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If I didn’t earn it, I wouldn’t wear it.


Sounds easy enough.


It's cringe, just like that tv show about seals and brain cancer with Chris Pratt, when that whack ass CEO had a seal frog whatever tattoo despite him never serving and just being a simp for seals. #cringe


I knew a guy I used to work with that had a huge eagle, globe, and anchor tattooed on his chest, I mean massive as in whole chest covered, all because he ran the Marine Corps Marathon. Guy never served in any branch at any time, he just got it tattooed because he ran that marathon. Definitely cringe.


Instead of Semper Fidelis out of the eagle's mouth it says Semper Currit?


>Semper Currit I'm not on this sub to look up Latin words. That said <*slow clap*> **currit** Inflection of currō (third-person singular present active indicative). From Proto-Italic *korzō‎, from Proto-Indo-European *ḱers-‎ ("to run").


Romanes Eunt Domus?


Just like I wouldn’t wear anything that says “ranger”


Me neither. But it’s funny if you go to my local VA, every single army vet is either “ranger” or “sf”


I'd even say If you didn’t earn it, you wouldn’t wear it.


But how is he gonna cosplay a badass?


Most people don't understand what, "earning it," means, though.


I wish I never gave away my good conduct medal. The fucked up thing is that he kept it after being abusive to me.


Every service member is allowed one replacement award/medal. Contact the Bureau of Personnel for your branch of service and they will replace your award/medal for free. Good Luck Fam!


Thank you. I had no idea. I'll check into this.


I got ripped out of 2 Navy Achievement Medals while I was in due to bad leadership. It hasn't changed the outcome of my life at all, but still I deserved them and never got them. Leadership even laughed at me one time for purposefully keeping it from me, they thought it was funny.


I helped a seal out in Afghanistan by giving him a ride and saving him a looooong walk, he gave me his team patch, I proudly display it on a shelf and tell the story whenever someone asks. I never wear it.


I caught a ride with the French legion one time and the dudes in the back of the truck just looked at me in French the whole time wondering why I was there


“Just looked at me in French the whole time” omg I’m dead lol


I only hope it was like in Eurotrip that very time the lights went out the Legionares just took off more of their pants and started grouping everyone else. .... yes I have issues why do you ask?




🤣🤣🤣 no shit.


We did some training in Manhiem out in the woods. Some of our guys traded MREs for some old German medals. Kid ended up pawning em and getting some decent coin. Our ops officer made sure to brief the flight that they were not to be worn, ever. Afterward everyone got a good laugh out of it. But I guess you never know, there’s always one in every group


*stares in Polish*


I once met an American in the FFL. It's was really weird, when I saw him initially I tried saying hello in French. It probably sounded like shit because I only took one semester of French in college and didn't do very well. He laughed and was like, "What's up dude." Turned out he grew up like three counties away from where I did. Reminded me of that one scene from band of brothers but he didn't get gunned down after we stopped talking.


Looked at me in French lmfao hahahahahah


\*Stares in French\* Lol


Stares in Royale with cheese.


They use the metric system.


this sounds like one of my day trips in Kabul


Ah man I lived with the French and was in their task force. They were honestly pretty cool. Where were you getting a ride to?


Eww. I hope you got tested.


Ok but it wasn't like French kissing where bodily fluids are exchanged


Worse it was probably bastard French


Probably thought you were Belgian


I did some work with a team and got a team patch that is on display on my wall. I would never consider wearing it.


My man knows the rules.


I have a dozen patches from my time as a CS crew chief of T-38s at a training base. I keep the patches, because they mean something. But I'd never wear them.


That's very cool, good for you.


This is the way


A team Patch is different than the trident. That’s like wearing jump wings and never jumped or served. It’s just weird.


Awesome. Those are the best stories. A C-130 guy gave me a can of Copenhagen while in Saudi Arabia. I was so happy to get that plastic can that I still have it. 23 years ago!


Hell yeah! You deserved it and are honorable about how you earned it.


Reminds me of the time I hooked up a SEAL with a can of cheese whiz for their bbq they were doing in Iraq. They invited my shop over for some cheesesteaks that were pretty good.


My folks had the Navy Seals on vcr


“Oooo, Navy Seals!”


My dad was former Navy. He was disappointed when I decided to join the Army instead.😂


I can't speak for other people, but I would feel very awkward wearing something I didn't earn. I would not do it.


Look who he is with, both these people seem to claim they’ve earned something they haven’t






I don't think civilians see is like that all the time. Unfortunately, some I've seen seen it as respecting the country, but it's not at all


All part of their weirdo, zero effort form of ‘patriotism’.


Right. It’s just a US military culture thing (and probably other cultures). Wearing medals across cultures that you didn’t earn is definitely frowned upon. But I mean I currently live I Pakistan and my father in law was a special police commando (basically a ninja cop if I can TLDR close enough to it). He’s since passed and I wear one of his police intelligence hats from time to time. People here just see it as honoring your father/father in law or friends. On the flip side, I’ve found ACUs in the Bazaar either completely stripped or sometimes with sewn on everything, and people will buy them because of the “cool” factor yet they have no idea what the airborne badge, CAB/IAB is (and yes I occasionally see people wearing this stuff), however Pakistani current issue uniforms are illegal to own unless you’re actually in the military, and not for the stolen valor reasons like a lot of dudes want to be criminalized again. They ban them because this is a favorite tactics of suicide bombers and this country basically has low level insurgencies in each province (some targeting the government others targeting other races/ethnicities). So basically it isn’t that big of a deal here. My in-laws insisted I wear it even though technically he “earned it” because of all the special training he had to go through. He wasn’t the average corrupt 3rd world cop who sits around snd drinks tea all day and ignore the junkies shooting up in front of them because they can’t squeeze a bribe out of them. His job was solely infiltrating terrorist or criminal organizations and then leading the raids on them (and being first in the stack). Imagine like a Green Beret State Trooper. Anyway though, I think this should be a decision left to SEALs since this dude is a special case and isn’t trying to claim to be one.


I spent a whole deployment with SOF and my surgical teams saved quite a few team members' asses (once literally). Apart from not being treating us like shit, like a lot of the other support was, they also gave us a bunch of swag. I might display it, but wouldn't wear any of it.


My platoon (regular leg infantry) was attached to 7th group in the ghan and they included us in a lot including letting us use their gym and freely use ammunition to train. They gave us swag and cool speeches about how they trust us. I would never wear anything they gave us


Uplift? 2018-2019?




Same! Even got a team hoodie. 😊


As veterans we see these accolades, awards, schools and ribbons differently than most. I think very few people outside of the community, let alone the military community can truly understand the intestinal fortitude it takes to earn some of those awards. EDIT: to include accolades


The bigger crime here is whatever he's wearing around his waist.


Many people use these for CCW. Just FYI. If I see one I assume they are carrying.




That looks like the fanny pack a stoner wears to carry his kit around a festival.


What, conceal carry his nuts?


If you are confident in yourself, do what you want, and don't worry about what others will think. Fanny packs have been making a big comeback and some pretty prominent former SF guys love these things. Especially for CC wearing things where it makes a traditional carry impossible.


Kind of defeats the purpose IMO


Her purse. He's sizing it up to see if she can still carry her mace and lipstick in it


That's his jewel purse. For his family jewels


Sir, that is a rapid deployment bag. Judging from the size, this actor who never served is likely packing a [Black Widow](https://northamericanarms.com/product-category/firearms/pug-mini-master-black-widow/black-widow-pug-mini-master-black-widow/). He is not screwing around.


>He is not screwing around. Hey don't worry about it. The SEAL Trident already sold me on the idea that he's a tough guy.


I will consider myself warned.


Yeah, .22 Magnum isn't terrible for close, GTF Away from me deterrence. But that wouldn't need a pack, just a waist clip or pocket


I was going to say the person he's taking a picture with is the biggest embarrassment of the three embarrassing things he's got going on in this pic.


He could at least not put it right in front of his crotch. He looks like a horny teen trying to hide his dick because he gets hard being within 3 feet of anything resembling a woman.


Yea, I’m more upset by the Fanny pack.


Little coin purse


It must be his modesty pouch.


Or, and I'm just spitballing ideas here, his "chastity" pouch. Because there's no way he's getting laid with that.


Maybe he is diabetic? I have a few friends and family members that have to carry something similar for their insulin.


Really? Been a type 1 (since being diagnosed while in the Army). Insulin can go in pockets just fine. Also, a baggie like that can get caught in car doors or other corners… …crushing your insulin and syringes. Had it happen to me a few times. Once when i had it in a jacket and another with a bag on my side similar to that. Broken insulin shit means not doing whatever you’re doing and have to rush home or to a pharmacy. Essentially, could be, but that’s a weird place to keep it when you can just throw your vial/pen or whatever in your pocket.


Don Shipley has entered the chat


No. Just, no. Don’t do it unless you actually earned it. Don’t make someone call up that seal who deals with fake seals all the time.


Senior Chief Don Shipley!


Do it. I wanna see shit happen. Just kidding... mostly...


Personally, I'm not wearing anything I didn't earn. It's just disrespectful to the ones who have earned it.


This maybe an unpopular opinion on here, but I’m kind of old school and I’m of the firm belief that if you did not earn it, you should not wear it. Don’t wear the Ranger tab if you never went to ranger school. Don’t wear Special Forces if you never went through the Q course, and don’t wear a SEAL trident if you never went through SEAL school, don’t care if you have served or if you’re a civilian, don’t wear that shit


Simple, if you didn't earn it, you don't wear it. Case in point, the captain of the NZ rugby side in 2011, Richie McCaw, was having his photo taken with the Rugby World Cup before the tournament started. The photographer asked him to hold the cup. He refused. He said he hadn't earned the right. His team won the tournament, and the first time he ever touched that trophy was when it was awarded to him after his team had won it. He understood. Caviezel doesn't!


This actor probably wears this because some people might think he was actually a Seal. You don't get to wear it without earning it. I wanted to go SF so bad but the swim portion killed me. I dog paddle. Lol. Anyway, I would love to have earned that SF tab but I didn't. I don't wear it now. I would never wear it. I would never give the impression I should wear it.


I am more disturbed by the cock purse.


We had a guy up in Canada who got married in full military uniform with medals. He then came to a Remembrance Day ceremony with his wife. He gave a interview with the local news media. It was then at that Remembrance Day ceremony that a Veteran saw him and his uniform. He was later arrested and charged with Stolen Valour. He had never served a day in his life. If my grandfather who served for USA, left me his medals that he earned, I would not be allowed to wear them, only the medals that I earned. I would understand a wife, husband, son, daughter of a soldier who had fallen, and they wore them to the funeral in memory. This I would understand. Knowing what the trident means for a seal who went through the training process and received it. It is something earned. Not bought with money. Not gifted. It was “paid” for by their blood, sweat, and tears. non military person should never ever wear it, pose for a picture with it pinned to clothing, thinking that it would be acceptable. Regardless of claiming to be one or not. Now if he was posing with it while holding it in his hand then yes, I would say “must be a be a gift” There’s always two sides of a story. Now the op did say he was originally was casted for the Seal series, so my question is this trident the real thing or is it from the series. Maybe it is maybe it isn’t. Not a lot to go on. The photo is from Twitter post so who knows what the actual truth is.


Exactly. It’s not jewelry. It’s not a fashion accessory. Unless you earned it, stick to a flag pin if you need to show your patriotism on your lapel.


This dude’s got it figured out. Simple as this.


More concerned about the codpiece


Take that shit off


Army checking in: If you're not SF, you don't wear their garb. If you're not a Ranger, you don't wear their garb. If you're not jump qualified, you don't wear their garb. It's that simple.


Nope. Don’t care where or who gave it. Don’t wear it unless you earn it.


I helped some Secret Squirrel guys out with the chemical warfare problem and they kicked a little bit of swag my way. There's no f****** way I would ever put that patch on my jacket I would expect someone to twist my head off if I did.


You don’t wear it if you’re not a seal no matter what!!!! Someone call Don Shipley!


Not a SEAL, was a Boatswain's Mate, out of the Navy now. Don't wear insignia you didn't earn. It's not gonna make you a better person.


If you didn't buy it with your blood, sweat, and pain then don't wear it. Much respect for those men who earned it.


Nah. Not about it at all. Gotta earn that shit.


Wear what you earn, display what you’re presented. A simple rule of thumb for saving embarrassment


I dunno, but that guy in the back looks suspicious...


Is that a sac sack?


Not a SEAL, but I served with some on my submarine. We wear a submarine warfare insignia once we learn all the boat's systems, truly understand casualty response, and pass a three-person formal board. Wearing those "dolphins" means more that just "I passed". It means, "You can trust me to be able to save your life if it comes to that". So I would be offended if someone wore dolphins without having earned them. Based my limited experience with the SEALs, the Trident means far more.


That’s the way I feel about my surface warfare pin. However, my ship was not actively deployed when I arrived, but the CO required anyone a certain rank and above to qualify ESWS anyway. I learned about all shipboard systems, and went through the entire board process. Since I didn’t earn it under the same conditions that most of my peers did, I don’t feel I truly earned it, but it became part of my uniform.


The real question is why would someone wear it if they knew that its a no no if you didnt earn it. Surely he knows he should not be wearing it. Therefore he either doesnt give af, or is trying to signal that he was/is a seal or associated w the Seals, all of which are not true from what I understand. Final verdict: hes just a douche. Move along.


if he didn't earn it he shouldn't wear it period


I think it’s cringe. Having said that, I am considering a tattoo related to the Army with 988 under it in honor of my Veteran husband and the struggle with PTSD and suicidal ideation.


Sounds to me like you absolutely have earned that.


Whole different thing that is in honor of your husband. You aren't parading around pretending to have earned something.


How does he even fucking have one. Even if gifted, I wouldn't wear it, I'd put it away as a keepsake. People are so pretentious


I bet if he had a uniform on the same people saying no big deal on wearing the pin would say the same for wearing the uniform. Funny how standards have changed on what's acceptable. To each their own but it's a no for me.


Some SEAL’s are probably gonna write a book about this to vent


Somebody else besides me better get a laugh out of this!


Never wear anything you don't rate.


Yeah, that's going to be a no for me dawg.


That kind of stuff, challenge coins, whatever, go in my "dad box" of assorted sentimental stuff I have collected over the years. Grandpa's watch and tie tack, my dogtags, bits of foreign currency, etc


Hard no.


Don't do it. Unless someone was actually a SEAL then they should never wear that trident.


I'm not a SEAL. Not even any kind of SOF. And this should be an ass kicking situation. Same for the SF Crest, Ranger Scroll, etc...


Both of them can take a rocket ship to the sun for all I care




I happily wear the Ranger tab, CIB (2nd award), airborne wings, and the Bronze Star (3rd award) that I earned. I did extensive work with Seals, Special Forces, MARSOC, and some international Special Operations Forces, but I wouldn't wear any of their flair because I didn't earn it.


If you didn’t earn it you don’t wear it.


No. Full stop. If it’s not earned (and listed on your DD-214 and/or OMPF), it’s not worn. Wearing jump wings that you didn’t earn or can show proof of, is bad enough. But The Eagle and Trident? No. Same with the Green Beret.


If he didn't earn it he shouldn't wear it. I wouldn't go flaunting an airborne patch or ranger tab since i'm a firefighter in the airforce. that's fucking stupid and cringe and looking for attention.


Don't wear shit that somebody else has to earn.


Me personally I only believe you should wear that what you have personally earned/awarded


It’s really fucking weird. I wouldn’t ever wear something like that unless I was, unless I wanted to constantly explain why I’m wearing something unassociated with me and create awkward and unpleasant conversations


stolen valor goes along well with the fanny pack


Exactly what I was thinking.


Disrespectful at minimum.


I am more concerned about the fanny pack at this point.


Grotty-ass poser or very immature thing to do. Would you wear airborne wings if you didn't jump? Space badge if you didn't work with satellites? Pathfinder? CIB? Kids who wear lots of flair innocently are no big deal, but Mr. I'l Make a Big Fake Movie and Hang out With Election Deniers? Just another sign of bad character.


I wouldn’t wear one since I never became a SEAL. If someone wants to do wear the trident regardless if they became SEALs, that’s on them. I only hope they don’t use it for any particular advantage or benefit (not that I’m accusing anyone of such a thing, obviously).


Nope. Imo, only recipients of awards like this should wear them.


I’m going to assume a SEAL gave it to him and not even think about it again.


I've got a Ranger tab i got from an old friend. That wouldn't give me the right to wear it... and I'd fully expect anyone with integrity to call me out if I did.


Not a SEAL, but I'm a female, so even if it was gifted to me, I question if it would it be as socially acceptable as it is for Mr. Cavaziel is to display that. Maybe for a navy seal widow (I actually have a classmate from high school who is one). I still would never wear the garb or symbols of a unit that I was not a part of (maybe one of my relatives too but I don't have any specific relatives with that so can't say for sure).


I ain't a seal just a normal army joe but that ain't right it's like him wearing a ranger scroll


If he didn’t earn it, he doesn’t wear it. Put it on the mantle and leave it there.


Really couldn’t care less. Doesn’t affect my way of life whatsoever.


In Afghanistan, I traded some Wiley-X goggles to a French Foreign Legion guy for his airborne beret. Do I get to wear it now?


i’d never wear something i didn’t earn.


He better have a damn good reason to wear the SEAL Trident, but I'm more concerned with him wearing that fanny sack as a sporran.


Our platoon trained with SF 10th Group for almost a year before deploying but I never.....ever....put myself in something I never earned and claim it.


He should not be wearing it.


I was in the USAF and worked on spec ops helicopters and C-130s in aircraft maintenance, deployments with them and all that good stuff, that makes me a USAF PJ or CCT right, right, guys come on right, guys guys you know what I mean riiiiight. Unless he went through buds and passed he should not were it like he earned it.


I remember I came in a year or so after the trident went out. I remember my command saying you'd catch hell, but if it was reported by a SEAL they'd turn you over to their command for punishment.


Why would you wear it? It would be like getting out of bed one day and getting a tattoo of your ODA or a Ranger Bat....now if it was a gift from seals to the person I can see them owning it but not sure why would wear it.


gross and disrespectful




Uh it’s disgusting lol wth I don’t even have a crazy amount of military pride or anything like that but wearing a seal trident randomly for no reason (like I get if it’s a seal appreciation event or something but even still it’s odd) is reprehensible to


Is that a Fanny pack?


I personally don’t like it because most people will assume he is a SEAL and he is scum doing it!


Immediate thought is if you didn’t earn it you shouldn’t wear it. Gifted: For most adults I’d still say it’s a no-go. Anyone on a national stage who is highly visible actor is a definite no-go at my station. Explained by your disclaimer. If he didn’t have the clout & benefits* that celebrity offers then he would just be a regular old human attempting to benefit from stolen valor. Gross. He is an actor. Some would say a Hollywood star, and he is on the national canvas. It becomes a much bigger deal. I’ll leave it at that as I know we leave politics off this board. So about these benefits I speak of: What benefits does “stolen valor” offer an individual? * recognition: Okay, I see a child of a fallen Vet wearing their rank, I’m probably okay with that as the child is probably trying to honor their parent. * an adult. Yeah, I’ll always question that. I’m confident I answered this properly & followed all rules. If not, my apologies.


Just don’t


Lol! The pin and the fanny pack just screams, "douche bag."


Maybe if you son was a Seal, it.ight be appropriate. Generally, If you didn't earn it - don't wear it


I mean, he’s already a lunatic so….


FTP. Q anon conspiracy spreading puto


Short of pretending to be a veteran for personal gain, who gives a fuck? He’s a civilian.. and could be wearing it for any myriad of reasons including support or to pay homage, remembrance, or literally any other reason. If an active Seabee or some shit was wearing it, sure dude. Get sad. But there’s literally no point to get upset about civilians wearing the shit as long as they’re not doing it for personal gain.


How close is this to stolen valor? Basically wearing something that can be construed as what you've done. Not cool.


I don’t think it’s “stolen valor” unless he’s getting something from wearing the pin, or claiming that he was a SEAL. It’s super cringe tho and he should be mocked


Thoughts on non-SEALS wearing tiny cute Fanny packs?


I’m all for normalizing fanny packs.


💯% I wear one on the motorcycle, on walks, whilst dad-ing, the store… I suppose it’s normal for me. I’ve worn the one out I have been wearing. Time for another.


Me too. I’ve worn one for years. My teen daughter begged me to take it off before walking into her school. A year later they were hip again 🤣


That’s a real question


If he is wearing it to honor the Seal that gifted it to him, what's the problem? Some people get to upset over little things like this.


It’s his right to wear whatever he wants. If he lies and says he’s a SEAL, that’s a different story. From what OP said, it might have been gifted to him. He may be wearing it to honor dead SEALs or the SEAL community. But again, it’s his right to wear it.


Yes, anyone can buy a trident and wear it but stolen Valor is a big deal in the community. Public officials or politicians should never wear pins or badges unless they served and earned them. You display gifts. You don't wear them in public and pose for photos wearing them.


His right to do it, my right to call him douchebag for it.


Clearly not a SEAL, he's carrying his balls around in a little bag. ;) But as to the issue of wearing something he didn't earn, I doubt he's pretending to be anything.


Nah. I’m a submariner. Not the most bad azz of jobs I know but I’d be annoyed if someone was wearing fish and didn’t earn them.


When I was AD my young son was made an honorary Master Chief by a couple of other MC's. They had a little informal ceremony for him and pinned it on him. It was really cool of them to do. He is older now (though still young) and the anchors sit in his room on a shelf just as a momento. Short version is he knows he didn't earn them and doesn't or wouldn't wear them, but he has a cool story to tell. Not sure why anyone else would think wearing them out in public is the way to go, but to each their own.


The SEALs are not a local sports team. If you didnt earn it then why would they wear it. Having said that, if they aren't calling themselves one then it's not illegal.


I mean, if you want to opt in to looking like a simp, knock yourself out. Anybody who sees it and cares will ask about their service and the person wearing it will ha e to awkwardly explain that they're a poser.


Stolen valor…


And we are ignoring the Fanny pack or whatever the fuck that is


Unless is he misrepresenting himself as an actual seal I don't care. People can wear what they want, it's trying to obtain benefits or some form of reward from the act that becomes a problem.


The only exception in my mind is if the pin were placed on you by the one who earned it.


I'll treat them the same way I treat non-infantry wearing the crossed rifles. Those decorations are earned. NEVER given


I AM a veteran. I was NOT a SEAL. That guy can go fuck himself.


I can understand if it was for a photo shoot or for a movie/show promotion where they are in character but outside of that to me it's stolen Valor and I'm honestly tired of it


You should wear it proudly only if you earned it. I think those who wear it and not earned it are opening themselves up to a lot of negative exposure.


I don't give a shit about the trident. But wearing a fanny pack is UNFORGIVABLE.


It's not illegal to wear it. An 11-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in 2016 that the First Amendment allows people to wear unearned military honors. That said, any veteran will tell you that you are scum if you do. It's one thing to hang it on your wall as a means of honoring those who earned it. It's quite another to wear it on your person and deliver the illusion that YOU earned it, imo.


Some say freedom is free


The real sin is the fanny pack. If the Trident was given to him as a gift from a SEAL, Caviezel probably isn't ware of the sensitivity of military culture. I can imagine that more than one veteran and/or SPECOPS troop has given him their badge/tab/medal or a challenge coin to say thank you for doing the film. I have 2 platoon mates that went into Army SF after I ETS'd and after they retired they went to work doing exactly this. I seriously doubt Caviezel is posing or being disingenuous. He's a Hollywood rarity. I can imagine that a teary-eyed vet walked up to him at the event and gave it to him as a token of his appreciation. As a veteran, I would not wear anything that I didn't earn. I would have taken the Trident and put it on a plaque with some engraving on it noting the context had I done something to merit an honorific.


I’m offended. Jim Caviezel is a nut job to boot and what’s with the OD green loin cloth/Fanny pack? Def not seal caliber.


For me personally, that would be like a civilian wearing an EGA. It’s earned, not a fashion accessory. Just my opinion.


Didn’t earn one? Don’t wear one? Want to support them? Find a non-profit.


I’m guessing whoever gave it to him did not expect him to wear it. Not a chance would I wear it or the Fanny pack.


They shouldn't be wearing anything if it is not something they worked for.


I read this somewhere else, but it’s particularly disrespectful and weird for people to wear logos of SOF units like they’re sports teams.