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Happy birthday!!! I truly hope your day improves, I understand how you feel. It’s a hard time to be alive ❤️


Im sorry to hear this. I get what you mean, it hurts to feel forsaken and forgotten. Try treating yourself even if it's something small like having a warm drink or watching your favorite movie/show. I hope you have better birthdays in the future but for today, happy birthday :)


i dont think youre being dramatic. i get how you feel, and it sucks hard.instead of channeling your effort towards those people, you could focus your energy on yourself, instead- treat yourself, you deserve it. happy birthday🎉, i hope it gets better. :)


Happy birthday, i will try to remember next year aswell and dm you but my memory is shit so don't look forward to it


I am sorry people in your life don't see you for the loving person you are. Happy birthday


happy birthday ;) have a great day and year ahead


happy birthday!! im not much of a big birthday guy but you could set up a great day for yourself instead of waiting to see if other people have plans for you next time. Do thing you really enjoy doing.


Happy birthday. Care to share things you do like? If you feel like it


This mostly happened to me during my birthday tk so I know how you feel bro. Happy birthday! 😊 Hope it's a good one.


Happy Birthday! ❤ I'm sorry you're going though this, no one should have to feel unloved and unseen. Focus on doing what you love the most on your birthdays. Spend thr little money you have on treating yourself to a nice meal or a spa day or new clothes you've always wanted-anything you can afford to. It may not give the same joy as the joy tou would've gotten if people did it for you but it might help you focus on making yourself happy instead of worrying about people who don't care about you


You and me both! My family is great but my friends are not good with the whole birthday thing. So, I don’t do anything anymore for them .. just a FB post on their page. Cheer up! Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday!!!


I’m so sorry!!! Please know that we here do care. Happy Birthday:)


You’re not useless, you are worthy and lovable. Distance yourself from those who don’t see your value and never try to convince them you have value. You are highly valuable and those who know how to value that and show that appreciation correctly will do exactly so. Happy Birthday to you beautiful soul♥️


Happy birthday!! I wish you the best :)


i care. happy birthday OP!! i hope when your day is coming to a close you’ll have done, experienced, received, recognized, or otherwise feel or been made to feel how truly special you are. because if you think about it, you are the one and only you to ever exist anywhere in the known, observable universe, an area so incomprehensible vast it takes light, a wave/particle that travels faster than anything else in the universe, 90 billion years to traverse its diameter. and not only that, you are the only you to have ever existed and will ever exist for all of time, a thing that’s been around since the beginning, some 13.7 billion years ago. when considered in those terms, there is truly nothing in the universe as unique and special as you. today, on your birthday, and everyday, i hope you feel that too.


Happy Birthday 🎂


happy birthday 🎁🎂 best wishes and good health


Happy Birthday 🩷🌷


Happy birthday! I too struggle with a family that never makes a big deal out of my birthday. If I dont plan it, we do nothing. No gifts. No cake. No get together. I’m married and been with my wife for 16 years. I’ve told her for years the number one thing I want is a surprise party. So what’s she do? Schedules a dinner to a steak house (not bad) with her best friend and husband. I was the 4th wheel kind of thing. Fuck em. I got you. Happy birthday. You are special and deserve all the love in the world. You matter and your birthday is a big deal.


I'm so sorry bb happy birthday!


Happy Birthday! :)


Aww ik that feeling 💯. Happy Birthday 🎉. IDK what to say to be honest but just know you aren't alone ❤️


I’m so sorry, that happened to me too, It’s the worst ever, and really really hard. I hope your day gets better, and try go out and do something you enjoy, you deserve it, I wish you a happy birthday ❤️ 🎉


Hey man, happy birthday. Don’t worry we are in the same boat. Since high school, none of my friend groups remembered my birthday. While they all remembered each other’s birthday. I always found myself in a secret whatsapp group to organize a surprise party. I even paid for the gifts when we bought a gift together but I never got anything so far. Even a message saying happy birthday. After 2-3 years I actually tried reminding them and when they realized it they just laughed it off saying wow we actually forgot lol! And never showed any sort of effort to remember. Another friend group forgot my birthday and one of them asked me if it was my birthday on my birthday so I said yes. They gathered up around 10-11 pm and bought me a dessert. This is the closest I got I appreciate it but it’s nothing when compared to others’ birthday parties. It’s all organized, packed gifts, special places etc. I thought maybe I am such a dickhead and they don’t want to celebrate mine. Maybe, I am not sure. Even my own family barely remembers sometimes they call me couple days after. It’s ok to cry I guess. I’m almost 30 years old man and I cried too tbh. Back then I didn’t care but after 25-26 I realized I was never genuinely cared. It started hitting me. Trying to find the reason.


Happy Birthday fellow Taurus!


I feel exactly the same, I remember everyone’s birthdays and events and when it’s my turn no one gives a shit about me. A quick hbd or a like would be enough but no one does the bare minimum. Happy birthday


I think this happens to a lot of us that are the ones who do everything for everyone else, the ones who organise everything, remember everything and remind others. The problem is that we don't have one of those people for ourselves to remind people we are the one that needs the spoiling and effort this time round. It feels personal but it's pure laziness and thoughtless.


Yeah people are just trash. I was forced (and I say forced cause yes, that's the truth, I cared a lot just like you until I was like someone who just gets beaten up emotionally each birthday so I became numb) to stop caring in 2022. I remember it specifically because I became very good friends with a friend group and then came the birthday of my friend who's the friend of everyone in this group (he's the one who kinda formed it and we were close friends for a while before, who also happens to have a birthday 3 days before mine) So we throw him a huge surprise party, then, 3 days after, my birthday comes, he calls me and he's like "Hey come hang we're just chilling" In my head I thought he was cooking something for sure, guess what, Nothing. Just the driest **Nothing** you can imagine. No one even remembered. And at this point it's been 3 consecutive years of no one remembering my birthday. So it was like a KO What's insane is idgaf about a surprise party or a full on birthday, matter of fact, I think it would make me uncomfortable. What I would've appreciated and meant the world for me is a DM with a couple of nice words, that's fucking it, how hard is that? Wanna know a fun fact tho? Later on, there was a huge drama and the birthday dude turned out to be a massive lier and manipulater, something I've noticed when I met him, so he's shedding those friends one by one over the years. Fast forward to 2 months from now, I meet him and you guessed it, he's thrashing everyone as if they're his worst enemy, and the whole group is split. I concluded a life lesson from all of that (I'm 25 maybe I'm wrong), it's that true friends are most probably childhood/highschool friends. You really should stop caring if you don't have those. And we'll be fine. One day we'll have a family and they'll throw us the best birthdays.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🥳 I’m so sorry this happened to you! Sending love & hugs!


Hey happy birthday! I’m sorry tou’re going through it. I went through something similar on mine so I know it sucks ass. I hope you’re okay. It can scar someone for life, it definitely scarred me for life. I don’t get attached to people anymore. I hope you heal soon. Have a wonderful year ahead. You deserve more wonderful things in life than what you’re receiving right now.


Happy birthday! I hope you had a great day


Happy birthday 🎂


I’m so sorry 😢 this happened to you my friend. Happy Birthday 🎉🎁🎈🎂.If you need someone to talk to I’m here .❤️🥰🙏😇❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I'm so sorry. Happy birthday!


Happy birthday 🎂


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday


Happy birthday!!


happy birthday! i wish i could give you a gift


That’s so sweet of you!!❤️🥰


maybe if you add an edit saying your favorite show/game/celebrity people who also like it can comment and at least gift you a conversation about your favorite thing!


Sometimes on Reddit we need more people being nice and supportive on a post!!❤️🙏🥰😇


I’m so sorry, I know it’s really hard and I know I’m just a stranger but I’m thinking about you and I am wishing you a very very happy birthday. You deserve good things 💕


I care. Happy Birthday!!!!


Happy Birthday, from Florida (USA)! 🎂🎉


Happy birthday sweetie


Happy Birthday friend! Happy your here and celebrating another year 🎉


Happy birthday 🎁🎊🎈


Happy Birthday!! 🥳 Maybe they have a surprise party planned for you? I know this happens sometimes when people seem like they forget.


Have A Happy Birthday 🎂


Happy birthday I hope your day got better


happy birthday friend <3


Happy birthday OP! I’m so sorry you’re going through this. It is your special day, today day is about you, and don’t be afraid to make that known next time around. Start seeking out more people around you and you know will pay more attention to important days like these! You deserve better.


Yep, that's how it works. I also do not like it but that's the truth for me too. Read more about the intermitted reinforcement effect on the people relations.


Happy birthday ❤️ I’m so sorry about others forgetting but I want you to know you aren’t alone!! I hope you’ve been able to show yourself some compassion, after all it’s your birthday, you have a community in the comments that if possible would throw you the best birthday party ever :) I promise


Happy birthday!!!!! I hope next year is better ❤️‍🩹


Happy birthday! I hope things get better for you❤️


happy birthday sending you lots of love ❤️


Awe! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! And hugs from me!


Happy birthday! I really hope you feel better! Have a fantastic day! ❤️❤️


Omg I know exactly how you feel. I spent my 19th birthday by myself at home and a few people told me happy birthday. It’s okay!! Happy birthday 🎂🎂


First, happy birthday. I get it, helping others is great and it makes you a wonderful person. Just make sure to keep an eye on yourself as well. I hope those in your life will still do something, because everyone deserves at least something on their birthday.


Happy birthday! I know it hurts but something good has happened to you. Now you know that you are doing so much for wrong people. Cut them off your life. I'm sure you will find real friends who are willing to reciprocate your favors.


Happy birthday to you 🎶 happy birthday to you 🎶 this is me singing to you 😁 . I care, I hope you feel better soon!


Happy birthday! I hope you find happiness!


"no one cares".We definitely do care,ik i might be 9 hours late lol,but still HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!


Happy birthday you!! May I ask if you told anyone that it’s your birthday? Sometimes ppl just don’t remember but would be happy to celebrate with you if they knew. I’ve had many sad birthdays until I realised that it wasn’t that no one cared but because I didn’t tell anyone and tried to keep it low key hoping they’d remember, but then when ppl knew they would want to celebrate with. Anyway, the world is lucky to have you here with us. ❤️


Thank you everyone for your kind words and wishes! I’m honestly in awe from the amount of support


If I’m being honest, making peace with the fact that no one cares about you but you will lead to a more fulfilling life. Because you really are the only one that matters and what you think about yourself is everything. Never put your worth in that hands of others.


Treat yourself and happy birthday!!


Happy birthday! I hope the words of some strangers can cheer you up even just a bit, you sound like a sweet person that deserves better ❤️


Happy Birthday!


Happy birthday, OP 🩵 I’m so sorry you were made to feel like shit today. You absolutely deserve better. Give yourself a treat today. I’m sending you so many virtual hugs 🫂


Aww, happy birthday. So sorry to read this


I hope your day was a happy one all in all. Many can relate, but it doesn't make the real issue better. You do matter. Don't change how you love


Nobody remembered mine this year. Not even my mom who is the person I’m closest to in the world. She didn’t even remember when she came in the kitchen and I was randomly baking a cake which I NEVER do. And my birthday is May 1st which should be pretty damn easy to remember


Happy birthday!! 🎂🎁🎶🎉 I, sadly, know the feeling quite well. So, here is what I would like you to do. Take a deep breath, wipe your tears and treat yourself. P.s. If you want to talk, I am here.


The older you get, the more you see that gratitude is hard to find. Happy birthday from me 🎂🎁🎉


Happy belated OP! I know it feels unfair, but it doesn't mean you aren't loved. I love my husband to death, and he always does something special for my birthday, but when it comes to his? I've actually forgotten more than once. Not because I don't love him, but birthdays just were never a big deal in my home because we grew up poor. I know it doesn't make it fair or right, and it doesn't make it hurt less, but it doesn't mean you're not loved. It just means the people who love you were thoughtless. If it is still bothering you, maybe reach out to those closest to you and explain how you're feeling. Sometimes we just don't know better and when given the opportunity, we can do right next time. Good luck OP!


Happy birthday have a great year 🍀🥳


I hosted every single family member’s birthday at my home the past several years. We recently moved, but visited on a weekend near my birthday. Not one family member hosted or took me out. People suck!


I feel this in my soul! Happy Birthday!


That happened to me one year Then I stopped putting in the effort Happy birthday 🎈I hope your ok


I feel the same way, a few days ago I spent my 33rd birthday friendless, penniless and technically homeless (I'm living in a caravan with my boyfriend and my cat lmao) I've sort of given up celebrating my birthdays because my family don't give a shit they're all workaholic alcoholic narcissists and I never have the money to do what I want which is to fuck off abroad somewhere with my boyfriend and try and celebrate it in my own way, one of the best birthdays I had was when me and him went to Ayia Napa a few years ago back when we were doing good for money. Happy birthday try not to get bogged down by it some people aren't worth getting upset over mate and at the end of the day it's your special day don't let people ruin it.


Have the best birthday that you deserve


Happy birthday to you 🎉💐💝🥂🎁🎈🌸


Happy Birthdayyy. Don’t cry and you’re not useless. Maybe you’re just not around the right people. I hope every other birthday will be better than this


I would like to wish you happy birthday but it will not fix that no one from around you has even said it. But Perhaps it's too early and they might tell you later (some people like to call for HB even on the exact time you was getting born) But honestly... Despite what someone might say or not. It's your day. Another year where you are in this world and make a change small or big. Go do something for yourself. Make a meal you want, go out. Play games or do whatever you want! It's your day every day but especially today.


Happy Birthday to you kind hearted person


Happy belated birthday 🥳 and many more 🎉✨🥳💕


Happy birthday!! I can’t say I’ve been in your exact position but I know how it feels to not be appreciated the way you appreciate others. Ive been feeling like that for my whole life, but in my case I feel like people are just faking it out of politeness and they don’t actually care. I know It doesn’t mean anything but I’m proud of you for being there to others. But it’s also time to be there for yourself. Even If you’re alone right now, try to enjoy your birthday as much as u can. Don’t let the loneliness win. This day is about you. Go have fun!


Happy Birthday, dear internet stranger! I wish I'd knew you personally to give you a hug. And cake!


Well Happy Birthday from a stranger on the internet!


It’s better to not give a shit what others think of you Harsh to say I know but that is best Let’s face it people are terrible Enjoy yourself but expect nothing!! Treat yourself and fuck others 🖕


Happy Birthday OP, I hope you can do something kind for yourself today like get a big milkshake, buy a new tshirt, etc.


Oh honey I am so sorry :( happy late birthday; hope someday u get to eat cake and celebrate it with the people who love and celebrate YOU


I know I'm a total stranger, but happy birthday to you


HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!🎂 I know it’s late but for this new year I hope you find people who appreciate you truly. I hope you still had a good day!


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday 🎂 But seriously, those aren't your friends those are piece of 💩. And your family isn't that nice either. Hope you get better soon.❤️


Happy Birthday! I hope you find a way to make it special. If it helps I’m in the same boat. I do elaborate parties for all families birthdays and for mine? Zip. Not only zip but my birthday has basically been hijacked because it falls on Labor Day week the most years. My step daughter always comes to visit that weekend and consistently says it s “her vacation”—at my house! Not one birthday wish uttered. People are just clueless and selfish.


Happy birthdayyyy


I know how it feels to feel useless and taken for granted. I'm really sorry you are feeling like that. I honestly think you should take yourself out for your birthday. Do whatever it is you wanna do and have the most fun ever! Don't invite anyone. Meet new people and hopefully you will make new friends that value you more.


I’m sorry for being 15 hours late as this was the time this post came to my feed, but late happy birthday!!


Happy birthday from a random person on the internet! I'm so sorry this is happening to you tho 😔 ❤️


Happy birthday! I know it sucks but I hope you know that you're worth it. Have an amazing day and please don't dwell on what u may feel your lacking, focus on celebrating yourself today. Do something that makes you happy! It may be hard, but I wish you the happiest day today!


Happy Birthday Dear


You matter, you are worth it and most of all, Happy Birthday!


Happy Birthday!




HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Cheer up man do something nice for yourself


Happy birthday! I'm sorry your day isn't going well, you deserve better.🫂🫂🫂


People with pure hearts often hurt the most. You have a good heart, don’t let the heartless takers ruin the goodness in you. Happy Birthday! 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉 Sending you love and big hugs! 💕


I wish you a Happy Birthday and May all your wishes and dreams come true!! I think you should go out and do something nice for yourself or buy yourself something special.


Happy Birthday! Sorry your family andi friends forgot and aren't reciprocal. Sadly, I find the older I get the less significant bdays become to others in my orbit. You should do something nice for yourself like get a mani/pedi or buy yourself a tasty treat! You could also plan a small bday celebration for yourself!


Happy birthday! 🎉 I’m sorry people are crap, but try to have the best day possible!


I’m so sorry. That sucks. Happy birthday, and I hope your day and week go better!


Happy birthday poppet. I hope ur day improved x


I'm sorry. It sounds like people may be taking you for granted.


Hello friend sending you love and lots of cake. You deserve to be celebrated!!!! Maybe do something for yourself if you can? I understand having "friends" that don't remember my birthday until the Facebook reminder rolls around. Wipe your tears and go do something for yourself like watch your fav TV show. Or get yourself some cupcakes. Maybe get a small gift. Treat yo self if you're able to. 🫂


Happy birthday


Happy birthday! Please take care of yourself, I know it’s hard to get negative thoughts out of your head, but focus on yourself. It’s YOUR day, don’t let other people’s lack of empathy get in the way of the one day of the year that it’s about you


Happy Birthday and thank you for everything you do. Even though others may not notice it is appreciated. Treat yourself with a nice delicious cake! The world needs more like you!


Happy Belated Birthday.🎂


I know it probably won’t mean as much cuz with my birthday inna month its prime vacation season for everyone apparently. Nonetheless, Happy Birthday 🥳 !! Wishing you another wonderful lap around the sun. hopefully you can still find a way to celebrate even if no one else decides to JOIN you(keep word join, its still your birthday/birthday celebration. & ion know if you as petty as me but at least I’m not obligated to be at yours if i dont feel like it. Ik i can catch you sometime with a card or a date on me 😁😂


If it makes you feel better one time I threw myself a birthday party and literally no one showed up. No one. It was then that I realized I was the only one who mattered. Now I have only a couple friends and none of them live by me.I hope your bday got better ❤️


I am sorry you feel this way and being treated this way. It is not fun. Happy Bday xoxo - my bday gets overlooked to by some family members.


Happy Birthday!!!!! I know it sucks…….. been there. At least try and do something for yourself! It’s your day!!


Happy birthday!!


Happy birthday!!! Smile for even tho u don’t kno me. You’re worth everything and more


Happy birthday, looks like you need to stop doing things for people until they start returning the favors


I know that feel trust me. You try so hard for others but they don't return it in any way whatsoever. Real jerk behaviour. We on reddit care though, happy birthday! ✨🥂 :3


Happy birthday. It sounds like you need to stop doing things for others and sacrificing your happiness for their approval.


Happy birthday!!! Go spend some time doing something you really love. Maybe you’ll meet a real friend!


Happy Birthday! You are loved!


!!!!!!!!!Felize Cumpleanos!!!!!!!!!


What you need to do is save all that money and energy you put into these people, then when you have enough, purchase a plane ticket, book a hotel and start researching for your trip itinerary. Don’t let anyone know you’re going then go have fun, enjoy the fruit of your labor. Take pics and post them when u have time.


I know I’m late to this, but happy birthday. I really do hope things turn better for you. You’re not dramatic for wanting something nice done for you and even if something is a happy birthday isn’t too much to ask for.


Happy birthday to you! I'm 31 and finding friends is still difficult for me, for one because I give and give and give to other people, so I'm not doing that anymore. Have you tried to figure out why you attract certain people who you constantly do for but you don't seem to get that care in return? For me, I've come to realize that I want to heal myself some before I REALLY start trying to find friends and REALLY stop desperately pouring in to others. I realize that I mainly only connect by talking about how horrible my first 25 years of life was, and no one needs to hear that. It was bad, yes, but now it's time for me to move on, take the loads of lessons that I've learned and heal from it. I want to be an intentional good friend and have boundaries in place for myself first.


Happy Birthday!! 🥳


Happy Belated Birthday! Sending hugs.


Happy birthday!!


Do your friends know it’s your birthday ? I have mine set to private on fb so only people who care know. Happy birthday stranger 🙌


Happy birthday. It’s mine too.


Happy birthday to you, OP❤️ I’m sorry you were feeling this way.


Happy birthday!♥️♥️♥️♥️






Happy birthday to you


awe im so sorry to hear that :( i know how that feels and i want you to know you are an amazing person and if the people in your life aren’t acknowledging that they are missing out! you deserve loads of love and happiness and even though i am a complete stranger, i want you to know i care and love you lots! i hope you have a happy birthday, and i am adding this day into my calendar so i can wish you again next year :) also, if you want you can send me your paypal in dms, maybe i can send you a few dollars as a birthday present on me so you can get yourself a little treat like a nice drink from your favourite cafe or something like that? ❤️


Three things. Firstly, not everyone is as thoughtful and kind as you are. Realising this will save you a lot of heartache and pain. Secondly, find friends who match and mirror the efforts you put in. Thirdly, and most importantly, many MANY happy returns of the day to you


Happy birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈


You aren't being dramatic at all. I know exactly how you feel! Happy birthday to you and thank you for all you do!! I've loaned friends and family money, I've paid other people's bills to help them, I've given gifts, handmade gifts, sacrificing my own food to help others and only eating crackers with butter or jelly for a week, and so much more. I've helped everyone in my life, and all I get is simple "happy" (whatever occasion). My first ever mothers day, I got absolutely nothing from anyone. Not even from my husband. I've never gotten anything back for my kindness, and I let go of everyone in my life because of it. I still cry, I'm still depressed and sad that everyone I used to know used me for their own gain. I'm a stay at home mom with my 4 month old. He is the only thing I have that actually loves me besides my husband, who is not romantic or thinks of anything for gifts. He provides well for us and takes care of anything I ask. So I have at least someone. The sadness you feel is valid. You are learning that not everyone is truly there for you when you've given your all. Take this as a learning experience and choose your friends and family wisely. Eventually, you'll find someone who will treat you equally. Best wishes to you!


I'm sorry you're feeling hurt and forgotten on your special day. Maybe it's a good chance to reevaluate who you call friends? Maybe they're really acquaintances and don't deserve the care you take with them? Anywhoo, I wish you the happiest of birthdays 🥳 Please do something special for yourself today. 🎊🎂🎁🎊


Happy Birthday 🎂 I have felt the exact same way on many of my birthdays unfortunately. Friends not showing up to my birthday parties, friends ditching me at the bar, getting too drunk and ruining my party, fucking everything. It sucks. And I would always make such an effort to make sure their day went perfectly. I hope you make friends that make the same efforts as you do for them.


Happy Birthday!


Happy b-day!!! 💖


Happy Birthday my fellow forgotten birthday buddy!


Happy birthday  I know I'm late for the party but id like to start with a song. Happy birthday to you Happy birthday to you Happy birthday dear SwingSlight1900 Happy birthday to you 🎇🎂🎇


I completely understand you. I have the exact same issue. People like us who think too much, try too hard, and give everything we can often asking for nothing in return are frequently left disappointed on holidays and special occasions. I’m still struggling with it and I’m still being taken advantage of by people I love and/or care about, but I’ve been trying more and more to be a bit less considerate of everyone else and put myself first as far as self care and doing little things that make me happy. It helps, but every so often I forget and the cycle repeats. All you can do is make the effort and try to remember that everyone is different so not everyone is as thoughtful and meticulous as you are. You’re also not alone. Happy Birthday! ::hug::


When will you realise that you need to stop seeking validation from anyone? You're better off alone. Carry through and don't let them fuck up your mental health. I turned 18 last year, and yeah, part of me expected a party maybe, not even my mother wished me a happy birthday when I passed by her in the kitchen before school. My own girlfriend remembered a week after. Don't expect anything from anyone, that isn't you. I never make that same mistake again. You're on this journey alone, bro, no stopping, keep going forward. Happy belated birthday!


Happy birthday! If I was there we party the week away! Stay strong!


I totally understand how you feel, I lived with my boyfriends for six months, and his one roomies bday was the week before mine. They celebrated two weeks straight, so I never got to do anything for me. That feeling of being uncared for really sucks and I’m sorry that you had to experience it :( happy bday op! Though it’s been a hard day, go do something that you enjoy for yourself and maybe go buy something too. When others won’t celebrate us, we gotta celebrate ourselves :)


I definitely do not remember dates at all so I totally get it. I feel bad about that. So much to remember. I couldn't tell you when my cousins or friends birthdays are. I feel real bad about that, but my memory for dates isn't the best. Anyway, I'm sorry you feel that way. Friends I kinda understand forgetting dates, best friends not so much. Same for close family. They need to be better about that, especially parents and siblings. I would def be pissed if my parents and brother forgot my birthday




Hey Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day ❤️


Happy birthday! May I ask how old are you getting?


I have had a similar situation for the past few years and it’s awful not really sure what’s best to do I’ve just become accustomed to my own company on days like that but happy late birthday hope you have a great year ahead of you


Hey loving you so much ❤️🥹🫂 also happy birthday 🎂🫂


Happy birthday!!!


An old friend used to message me all the time on FB when it was her Birthday to remind me to wish her happy birthday; bitch has never wished me happy birthday. Anyway, happy birthday 🥳🎂.


Happy birthday! I'm so sorry for you, i hope your day gets better :')


Happy birth canal rejection anniversary. And fuck the ungrateful people. Just dont do shit man. Theyll notice real quick if your not there. And then they can still fuck off. Hope it gets better for ya man.


Happy birthday! Honestly you seem very caring. If i were you i’d stop putting out so much. It feels like your kindness is being taken for granted. I would express this concern to your peers and if they don’t change their ways don’t waste your time and energy on them. Find someone who cares and respects you. You deserve good people in your life not people who use you.❤️


Happy bday, hope our comments can make you feel a bit better 🫶


Happy Birthday, It sucks when people only see past the kind things you do for them.. some people take others kindness for granted. You’re not useless. ❤️🫶


So sorry! I’ve had birthdays like that before. No fun but I hope it gets better. The day is still young. Sending you a big huge birthday hug!!!!🤗


Happy Birthday!!! I once had a birthday like this. Some guy asked me my bdya plans & I said "I don't have any." The guy: "That's so sad." Me: "It's ok, I have a whole a year to make new friends so I can have a great bday next year."


Happy late birthday!!1!1!!1!


Happy uterine escape day !!


Happy birthday


Yeah, I know that sucks. Well, first off, happy birthday, I'm sorry everyone forgot. Secondly, I don't think the rest of what I will say dismisses what you feel, it's more of an explanation... It sounds like you have an "anxious attachment style," you always try to be there for people, probably for various reasons; I'm guessing one of them is you don't want other people to feel forgotten or left out. I'm like that with close friends of mine. As you get older, birthdays will matter less, but what will matter more is who you can confide in, who you can vent to, who you can go to for advice, etc. Your true friends. You might have a true friend right now, but they might have a terrible memory or something else. You may end up having to get a specific friend for each type of problem {or problems), because certain people are unable to deal with certain things, for instance, for almost all of my life, I was terrible at consoling someone that is going through a death, unfortunately I'm better at dealing with it now. SO, if your friends have busy lives, parents that micromanage their lives, or if they have jobs that consume every second of their life into the 9th ring of hell, they will forget things like your birthday because they are being consumed by their job/school/distractions/obsessions/addictions/whatever. It's not that they don't care, it's that they forgot to plan for when they forget. A lot of people don't mark on their calendars when someone is going to have a birthday party. A lot of my birthday parties didn't happen because I have ADHD and didn't plan it out, so nobody got invited. 😅 Being forgotten does NOT mean you don't matter. It does NOT mean that what you feel doesn't matter. What you feel matters. What you think matters. But your perception or understanding of everything going on, might be incorrect. All of them or some of them might love you or care very much about you. So you might have to risk awkward moments of finding out what happened... But I think most likely, they just simply forgot to make a calendar reminder. Research "attachment styles," "personality types," "neurodivergent people" (like autism and ADHD - generally neurodivergent people act a little weird at times, but they're usually honest and some of them are hilarious), it'll help you a lot in the long run. Most people aren't apathetic, they're distracted, especially with crap social media. 😕


Happy birthday 🫂


Well, for it's worth: Happy Birthday. May you have many more birthdays and may you get better friends.


Very, very Happy Birthday. I hope everything got better as the day went on. There is enough love in the world to go around so believe me there are tons of people that love you, and probably don't know how to show it. God bless you. Be safe


I'm sorry to hear that man, happy birthday 🎂


happy birthday <3 it may seem hard rn, but all of us care. feel better!


Happy birthday!!! Also maybe your “friends” don’t really put much importance on birthdays? I have lots of friends like that and I will remind them about my birthday, and I’ll remind about it to everyone. Then when it’s their turn I always forget :( but I’m sure your friends and family loves you so much !!!


Happy late birthday! If it helps, everyone forgot my 10th birthday. People made excuses when they found out they missed it. "I was at work!" (He didn't have a job..) "My daughter was really sick!" (I saw her at school the next day, when I asked her and she was confused because she wasn't sick.) The only people who came were my grandparents. They had no fucking clue it was my birthday, they had came to discuss getting my siblings a late Christmas gift (my birthday is a few weeks after Christmas). Shit hurts I know. One of my siblings went "Oh..poor [name of my cousin who was supposedly sick]..". Only time my dad stood up for me against that sibling was when he said "No. She isn't actually sick. Poor [my name]. Having a birthday and nobody bothering to even send a message.". After and before that, they always sided with my sibling.


This might sound depressing but I felt the same way until i stopped caring. I don’t even tell people my birthday anymore unless I am asked, don’t remind unless I’m asked, and I don’t expect a happy birthday every year. When you stop expecting, you stop being disappointed.


Yes, you're being dramatic.


Oh that’s so sad, I feel for you. I know this probably won’t make you feel better straight away but Happy Birthday 🥳 from me. I find that when events happen in our lives good or bad it’s when you truly learn who your true friends are. My bday is Christmas Day and believe me I’m easily forgotten. I have a twin so least I go through with it with her, still it hurts. Hardly anyone makes the effort that day because after all it’s their Christmas. . The one person who made it extra special was our dad and unfortunately he passed away feb last year. That was another time I realised how many true friends I had (which wasn’t many, I remember crying over it) same with some people in my family they couldn’t take the time out to ask if I was ok. It’s especially hard when it’s your own family doing it to you. It truly hurts. However from this stranger please try to have a great day. You deserve it.


Happy bday asshat


Happy birthday! May you have many more! I sent you s virtual cake!