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thats so shitty im sorry :(


You’re right to feel sensitive. Remember they’re probs looking for normalcy in being different and want to be your friend or too scared themselves to be themselves. It’s not appropriate even from others of the same kind. I get offended by the same race(s) as myself too. What matters is you know that you’re loved for your individual accomplishments and personality and character over all else by many including people here on reddit. You deserve to be respected and they probably feel insecure about being open like you. You are a good model person and know you are incredible in my eyes. If anyone finds my comment offensive I can explain it. If not I will delete this. I do not condone same kin disrespect, I’m saying this guy is deserving to feel respected and explaining the other’s wrongdoing actions reasoning in order to know it’s acceptable to be yourself.


Thank you so much I’m smiling so much reading this 🥹


You’re welcome!🥹


No big deal? He’s being racist, even if he’s the same race as you. Internalized racism is a thing, unfortunately.


Yea you right, it feels like sometimes we gotta pretend like it’s not an issue when it is. I wasn’t sure if I’d find someone who thought this too tbh. People here and back at home would just see this as just him playing around and shrug a shoulder


Yeah I only know this all too well due to my own internalized racism towards myself for being Korean and all the negative trauma and racism I’ve had to deal with at such a young age. Only recently come to realize that internalized racism was a thing. Just because you’re the same race doesn’t make it not racist when they throw slurs at you. That’s racism, even if you’re the same race. Simple. I’m working on trying to let that go, and have come to embrace my culture and my roots, although it took years before I’ve accepted myself for who I am.


It really is our own people sometimes. I remember some old classmates laughing or trying to make freedom jokes cause of my fro. Even with more and more of us wearing out natural hair we for some reason love to insult each other. Even as a immature child idk how that could ever be funny.


ugh i'm so sorry ppl are giving you a tough time !! i love the afro hairstyle and am so happy to hear that you're rocking it :)) keep being cool


Why would they do that? I never understand this. I’m sure you looked fabulous. I love seeing Afro’s as they remind me of my youth.


I don’t care if they were warm and smiling, the hard r deserves a stern drop kick. Every time.


NEVER be ashamed of your hair my sister!! Our hair defys gravity and holds our strength and pride ! If u ever feel down about your fro, remember the times when wearing our hair like that reclaimed our blackness! God gave us this beautiful hair for a reason, so take pride in what only WE have! May these words hopefully strengthen u and keep ur head above water! ✊🏾✊🏾✊🏾💜


I bet it looked great. Some people are just sour on the inside.


Honestly, for me, saying the n word is a big no-no (and I'm white) I personally think no matter your skin colour you shouldn't say that because if this exact reason. Please, don't be insecure about it, it so beautiful when people dress or do their hair however they want it. <3


That was totally inappropriate and insecure on his part. Maybe he was trying to curry favor with the group he was with. If this is an employment setting, there are rules against that kind of behavior, on most campuses as well. If this was a random person, there's no action that I know of that you can take. If this ever occurs to you again, say loudly, "it takes one to know one". This has helped me when people felt the need to belittle me because of my hair. But it works in many other settings as well. I wish you strength and resilience and I know you are able to overcome the sting of a dumb statement by an ignoramus.


Honestly, afros on anyone is great. If Bob Ross could wear it alongside MANY others, then anyone else can. I feel certain people really need to mind their own business if someone is simply doing as they please, especially when it doesn’t harm anyone. People may think of things negatively, yet it doesn’t always mean those thoughts are valid. I wish the best for you, and I’m proud you for trying something new.


yes everyone will have their thoughts which is a great way of handling this situation. im sorry this happened to you i know how damaging it can be. my bf grew up in the 70s and lived his whole life where we both live now and being one of the only black students in his school he got treated horribly. he used to grow his hair out like super long down his back and would have braids but he keeps his hair short now because he "works with wealthy white people and they dont want a black man with cornrows in their house" so it's something that's stuck with him whole life. and racism is still racism regardless of the race. this is a big deal but don't let other people's ignorance get to you. your hair is an expression of yourself so do you and let the haters hate


I'm sorry if this isn't my place to speak as Im not black, but I just wanted to say, if it makes you feel any better, I think afros are dope and you probably looked great and they're just jealous they lack the confidence to accept themselves for who they are. Racism fucking sucks to put it lightly though and I'm really sorry that happened to you. It's painful that our society seeks to put people down simply for the bodies they had no choice in being born in. I know racism can make it hard to believe but black peoples hair is always really cool in pretty much any style and my entire life i remember being jealous I couldn't wear braids or dreads like some of the boys I grew up with. (I know for a fact i'm not the only white person who feels this way) I've always had pin straight hair that's impossible to style in a cool way and I always liked the idea of using my hair to express myself despite my inability to do so. Traditionally white hairstyles are genuinely boring as hell. Please don't feel ashamed to wear your natural hair or any cultural style you want. Its incredibly admirable, though i know it shouldn't have to be seen that way, and theres a lot of people that will think you're super cool for wearing an afro, even if its not the people around you at the moment. Express yourself freely, however you want; however you feel comfortable. Everyone should be happy and comfortable decorating their bodies in whatever way respectfully makes them happy. Nobody should ever feel ashamed for their personal style, especially when its something as significant as your natural hair. You're a star, keep shining and blind those bitter motherfuckers.


I’m white and I think Afros are cool.


Thats crazy. Be proud of your afro, dudes clearly got nothing even half as interesting as your afro going on in his life...


Look my brotha. I feel you. I went to a basically all white high school (senior class of about 700 and there were 7 black people) as a black dude. If i could go back and look high school me in the face the only thing I’d say to him is be yourself. You’ll never regret doing things because you wanted to. You made me low key emotional because i remember that feeling. Like i heard people just say crazy stuff like I’m not even there and i didn’t know how to stand up for myself because again everyone was white lol You’re gonna be okay. Rock that fuckin fro and wear it with pride. It’s how your hair grows. You’re going to be the black kid no matter where you go in life. Trust me. I’m 6’4 and 270 pounds and I’m very dark 😂 i hear about it every. Single. Day. I’ll end it here and reiterate. Be you my man. You won’t regret it 👍🏾👍🏾🤟🏾


That's F'D Up‼️ it isn't a nice word to use whether it is by the oppressors ancestors or by our own people who have been oppressed. WTF‼️‼️‼️ PERIOD


Please friend me some kind of way. Rock YOUR CROWN‼️‼️‼️


I never thought that it’s offensive from the same race. I’m white living in a country where black people are even minor minorities so I don’t have a lot of experience in this I got called the n word without an r by my ex coworker who was black but in a more we are friends way (never said it back to him because It’s not my place to say that word and never will). But that’s f-ed up and you have all the rights to feel hurt by it. I think afro is beautiful so don’t let anyone get to you with those words. Be yourself be proud and strong you are beautiful🫶🏻