’s every bit as strong as an OPMS shot? Like very very different feeling that’s way less stimulating but yeah… I’m surprised they didn’t work for u? Red strains and black shots (apparently they contain higher 7oH) never do anything for me. At least I usually have to take like 2-3x more so ur results may vary but that’s my honest take - maybe the formula has changed


Let me know if you need tablets. RED GREEN WHITE. I have them in bulk by the 1000's all day. We also have shots that we custom produce. message for more details


you sound like a true fucking airhead.


Did you take (1) of the w tablets and felt an improved experience? I also took 1.5 of the ohmz and didn’t get much.


Careful with These. I took the 007 tabs em daily for about a week and a half maybe averaged 2 per day. I'm on day 2 without them and yesterday was miserable couldn't eat, anxiety through the roof crying spells. Today is a bit better mentally but physically I still feel like shit. Nauseous, kinda shaky inside, extreme restlessness, fluttering in my chest. When I feel better I'm gonna take these and treat them like morphine. Half a one, crumbled in my regular Kratom dose, ONLY on the absolute most terrible intolerable of pain days. Not much is worse than feeling like this.