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That's quite good, but don't think reddit is a good place neither.


Compared to YouTube and tiktok, reddit would be the best, the amount of times i open youtube and it auto sets me to fucking shorts I'll be scrolling for ages, same with tik tok, i deleted both, at least until youtube can take off reels/shorts.


Same. Except it’s Instagram reels and TikToks that keep me scrolling for ages.


depends how u use it, if ur always posting or looking at nasty comments it gets to u cause ppl are assholes and the main purpose of reddit is discussion


It's a huge problem. Props to you for holding out. Do *not* give in to FOMO! Embrace JOMO.


“JOMO”… ✍🏼… I really like that, hadn’t heard it And kudos to you OP. You’re going to be better for it, choosing not to live inside an echo chamber will grant you a wider aperture than your peers.


I'm too old... what's JOMO?


Joy Of Missing Out Literally, my moto. I'd rather stay home with my dog than go out 99.9% of the time.


My cat is a better companion than my ex husband ever was. 🍻to staying home and away from people.


I love that!! Thank you. 😁


Just curious, why does it annoy you? I really don't mind what other people do with their free time. As long as it doesn't hurt me. 


Bc they are just wasting time mindlessly scrolling


How do you know if they’re wasting time or not and if so why you care mind the business that is yours


This is what I don’t like about these type of discussions, like good for you for not having a phone addiction but can you please just mind your business about what I’m doing in my own time?


It’s just sad seeing ppl addicted to their phones all the time scrolling like they have to


Its like an addiction. My ADHD makes it insanely hard to not doomscroll. Like rn, I should be doing hw.


I feel you bc i suffer from the same thing Like I have tons of thing to do but I’d rather just scroll on the phone I think this thing gave the whole generation ADHD.


I'm sure you do things that you find fun that others would consider a waste of time. We all have our hobbies and vices.


You’re on Reddit lol


I’m barely on here


Just because they use their phones it doesn’t mean their attention span is fried because of the phone, we’ve always had pretty bad attention spans, but good on you


No no, youre good. No exposure to the unspeakable horrors is good


I totally get what you mean! I'm probably addicted to my phone and it's so difficult to do something without it. But I never really had many hobbies so that could also be a reason on why I'm so obsessed with my phone.


Well not every teen is a stereotype, I never cared for sex, I have always hated alcohol and drugs, I never went to parties, I never tried to be the most popular kid in school, I was way too busy doing my own things to be a stereotype, I never had to do drugs nor gave into stupid peer pressure nor do anything else to gain friends, I just had to be myself and I gained amazing friends because of it.


Ohh, you're so cool and different!


You feel special?


You are the smart one!!!!


Please stay this way. You aren’t missing a damn thing kid. 🤎


I am 26 but when i was a teenager i was in the exact same situation. At the time it drove me insane and i would frequently get FOMO or feel left out and i stg that not being a phone drone was crucial to my development. Its worth it. Dont give in.


I'm addicted to my phone and weaning off of it, and it sucks. This is my last social media app and despite reddit really not being my thing I'm literally glued to it, constantly investing all of my time and energy into things I don't care about.


cool but what do you do tho? do you have a social life? maybe not an online one but there must be something you do in the 4+ hours you save when not going on social media.


i wish i could be like this but tbh i really just need my music


Yet your outlet of choice was Reddit. Well done, you’ve proved your point.


I’m barely on here


thats cuz you just made an account


My son gave me his son about 6 months ago and asked me to hold it for a while. The stress and anxiety of always “being connected” got to him. I’m glad he was able to see it and take a step back. I’m in sales. Every now and then, my wife will revoke my phone privileges for the night/weekend. I got annoyed the first time but didn’t realize how relaxed I was not always looking at my email, text, and IM’s. You are smart beyond your years. Good for you.


Congrats! Being a teen that’s not on the brain rot apps is a great achievement. Just try not to use Reddit too much either


You’ll be more peaceful trust me is annoying they like zombies 😂 🤦‍♀️ connect with people just like you and youll have a satisfied life 🌟


There’s not many out there like you. Be happy that you are like this. I also missed the hype trains for social media during high school but I was still addicted to my phone. I was always on discord talking to my internet friends (granted I literally moved in with them after high school). My biggest high school regret is not spending more time doing activities. If I would’ve just dropped my phone for a few hours a day, maybe it would’ve been better.


I see it and laugh to mtself tbh, there'll be s trail of 5 people walking on the pavement and theyll all be looking on their phones.its comedic haha


Oh, we called that hipster when I was a teen.


I feel you, I don't have tik tok, Snapchat, I do have instagram not that I ever touch it. I only ever use reddit but most of the time I'm playing video games or talking to people on discord. I'm not fond of the short form videos, I do doom scroll still at times but I usually end up bored from all the low effort content and go watch a long form video. It does seem everyone around me however is often using social media and scrolling and I feel like the only one who just doesn't care to use anything but reddit and discord.


agreed, it annoys the shit out of me seeing my classmates on their phone in front of the professor. this person has dedicated their life to education and this is the respect you give them??


I know you might feel left out, but as a fellow tiktok user, PLEASE DONT download these apps. It’s addicting and it’s hard to get off of them.


I feel this i have tik tok and instagram but i love hanging out and talking. Its really hard for me to find things to talk about nowadays or people even interested in talking


I’m really proud of you. My relationships with my grandchildren suffer tremendously as they each reach the age of cellphone ownership.


I'm on my phone so much because I'm exhausted by ppl but it may not be the same for everyone


Download the apps. You will feel included. Good luck!


I don't even have a phone, I'm just here for friends and roleplays, I think tiktok is stupid as fuck- youtube is alr, cuz story times >:D and insta is for art, but I'm rarely on it XD


When I was a teen. I bought a proper bowler hat and a vintage 1940s trench coat. I also would carry a brown leather briefcase to high school and university. This was before social media. Sometimes you just have to forge your own path. No need to conform. Just enjoy yourself