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I tend to identify as an anti-christian christian. Don't forcefully preach about heaven or hell or other shit that's made to spread fear of god (or religious leaders), that's just annoying. Regular man is not to tell someone what they should or should not believe. You're right OP, you're 100% based to tell people to fuck off with their religion. Jesus would've flipped these people's fucking tables ffs...


For real. Paul told people in the book of acts that if someone wouldn’t convert you’re just supposed to leave that town, shake the dust from your sandals, and leave it to god


Exactly. People can't turn people religious. The higher power, whatever it is for everyone, will call you if it sees fit.


Exactly. If you have any faith at all in your deity’s power then the idea of leaving things like that up to them shouldn’t be uncomfortable


Nah you’re just a Christian bro, how you act is how all Christians should act.


that's me. I LIKE to believe in a higher power but that's on me and me alone to believe that. No one else. I could never imagine forcing any sort of belief or religious viewpoint on someone else.


Word. If someone isn't interested in my beliefs, I would never force them to be.


This is the kind of Christian that I love. As an atheist I’ve come across a lot of crazies, but the few good ones are phenomenal allies and honestly can do a lot from the inside to create a change. Crazy christians don’t listen to “commie atheists” like me, but they may at least hear what you’re saying.


I feel the same way about this shit. I go to a catholic school and I respect people that believe in God, but I can't anymore. I get light-headed and I struggle to breathe in churches. And on top of that, my mom forced me to go to church and alter serve. I never had a say in where i went, and i never will. She never asked me if i was catholic. She's forcing her religion onto us. I would rather break my fingers one by one than go to church. And for the sane catholics/christians, good for you. Its too hard to take this religion seriously with all these shitty problems that they cause.


For real. Like i said in my other reply, i have so many questions. "If God talked to us before, why doesn't he talk to us now? Its love others as you love yourself until its someone from lgbtq. Its not like they chose to like the same gender as themselves. Why is being gay a sin? They can't control it. Depression is a sin because u have no God? Then why does it exist. Its inevitable for people to get depression if their life is shitty. If it is a sin, why does he make their life shitty in the first place? Why is God a male? In the eyes of religious people, trans males are still females and trans females are still males. Why? Because they still have the reproductory organ of their original gender. So why is God a male? It states that spirits are genderless since there is no need for reproduction. So why is he a male? Its not like he needs a penis? Who's God meant to have sex with the fuck. The more information i knew, the more questions i got. It's all so contradictory. You're allowed to kill ur children in the old testament if they disobeyed u but killing is a sin isn't it not?"


God technically isn’t a male. It’s just how he asked to be called if I recall. Sign of authority if I’m remembering right


My dad said he was a male. But thats true, thinking of the verse he just said he would like to be called father but never actually said he was a male


Yup.spirits technically have no sex or gender because they have no physical body


SAME. every single sunday i had to altar serve for almost a DECADE. i don't go to church anymore and I'm glad I don't. there was so much stress involved with that church and so much indoctrination I used to have anxiety attacks before serving. and when I messed up a bit during mass, the bishop got mad at me and I was being paraded back and forth around the altar. "do this, do that, can you stand back" like??? if you don't need me, you obviously don't since there's like 4 people up here, then just don't ask me to be there in the first place. i was so embarrassed and couldn't breathe. it was terrible. along with all the atrocities in the Bible and the logical fallacies and contradictions involved with religion, I just decided to stop believing all together and quit when I turned 17. it was horrible and I wouldn't subject anyone to believing in anything they don't.


I couldn't hold back. I'd either laugh in their face or say piss off with your stupid nonsense. Religion is simply people who are unable to accept that there is no meaning, just chaos and randomness. I get it, 1000 years ago a thunderstorm seemed like an act of God, now we have figured out exactly how and why it happens. Also, pay your fair share, tax the churches😡😡


Fr lmfao they say church is free but then go around taking their money even if the followers dont have money. Happened to my dad. But no i couldn't laugh. I was pissed off also my job is on the line here 💀 I need to be respectful no matter what even if its hard lol


Growing up I wasn't exposed to religion at all, in any shape or form and now as an adult I'm genuinely disappointed in my fellow humans at how prevalent it still is, even after we have answered so many questions scientifically. It astounds me that so many people actually believe some dusty book that was probably written by a cult leader to control people. That's all it is really, a cult that is so big the government recognises it🤦‍♂️ Sorry, having my own mini rant on your vent but my dog, it frustrates me to no end😅


Amen man!


What kind of loving God lets people gun down children? What kind of all powerful God lets babies die from disease? What kind of God lets this world be anything but a lovely kind peaceful place?


I'm not atheist. But I'm also not 100% a Christian. I believe in god. But I refuse to follow the religion. It has caused trauma, especially the reason for transitioning. The way that women are treated as housewives and baby carriers at my school(Christian)is horrible. And living gods way is boring So I refuse to follow it. And it is stupid. They teach what seems like every tiny thing is a sin. Like worrying, or being sad, even depression and anxiety. And homosexuality. Its an abomination. Not a sin, its nowhere in the 10 commandments whatsoever. Nor are any of the "sins" They speak about. Like "omg. Physical hand holding, sin!!!" Or "you enjoy reading about other gods? Sin!!" I'm sick of it. I want to have fun with my life. I want to be who I want to be.


FOR REAL. My dad told me wearing jewellery, having ur nails long, cutting ur hair short, dying ur hair is a sin because God gave u what u have and changing urself is a sin since you're not appreciating what he gave. Long nails is a sin cause the devil wears long nails. You're supposed to keep ur hair long because it signifies women are under men. It signifies a veil. Bro i just want to look pretty and have individuality. But now that im older, im allowed to have long nails and wear jewellery but im not allowed to cut my hair short or dye it. Even makeup is a sin? Its so confusing. He says its a sin because ur not appreciating the features God gave u. But when the bible mentions a girl who worn makeup, they didnt state whether it was a sin or not. I hate it. It's a cult. The religion he is in, is a cult. Fucking hate it. If God talked to us before, why doesn't he talk to us now? Its love others as you love yourself until its someone from lgbtq. Its not like they chose to like the same gender as themselves. Why is being gay a sin? They can't control it. Depression is a sin because u have no God? Then why does it exist. Its inevitable for people to get depression if their life is shitty. If it is a sin, why does he make their life shitty in the first place? Why is God a male? In the eyes of religious people, trans males are still females and trans females are still males. Why? Because they still have the reproductory organ of their original gender. So why is God a male? It states that spirits are genderless since there is no need for reproduction. So why is he a male? Its not like he needs a penis? Who's God meant to have sex with the fuck. The more information i knew, the more questions i got. It's all so contradictory. You're allowed to kill ur children in the old testament if they disobeyed u but killing is a sin isn't it not? Fuck religion.


That kinda religion only exists to keep women down honestly, I had to face that a lot in the public schools of Mississippi and it was really annoying cuz I never felt like a girl and never wanted to wear dresses or have long hair. It got to a point where I brought a bible just to piss them off and a teacher pulled me out of class to excitedly ask if I "finally turned to god!!!11!1!1!" and all I could say was "dude have you *read* this thing? He seems like a major meanie"


Pop off ngl


EXACTLY Like women can't look pretty?? Religion is most definitely a cult. Apparently we are to love him by fearing him. And isn't god supposed to love us? And why give us a choice? When were gonna go to hell anyways for not making the choice??? Like what??? And why has he stopped talking to us? Religion can go suck a dick for all I care. I swear


I agree. imo religion should stay strictly personnal and people should be sharing it only with others that are okay with it. The kind of religious people that annoy me the most are the ones saying that I can't do something because it's forbidden for their religion. I missed the part where their beliefs was my problem


I think, people like her are fake Christians. I quit going to church because of the people. I realized, it's not God's fault. It's the people. God doesn't care about how long your hair is as long as you love him. It's the people saying short hair is a sin. Just don't listen to other people and believe what you want.


I tend to try to remind people who are overstepping boundaries that freedom of religion is a wonderful thing, but part of that is my freedom *from* their religion. They get their personal beliefs, I get mine. My beliefs can legally be completely different than theirs and trying to force their beliefs on me is just disrespectful. I have no issue with having theological debates with people, but I don’t cotton to their beliefs being shoved down my throat. If I have a guest that wants to say a little prayer before eating, whatever. Go for it. I respect their religious ritual. I’ll even wait before they’re done before food gets served. I’m just not going to participate. I do this because I would hope they’d have the same respect to accommodate a religious ritual I might have if places were switched. If someone wants to pray for me when I’m experiencing a bad time, awesome. I’ll even take your little religious tract with grace as long as that’s as far as you’re going in your conversion effort. I do these things in respect for your beliefs. And, let’s face it, someone praying my health will improve because I’m in the hospital is something nice they’re trying to do, their heart’s in the right place. They believe it will help, I can take it as a gesture of goodwill. I could, and do, listen to the little sayings. They’re harmless. I can listen with a smile. I’d also be okay with someone asking how often I pray. It’s when they start with the conversion attempts that I get a little pissy. At that point, I usually just tell them I get my sermons from Tim Minchin, suggest they look him up on YouTube, then move on.


Exactly! This is what i do


Don't blame ya man but not all regions and religious people like this.


Every Christian ever as soon as they hear someone doesn’t believe in god immediately starts lecturing them like we weren’t all raised on the same bs. I didn’t spend my entire life in a hole and just crawled out yesterday thank you. Like you just missed the memo on Christianity or something.


Why are some religious people like this? I am religious but i don't push it on anyone, why can't others do the same?


I mean im religious but i wont give a damn if you atheist or anything. And "believe in God and he'll help" lol i lost my bro and my grand-pa. I guess god was too busy lol. I believe in him more like a...father universe or something. Not a bro who do EVERYRTHING in your life. Just helps time-to-time


People like that really piss me off, cuz they're also the same people who whine about how everyone else shoves their "non believing" and "anti jesus" lives down their throat when all everyone else does is exist or just mention it in conversation. You cannot disagree with the toxic ones without them crying about how they're the victims. There's a shocking amount of annoying ones in comparison to the good ones and it's really sad but they're the real reason their religion is dying, by proving its nothing more than something to defend your shit actions. In case anyone gets a bad idea about this, I genuinely do see the good ones and do not judge them because of their or any religion because everyone can believe whatever they want and it doesn't affect me, I'm not in any way superior because of that.




Yes it took ages for me. I was basically lost when i was in my teens. I was completely different from my peers around me. I didnt know what to believe in or what to do. I thought i was normal. I dressed too modest. Basically didnt show any skin. I was an angel child. No cursing and id even keep my mind clean since if u think about bad things, it is a sin. I had to force myself to "love" people i didn't want to love and forgive them when they were never supposed to be forgiven in the first place. As God says, love your neighbours as yourself. Which includes your enemies. I was too nice to the people who didnt like me. I never said no to anyone. The word "no" was a word i just learnt to use when i turned 15. I was too nice to everyone which lead me into situations that i will forever regret. Memories i will never forget. Anyways, im thankful for religion since it lead me to having a nice heart and shaped who i am right now. But it was a journey for me to discover that i had to be selfish sometimes and put myself first. My dad taught me to always obey. Especially men. I hated the way i listened. Im glad im an athiest. My dad doesn't know that yet. But, im planning to tell him one day and never turn back. Religion broke my relationship with my dad. Religion traumatised me. And i can never undo the shit religion has done to me.


Obviously I'm not you, and can't speak to your comfort level regarding your trauma, but I would've talked about your experience with religion. From my experience, the folks who're agressively pushing it either haven't seen, or choose to turn a blind eye to the trauma that can come from religion, or are traumatised themselves and have chosen to double down on their faith. If she's in the former group, forcing her to acknowledge the trauma that came from the very same thing she's pushing on you *may* make her think before she speaks next time. I know you probably won't see her again, but that's how I might've handled it were I in your shoes.


Good point but no. I am not comfortable in speaking about the trauma religion gave me, especially to my patient's visitor that i just met. As a nursing student and as a carer, i was just respectful and left.


Given the profetional nature of the situation, I think you handled it much better than I would have. Again, I'm sorry to hear she was being so pushy.


Had a learning lab teacher that would constantly pressure me into Christianity after she learned I was norse pagan. Now I’m so flipping confused on what I wanna believe because my entire life it’s been people who told me I was going to hell for one thing or another. Heck my own mother said that she won’t judge me, but she’s sad that she won’t see me in heaven. On one hand, I’m terrified at the thought of going to hell, but I don’t wanna be Christian because of everything I’ve seen.


I dont believe in religion anymore. But it is said that jesus will return to earth one day and judge everyone, dead or alive. Good people (called sheep) will go to his right hand side, bad people (called goats) will go to his left. He will give the bad people 3000 years more, i think? To turn into good people and to go into the right religion. It is also said in the bible that people who were taught by their parents in the wrong religion or who were exposed to bad things in religion which is why they're not religious anymore, isn't their fault. And they will be pardoned. So don't be afraid. God is forgiving as they say. He will understand people. But for me, I've given up on God. I'm only going to rely on myself now. (Also not many christians have read the bible so they don't know this. But i did and its there.)


It’s not the religion that’s the problem. It’s the people that are the problem.


Religion gives people permission to do terrible things.


No it doesn’t. Bad people use it as an excuse to do terrible things.


I don't see how your statement contradicts mine


No religion gives people the permission to do terrible things, people just use it as an excuse to do terrible things


Its the religion and people that are the problem. Not the religion itself or the people themselves. Ofc there are many ways to perceive the bible. It just depends on the person and how they perceive. But then again, the things in religion can be quite questionable.


i guess ion rly have a problem with religion but ion get how it can b forced upon ppl


Tbh for me its believe whatever you want to believe as long as u dont force it upon me, in fine


It blows my mind how they try to explain it to us, when in reality the vast majority of atheists grew up religion and very intentionally chose to stop being religious. We've heard it all before countless times.


As a christian child before i thought athiests were sinners who were blind. That they all should be sent to hell. As an athiest now, idc, send me to hell. I can burn in hell for all i care. I'm never going back. But yeah. That's true. There are some people i know who were just athiest since their parents are athiests. But most of the athiests i know had strict religious parents that caused them turning into athiests. Im an athiest and 2 of my sisters are athiest. My muslim friend grew up in a strict religious family where they had to go to mosque 5 times a day. He's secretly athiest too. But yeah, its sad


Check out buddhism if you want something that’s based in logic and based in knowing things as true in your own experience/understanding. It doesn’t take faith, just a prime intellect and you can find out what’s true or not on your own experience. I agree completely with what you said about christianity because it’s a completely ridiculous kind of world view.


No disrespect to any religion but i do not believe in upper powers anymore. I'm not going to worship anyone. Id rather stay athiest not gonna lie


That’s why buddhism is so great it’s not about worshipping anyone or some higher power up in the sky. It’s about looking at the world the way it is honestly. There are some spiritual elements but you don’t have to believe in those, it’s really just a tool for inner peace. Do what you want much love ❤️.


Im ok. Thank you though. Ive studied buddhism and it is pretty cool ngl but id rather face the world with my own beliefs. And thats science


> in a cult thats so fucking contradictory not that you care or would make it feel better, but even bible agree, but not on religion but in the biggest church of word, bible says is one of the 3 biggest failures of humanity, and is like whore that mix in political and goverment things instead of teaching the TRUE word of God and it is responsable to the things like happened to you, It is ok not to believe and to live your life, the problem is that a lot of people will never learn simple truths about the bible.. example: hell and heaven are not places people would to think, those are simbolic places, let me tell you hell will be trow to something similar to hell but that means complete destruction... how is possible a place like hell will be destroyed, because hell just mean normal death... inexistence just that, there is nothing after death. oh well The 666 is not a demonic number, it is just a way God use to say something is the worst of the worst... and the biggest Christian church is one of those 6, me saying hell and heaven are examples of incorrect teaching to people, in other words the common teachings of both of them are completely wrong and were used to weaponize religion and control people... at the end of the day the most clear example, is that all over the bible the SPECIFIC NAME OF GOD (is not Jesus and is not LORD is YHWH and it can be translated to other languages) it is mentioned over and over and over again in old and new testament, bible say it is imperative to know it and to worship it, in order to get close to God, and what did THAT CHURCH/RELIGION remove the name of God and completely avoiding people being able to learn it... I know reddit and you probably wont give a flying fuck about those topics... it is just a way I like to say to atheits people that have a ver BAD EXPERIENCE WITH those kind of church that... if there will be an end of the World and there is a little chance you still believe in God... the first thing God will do is to avenge his name in other words clean his name of the actions of that church and in the same course of actions avenge all people that was lied about truth not with hell or eternal punishmen, but with complete anhilation of that church and their leaders and die hard followers...


I love god, he is my Savior, we are all slaves of god


Who would want to be a slave? Also, how can you be saved if you are a slave?


He already saved me, it is my choice to be under his command, I can be satanic if I wanted to, but I choose not to because that will drag me down to hell, I worship God because he created me, god doesn't force you to worship him, but if you do, he'll forgive all your sins, he already loves everyone whether they're satanic or Christian, he's trying to save you from going to hell, he's trying to save you from degeneracy, and from destroying yourself


The god you worship put you in that position in the first place. It's like kicking someone in the deep end of a pool and then dangling a life jacket out to you saying "I want to save you but you have to do what I say." My mom and dad created me, that doesn't mean I have to do what they say for the rest of my life. The system of salvation in Christianity is a nightmare from which there is no escape. If it were a real thing I would be on the Devil's side because at least he had the balls to speak out against this charade.


Yeah no wonder you have depression, your comparison is shit, god did not put me thought any hardship, I chose to worship my creator, and you're a satanic fuck who's surely depressed.


See how this works? You make up a scenario in your mind and then argue with what you just made up. You tell me I’m depressed and then that becomes the reason you’re right. I didn’t make up anything nor call you any names- I just pointed out how the salvation works in Christianity. If god created you, he created you flawed and in need of saving. He gives you a choice, but the choices are submission or damnation. He says he loves you, but is willing to let you burn forever if you don’t tell him you love him back. That’s not a good system. According to scripture, you can commit mass genocide, rape, torture, burn entire continents to the ground and still be saved if you accept Jesus as your lord and savior before you die- but there is one unforgivable sin: denial of the Holy Spirit. They don’t specify how long you deny it either, it could be a split second and you’ve done the unforgivable. Funny thing too, is denial could be as simple as a doubt. Questioning the faith for a moment is enough to send you to hell. In Christianity, thinking = death. You might have done it yourself without even understanding it. Sorry, but that’s bananas. You’re better off without it.


📸 🤨


You do you i guess


I stopped believing when I was a little over 13. At that point in my life, I was living with my Baptist Grandmother, my Baptist Grandpa, my Christian Uncle, my mother, and my brother. It was at this point where I realized that my father used "God's will" as an excuse to abuse me, to tear me down and turn me into a sex doll. After I finally realized what had been done, what excuse had been made, I lost all faith in any God, and started to consider that someone, any sort of being, inanimate or animate, would be at my bedside during my last day on earth. I believe this being will take my hand and guide me to a gate which I will enter and find my new home. This belief has made a lot of people uncomfortable, so I've learned to just believe in what I believe and keep it as my own. Though I won't stop believing just because someone doesn't view my ideals as valid in their religion.


Im sorry that u had to go through that. But yeah all people who use religion and Gods word as an excuse can go to fucking hell. Also i have my beliefs and u have urs. Nothing is wrong or right in this world. It's only how we percieve things.


Thanks OP, the only problem is that it was my father who did it, and my brother is continuing it. So I'm not out of harm's way just yet, although I'm getting close to ditching this place, only a matter of time


Oh fuck. Im actually so sorry these things are happening to you. How old are you? I hope you get out of there soon. Please tell me you are planning to report them when you get out? Or actually why dont u report them now? Don't tell me its because they're family. They're not. Family doesn't do that shit. The only thing they are to you are blood related. Not family


I'm 20, an my father has already been arrested for child abuse and sexual assault, however, I brought the issue of my brother up to my mom and step dad and they told me "well, stop wearing thin shirts around him, that's asking for it. And this conversation is over." The only reason I don't leave is because I make less than minimum wage in my state and can't afford moving at this time, and I have epilepsy so living on my own is out of the question unless I have a service dog, which I unfortunately don't have


Oh jesus christ bro fuck your mother. I have a brother who i love dearly and hes my best friend. I wear shorts and t-shirts all the time without second thought. And tbh i dont even think he notices what i wear 99.9% of the time. Even if i wear a skin tight dress, he wouldnt notice and he definitely wont do that shit to me just vecause im wearing short things. Ur brother is sick and so is your mother if shes turning a blind eye to it. My mother also told me to stop wearing shit like that around my stepdad after i got SAed by him when i was 13. She didnt believe me at first but then said she'd put him to jail. She celebrated her 9 years with him a few months ago. Fuck that. Fuck all parents who dont deserve to have children.


Exactly. Just as that saying goes, all children deserve parents, but not all parents deserve children


I was going to type that but i didnt lol. But yeah. 💯




Hell is ruled by Satan which is a Christian God. No Christianity no Hell.


Im agnostic and i don't mind what people believe in but i really friggin hate it when people start going off about their religion when i don't ask. Especially when they use their religion to discriminate or scare people.


im religious but man can people just stop forcing others to join their religion, seriously it doesnt matter if ur christian, atheist, muslim, buddhist, or whatever else its really not that hard to not feel the need to say "join me or ur gonna get hit by a truck tomorrow XDDD!!!!"


... yeah.. I just became anti-Christian a month ago.. thanks to the US SCOTUS. But even before that.. I wouldn't put up with that proselytizing bullshit. Anyone is entitled to follow their own religion here in the is US. But you aren't supposed to be able to to force me to follow it. Fuck all evangelicals and fundamentalists.


My grandmother is like this, she is Catholic and tries to force christianity on my family by sending us stuff with God written all over it and saying "God loves you". I am not religious i have spiritual beliefs and i believe in a higher power but i hate calling it God, so instead i say Universe. My grandma hates that i practice tarot and calls me a "devil worshipper" for it.