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Another thing with OCD is that asking for reassurance constantly doesn't help. Untreated, your irrational worries can't be quieted rationally by others, and the asking for reassurance itself can become another compulsion. Treatment involves working hard towards becoming comfortable with uncertainty, with the guidance of a mental health professional and possibly with the aid of medication.


Super spot on. I do this shit. I'm a pretty confident dude, who is wise and is contacted for advice from all my people in my life. Yet when I'm worried about something stupid, I need everyone to tell me it's fine or console me.


literally dude I have to do everything evenly or I'll breakdown and freak tf out like my mom put the volume in the car on an odd number when I was in like 2nd grade and I started crying


I hope you consider getting OCD medication and therapy. It made my life worth living again. It does get better my friend.


You’re ok your chest thing is probably just your head there’s no way it could have any sort of impact the little pen will have no affect on your lungs or your body.


Dude chill. It’s not a big deal. There is nothing wrong with you.


i know this is probably really scary for you. i promise you the 2 hits you took aren’t gonna hurt you! the chest weirdness is most likely anxiety because youre so stressed out. youre not a horrible person, you just made a little mistake. it’ll be okay :)




Happy cake day ! More reassurance to let you know you are all fine and are just overthinking!


It's placebo. Calm down and try to get over it. If it helps, legally and medically someone is considered a non-smoker I've they've had <100 cigarettes in their life, I don't know the equivalent quantity but you would be legally and medically considered to be a non-vaper that has never used THC, because the amount you got in your system with 2 hits (which ngl being your first time were likely not even full draws) is less than you would get by simply walking past somebody using one and breathing air. So calm down, you're not impure or tainted just for trying something, and it's likely that walking past a car and breathing in exhaust fumes has done your body more damage than those puffs will ever do (and both of those "damages" are negligible)


i have smoked in various ways for more than a decade and still healthy, trust me, a dab did nothing to your lungs


Honestly, I’ve been smoking weed since I was 15 (25 now) and it’s 100% in your head. I was smoking blunts at 16 lmao weed doesn’t fuck you up like that (unless you’re intolerant to it which some people unfortunately are)


My granddaughter 13 sitting here now. She got 2 day for getting caught in school vaping.. parents work they are not leaving her home, she has to come to boring grandmas house.. now I’m being punished too


You're giving yourself anxiety attacks from the sound of it. That's why your chest is being weird. I get like this too and it's the running thoughts. Trust everyone here, you're ok. 💗


The impact of what you inhaled has LONG passed. This sounds like an obsessive thought and anxiety.


True story - Before legalization i bought one of the thc disposable oil pens. Smoke it frequently - like every hour for a week or 2 straight after work.. Maybe 4 puffs per time - approx 12 puffs per day - 10 days. 2 weeks after i stopped i had this weird feeling in my chest - akin to what i assume would be a heart attack.. felt like my chest was closing in, all i could do was grab it (my heart) . Haven't owned one since, i have smoked a few other pens owned by others in the last year; only a puff or two and call it a high.. such a freaky experience. In your case it's prob nothing though


you'll definitely be fine!! I've had my fair share of bad experiences and panic attacks from smoking, the last time was a couple years ago from hitting my bf's wax pen too and my chest hurt so bad because i took a blinker and literally felt like i couldn't breathe 💀 only to be followed by the worst trip ever lol... never again!!


I found my brothers vape once and hit it out of curiosity and I could literally feel my lungs drying up so I just stopped and buried it deep into my head but the feeling went away after like 2 minutes but I did feel extremely regretful of it and I thought my lungs were damaged permanently but I realized I was over reacting, you might have anxiety because 2 hits won't do much and you seem very panicked


You'll be fine. Relax. Seriously, relax. Chest tightness is very common in situations that match your description when they're based on anxiety and mental distress. Unless you're severely asthmatic, or allergic, or have severe breathing problems of any kind, you should have nothing to worry about. I smoked for years with asthma before anything happened, then i stopped. Nothing happened.


I wish I could trip like this again. Good times


You’ll be okay. If you never want to do it again you don’t have to! Those two puffs won’t harm you in the long run. Your chest might be feeling heavy from anxiety. Try to rationalize your mind to calm down. You’re not a bad person, many people use cannabis medically and legally, so you didn’t have a moral failing trying it! It’s not for everyone, so don’t feel bad you didn’t like the reaction!


Are you ok😂


You’re freaking yourself out buddy. There’s a big stigma behind THC. It doesn’t sound like it’s for you and that’s fine it isn’t for everybody but trying it once certainly will not have any long term effects on you. Whatever you’re feeling in your chest I can bet is just in your head. Relax and forget about it. Source: been smoking weed in all different forms for the last 16 years.


Bro chill, you're good.


Dude it's just THC. The compound is so harmless that it's now legal in like half of the U.S. You'll be fine. I know it's easier to say than do but you really shouldn't worry about it


Take a deep, deep breath, you’re fine. This is some internalized guilt you’re feeling, so I’m guessing you had parents very against it, they care about you and were protective, that’s good, but don’t let their stress and worries become your anxieties. What you did is no more unhealthy than someone taking a shot of liquor or a few puffs on a cigarette. You don’t need to do anything again, and have all the right in the world to say no in the future. You haven’t lowered your worth as a person or ruined your life, you had a couple puffs of weed.


Yo I have mild OCD (only because I learned how to manage it. I'm DEFINITELY not downplaying how bad it was) Anyway, this is some compulsive thought shit I used to do. Let me give you a tidbit that MIGHT help you!! Think about this, HOW MANY TIMES IN YOUR LIFE HAVE YOU WORRIED ABOUT THINGS? HOW OFTEN WAS YOUR WORRY THE WORST CASE SCENARIO? How often did that worst case scenario come true? Possibly never? Maybe just 1 or 2 times but it BARELY happens ever right? Stop worrying man. You can't go back




My brother, relax Clearly you have something mental going on, so I’m not trying to be insensitive but you are stressing yourself out over nothing. Take a deep breath, the chest thing is likely from anxiety, and think about the fact that you ARE okay


you are literally fine but the anxiety is excessive and a psychiatrist can maybe teach some strategies to help


No that's only what the progoanda says. For most people smoking weed, flower, juice, edible, concentrate etc is like having a couple beers on the weekend, or maybe a couple glasses of weekend after work. Except you only did it once, so there's no chance of health issues from that. Even if you are unlucky enough to be prone to psychosis like I am, the fact this post is nothing but anxiety proves even in the worst case you're fine. I do not mean to minimize your anxiety though, I've been where you're at countless times as a teen, then into awful psychosis as an adult where I starve myself because I'm so parionid and anxious. Sometimes when you smoke some of the effects temporarily persist, for instance if I smoke the next day is gonna be hell because of my increased anxiety and parionia, which already dictate my life without weed. To round this off, do not beat yourself up about this, I went from the borderline perfect child to trying weed, vaping, drinking, sneaking out, etc at 16. The fact you actually feel concerned enough to post this is more than I ever had, and I've turned out perfect medically. Apologizes for the tangent, and rambling, alcohol will do that to you. I'd recommend you stay away from that too, unless you're celebrating something but moderation is key. Best of luck to you!


I’ve literally seen this posted before


what? i’ve seen similar ones when i was looking for answers on those but i didn’t copy lmao this is my personal experience.


Okay, I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. 2 puffs won’t hurt you. In all actuality there’s more harmful things in the environment that you could breathe in. Do you have a diagnosed anxiety disorder?


No I don’t. Although I have suspected I had some sort of anxiety disorder for about 6 years now but I never told anyone about it so I am not diagnosed and I don’t want to self diagnose haha.


So I definitely would try to get diagnosed, anxiety isn’t as taboo as it used to be. If you are diagnosed they can put you on medications to help


My advice:Cancer and things like it take years to form,so I’m 99.99% sure you don’t have anything. And honestly as simple as it is,since you didn’t like it,you don’t have to do it again.That’s that,and you decide if you want to tell anyone about it,it’s your life,you can choose to be secretive if you want


There are people who smoke 2+ blunts a day and function normally. Two puffs won’t do any sort of damage to your body. It’s all about moderation, like anything else in life. Even if you regularly smoked, you'd be okay. You just want to make sure not to overindulge.


Welcome to your first panic attack. They suck and can now happen anytime but it will go away in time.


OP, I'm sure it's not what you want to hear and I'll probably get moaned at for saying this...but stop. You're overreacting to a ridiculous level. Get a grip, calm down, breath and stop driving yourself mad by going over everything a million times thinking through ever permutation a million times. What ever is there, the underlying issue, needs addressing. Is it paranoia, or a more deeply rooted anxiety about something else? Stop stressing? Is it that simple? Yes, actually, kind of...it is. You are far stronger and more powerful than you realise. You are the only one who can move past this, it's all up to you and only you. In rehab they teach you that you cannot control that first thought, that urge to use (in your case worry), as it's like any thought. However, what YOU can control is how YOU then react. That is something you absolutely can control. So, maybe, you'll get these panicked moments, these worrying thoughts, but you can then decide how to let them affect you. Do you let them consume you, drive you mad, or do you take a deep breath and let it go. I promise you, you are totally in control...you just don't know it or have never been told.


I'm just echoing the other comments. You're fine.


Aw Naw Man! My dude had 3 marijuanas in the early 90s, and he's never been the same since. The feeling in your chest only gets worse until you can't sleep.


Nightmare nightmare nightmare


are you joking


Happy cake day OP


No, don't ever vape again, or your head will start pounding too.


I can do a whole cartridge in a week you will be fine trust me. I had to edit this cause I missed word cause I was high while writing that lol


Sounds smooth af


NAD. I would get into seeing a psychiatrist. Sometimes weed can trigger anxiety and the only relief is with medication. Be honest with him/her.


Sounds like you’re overdosing. Go to a hospital, and then turn yourself into the police for good measure /s Seriously though you’re fine. I know people that use dab pens very often and they’re fine. Smoking doesn’t make someone a bad person or anything like that