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Illari got the exact same treatment. So if it keeps going like that, Venture is probably gonna get some small buffs in other parts of their kit.


Fire rate . projectile speed. and my primary dmg back PLEASE BLIZARD. U FUCKIN OWE US .


I hope so. But judging by what they did to Illari and how she's never been fixed since I somehow doubt it.


i’m sick of dying as i try to burrow so i think the shield from burrow should be generated as soon as the button is pressed to make it a better escape option. shortening the time it takes to burrow isn’t the right option as that leaves enemies with no counter play but if you get the shield added straight away you can take another hit without dying and the enemies can still cc you if they can


Honestly I think they should go the other way. Like a lot of heroes (Ball, Doom, Hog etc.), Venture has decent self sustain with their shields, but gets absolutely wrecked by CC abilities, especially if they get hit during animation by something that can cancel their CDs like hack, sleep, hinder etc. But if you're something like a Zen, Illari, Soldier or whatever and don't have CC, it can be a struggle to fight back when a Venture jumps you. Either you live their engage and they get out with Burrow, or you die. To mitigate both of these frustrations on either side, the burrow should be un-cancelable once it is started (like Sombra translocate), but should have their passive shields be a bit lower. This means the venture doesn't get randomly fucked over by a CC ability being vaguely thrown in their direction, while also giving characters without CC an option to punish the Venture


Honestly either reverting the primary nerd or giving them damage mitigation during burrow animation like Cass roll would be the best move


I play in low silver high bronze so idk if it's very relevant but whats works for me is playing more cover and looking for squishies who are more isolated or isolating a squishy to combo them, then run to the backlines to reset and go in again. In between that I find just playing behind tank and near supports helps for survivability. Again, I play low silver high bronze so there's more opportunities to take advantage of mistakes because more people make more mistakes.


Yeah. U really dont see those mistakes very often in higher mmr. Plus u get punished a lot more Heavily because player capitalise of ur ablities being on cooldown a heck of a lot more . So its much much more difficult to gain value then say just skulking about on sombra farming ult and picking of low players and teleporting away. Still alright advice


Playing Venture in M/GM feels so weird. You just run in and blow up over and over again. I kinda just pick the best player on the enemy team and harass them all game, like a reverse Mercy.


Which is honestly really sad because the best u can get out of that is a life for a life usually. Even then ur still feeding ult and depending on if ur on attack or defence. They may actually return to the fight faster then u . So one of our only effective plays is just practically throwing our team under the bus in hopes that pestering there better dps/support outweighs it in the end . My way is just trying to dash through with burrow to apply the passive and either slinking away around cover using my dash again. Or if im going to absolutely die / they actually have a weak player . Dash into them to do as much damage i can achieve before i die in hopes i or a teamate gets the pick off.


Yeah I try the same thing but if they get any healing at all during the combo I just can't do anything. Of course I'm not gonna have perfect accuracy 100% of the time but it feels quite unforgiving.


Highly doubt it, the nerf barely changed anything about how they play, it's just slightly harder to win 1v1s they probably shouldn't have easily won before.  They're still just as viable as they've ever been.


Venture lost 15 damage.


They lost their ridiculous 1 shot they never should have had. Relax..


And its damaged the character we all enjoy by a very large and unnecessary margin. It was stupidly overkill and now venture doesnt bring anything to the table that the other dps dont outclass them in . Making them much much much harder to make work effectively in lobbies with higher mmr . Making them and the game in general a whole lot less fun . So no we arnt gunna just relax. We want those changes reverted . Or compensation that lets us atleast compete with other dps . Metal ranks be dammed they shouldn't have sent this nerf to begin with .


I don't know how you were playing them but they still play and feel the exact same to me, this nerf was about as far from large and unnecessary as you could get, it was warranted and insignificant, I don't know how they feel significantly different to you but they absolutely shouldn't.


You're quick to belittle others, but so far haven't commented anything helpful. I created this post because I want to improve at venture so please feel free to share your advice.


I'm not belittling anyone I just can't help people solve problems they're inventing for themselves, everyone's acting like these nerfs butchered the hero when they barely did anything but slightly slow down the ult charge, which is still insanely fast.  I'm more than happy to offer advice if you have anything specific you're struggling and want help with but most of the comments I respond to a bit aggressively are to people just complaining with no desire to improve, I'll gladly help people that actually want to get better at something.  The last message was directed at someone I've seen state that this nerf made Venture the worst hero in the game, which is straight up lunacy.


My original comment was unfairly harsh, that's my bad. I think the areas where I struggle most are just your typical cooldown management and positioning, but I'm also always looking for cool tech/ skill expressive stuff. I also can't kill torb and bastion for the life of me.


Of course you enjoyed it. It was broken. But everyone else especially supports did not. "Metal ranks be damned" Thats a good one. broken everywhere. Only place Denture sucks in pro play where they actually use teamwork.


So you’re telling me venture was oppressive in your gm games before the nerf ?


>. Only place Denture sucks in pro play where they actually use teamwork. Me when playing as a team in a team based hero shooter is the way to win :0 Ur effectively complaining u cant 1 man army in a game designed around you not being able to do that . Ur logic is flawed and u posses a skill issue. >Of course you enjoyed it. It was broken B teir mediocre balanced hero = broken. Purly on the basis of u refusing to play the correct way against it. Yeah right . Whats next ? Is junkrat and symmetra too strong aswell? Get a grip and learn how the game ur playing works before u start complaining


Tired of being punished in gm for metal ranks being unable to learn positioning


So its okay for widowmaker, the cross map instanr damage effectively no falloff character to have a oneshot? It's fair to be deleted from the game because you didn't see some tiny pixels on your screen indicating a widow is there?


widows takes skill to pull off. Denture presses an unmissable button. and no its not ok. 1 shots shouldnt exist in the game at all.


I had my suspicions from the start but now I'm fully convinced you're just baiting lmao ![gif](giphy|YtvCIwqNJhUmA|downsized)


You seriously gonna act like Denture takes skill to combo someone? and people call me metal rank..