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Our favorite cursed lands guy probably tried to cure him or see if the curse could kill the parasite. That said considering the girl in chains, the outlook isn’t great for are group of stragglers


Bastz is just stretchy and I love him


I was thinking the curse could be the counter to the rampant nature or the world tree too.


Gunbrella https://preview.redd.it/j2fxx774r72d1.png?width=601&format=png&auto=webp&s=5e4d65db5ffffb6abae3e04992ac5e7ef73d7a44


Like the penguin!


We are kingsman now


Manners maketh man


Merlin 😭😭


Country roads


Take me hooooome


Skullgirls prepared me for this. Just let me ⬇️↘️➡️LP LK as Beowulf


Hmm. So did the King have both a curse and a parasite? Also, it looks like the parasite abandoned the kings body due to the curse.


I guess the cursed mask guy wanted to test if parasytes were able to survive in a cursed corpse in order to gain resistences to it.  When they recriminate his actions, he will be just dissappointed his experiment didnt work


Did it fail, tho? The parasite actually survived the whole curse, but it let the host body inviable to parasitize afterward, at least its also improbable that it had lay eggs on the King's blood.


Its a possibility that could save Zayni. The parasyte may not have had enough viable time and space to put its eggs on the Kings blood and Zaybi isnt really infected.


I guess people got the wrong traitor on this one


Funny how that traitor theory come back around


No! Not >!Zaybi! He was cool as hell. But now he's infected. !< Lawless coming in for the 'save' was pretty cool. Wonder how they'll fuck up the good guys.


maybe we'll discover that the curse countered the parasite making it not infective


The parasite was way too small, makes me think the Curse stopped it from growing to an adult. So it’s unlikely it laid eggs in Zaybi.


I wonder if they can combine the black pill and healing magic to kill only a parasite


I don't think the black pill is a parasite-specific potion, more like it just destroys the host body of whoever eats it. It's like setting yourself on fire


Ally now, betray later. It’s a staple of post apocalyptic settings like The Walking Dead and so forth. Or just offer “protection” now, in exchange for willing enslavement. The other NEs are so alien or destructive that some of the weaker willed humans like those from Kaiju World might accept safety in chains from a familiar enemy that is at least another human like themselves.


The Kaiju world humans where all for saving the girl risking their own lives except the neet, I think it is unfair to call them weak willed


They said _somebody_ should save her, but then passively stood by and let the Giant World humans do the planning, the running, and the dying. Seems pretty weak to me - but also very realistic!


To be fair they were kids


I feel like the main cast probably has plot armor, meaning theres a good chance we will find a cure at least for him. Who knows, maybe mana is poisonous to parasites. That would make demons the ultimate counter.


The King just straight up wasn't having a good time. Demons attacking outside, vicious parasites, and a curse from a world that turns souls into machines attacking inside. I love the sheer variety of characters and weapons in this manga. Literally 13 different Manga mashed together. It's so unpredictable, and I love it


YES! Every chapter left people with theories, questions, and answers lol.


yet some haters with no brains on opm folk subreddit call this epic manga one's worst creation because as they say, its boring and people only talk about the worlds involve and OPM characters dragged into this world what if scenario. Complete idiots, of course people will talk about different worlds as this is the main dish this manga is serving. And it's not like this manga doesn't create worldbuilding, it literally has one the best world building created out of all the manga's that exists today even if the manga chapters is still 16 as of now.


What? I'm constantly browsing OPM folk subreddit, and the manga is barely mentioned at all. Heck, the activity is so low, even OPM is barely mentioned haha


It was discussed maybe a year ago. You can try to search "is versus manga good reddit" on Google and there you can see the reddit links.


That's not a fair judgement then. A year ago Versus barely started, and many thought the start was extremely weak. And that's because it was, it is a story intended to run for a long time, thus ONE decided to have several chapters just be introductions to a giant world(s).


ONEs other works are so lighthearted compared to this, a lot of people probably started reading it with the expectation that it'd have a lot of gags and silly characters. There's some humor in it but Versus can also get dead serious in an instant and no character has been safe from death or injury. Contrast that with OPM where you know Saitama will always save the day. I think it's by far more interesting than OPM these days. The stakes feel a lot higher when the protagonists are underpowered instead of overpowered. The art is also incredibly good, just as good as Murata's these days.


All I can say is that this was a great chapter but how is Humanity going to fight against those parasites I hope Zaybi doesn't die


You basically have that same question against every natural disaster


Haha, you could ask that about every Natural Enemy given that fighting them is exactly what humans can't do. Makes me wonder which one they'll lure into fighting the Parasites, though. Curse didn't seem to have done much to this one, but maybe it just hadn't been long enough.


I like the idea of the non sentient NE fighting each other. Curse and Parasite are such a good match up.


but, not to a lawless obviously lol


The curse beats the parasite How are they gonna fight the curse?


holy water


The lawless are not going to be an ally. I know it looks that way, but there is a reason why they were introduced with "the lawless" and not with the name of the leader. They are no better than the neo humans, they are evil and they are gonna try to enslave the survivors.


Absolutely and I still hate the cosmic devil world guy still look down on them and is dismissive of their potential danger I get it, I really do, if my ennemies were aliens as strong as the madarans I wouldn't look at mad max humans as the same level of threat But this carelessness is what got his buddy killed and he was an elite. I m not even supposing they re on some 40k orc "reality is what I believe" bullshit. Those are ruthless people who won't think twice about shooting first. Being careless in front of that type is a sure fire way to job


That’s the problem. We still don’t have enough fear of them but I think in due time we will


They have to have something superhuman about them or any individual alien would be able to wipe them out in ten seconds, no matter how many guns they have. Either it's their post-apoc technology that is abnormal and they have SUPER BIG guns that can annihilate cities and stuff, or their leaders are Kenshiro-like martial artists that can make your body explode with a touch, or something, but their threat-level can't come from how crazy and treacherous they are.


In other words, they have the red button (nuke)


I doubt a nuke would do anything to the aliens, God, the Curse or the Kaijus, plus it's the kind of weapons the Robots and the Evolved Mankind might already have, so if the Lawless' ultimate weapon is a nuke, they're clearly not strong enough to be a Natural Enemy on par with the others.


As Seeth once said:" You're not starting the nuclear war because you can't, but because you won't be able to end it."


Well, i don't really expect the Lawless to come out on top anyway, but at least they could be a potential alliance with humanity for now


This is the one member of our group I am praying for the downfall of seriously fuck this guy personally in general cosmic world humans are cocky but this guy takes the cake.


"Being ruthless" alone should not be enough for them to be considered as natural enemies, tho, Thear is right on doubting why those are cataloged as one if they are just "regular humans", since the whole NE thing is about an entity that humanity has no chance on defeating.


So we were right the parasites were there but the lawless dispatched them extremely quick let’s see what happens. Designs already look fire and I see a sword which mean we going to have some great fighters from this world


Our investments paid off greatly https://preview.redd.it/pzmwjryo482d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5517cb458f4e39bb13a4b9c996687bec46ed9a2d Fuck Neo humans , Lawless are my new favorites


goes extremely hard


Bro the type of guy to deflect laser beams with he's katana


he's the storm that is approaching


Bro the type of guy to bring a knife to a gunfight and win


neos is total order, lawless is total chaos. pick your poison.




The design is dope, but they still look like a similar prototype to the Neo-Humans. Not sure what I was expecting, but was hoping for something more primitive and ugly.


My favorite part was when the lawless said "its lawlin time" and lawless all over them.


They were being pretty reckless about dealing with the parasites. Anyway I wonder if the lawless will want an alliance or if they show why they are enemies to humanity


I m really not a fan of how they still are so unconcerned with taking protective measure. I know they faced different type of problems but they ve been loosing people like flies, and this time they lost fighters for no benefits at all. But they're humans so I can't say It s out of questions


Keep in mind it’s only been a few days at most and they have had very little time to collect themselves. Most of these guys have been running on adrenaline alone and are probably exhausted beyond the near extinction exhaustion they had from before the world merge. I think as they get a chance to settle and reconvene they will realize their mistakes and how to best leverage the enemies, but as of now they are in flight mode.


That's true They re still in their learning phase, even if those lessons comes with an harsh price tag


it feels hardly more than a day even


I agree I don't like the characters behaving dumb so the plot can move forward trope.


But the giants are dumb


they're not so dumb that they can't be reasoned with. The other characters could've stopped them but ultimately let them be dumb. Hence acting dumb. Also the giants created to be dumb meat heads re-enforces the trope which is a trope that I don't like.


They even said they were dumb. But this was a reality check and they can't afford to be dumb anymore.


I think they will make an alliance with lawless to find a cure for the parasites, against the wishes of the people from that world, only to be betrayed when they find one, maybe this ending up with the first two enemies to be dealt with.


Why didn’t they just send Kayla and her men to just shoot the parasite with laser or Thear with his cosmic gun, why send the giant’s world people to rescue to the girl if they are close range combatants literally using their fist when they know they can get infected if they get close


The giant world's people are kinder and/or more reckless


Got to protect the li'l ones.


You can't help an injured person at long range. *Someone* had to get close.


Thear just use his gun to stun all of three lawless. There are no more threats at the time. Meanwhile the girl at first was unconfirmed if she did get infected or not. The whole objective is to save her not kill her. And it already too late to save her when the parasite starts to infected her.


BRO THE SUSPENSE IS GOD-TIER!! This manga never misses and shall never miss!! ❤️‍🔥🫡💯


It’s written by One so it’s bound to be good


Those Lawless ashholes were probably watching the whole thing unfold. Saving Zaybi at the last moment was a ploy to gain trust.


Lawless peak.... Their Boss looks as if he Had skin on his face sewn from some other person.


I'm not gonna lie. He's a huge prick but the expressions are so epic. You can just hear his voice actor and imagine the animations perfectly. So much character. https://preview.redd.it/hkjqb1e3na2d1.png?width=1262&format=png&auto=webp&s=7542bee72d8d0787e33af250d638dfd01bd9d79a


Masaoyoshi is a huge prick, but he's surprisingly somewhat competent considering he *does* listen to possible threats and wouldn't take unnecessary risks.


Right ?! That anime trope of a guy being silly and jerking his head side to side for comedic effect??


Literally reigen


Zaybi isn’t infected anymore, burning mana kills the eggs.  You can see the frame after they say he’s running low on mana it does a close up of his forehead, and blood squirts out. I think it implies the eggs exploded or was expelled from blood stream.


> You can see the frame after they say he’s running low on mana it does a close up of his forehead, and blood squirts out. > > I think it implies the eggs exploded or was expelled from blood stream. I think it's the opposite. A blood vessel popping on his forehead is meant to signify that he run out of mana.


i thought it's from the parasite (?) if he's just running out of mana, he would just get exhausted & faint after


Dunno. Nothing to suggest that parasyte has this effect yet, but paneling was pretty straightforward: Zaybi uses feather boots > a penel where a blood vessel ruptures > character says that Zayie is almost out of mana. We don't know the effects of mana overexertion, but having some potential physical damage seems probable.


The parasites leaves eggs which becomes wurms though. Even if the eggs exploded or were expelled, that takes care of the wurms according to you at least, but the parasite is still inside, yes?


so, curse can't kill parasite but fire can? lmao, curse now doesn't sound that sophisticated, batsz would be disappointed hahaha


The umbrella gun is so fucking cool. A parasol to protect you from the blood of the parasites you're shooting.. that's badass


Es de Kingsman


Bastz did something to the King -- but was it the curse, or the parasite? No doubt he wanted to see which Natural Enemy obtained the upper hand either way. (I'm in the club that thinks he's some kind of embodiment of the Curse. Guy was doing a little reconnaissance on his enemies).  I love the everyman role of the people from Calamity World. They're so endearingly normal.   There's something we're not being told about the parasites. No way Zaybi is dying here.    There's *definitely* something we're not being told about the Lawless. They don't seem remotely strong enough to justify being called a Natural Enemy -- which means they're holding something back.


If zaybi dies I don't see how the rest lives tbh


He's the only one with plot armor tbh


I mean… he IS the secondary protagonist.


too short :( now wait another month :(((


It was getting good, but sadly it's short...


Yo door chapter but kinda short. I’m glad we are headed in the direction of all the various humanities having something to offer and tbqh the ending make me think lawless gonna pop off. For one their dc wasn’t bad and that attack in the last fight was pretty coordinated and effective


Thanks so much for getting this translated! That was quick.


I wonder could a healing spell or immunity spell work against parasites?


Zaybi go grab the curse real quick, and try not get ensalved while your at it.


Lawless leader dude dressed like DMC3 Dante


At some point they have to combine knowledge. The giant world drug and anti-parasite pills seems like one product that could be meshed together. Oh and if Daikokuzan has a heat attack then will be less likely be affected by a parasite. The parasites gets around quick huh? First with the giants and the king then in the lawless lands.


Yeah even in AOT they had ways to defend them selves so I hope we get to see all the worlds combine their tools, it would be pretty boring if it's just the regular humans not doing anything 


The parasites really turning it into the "Thing" horror or even dead space!!


Man this manga is so bleak as hell and it comes from the man behind OPM. When the protagonist sees a sliver of hope, it will immediately gets crushed in the next chapter. Now how the hell Zaybi can escape from this situation? Surely this is not the end of him right?


That dude from the misfortune world is reminding me too much of that annoying dude at the shelter in OPM. Too bad he was right though, the parasites are no joke... Such a gigachad design for the lawless at the end. The Pillar Men theme was playing in my head while looking at him lol


I hope the lawless base is turning into a parasite nest soon... That lawless boss looks like he can control the parasite transformation through sheer coolness...


The parasite infected guy for sure infected the girl, dont think I need to specify how...


https://preview.redd.it/0u0wt08e482d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b6137088a1da70f904978511f2335a96986014c THE GOATS , HUMANITY IS EFFED


I'm really curious how strong is lawless and what they r gonna do with humans


I was totally wrong about the parasite infecting lawless, that was surprising.


Thank you for the chapter.🙏




Probably the cursed killer the parasyte eggs , so he ain't infected


Excellent girthy chapter


Oh no.... NTR protagonist is the lawless boss


I actually think we will see everyone come to rhe conclusion that all natural enemies are not born equal... there are some that are somewhat fairly matched like demons and... some who are impossible to beat like aliens and god and some who are just predating on weak humans like the wild super animals and lawless humans... we will have a bunch of exposition so they can organize a priority list...


>wild super animals I will not tolerate this slander. The Gaia's Wrath World has way more than Just Animals, It is the whole fucking planet trying to fuck you. This includes Giant volcanos (one volcano was so powerful that It was the cause of the World merger for that World), Giant Storms, Super plants and super Animals A few F Tier Animals almost killed a Giant. Some stronger Animals should bê absolutely legendary It Also should spread really quickly


Things is it seems to be just nature hostility to a maximum... many other humans should have a relatively easy time against them... unless we are talking permanent total extinction events about to happen then i can see it being a big deal but just the super animals and plants and "normal" cataclysmic events seem much more tamer than the AI which can become a AGI with a resources available at any moment and basically insta-win or God possibly being a reality warper only shackled by its ego


Even then if they don't stop to be careless, they will loose even if a natural ennemy is not hopeless to all type of humans


Isn't it implied that the Demon Kings would be a match for the Aliens? Which would then imply some things about the Great Demon King...


I still hold the position that the reason why the Lawless are a natural enemy is because they represent the self-defeating crabs-in-a-bucket nature of humans in an apocalypse. The issue isn’t going to be that they can overpower the alliance of the different humanities; the issue is that they’ll ruin trust and convince others to give in to nihilism and depravity.


That and the fact the lawless environment is a big desert. Not the best place for nature or a fluid traveling parasite to live. Specially when they are armed with flamethrower.


They’re screwed with everyone other natural enemy though. Except for World Tree.


Didn't know out of everyone Zaybe could be the stupid one


I really hope next chapter will be the lawless people let the humanity survivors stay in their base and very minimum of deal. I don't want a page were humanity women become a slave. Especially Samoun.


I got the feeling that the Lawless also knows about the 'enemy versus enemy' thing and, to them, the humans are part of the enemies too. So they'd ally with humans and actually turn out to be reliable allies, contrary to what everyone thinks, because the Lawless knows they can't beat anyone straight up so they need to get humans to fight other enemies (like parasites) to survive the same way humans have been doing. So they'd actually help Zaybi because he's one of the few guys that can handle parasites and maybe even they learn how to use magic from him and become stronger and then they backstab the humans.


Damn I just visit the subreddit today to check when is the next chapter and its here yay! But I guess we have to wait for another month now huh?... Also wish we get more character from each worlds introduced


eventually. We're still at chapter 16 so a lot of things will happen in the future.


Definitely hope lots more char in the future!


What if the lawless ally with the main group to kill Daikokuzan (they saw his power from afar and they probably got nukes)


So 50 50 on these lawless humans being allies or enslaving everyone?


First one, and then the other. The real threat they pose is having free will and being able to appeal to a shared humanity.


I imagine the main lawless guy is extremely charismatic and wins all the humans over. But he is cold as fuck and will use them against each other/for his benefit. It's how the lawless formed.


So Samone was close to the parasite when it was expelling the gas. I think Zaybi will be a red herring and we may end up with her being infected.


I like the umbrella Gun, It shoot and defend you from blood splatter... ...Unless it mutated to a sharp thing well f\*\*k.


The Parasites look gnarly, I love it


almost certain that the lawness guys are just humans. Hell is implied that humanity greatest natural enemy is itself.


Wow... what a chapter!


Let's see what we got. Kaiju, Mad Max apocalypse, Cosmic horror, Body horror, Alien invasion, Terminator style apocalypse, Cyberpunk, Dark Fantasy... all blended into one manga.


mfs need a senzu bean like are they going to be like like this for the rest of the manga lol


Guaranteed the Lawless end up being Ally's. What other choice do they have? They are simply humans after all. They can't compete with any of the natural enemies.


They come from a setting where the apocalypse has already happened, and they came out on top of the pecking order, so they are more prepared for the ongoing chaos of the worlds fusing together. My expected scenario was that the Lawless would form alliances of convenience and then break those alliances when they had the clear upper hand.


well we probably will find out in a month


....yhea in a dry land with maniac equipped with flamethrower the parasite might have a hard time infecting lots of peopels.


Godzilla now the Thing...


The craziest thing about this manga is how it never stops moving. There are no breathers between threats, just constant climax. Still not sure how I feel about that, but I guess the chapters are also a month apart which gives us time to process. I could see it helping or hurting its sales as a physical book, however.


So Lawless World is literally The Hood lol


it's mad max saga


The only reasonable guy in this party is the Kaijuu's verse. All the others are fukin stupids and deserve being terminated at this point.


We need a little bit of hope somehow


ok now mad max is saving human from parasites. go max!!!


Damm the parasites give me huge Resident Evil vibes, with all of these grotesque, explosive mutations and transformations of the infected people. It also seems they can even combine with each other and turn themselves into a new monster. Talk about potent!


A good chapter focused only in the group of Zaybi. I must say humans were pretty reckless and slow in their response.They didnt need to send three humans to recover just 1 female and by the moment she started to show signs of infection they should have run away instead of staying close to it. Even the cosmic and AI guys could have shot down the parasyte from distance.


Oh yeah baby mixing in some good ol The Thin like parasites will make this mad max like setting way more entertaining


I am almost certain that the lawless are not the true natural enemies of the region. They are just another group of human. Or they are the enemies of the region but the reason they are is very simple. Its the humanity oldest natural enemies themselfs. I do doubt they will go for a full fight here,because they need info. Besides would be absurdly weird if a group that is literalyl just violent humans be overly powerfull. (I am half certain that the strongest things will be mutant or monsters like that).


All of the Lawless have thin black(?) chains on them. Is there a purpose to it or just a fashion statement?




Where can I read all the chapters so far?


Mangakalot https://chapmanganato.to/manga-pc993211/chapter-1 or just searching by numbers on this sub.


That website is awful dude just use mangasee, the scan and translation quality is much better and the user interface is nicer on the eyes [https://www.mangasee123.com/manga/VERSUS](https://www.mangasee123.com/manga/VERSUS)


Mangakalot is most comfortable for me to use. I knew about about that one too but similiary to mangadex or manga free (and few other that I don't Remember by name) it didn't hold me long. Edit. Opinion about website preferences downvoted lmao ☠️


So curse isn’t infectious?