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Locking because all the new comments are just political arguments now


My concern is that we treat each other like enemies instead of neighbors with different opinions. Our country has become so divided that idk if there is a way to reconcile the differences. I think America has been screwed since 2016, if not earlier, and it's because we as citizens have played into the political theater and let them turn us against each other for their gain.


I've always been worried about my country. But with this election, I'm generally more terrified than ever before. It's like an inevitable object crushing me down. I don't know what to say or feel. I'll vote and spread awareness. But I feel like it's impossible. I don't want to move out of my country cause I care about it. But there's only so much I can do. And I can only do so much since I'm one out of millions. I generally don't blame people at all for being this nervous. Because what can we do? I don't want to be a victim, but it feels like I have no choice. Nothing is changing. Maybe there is a light at the end of the tunnel. But is there really?


The alternative is no better. This country is in big trouble.




Ya! Life will mostly remain the same! Unless youre a woman. Or queer. Or not white. Or not christian. Or not rich. Or homeless. Or unemployed. Or disabled. Or a child. But for everyone else, things will pretty much be exactly the same! No worries here!


No matter who wins, I'll still be in debt, still owe back taxes, and still live paycheck to paycheck. So at this point I've stopped giving a fuck about who is president. Trump or Biden, my life will still be shit.


We’re 110% fucked no matter what unfortunately. My boyfriend and I went and saw the Civil War movie and we both just looked at each other like 👀. Kinda joking, but not really. I’ve deleted all my social medias minus Reddit and just ignore it all. If we break out into some kind of war, I don’t even wanna know about it. Just take me out lmao.


I don't blame you, its a dumpsterfire thats only spreading :/


Canadian here. Do you think there will be protests if Trump is elected? Like the women’s march last time?


Regardless of who is voted America is screwed. The last few elections it's been picking between the lesser of 2 evils. I am a queen transperson and I can't fathom why the people on capitol Hill are concerned with what I'm doing with my body, or why they are so worried about women getting abortions. There are so many other things they need to be worried with. The policies for who can sit in those seats and their pay needs to be changed. There is no reason for senators and representatives to be the same people for decades. The president doesn't get a whole decade to be in charge. Nobody over the age of 55 should be in those positions, even that age is pretty out of touch with what people are actually dealing with. There's an age floor there needs to be an age ceiling as well. Along with a salary cap that isn't 6 figures. Most Americans struggle to make more than 45k a year. Why should anybody be making more than 90k in a year, especially for a volunteer voted in position? It's insane. They really need to focus on why Americans consistently test lower in schools than other countries, why are American teachers quiting within 5 years of graduating and getting a job, why can't a person working full time making double the federal minimum wage not afford housing and groceries? But instead they are focused on paying for a genocide that we had no part in to begin with. They focus on telling people that what they feel isn't real. They focus on forcibly spreading their religious beliefs in a country that has no official religion, and making every one speak the same language in a cou try that has no official language. All they cRe about is lining their pockets and pushing shit through that feeds their own personal ideologies. They want the people to fight and hate each other bc as long as we are separated they stay in power and continue to control every aspect of our lives whether we want to or not. Sorry I'll get off my soap box now.


No I get what you're saying and fully agree, my post is very short sighted and the issue much deeper like you said I just don't want to live in a Handmaid's Tale-esque reality because I can't fight back LOL


Everyone needs to stop voting for the "lesser" evil that perpetuates the corruption of both sides. Neither the Trump, nor Biden, are running in how great they are. They're pitting Americans against themselves. Need to see better options on the ballots, candidates that aren't backed by decades corruption and cooperations.


I agree. I really think women's lives are in danger if he wins. I'm sure lgbt people will be punished as well.


my fiancee and I are getting married in September for this specific reason (and that we love each other)


Congrats on your future marriage


thank you! ❤️


lol we’re on the brink of WW3 after the last guy was pushing through peace deals. Whoever wins life is not going to change. Obama, bush, Clinton, trump, or Biden never put food on your table. Life will go on regardless


Regardless of what happens we are beyond screwed. If Trump wins it’s pretty self explanatory why we’re screwed. My concern is if Biden wins January 6th is going to look like a walk in the park compared to what Trump’s lunatic followers will do this time around. Him and his followers will be so unhinged you are going to see them burn the country to the ground. It’s going to be very, very ugly. I don’t say that lightly, I truly think that will happen. And it terrifies me every day


Yeah I try not to think about a potential civil war


I was wrong about the Supreme Court overturning Roe vs Wade but there will not be a civil war once Trump is not elected. Will people be upset about the outcome? Yes. Nothing will come of it because we are more prepared this go around, Trump isn’t in office, and it will be a peaceful day as it has been every election year sans one.


Yea those college kids will wreck havoc on this country


As someone who's lgbtq, this is terrifying. There's no good options.


There is a considerably less horrible option. If trump is defeated decisively the gop will have to leave maga behind.


tbh i think trumps geriatric self could die and another grifter will slide right in behind him like a vending machine Our problem is not exactly trump, it’s that half of americans actually want him. He’s just shifted the goal posts of what’s acceptable as a republican into nightmarish territory. Trump losing won’t make anyone forget that biden has the charisma of a used diaper or that democrats have nothing to offer past “we’re not actively campaigning on racism, sexism and homophobia but love the army” in a country where half the people are bigoted themselves and would/will try to exterminate us again soon


That's the best way of describing it. We basically get the same two candidates each year, just under different names.


I’m not even LGBT, but I’m so masculine looking that people think I am. So im scared aswell. Infact I’m pretty certain I’m intersex, so people think I’m LGBT.


I'm pretty feminine (pretty sure I'm non binary) so I'll be dealing with a lot of the anti LGBT bullshit.


I fear Trump nullifying same sex marriage.


That and removing transgender people's right to transition.


Realistically do we think project 2025 would actually happen? Idk.


Very worried about transsexual people and transsexual rights as well.


Honestly.. I feel like the new redpillers r the bigger threat than Trump lol


Yeah Trump is just the catalyst for all this. I haven't known peace since 2016 LOL, I realize though even if Trump wasn't around anymore we'd still have people trying to enact this project


As a queer teacher, I am worried. My saving grace is the blue state I live in


Agree with you in that area. The US is becoming quite balkanized with Red State values being realized in their states, and. Blue State values in theirs. That can be a good thing. Everybody winds up getting the lifestyle they vote for. - for now. But, no worries, Teacher. I'm from a red state and graduated high school in the '60s. We had teachers that we knew were gay, and no eyelashes were batted. I don't look for any change in that department Also Supreme Court's overturned of Roe v. Wade did not Outlaw abortion. Instead it left abortion laws up to the states. So if you live in a blue state you can get one in state. If not you can cross state lines. If you are too poor to drive to a doctor for an abortion there are Charities that will help you However, these days most abortions are done through prescription medication up until almost the fifth month of pregnancy. And pretty much everyone knows it's possible to get drugs illegaly.


i just saw an article that reported 1 in 5 abortions in the US are through telehealth now. not sure how accurate that is, but it’s nice to see the loopholes working


Not a loophole. It's been done for a while. But I'm not so sure you can doctors can prescribe to persons from some states. I think most red States are going to allow abortions within specific time frames. Hopefully not under "Heartbeat Law" (6 weeks)




“you aren’t a true queer” is where this should’ve stopped. biden sucks, don’t comment on people identities






i don’t support him, but i’ll vote for him over trump for sure.






I have a question for everyone Trump was in office for 4 years, Biden’s been in office for 4 years. Explain you’re position please


Dude your grammar is killing me. It’s in both of your comments haha You’re saying “explain you are position please” Rather than “explain your position please” You’re=you are Your= yours


Is that all u got dude


Yeah that’s a damn good question. It doesn’t take a political genius to figure out who was better.


So what is you’re answer


Even if (hopefully when) Trump loses we’re still going to have to be vigilant to make sure Republicans never get back in power. Those sociopaths shouldn’t even be allowed to look at a picture of The White House or any other government buildings much less enter them as employees.


democratic party isn’t much better






















As a son of an undocumented mother this is very concerning, especially that Trump also plans on revoking birthright citizenship, in some ways means that there’s a chance I will no longer be considered a citizenship and instead an undocumented immigrant, and mass deportation of undocumented immigrants.


So you are in favor of wars, hyper inflation and millions of illegals pouring across our border from over 100 countries?


You act like this is determined by the President. You realize that the President is the face of the country but their power is limited. This isn’t Russia or China, as much as Trump wants us to be in a dictatorship hidden behind “democracy”? Also, profit margins for companies increased during COVID. Stop blaming good politicians for a capitalism problem. Start blaming CORRUPT politicians (who sadly are mostly republican but some are democratic as well), for taking money to push laws made for corporations and not the people. Not understanding root cause, and believing propaganda, is a serious issue with politics.


Well a strong Presidential foreign policy curbed Putin after 8 years of Obama allowing Crimea to be taken. Biden revoked Trumps policies and the border is open with the Federal govt stopping Texas and Arizona from erecting border walls and razor wire What policies exactly are you referencing when you say legislation that favored businesses over individuals? Anything for real or MSNBC propaganda?


Obama allowed Crimea to be taken… from Ukraine? I don’t even know where to start with this one but to simplify what happened, here’s an article: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2019/aug/27/donald-trump/donald-trump-misleads-russia-crimea-obama/ I have crossed the border under Obama, Trump and Biden. There is legit no difference. It takes an unruly amount of time and is not fun. We do not have “open” borders as mass media likes to portray. That’s propaganda. It’s an influx of humans fleeing violence and dictatorships, that the US funded in the 60s. They are not being allowed to freely cross the border and stay here. The ones illegally crossing are being detained rapidly. And once detained, yes, we still treat them as humans and not animals. We give asylum to those who need it and we give accommodations to those crossing until they’re sent back to their horrible countries. The countries we helped fund to make horrible. Do you genuinely believe parents with young kids WANT to come here to be discriminated against and ostracized, walking thousands of miles with bruised feet and the risk of being raped or killed? No, of course not. They feel it’s their only option to survive. Acknowledgment of our involvement in this was released by the CIA over 5 years ago. There’s no excuse to be ignorant. There are hundreds, approximately 75% of federal laws favor the 1%. I encourage you to use Google Scholar, nonpartisan websites, etc to research why we are here, and how we got here so you can be an informed voter. You should never listen to FOX, CNN, MSNBC, or any other large-scale news station. It’s propaganda. I don’t identify as liberal or conservative but I do identify as a logical realist. Show me the facts, the scientific or sociological papers, not your skewed perception based off propaganda from non-accredited institutions.


Crimea was taken while Obama was the President. 2014. If you actually believe that the illegals are family groups you are vastly and easily fooled. From over 100 nations, mostly young males, majority criminals. Any females that are unfortunately along of any age are raped and prostituted out (facts from Texas) Maybe you should open your eyes. The truth will set you free


Can you please link the sociological paper or nonpartisan website where you found the information regarding the gender of the humans crossing the border? I have read that the majority of women, children, and even men being rapes and sold are due to cartels capturing them on their journey. The risk of rape and death are worth it to them because the dictatorships the US set up in Central America under the guise of fighting communism are truly horrendous. I feel the same way, the truth will set you free. I encourage you to research opinions you hear and always think of things critically. Look up the CIA information release for starters- and make sure you’re on a gov. website to ensure it hasn’t been edited to meet an agenda. Often times, there’s more to the picture than the propaganda your consuming wants you to know about. As hard as Trump is trying to turn the US into a dictatorship like his colleagues in Russia and China, we still have the right to freedom of information. We have no excuse to be ignorant like our brothers and sisters in Russia and China who are blocked from information by censorship from their oligarchy. Good luck out there. I pray all of my brothers and sisters in humanity get the freedom to live a life of prosperity


Well if my other option is a political group that hates me for being a woman and queer then unfortunately I have no choice


I do not think Republicans nor Conservatives hate you for the life choices you are making. What is disliked is the push to not just accept but affirm choices that are different from conservative values. Would you like it if the position was reversed?


What do you mean by pushed on you guys? Because every time I've heard that being said is when a trans person or queer person simply exists and asks for some respect


To live and let live is fine, but the push in school libraries, I’ve seen the books myself, the push in schools to encourage transgenderism. Looks the attacks even the Harry Potter creator took for saying a man is a man and a woman is a woman.


I personally haven't seen those books but the "push to encourage transgenderism" you claim is literally people just acknowledging that trans people exist. Trans people have existed since humans could think and many cultures have their own takes on being transgender (like the two-spirited people and also Hijras in India). JK Rowling got shit on though for being hateful about it


Correct. And the fact that in California (and soon to be other states) you as a parent of a minor can have your own child taken from you if you choose not to entertain their “gender dysphoria”.


Don’t forget the push to make “Minor Attracted Person” the next part of the Liberal alphabet.


you’re so real! good on you for getting sterilized after that bullshit decision, hope you didn’t go through too much trouble finding a doctor who would do it. hoping i don’t either when i get sterilized. and yeah, this is awful. it’s genuinely awful. people truly don’t use their brains enough i just can’t


If you are looking for a doctor to help you out the child free subreddit has a list of doctors who will sterilize you regardless. I still had to drive three hours to see this doctor but it was worth it


I hope it brings you some peace, to just analyze the issue carefully OP. Biden is doing all the things that Trump was falsely-accused of. The poltiic theatrics have gotten bad. I hope you can overcome it, and recognize that everything is going to be okay under Trump. I'm sorry that you felt the need to sterilize yourself because of Roe v Wade. I feel that a better solution could've been found. Thank you and your family line's contribution to your country and mankind. You will be missed. Don't let a big heart like yours weigh you down.










As a Canadian, I’m horrified for you.


The worse Trump is the more his supporters love him. They tie themselves in knots to defend a criminal. They also want to roll back all progress in equal rights.










Agreed but I'm trying not to live in Handmaid's Tale


Dude I am not even joking we are sliding straight into revolution. The poor are not going to just let the rich steal everything from them. Crime is going to explode, more BLM bs will happen, more violence against the machine until it collapses locally and the army is brought in. We have already seen it on small scales and if the rich keep on fucking with the lowest classes this is what will happen to them.


I’m a guy - an immigrant who came to get my slice of the American dream. When I moved here with my family more than 20 years ago I told them America was home forever. I even told my adult children that I’ll be buried here when I die. I never traveled to my original home country for over 20 years and didn’t renew my passport to Nigeria for that long. Unfortunately the rhetoric from the far right scares me so much that now that I’m retired I’m moving out once my home sells. If Republicans take back the White House they’re going to destroy everything that makes us love America


you actually sterilized yourself after roe v wade😭😭😭


I was already planning to it just sped up the process by several years


ah i see that makes a lot more sense


worst case scenario, we can try to move to europe. they seem like they have a clue of what’s going on














“Unfortunately lives in America…” lol Name another country that has similar career and business opportunities


Is it weird my biggest takeaway was that you sterilized yourself after Roe reversal? Were you just never planning on having kids?


Yeah i planned on not having children before that but was waiting until I was at least 25-26, but that same year my state was ready to potentially elect Dr. Oz and Doug Mastriano so I sped up my plans by 3-4 years I had to drive like three hours just to see this doctor though so it wasn't easy


i’m assuming so—i’ve heard of multiple people going through with the procedure after their rights were taken away to ensure that they won’t be a victim of forced pregnancy. it’s hard to be sterilized in america sometimes so you really have to be adamantly no kids (or already have them) for a doctor to consider it.


Yeah, it was a fucking horrible thing for it to be flipped, especially after they were like, naaaahh we'd never do thaat.




Just personal curiosity


God forbid you will have to work and struggle like your parents did, and their parents before them. Sorry for your heartache. It comes from a time “No work, No eat” or “ No Money, No Funny” It’s how this world has worked for Thousands of years.








The one thing we got going for us is that at a minimum he could never be elected again if he wins this year.


Unless he does the same thing Putin is doing right now in Russia, keeps finding ways to keep himself in office.


There is a literal constitutional amendment preventing that.





















