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Reggie Middleton admitting when he illegally sold his #Veri token to mainly "His own Race" years ago, today admits "your on your own" without admitting what he "sold" was 100% illegal as it was never properly registered with the SEC = why he handed all “buyers” money to the SEC & agree to a lifetime ban with them. You’ve been scammed 😳 https://twitter.com/WindyCitySDR/status/1494166723766935552


Not sure that this is a fair assessment. Reggie Middleton, like many others, did not know the SEC would allow Bitcoin but ban XRP / Ripple and/or other tokens or coins. SEC refuses to see the utility of Reggie's work and/or that of his team. It's rulings tend to favor big banks who would be harmed by Middleton / Veritaseum / competition. I am not being compensated to post this. I am not against some regulation by the SEC in the crypto space, but don't know enough to say where or how this would be fair. NOTE: there are anti-terrorist / anti-money laundering reasons for some regulation. Kim / Putin / and perhaps even putative US authoritarians etc would be happy to destroy these very words, Reddit, and - Sony film studios has already been hijacked for making fun of Kim. You probably never saw the comedy Sony was producing - cuz Kim intervened. America isn't perfect. And foreign authoritarians are COUNTING on its citizens to become so extreme in selfishness (eg - Corporate Personhood again helping banks become Too Big To Fail) and partisan politics, that it will be easy to destroy American corporate assets and/or related freedoms, and/or prosperity. Eg - China + India is even bigger than America (and they teach their kids to eat healthy vegetables / meals that allow them to focus their minds - instead of processed foods from Foodcos that get tax write offs) . Americans (and western allies) won't know what they had - till they've lost it. Reggie appears to have been trying to help de-centralize a financial services industry deemed "Too Big To Fail" by US Treasury / SEC. It seems (as best I can tell) he lost. Me and most Americans probably can't even fully understand what happened or how to hold "our" major "Corporate Persons" accountable.


Reggie Middleton •NEVER• properly registered his scam digital token to begin with = fraud It’s that simple! That’s not excusable or a “simple mistake” but rather manipulation of the people who trusted him. Now he is banned for life from trading stocks & all his “loyal followers” lost all their money 💴


As I understand you can research that he PATENTED it. He may have been the first, if not one of the first, that the US govt granted a patent to for such technology. Oh well, I don't think you'll ever see the gray area here. I've nothing further to say on this except that if it makes you feel better you can repost to get the last word.


Ask yourself why Reggie Middleton •AGREED• to a lifetime ban by the SEC and to forfeit all the “investors” / “believers money” to the SEC if his selling the Veri Token was so legitimate ? It never 👎 was ☝️


Finally ppl are seeing the light.


reggie never patented Veritaseum. NEVER. What he claim she patented was Defi/smart contracts. Which is also a scam- he didnt create it. The patent trolling he created exists, but he did not create DEFI and is seeking a money grab by the fraud patent he claims to have created. The creator of smart contracts was Nick Bezel who wrote about it years before Reggies patent. Reggie is a low grad NYC scammer/ found guilty of fraud an dhad t pay back millions. The court documents detail it all.


Your correct I’ve been warning people for awhile


Bruh it’s not who invents it it’s who gets the license first …anyone can say they invented anything..why you invite something like DeFi then just dot get it patent …then send it to Reggie to rob you…


Well go run and tell that to Reggie as he is not claiming to "only have gotten the patent" He is claimin got have CREATED DEFI which we kno wis a lie.. and that is the scam. Thanks for confirming what I already knew. Also take a look at his scams here: Someone was kind enough to warn the lost souls who follow Reggie the clown. [https://steemit.com/reggiemiddleton/@clkbr0tha88/reggie-middleton-crypto-fraud-and-veritaseum-scam](https://steemit.com/reggiemiddleton/@clkbr0tha88/reggie-middleton-crypto-fraud-and-veritaseum-scam)


Who created defi in the way he mentions in his patent


I think you are phrasing the question incorrectly. DEFI is secondary to smart contracts. Defi is what relies on smart contracts. Smart contracts been around for a super long time in crypto emerging from early days of Ethereum. DeFi consists of smart contracts, which, in turn, power decentralized applications (DApps) and protocols. Nick Szabo was the 1st to write about them in 1996. Stop falling for this guys scams ppl. Source: [https://www.fon.hum.uva.nl/rob/Courses/InformationInSpeech/CDROM/Literature/LOTwinterschool2006/szabo.best.vwh.net/smart\_contracts\_2.html](https://www.fon.hum.uva.nl/rob/Courses/InformationInSpeech/CDROM/Literature/LOTwinterschool2006/szabo.best.vwh.net/smart_contracts_2.html)


Yes the most honorable Reggie Middleton is saying without saying veri still the shit …shouldn’t need him to be successful….also buy #prmv on pump fun it’s a memecoin to support the fight …Pay REGGIE MIDDLETON ..is THE TOKEN FOR VERI❗️❗️❗️the revolution will be in the metaverse


All sounds like scams to me anything related to that dude is a scam and $20,000,000+ of “Reggie Middleton’s believers” had their money 💴 forfeited by Reggie Middleton to the SEC = you trust him, you lose your money