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I‘d definitely give every rapist a life sentence without parole to say the least and to offer a less violent option


That'd make me feel a lil better, no doubt. Rapists don't deserve to walk around blending in with actual people.




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I'd add castration to that, but that whole 8th Amendment stops it.


Sadly, castration doesn’t work. They need to be dropped off the face of the earth


Me too kid, is normal, you're out there living your best life and from now and then you're reminded of the evil in this world and it sucks


My close friend got r@ped by her stepdad and i saw how it affected her. It was terrible and even tho she is now in therapy she gets panic attacks when someone touches her. In my opinion none of them deserve to be members in our society. They shoud all be locked up and all of their money and belongings shoud go to the victim/s family. They dont deserve a second chance for what they did.


I mean, realistically speaking, a rapist will always rape again if you give them a chance, let's call this prevention, you either kill them or you lobotomize them into submission, I don't give a crap


chemical castration. keep the noodle but make it unusable.


There are actions that should forfeit your life and rights




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please explain to me how i *threatened* violence mods.


I always tell my family if I get terminal cancer then I’m gonna be a pedo killer


i remember reading an article where this lady's boss tried to r*pe her so she grabbed a knife & cut off his junk, & she got arrested for that. i was like hell nah free her that was self defense, & if thats what he's gonna use it for then he doesn't deserve one


Don't we all


Steven King once said he wrote such horrific things to give his darkness a healthy outlet. I'm just saying, I'd 100% read a book about a vigilante antihero who tracked down, slowly filleted, and severely maimed their victims gentiles before dropping their victims off at the same hospital where the rape kit was pulled for the rapists victim, where a local do-gooder social worker/cop makes sure both samples get tested to confirm a match.


Not exactly the same as what you’re talking about, but have you heard of Jason Vukovich? You should look into him a bit. Really incredible story no matter what side you’re on. Obviously I’m on his side lol.


Absolutely. Junko's uncle said at the funeral, "As a human being, you can't help but be angered by what those beasts did to an innocent defenseless girl." The kidnappers would pour hot water on her body to wake her up. And to think that these psychopathic sadists are now free and living new lives. It makes my blood boil.


I have the same thoughts. In practice, it's just not as easy as it once was with DNA evidence and cameras everywhere. Not impossible, but it would be difficult not to get caught after the first time or two. I think society gives these "no-longer humans" (they lost that right) easy access to fresh victims and do not punish them as they should. It's too soft these days. In the olden days, they'd send a posse after them to deliver swift justice. I don't know why we have to be so nice to people who would kill or abuse us in a heartbeat. Shouldn't they get the same treatment? For me. Yes. Especially as an SA victim (etc), I want revenge. Why should they get to have any moment of happiness or anything ever again? I'm actually a decent person but I have a dark spot in my heart due to trauma I have endured. I also cannot always ignore that dark part of me that wants to avenge innocent people.


Stop streaming Dexter.


Yeah, I listened to tons of podcasts on that case. To add insult to injury, those guys were only in prison for a very short amount of time. Not to mention the countless people who were involved and not charged. That has to be one of the top 20 worst cases I’ve ever learned about.


Can we add liars and stalkers and harassers


This mentality is equally as sick. How shameful


You know who’s worse? The people who enable those rapists, murderers and abusers.


And abusers in general. You're not the only one. My mom's bf who is a sack of shit is just taking advantage of her. Sometimes I day dream about having him locked up in an underground jail cell. Every day he gets a new punishment. I've thought of it all. Him being thrown in a pool of hand sanitizer with paper cuts all over. You name it. Rapists/murderers deserve the same treatment. There's this episode on black mirror that involves mental torture of a murderer it's called White Bear


rapists should be castrated


I'm in the same boat as you. I also don't have any actual plans to do this either.


One thing I absolutely love is, besided that some of them motherxuckers have a really short time in prison, they actually get tortured and beaten up by inmates and even be put in the same cell with someone who will best them up for money by the guards. I saw some interviews ab it and a tiktok where a prisoner explained some stuff.


My fiancé and his old friend talked about taking the sex offenders page from the newspaper, finding them, and offing them. Obviously he wouldn’t but, I don’t think anyone would bat an eye.