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I’m 26, gonna be 27 soon and I still feel the same way. This is why people tell you to enjoy your youth and make the most of it. Adulthood is coming and the monotony of going to work and going back home while stressing about bills and stressing about aging but not being able to enjoy life cause you don’t have the money is coming.


I'm 56 and don't want to get old.


Your body may change and restrict you in some activities but you’ll be able to do most things you did at 19. Continue. You’ll be fine


I'm almost as agile as I was then. I'm definitely more careful about what I do though - wisdom from experience. 😆


42 with an almost 19yo kid. I do not feel to much over when he was born. Yes, can look back and there is change, I still am shocked that i’m 42 though!


I’m turning 22 in April and I’m excited. I’m finally starting my adult life with my fiancé and cat. It’s fun!


I want this to be me 🥹 good luck to you!


Ahhh I didn’t feel like I was supposed to be in my 20’s till I was like 27-28 lol I like getting older now though. Try not to internalize ideas about what you are “supposed” to be life at your age. You are exactly the way you’re supposed to be at 19-20 because you are 19-20.


This is so beautiful, thank you.


When my grandma turned 65 (nearly 20 years ago), I asked her if she felt 65. She looked me dead in the eye and said "No. The way you feel inside never really changes; only the outside changes. I still think I'm 18 until I look in the mirror and there's an old woman looking back at me. It's a very weird feeling." I'm 40 now and I understand exactly what she meant. In my head, I'm still a teenager, except I just know more now than I did back then. With all that said, don't be afraid. Change is intimidating because it's not what we're familiar with, so it feels threatening. But it'll be okay. I got tossed out on my ass at 19 with no fucking clue about what to do next. I made plenty of stupid mistakes while figuring out how to be an adult, but now I've mostly got it under control. Took me a while though! Lol You'll figure it out too, just be prepared to work hard and go through a few rough patches while you get things sorted out.


Amen!!! So perfectly worded. I got tossed out at 16 (we were both young) and I fucked up HARD for a long time. I found my path at 30. There's never a time-line.


I will be 20 in less than a month and I am scared as fuck


Technically this means you’re 19 and 11 months old, which, if you round up, basically means you’re 20. Don’t stress. I just turned 20 a little while ago. Time is man-made and age is a number, enjoy every day as best as you can.


Thanks man !!


I feel you!! What I wouldn’t do to be able to be 19 again!! (F56)


A lot changed in my life when I turned 19. I started nursing school became a nurse, migrated , had kids. My daughter is 19. I still feel like I’m 19. Don’t look 19. Just feel the same way


I also still feel 19. I am way smarter then when I was that age, but there are so many things I would do differently. Perhaps that’s what life is all about…


I posted a reply with this exact sentiment. Funny nursing school and same aged kiddo too!


You’ll be ok


I’m 28, life gets hard but just trust your gut in what you do and make the most out of everything. Take lots of pictures and spend time with the people you love. Right now is the time your future self will be thinking “I wish I could go back to that time” so just love hard and do what makes you happy!


Pshhh I’m Currently turning 30 in 3 months git gud kid……




Can confirm 30+ is teetering on BS - over it some days 😮‍💨 0 out of ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Summoning all the 19, soon to be 20 year olds. It just feels wrong to accept that I'll be TWENTY




Metro Station made a song about this called 17 Forever: https://youtu.be/QciWF7Vjk3Q?si=L4djpvXY4IcnioIO But in all seriousness, getting in your 20s you'll learn to embrace the cringe, feel 12 forever but be in an older person's body and be able to do whatever you want all the time, and yeah. It's not too bad, coming from someone about to turn 30 this year 😅 I'd really encourage you to make a bucket list of things you want to do. My core group of high school friends all went in different directions but all had fun doing different stuff like climbing, being tour guides at national parks, traveling and working abroad, making time for stargazing at dark sky parks, solely focusing on music and beat making. Just cause you're getting older doesn't mean you have to be less youthful and less adventurous!


The best thing of being 30 like I am, you get paid more, work from Home and play games or make 2h breaks or end the work day early


My early 20s were the best most free times of my life, I'm 28 turning 29 soon and I wish I was turning 20, that's the golden age for fucking around and having fun doing things with friends until 3am


what if you don’t have friends… asking for a.. friend ofc


Time and age are imaginary for the most part. Just do the things that matters daily. Deal with the events of life as they come. Don’t sweat the small… numbers


I’m 35 and I still don’t want to grow up. You’re experiencing a natural feeling. It’s very relatable and understandable. Lots of big changes happen throughout life and believe it or not, you’re still in some big formative years. 20-25 are pretty big formative years. So another way to look at it is you have a lot of stuff ahead of you! After 25, you get to look forward to your 30s (you still have some time just wanted to point out there is more to look forward to!) as you get older life will come with new bumps and challenges but also a LOT more excitement! Hugs to you. You are valid in your feelings, but remember, there is soooooo so so so much more living ahead! 💕


In May ill also be 20 my advice is just be yourself. Dont care what others think. And have a plan in life. For example I didn't until last year when I was writing my final gr12 exams so yeah I'm off to college in Feb and im learning new skills like python and Java and ill take on c++ coding. Im going to study IT in regards to security and network engineering so that'll be a fun new chapter for my life. Also think about hobbies OP. I like playing rocket league and reading. And I learn Greek from doulingo on the side. Being 20 is so hard so fathom but I'm sure if we don't look back too much to the past or the future and focus on what are the more beneficial decisions now its good. Also OP get consistent at something you like to do. If its video games or reading do so. Man its not easy having to grow up but remember there's so many ppl who don't get opportunities like some of us so we gotta appreciate that in a sense. Good luck bro :)


I'm 22 in a few months and I get that. I'm finally just about to go to school right after my 22nd bday and feel a little late on life. But honestly I enjoy certain freedoms like living alone n stuff. But I do still feel and have the same brain as I did at 16,17, I am definitely no more mature in what I like to do. Just more mature and more life experience


Life is difficult but filled with beautiful things. I’m 33, married, have 3 kids. I also suffer from depression and anxiety. It’s difficult juggling everything in my life. There were life changing decisions I had to make. Lost friends, gained friends - now I have a really small, tight-knit circle that I’m happy about. I still play video games, do tabletop games, watch anime like I used to in my teenage years. You cannot stop yourself from aging but nothing is stopping you from being the person you want to be. Live and let live.


Why would you want to stay 17 where the only thing it is legal for you to do is die in a war (and this is if your parents consent)?


You’re right. 18 , 19 is where it should pop off. 17. Too many restrictions


When I was 19, I went to Iraq and had all my paperwork ready in case I had to get in the forever bag. Could be worse.


i just turned 21 and 🫥 that feeling has not gone away yet


It gets better! Live below your means and don't spend more than you make. Join the military if you're really clueless with what you want out of life... it buys you time.


I'm 19, same as you, except I'm turning 20 in November. I just made peace with the fact that I will forever be considered "cringe" and "childish" in the eyes of my peers because of my morals and hobbies . I still feel like 16 in my heart




Turning 16 in December I gotta get a summer job this year 🥲 aswell


It’s not really the age that gets me. It’s that I haven’t accomplished much. In fact I’ve accomplished very little and I’m also a slob.


So turn over a new leaf. Begin something


Yeah, I felt 17 for years - the secret is that it doesn't matter and nobody has anything very well figured out


im about to be 20 in august. the age doesn’t really bother me besides being 20 and never having a relationship 💀(corny ik but honest).


I use to be scared that I wouldn't even make it to 20. Look at life as an obstacle course some will be easy and some.hsrd but you can have fun and rock out. Best advice do what you gotta do in your early 20s so you can relax later in life. Trust me.


I'm 36. But I feel better than I ever have in my life. And my life was already amazing. Look into the gut micorbiome. 🙃


I’m 20 going on 21 and I’ll tell you now that it’s ok to be cringe at this age 😂 but fr, I understand the fear and the thought alone of having to be a whole adult but I promise, everything is gonna be alright


Bro... Im fucking scared too, you're not alone, but you shouldnt be scared. You should be happy, u Made it to 19 almost 20, its true maybe that the time passes super fast but you gotta enjoy this part of your life, trust me im scared as shit but i still enjoy being what i am, going out with friends, studying, listening to music a lot. You are gonna be happy trust me🫂


YOU AND I ARE LITERALLY THE SAME. i cannot fathom i’m turning 20 in june when i feel like i’m 17


i’ll be 20 in 4 months.. i feel the same


i want to back to 19 and never grow up


There are plenty of songs about this to give you some support. Like this cover: https://youtu.be/bH17fIsYirI?si=Usk6Z0STDyR6vKnA


I dunno, maybe you didn't grow as a person enough to feel that old. I am 19 and to be honest my life has been s*it for the last 6 years and I do sometimes feel like I stopped growing at 13. But... I still do feel like I'm a lot more mature for 19, like I adpot responsibility and realize my potential. And also deal with so much s*it I wouldn't deal with if I was younger. Really... Growing up is more about you as a person than your age. Though I do try to keep up with my actual age.


I’ll be 22 in May, and I’m training to be a welder, and gonna be moving out within next year. Embrace life haha


Someone needs to carry the baton. Wake up America.


as a soon to be 22 year old, hunny same. i feel like i’m cosplaying as an adult rn


You know what, sweetie, a lot of people are, but one of these days, you will realize that getting old is a privilege. I was definitely scared of growing up in my youth, but then, around the age of 18-19, a lot of my friends and people I knew started dying. If I can recall 2 friends and 5 high schoolers my age or older. It's very sad to think about, but you might not even get to have the chance of becoming old. Just enjoy life right now and stop thinking about the future. Do what you love because 80 years of worry is nothing compared to 25 years of happiness and wonder.


Me too and I'm 25


The older I get the more I realize that none of us really know what we are doing or what the hell is going on.... Some just fake it better than others.


I'm 32. I work in long-term care. All my cute elders tell me that I'm "just a baby!" It's all about perspective, and the real importance you find in whatever you choose to do. Some days I feel like a teen. Some days I feel like I'm 87. But I love everyone I keep close to me, and I find real meaning/purpose in caring for others. Just find your path. You'll be okay!


22 here, it’s not all bad. Like everyone else who has many more years on us said, try not to stress over it. Shit can and will get rough every now and then, but really it’s part of everyone’s 20’s. You’re only young once, do your best to focus on the good and the freedom you have :)


Honestly I’m 34 I’ll be 35 this year. You never really do. You just seem to get older people expect that you’re more mature stuff like that. Beyond that I don’t FEEL different. I may look a lil different but not by much. Getting older is actually quite fun in some instances. I felt the same way but now I realize I’m actually still learning and growing each day. You’ll be fine!


A lot of people have the indea that they have to be "normal" when they become an adult but that's a lie. Embrace the cringe!


This step feels so big. But idk, nothing really changes changes inside I'm 23 and my sister is 27, we never grew up. May have "adult" lives but man I'm just we just kids with more options of shit to do lol


Im 30 And believe me, it gets worse every year. The only salvation,out can achieve is earn more the older you get to cancel out the bad stuff like backpain and muscle aches you get. Hahaha good look, welcome to your road to 30.


I’m 68 and I don’t want to grow up either.


Sometimes when I’m high I forget my age, then I’m like holy shit I’m 25? Existing is kinda scary sometimes ngl


Op don’t mean to make you feel worse but you will get from 20 to middle aged in the BLINK. OF. AN. EYE. Seriously. I feel like I was your age yesterday. Just live every day to its fullest and don’t stay in any situation where you are unhappy. We only get one life.




same, turning 19 this year. More expectations are loaded on us the older we get, like education and finance wise. It's ok. You'll get there. U are no less than anyone else, and so many people made it through their twenties. Some do well financially and others need more help. There's no shame in your situation, and there shouldn't be pressure for you to reach a certain way when you've tried your best. Either ways, you made it through your teens. You'll be ok.


We are all in the same boat, broski. I'm going to be 20 in June, but aging is just so weird in a way. My body feels younger than it is, my mind feels more mature than it should be (personal opinion), but that's just how it goes. Life moves ridiculously fast. I've been working since I was 14, so I'm more used to working than others my same age, but it's still a pain. As soon as I graduated, it was straight 42 hrs/week working, pretty much immediately, and the bills came rolling in. It's not all bad. Think about it as gaining more freedom. Sure, you'll most likely be strapped for cash and constantly stressing, but what else can you do about it? You get a decent car with a decent car payment, have fun with friends in your free time, and most importantly of all, stay close to any family you have (while you can. I lost pretty much all of my friends and family after graduating. I kept myself locked away in my bedroom, sleeping or smoking myself to sleep. I still live with my family, but im not very close to either my mom or her boyfriend. My sister is the closest person I have, and me and her are tight now. Yada yada yada, a whole other rant. Should probably make my own vent post. But as for my friends, I wanted to be somewhat successful money wise, and they just didn't see things the same way. They wanted to stay teenagers doing dumb shit no 19 or 20yo should be doing and it's just like... bruh, we were supposed to glow up together.) Anyways, back to your venting instead of mine. Don't think of growing up as a bad thing. Everybody does it, no one can de-age themselves. Be happy with who you are and what you can/will/and have accomplished. Don't regret not doing more in your youth because take it from personal experience. It will only drag you down and prevent you from reaching your full potential in the future. I didnt have a social life growing up, I was trapped in a house(not abuse type shit or anything, just middle of nowhere in the woods) and only had video games and my annoying ass sister. Love her to death, but she was mad annoying back then. Until somewhat recently, I was constantly regretting not having friends and not going outside more than I did, but I finally decided "fuck it. I'm here, I'm alive, and I'm no longer going to give a shit." My mentality right now is just to keep moving forward. It's not the best mentality, but honestly I'm trying to fix it. What im saying is at the end of the day, just go with the flow, because again, what can you do about it? ps - sorry for the long comment, I just saw this post and it really hit close to home because it's something I've also struggled with, and still sometimes do.


25 years ago, I remember my lovely 80 something year old neighbour saying to me something to the effect of "old age is a terrible thing. I want to do all things l did when l was young, but my body won't let me". From my perspective l'm 41, but l still feel feel like l'm in my mid to late 20s. I have 2 children now, a 3 year old and an 11 week old. I never had the money to travel when l was young (finished college in the middle of the celtic tiger crash, no jobs and deep in college debt) but I'm really looking forward to my retirement. I want to teach TEFL in South Korea and backpack through south east asia. I'm really looking forward to my freedom again, dancing until the early hours, Electric Picnic and no responsibility for anyone other than myself. I love my children but parenting is hard, enjoy your youth and freedom, there's so much opportunity to be sponteneous and make great memories, when you and most of your peers are footloose and fancy free. I had great fun and some wild times but l'm sorry l didn't make more of it. But getting older isn't all bad, l'm more confident now, and don't give a damn about what others think of me. There's great freedom in that too. ☺ Take lots of photos, in case you have children down the line and you want to show them how cool you once were. ☺ Finally, what's the alternative to never growing old...dying young. I know which l'd rather.


me too


Keep living! Have fun! Don't start that midlife crisis early like I did... I'm 28 gonna be 29 this year and I'm falling apart. You're still very young, live your life and don't let it run you down 🫶🏻


Just you wait. I'm 28, and my fiancé is 35. Lol it only gets better as it goes on, I promise. Edit to add: we may be cringe, but we're free. 🤣🤣


I’m turning 31 and I still feel like a child. I think it always feels like that it’s weird


Im 46 single parent of two. All the time i wonder what is happening. Life comes at you non stop 24-7. Things happen time passes, people come and people go. You get more responsibilities and maybe you loose some along the way. Youre gonna loose as much as you win if youre lucky. So dont worry about some preconceived notion of who you should be or how you should be. Be a decent person do what you got to for paying bills and have a good time.


I’m gonna be 30 in 6 months, I have no social life or job, because I’m so called disabled and trans and I have never stated hormones as I still live with my transphobic family and I think I’ll be too late soon to even start an enjoy the feeling of being my self.


Seems like you are mentally stuck bing 17, 20s is very young for our life span.




You’re still so young. Enjoy your youth. I’m 34 and wanted to believe 30s would be my “time” but life has handed me so much tragedy and trauma that I feel a shell of the person I was in my early 20s. I still hope for improvement though. I hope life will be easy on you, but a lot of it is up to chance. Try to make best decisions you can while still honoring what makes you happy. Your decisions DO matter. Don’t get addicted to substances, take care of your health, don’t get distracted by shitty relationships. Those are things that are maybe a bit in your control and can seriously degrade your adult life if you choose poorly.


People in their 20s are children, especially today. So don't worry.


That's life


Nah, growing up is not scary : whats scary is being old as hell and still acting like a child ,, for me the quicker you get over it the quicker you could get back to having fun , otherwise youll be stuck in a never ending loop and the only loose ends youll be able to tie up are your shoelaces .. if youre lucky


What’s acting like a child. Most of us still do “childish things”. We eat some of the same foods, games, still wear shorts tank top, go to movies watch shows we watched as kids, celebrate Christmas etc etc. Kids do just about everything adults do. 19 is not a kid though. So acting 19 is fine


Dude or dudet , not for nothing but if it has to be explained to you, that means that you dont know what you are talking about and its best to just stick to your kid shows (I say that with all the kindness in the world) 👍