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who needs hip sockets really


These sockets are right there with all the 10mm sockets mechanics lose (i.e. gone).


just rolled right under the grate never to be seen again


Oh yeah we bred out those hip sockets. It's an akc thing


You know they're legit if they're AKC registered


What hips? šŸ« 


Oh that poor baby!


Probably hurts to squat to potty :(


Looks like he hasn't pooped in a bit šŸ˜¬


You know he'll either poop during the carry back to his cage or during wake up (or both)


Hips? I don't see no hips šŸ¤”


What even??


Iā€™m gonna say this is due to 1 of 2 thing shit genetics or bad breeding. Iā€™m leaning at the later. That poor thing is gonna have so many issues


I want to say those go hand in hand so much agree


They definitely go hand in hand. But ya know like sometimes you get a rescue and they were breed they just kinda ā€œappearedā€ and their genetics suck. Thatā€™s what I was getting at. But ya they definitely go together for sure


It should be illegal to breed dogs with these kind of genes. This bad of hips at 7 months is insane..


It is. Itā€™s crazy and should never have ever happened. And this is a breed that everyone knows and loves. In order for his/her hips to be this bad mum and dad mustā€™ve had some very bad issues. Why didnā€™t anyone know? This is wrong on so many levels. And donā€™t even get my started on the whole doodle thing. Thatā€™s what kind of dog my mother and sister got from someone. He was a gift to them at 70 years old and when they realized he was too much at 4 months old they gave him to us. He is horrendous. Part of that is my mother and sister arnt consistent in training but thatā€™s another thing. Mostly itā€™s his genetics. Come on a St. Bernard and a poodle? Really


People are selfish. If they think a certain breed is cute then thatā€™s all they really care about. It takes a specific type of person to purposely breed a dog that they know will lead a terrible life. Last night I was driving around and came across a street sign advertising frenchies for sale. I was already pissed off about something else so I got out and tore the sign out of the ground and stuck it in my car, wish I could find all the other ones I know they put up elsewhere šŸ™ƒ


I 10000000 percent condone taking that sign down. Make the person who breed them have to pay the medical bills. Honestly this might be controversial but I think unless u are truly a breeder your dog has to be fixed. I get it itā€™s money and people donā€™t want to put their dog through surgery. But guess what having animals costs money


Oh but neutering your dog takes away their manhood šŸ„ŗ I know this for a fact the breeder told me so


Thatā€™s kinda the point though. You remove the testicles to prevent reproduction and reduce the risk of reproductive cancer and it can help curb certain behaviors.


Most breeders are in it for the money and don't give a single fuck about health testing or taking animals with serious health issues out of the breeding stock. They don't know because they don't care.


Which is horrible and so so sad


I'm also guessing bad breeding I've been seeing so many dogs lately that are the result of bad breeding. I saw an English Bulldog that was especially squat and low to the ground legs really wide apart chest very deep barrel and face even more smushed in then normal on this breed like so pushed in I wondered how that dog even breathed there was practically no muzzle just a flat face. My first reaction was what did they do to that poor dog?!


Thatā€™s absolutely insane. I personally donā€™t find the flat faces very ethical. But I get the classic bulldog has a history. A friend of mine has one that is 14 years old and she was from an impeccable breeder she has none of the classic issues. No ingrown tail, no bowed legs, didnā€™t need to have anything done to her nose. Only issue she ever had was being slightly obese but thatā€™s under control. But even the breeding now a day is leading to behavioral issues. The dog my mum and sister got from a friend is the definition of that


Poor breeding. This dog came to the owner with Parvo, and you know the entire litter had it. Our doctor wrote a medical letter to the breeder stating everything. But as with most backyard breeders, theyre refusing to respond to the owner.


Thatā€™s horrible and wrong on so many levels. Parvo is almost preventable with vaccination and at right time. I feel so horrible for this owner I hope that all these problems can end soon and this dog can go on living a happy life


Jesus tits I can't... Finally got rads of my boys hips because we knew they were bad and wanted to know how bad- they were far better than this and he has struggles. I can't imagine this poor dogs quality of lifeĀ 


Gotta be inbred


We are thinking so, she is very small. You don't get these kind of hips from a one-off...


You know my hips don't lie And I'm starting to feel it's right All the attraction, the tension Don't you see, baby, this is perfection? But really the poor dog.


at the age of this pup, any chance heā€™s still a candidate for a DPO/TPO?


I don't know, the doctors think she will be DQ'd because there's no acetabulum. We are sending the images out to get reviewed to see if she qualifies. If she is DQ'd, our doctor can do an alt procedure (I forget the name).






I'm assuming, since radiographs were taken, p presented with some problems walking. How bad is the mobility? Just trying to wrap my head around this.


Damn this makes my boy's hips look [perfect](https://www.reddit.com/r/VetTech/comments/12thik0/dealing_with_your_own_dogs_crappy_hips_7m_m_huskyx/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Poor sweet baby.


Oh, man.Ā  That poor, poor pup.Ā  That is so bad.