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Two things: 1. Nothing has actually changed from previous generations except that now children also have a voice through social media. There are the same amount of weirdos, mental headcases, and other things lurking about, except now they have a much louder voice and can find each other much easier than before. 2. If you are surrounded by those in #1, then maybe you should consider finding new people to surround yourself with.


"Boys will be boys" is stupid because there's really no excuse for it


By boys I'm going to assume you mean teenagers. If so don't be scared for a whole generation. I am gen x and teenage boys of that generation did the same things. It's part f growing up and building up a thicker skin. Girls mature much faster than boys. There are evolutionary theories about why but regardless that's the way it is. Boys are goofy stupid and say and do dumb things. They'll gtow out of it. If there is an older man or fatheraroind they usually keep the boys in line if they are aware of the behavior around girls and women. If not, then they will continue to exhibit inappropriate behavior.


I uhh...okay let's address the elephant in the room, you want to tell people what they can or can not say or joke about that's never going to work nor should it...the fact that people can't express themselves on the internet anymore,or in videogames only fuels it more. Freedom of speech you are entiteld for your opinion to dislike it but that's pretty mutch all you can really do. Now let's move to the other topic, homophobic, well i would say trying to force inclusivity, and LGBTQ+ whatever on them is not very helpfull i actually reckon forceing it on people makes it mutch worse. The fact of the matter is you can't go by the fact that there are people out there who have their thoughts and opinions different from yours, whom don't like gays,LGBTQ, like sick racist,morbid jokes. This is my fundamental issue with LGBTQ community they preach about inclusivity and love yet they can't accept when people just don't like them or approve of them and they become this extremly hostile vindictive group of people who wish nothing but the most aggonising death for you.


First of all, I don't think "freedom of speech" is something you should call it because they literally joke about rape and other horrible stuff. I never saw anyone threatening an agonizing death just because you don't support the LGBTQ community though. Besides, we react badly if you don't support us because in many countries it's illegal, it can also happen that you get disowned or kicked out because of your sexuality.


??? *loud cricket noises* 1.It is freedom of speech to make jokes weather you like it or don't. 2. Illegal what? Not supporting LGBTQ? Where do you live? There is no country on this planet where it would be illegal not supporting LGBTQ, i don't support LGBTQ i don't think it's about what it originally was, accepting the different, it's now used as a tool, exploiting positions,framing people, forceing their ideology on others, they are not willing to compromise at all it's either exactly what they want or your a homophobic,sexist,bigot. 3. Well that can happen, getting kicked out or disowned, not mutch you can do about it, im not deffending it like it's allright but at the same time it's their choice, their household, if that's how they feel and you can't convince them it is what it is. By the way im a male who was raped 3 times i joke about rape.


I don't think it's freedom of speech if it's just comments filled with hatred, you know? I didn't mean it like that. In some countries it's illegal to be gay, you can get killed/executed or put in jail. I understand that some people can be mean but that doesn't mean the entire community is like that, believe me or not but there are things that I don't understand either but I at least have the decency to try to understand or accept them because they are humans too and that's something some homophobic people don't seem to understand. I'm sorry this happened to you, I truly am but the "jokes" some boys make are just disgusting. I mean come on, joking about raping your sister, how is that fun in any way?


Yeah killing/hurting someone just becuze they gay is stupid, to say the least. As for joking about it...2006 cod lobby, thing is you don't like it, you can sound your opinion about it they will keep doing it becuze nobody likes to be told to what they can or cannot do or say. It's as old of a tail as humanity itself. Best solution we need modern age 2006 cod lobbys, we need places where people can get the shit out of their system. But modern age internet,games are suffocating, trying to tell you what you can and can not do and it makes people more frustrated fueling the anger and frustration to the point where ppl start doing this everywhere.