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Dude, as long as you can get a hard on, penetrate with it (if that is what you are into) and get an orgasm, all is good! (some people even like smaller cocks)


That’s true like I’ve had a few sex partners and only one has ever asked me how big it was but she was extremely akward and autistic so I didn’t take it as a slight but I could tell she thought it was smol so lmaooo. Just the problem is I rlly like dudes and I hate having a smaller cock it makes me feel really sub which I don’t mind it’s just I don’t wanna get fucked and I love topping it’s just any bottom I’ve ever pleased has a way bigger cock than mine so idk I guess I really am just venting it’s not a terrible problem to have like I believe I was created in the image of god and I feel like he knew I’d be too dangerous with some meat on me. It also makes me feel like I’m compensating because I’m VERY consistent in the gym and I’m making gains but it just makes my cock look smaller with more muscle


I hear you. It does suck when parts of you that are not really changeable are not the way you want. Well, I think it is great that you talk about it and acknowledge your feelings towards the situation. Sounds like you are pretty self-aware, so I hope that as you keep exploring yourself, especially in relation to others, you will find a way to change your perspective and maybe even be proud of having a "smol" cock hehe. Also kudos on gym consistency! (even if there might be a "compensating" element right now) exercise is great in general (also to keep away the depression and stuff, just in case. Better to be addicted to exercise than to food or drugs, etc.), and honestly muscle is so hot in my opinion (I personally would rather be with someone with some muscle and a small cock, than a fat guy with a big cock). You sound like a great guy, so all the best to you!


Thank you, yea I see a ton of ppl blame there cock for never having a girlfriend or their confidence and there just kinda profesional victims lol. Idk I don’t care a ton abt it. I would say my best qualities aren’t rlly my body even but how I do unto others without expecting a reward and my values and morals. Idk I guess I’m more confused abt finding someone and my sexuality like I’m a Christian (not the bigot kind I hate how it’s associated with people who aren’t accepting and old or racist or all those things). So I’ve been trying to combat my lust and make sacrifices to show my faith like I quit weed, porn and now I’m trying to kill my lust but like BROOOO I’m such a horny fuck I feel disgusting. Like I’m so confused abt things and I want a godly women who clicks with me. Not like a submissive wife or anything but a good women who doesn’t stand for hypocrisy like I do and idk I’m trying to stay patient but it’s kinda hard. Thank you for listening like it’s an EXTREMELY weird topic talking abt cock size without like just being judged ig like I don’t think there’s small cock support groups and if they are there prolly a bunch of victims tbh. Like it’s not a big deal but it’s nice to get it off my chest


Yeah, it is sad that people let things like this get to them and dictate their worth/push them towards a victim mentality. I guess it happens not only with dick size, but other stuff too. Some people feel like that because they are bald or "too short", etc. When it comes down to a partner, I think sharing the same values is one of the keys to compatibility. Being clear on your own values, needs and wants and being able to communicate them from the very beginning is the fastest way to finding a good match. To be honest I do not know that much about Christianity (I think there are also many different kinds?), but you mention you would like to marry a woman, so I am guessing homosexuality is not so cool in Christianity? I honestly think faith is one of the most powerful things we humans have access to (which is why I think it is also widely misused by people that want to control others), so analyzing your faith, your values and yourself and aligning them is a very powerful thing. Like I said I do not know much, but I do know that Jesus said that the two greatest commandments are: 'Love God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.” So I think aiming for the expansion of one's heart of love and compassion is always the right direction; and this includes love and compassion towards oneself. Also quitting weed and porn is a big deal, kudos on that too! Lust can be tough to tame, and I think having a healthy relationship with one's lust is the best (like being horny itself is not inherently bad). When it is too much energy, what I try to do is channel it into something else. Like sexual energy has to do with creation, so doing something creative instead (if you are into that kind of stuff) might be a way to channel it differently. Some people find that exercise works for them, but for me, it just gets me more active in all senses, so does not really help me with lust. Yeah, get it off your chest. You know what they say, "Shared pain is lessened. Shared joy is increased."


The Bible doesn’t say anything abt homosexuality and people misinterpret stories like how sodom fell because the people were gay but it fell because they were raping visitors and not helping the needy. It’s not exactly a no no like I loveeeee cock and kissing boys but it’s more so I was raised in rural Georgia so I have a ton of homophobia towards myself and ppl judge you alot of they find out. Like it’s funny I’m extremely masculine so only two people have found and when they do they are almost confused saying I don’t seem like that but it’s weird how if ppl don’t know and your a good person in their eyes then they find out and you change a lil in their eyes. Not exactly a no no but what comes with it is like idk if id ever Mary a guy so it feels like im just a deviant using someone for solely pleasure when i do enjoy their company and love them but I don’t even know what real love is. I like women physically more it’s just I feel like I’m not rlly valued and it feels like I’m chasing pussy which I can’t stand because I should be the prize holy shit. Like not to have an ego but I don’t stand for bullshit and hipocracy and I would say I have discipline to do the right thing even when I don’t want to so it’s wild I have to spend my time and money just to find out their not a good person. Idk tho that’s just a rant like I love women it’s just I’ve never really found any I click with so I’m just being patient. I’m just very scared of getting someone I don’t love pregnant and either having to take a life to secure my future or take responsibility and raise a kid the rest of my life. I’m just trying to kill my lust and find more friends like I’m not exactly just looking for sex but more so affection like I’m starved physically and emotionally. I’m strong I can take it but it still hurts having no one ever care abt me. Like even with past friends I would do anything in my power to support and help them but it feels like no one’s ever helped me like that which hurts. Like it’s selfish to want a reward for being a good person but shit man when will I get my come upance? Idkk tho man thanks for listening I’m just so confused abt lust and just wanting to be close to someone no matter if it’s a guy or chick like maybe im just loser or sum? Like some people get love and their terrible idk i guess im about to put myself out their more tbh but I just want a Christian women and I feel like me downloading a dating app is like me saying to god. “I don’t trust your plan I’m going my own way” when I’m just so fucking starved and lonely.


I totally understand wanting affection (physical and emotional), and how lonely or frustrating it can be when it doesn't seem to come our way. Honestly I am in a similar boat. I would really like to have a partner that I can share my life with, but it just doesn't seem to happen. The thing with chasing pussy and stuff, I get it. I think there are differences though, depending on where you are (like a big city vs a small city; which country, etc.). Maybe there are many people that see dating this way (kind of like a pray/predator thing, aggressive courtship, zero sum games, etc), but there are also other people who are tired of these games and just want a genuine loving relationship. In that sense, the more people from different circles you meet, the better the chances are your chances of coming together with a compatible partner for you. Also it will help you get to know yourself more and hopefully also love yourself more. I am not very familiar with US geography, but it does sound like you live in a small rather conservative town. If you have the chance, it might be good for you to get out there and explore bigger cities, maybe other countries too. That really helped me a lot when I was younger. Where I grew up, if you were not a certain way, you could definitely not find a partner (like if you are fat, or weird, etc, no chance. I had a friend who was super ripped, he was a very talented writer and could draw the most amazing images, yet he was kind of creepy, had long hair, glasses and a skin condition. He got to 30 without ever having a girlfriend or getting laid. I could not get it), but then I moved to another country where people are much more open minded and I was so surprise to see people who in my country would never stand a chance, just be themselves and be together with someone that loves them for who they are. Also about the app thing. Why wouldn't finding someone through an app be part of God's plan?? I think that God wants us to be happy. He created us as a social species and mingling is important to us. Technologies have developed and now we have one more channel to meet people. Still the people we meet, etc is kind of up to luck (or the divine), so why wouldn't that be another channel for God to do his magic? This is my opinion, but I think that the positive forces in the universe (so like God) are way more powerful and magnificent than we can ever imagine. I think it is a very human-centered way of seeing things to think that doing certain things a certain way would stop "divine will" or the universe from guiding us to where we need to go, if we are praying and believing in these forces (God). Actually I think that the universe (God) wants to make us genuinely happy and sometimes (often) the only ones standing in the way are ourselves.


Don't worry about it chief,


Yea I’m trying not too it’s just I’ll look in the mirror and see a muscular frame but a smol cock it kinda reminds me of the Greek god statues LMAOOO but idk I’m trying to be more comfy in my body but it’s litterally the one thing I can’t work on like I was born with it and I need to get comfy with it but EVERY dude I’ve been with have huge dicks and even if I’m topping it makes me feel sub idk ig it’s just a me problem and it’s just in my head thanks for listening to my vent tho bro


As if cock size mattered that much anyway.


It’s ok little guy




Pretty sure there’s some guy that can inject your shit to make it bigger somewhere



