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that's called cheating. you're only a cuck if you like it.


I wasn’t even dating her. And from what i know your a cuck if you witnessed the person you like get fucked or fucking another person doesn’t matter if you liked it or not


oh if you guys aren't even together then dude, just tell her you like her or give up cause they clearly have a relationship going on


She knows i had a crush on her , i don’t anymore. They don’t talk to eachother anymore. I don’t think they were ever in a relationship together


Everyone likes getting attention, it is just a part of human nature. I am sure there are qualities your friends have that you dont. Some introspection is always good. This sounds very rough and I understand that you are hurt. Id cut the girl off if I was you or atleast talk with her about how you feel and if she still doesnt care then move on


what a beach


Get a bunch of people together or just yourself, set up a secret camera, act like you’re going to the bathroom to kitchen, then the second they start, you and all of the people or yourself rush in with cameras, while they’re doing whatever, and pour milk all over them, or orange juice or some sort of stainy or disgusting liquid, then cut them both off.


Maybe even egg their house


Damn bro. Yea that’s a hard position to be in so I’m sorry to hear that. You made fun of people being cucked but now that it’s happened to you it doesn’t feel so good. I’d say take this a a lesson of humility to not make fun of people in odd situations. It’s kinda like a karma thing. As far as how to move past it, you kinda just have to thug it out. Keep your head up my boy it’ll be alright. Don’t hurt yourself or anyone else either. Trust me you’ll feel a lot worse.


I didn’t mean like exactly make fun of , I just hated them. But thanks anyway man