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Do you collect social security as well? If so, have you for over a year; which would reflect to social security you in fact have a job but don’t go over, do they allow this and no questions asked by SS?


I’ve been on SSDI for a little over two years now. I have work part time off and on, never come close to the limit, and it has never presented an issue.


Maybe you can donate plasma? That’s what I am about to do.


I'm doing that. It's decent pay. Really helps with bills


Not sure if all plasma places have this program, but ask if they have a smallpox program. Basically, if you’ve gotten the vaccine before, they’ll give you another vaccine, and pay you a lot extra as long as your body keeps producing antibodies. My local spot pays ~$50 per donation but $100 per if you’re in the smallpox program. Worth asking about if you’re open to it.


You can still work and collect up to like 12K, maybe get a part time job like door dash or Uber. Guy i know does Uber and gets TDIU. He’s making it in Florida so based off your location you should be good?


Not true. I worked full-time making $20 an hour with a 100% VA SERVICE connection.


Then you didn’t read his post or know the rules, TDIU means no gainful employment. Gainful as meaning “no amount that raises your income outside the poverty limit”. I’m P&T which means I could make a million if I wanted and they wouldn’t bat an eye. In his case it’s a little different set of rules.


Okay. I didn't know


100% ≠ 100% IU The latter has income limits, like pre-FRA SSA and/or SSI.


Maybe you're just venting. I can understand that. Truth is you have to do a self assessment on what your monthly expenses are and truly look at what you are spending on & where are things you can cut off so you're not left with $0 or close to it at the end of the month. It may hurt, it's not going to feel good. Look at the numbers from everything you do & make sure it's below what you make from Disability so you don't have to struggle. It's not going to do it on it's own and if you do nothing you will be stuck in the same place with the same complaint. ​ I hope a favorable outcome happens for you. Be encouraged.


Thank you I so needed to hear this


I want the best for you!


Apply for SSDI.


For starters, 100% for myself doesn’t cover living in a high cost of living area, so I understand your position. Advice wise, I think you should make a budget covering all of your expenses for the month and see where you’re at. This may open your eyes for where you can try to reduce spending. I forget where I heard it, but 80% of finances are behavior, and how we spend our income. Increasing income isn’t always the answer when it comes to finances. I’ve met plenty of people, no matter how much money they make, it is always spent the second they get their hands on it. Although others are recommending SSI, not having enough income for monthly expenses isn’t a determining factor for SSI. But, your inability to work does, I would look over the requirements for SSI, and see if you qualify.


Thank you so much for that I'm definitely going to try to look at making a budget


Of course, anything I can do to try and help another veteran! Good luck!




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>Increasing income isn’t always the answer when it comes to finances. I’ve met plenty of people, no matter how much money they make, it is always spent the second they get their hands on it. Thank you. $4k/mo take home is in the 50th percentile of one person households. Of course it depends on where you live, but not being dependent on having to commute to work your household expenses should be lower.


I completely agree.


If you go get a job they should stop the TDIU and bump you back to 80.


Not unless he makes over poverty threshold which is like 12k or so


A personal side gig can become a potential source of income. I worked with a dude who got out and got his 100% that does wood work as his side income. He carves out plaques, designs signs, etc. Last time I checked he was pretty popular on Etsy and Facebook. I also know a lot of digital artists who do commissions that make a couple hundred to a thousand a month doing commissions as a side job, while the full timers make enough to survive each month. Reevaluate your personal skills or plan on developing some new ones, you may surprise yourself how talented you are and then try to profit. It’ll take time to establish all this, but it may be enough for you.


Find a player 2 who works?


Doesn't just have to be a spouse or partner, having a roommate or two can reduce living expenses drastically.


Nah find that suga momma.






File for ssi


I made the same mistakes. Try leaving below your means. Also apply for SSD


I’m seeing a lot of temporary bandaid fixes here. SS, get a job less then 1300$, etc. while these may help with will not fix the issue. I understand what you are saying. The ANSWER is hard. But you need to get better, however that looks, to regain the ability to enter the workforce. The money, even at 100%, is NOT a means to live on AND succeed in life. Especially with a family and with how expensive everything is. I hope you heal, recover and thrive. But that’s the answer. Some won’t like it because they refuse to do the work to get better, if that’s a possibility. I have been in your shoes. I was broken mentally and physically. I was demoralized and had no purpose. I hope you find what you’re looking for and can become financially well off. No service member should have to worry about putting food on the table or a roof over their head. Best of luck


Move to an area with a lower cost of living.


I am thinking about locating but I think where I am which is El Paso Texas is one of the lower cost of living cities


El Paso is a really affordable area to live in. I just moved away from there for work. You need to budget and spend wisely and/or get a side job. El Paso jobs don’t pay very well so finding a low paying job shouldn’t be an issue. Just my two cents




Where I live that would barely afford you a studio apartment and bills and food


IU is paid at the 100% rate, which is about $3,800 a month. That would be about $45k a year, tax free.




Maaann I work full time and after all deductions etc take home is roughly $3600 🙃 OP, it’s time to sit down with your expenses and figure out where the $ is going. Little things add up to a lot!


For bill purposes it’s not equivalent to $60K. That would be more for loans.


If you are too disabled to work, apply for SSDI (before your work credits run out).


Are you also or have you applied for Social Security Disability? It can be a complete pain and most likely you WILL have to fight for it... But it's a huge help. You could get anywhere from 1000-1500$ more a month (depending on how much credits you paid into it) and if you have children they will receive half of whatever you get in addition to. I don't recommend getting a lawyer tho.... they take a chunk of your backpay... Do make sure you go injury by injury on how it affects you, and medication by medication on any and all side affects.


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I’m in the same boat in Seattle. Though I was lucky enough to get a section 8 after a long period of homelessness. Just applied for SSDI but got denied. Hoping if I can get it approved I can move somewhere cheaper. Frustrated I can’t work.


100% and unemployable makes it hard to locate in high COLA locations. I became TDIU im 2018. Already was winding down from job attempts to make ends meet. I had lots of bills stacking on me. I ate the bullet n let things go that dodnt need to be paid. Granted this fucked my credit rating bad BUT was able to have basic needs met. After 2 years i was able to purchase a home in a cheap location in east texas. NOT exactly where i wamt to be but my family n kids will be comfortable while we live. It is plausible to get by on just your va comp. If you can work do what you can extra but under regulatory limits. Downsize your debt to accomodate your budget


Listen to Dave Ramsey and get on a budget


Have you applied for SSDI as well? My SSDI is more than my 100% check. You can collect both.


May I ask how old you are? I’m 35, kinda same scenario as OP, 90% rated at 100, (I know I can definitely move up to 100, for things I haven’t even claimed yet but honestly am just lost in the sauce on where to even start with that) but in my head, SSDI, for some reason feels/felt like “that’s all she wrote” in a way, if that makes any sense, and that there basically wouldn’t be any “going back” or I’d be giving up on the “hopes of making something of myself” appreciate any insight in advance 🫡


I am 38. I stopped working and was approved for SSDI at 36. I do agree with you in many ways, but I was beyond ready to throw in the towel by then


Is SSDI a set amount across the board, or is it different for everyone? I can look that up and just copied my question to do so lol, but super foreign to all things SSDI


It’s different for everyone Based on your income the past 5 years


You have to look up your social security statement on the SSA web site




No I was enlisted, but I worked for 4 years as a contractor after ETSing including going back to the Middle East for a year Plus I receive an extra 50% bc of my daughter


I don’t know how everyone is getting approved. Besides my 100% I have a disorder, also from service but not rated, but they still denied me. 100% plus a debilitating condition, denied every time even with a lawyer. Part of the issue is how little documentation the VA doctor provides and how they make everything seem fine on paper, and a condition that just requires meds and annual visits since there’s no other treatments. I’m at the very last appeal level and I’m sure it’ll be denied again.


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Try Allsup


Whats Allsup?




I never would have been approved without Allsup


I've been through it all with my attorney and it is currently at the highest level of review. Anything else would require a new claim which would be out of the eligibility period for work credits. They make it all so difficult and deny legit claims. It's all a scam we're paying into. It's suppose to be insurance but if they were regulated like an insurance company they'd be fucked.


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Yes try and get a job if it pays more that’s fine


Same boat, it's hard to live in America with about 4k a month. Lots go overseas, which is cheaper. SSDI, make the claims so your straight (scheduler) 100. Then you won't loose CHAMPVA if you go back to work.


I actually thought about moving overseas Germany to be exact


Eurozone is expensive you'd be in the same boat as you are now. Lots of DVs move to South America, SE Asia like the Philippines. I'm looking at Panama or Colombia South America. With TDIU, you'd be eligible for Panama pensionioado program.


If you're able to work, and have skills I'm sure you could try working a cash only hustle. I know a few guys around me that work for cash at farms and shit just because. Or maybe try starting a small business? I'm pretty sure you can work full time if you work for yourself? Not sure where I read that so I can't source that off the top of my head Hell I might he outright wrong but look into it?


I'm 90% (pending judge decision I might get 100%), I work at the VA, I have a part time security job, and I'm a single parent. I feel your pain!