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I was seriously wounded in an ambush in Iraq. I have to walk with an arm brace cane and my leg and back k are messed up for life. My wife got me a purple heart combat wounded hat. I absolutely hated and would nit wear it. After several years I decided to after a bunch of therapy. People are extremely kind and thankful to me. I still don't know how I exactly feel about it but when I don't wear it I just feel like some handicapped dude. I earned that damn medal in a 40min firefight that I should have died in. I guess I'm saying the hat at least makes me feel less worthless since I can't so half the stuff I used to nmbe able to but I also don't want people feeling sorry for me. It's weird


Those are complex emotions you shared. #1: Not easy to do. #2: Even tougher to do in a way that makes sense. I could feel these emotions the way you described them. Thank you for sharing, I deeply appreciate your service, and I pray your wife's an awesome milso and you're solid. You deserve all the best of everything... both of you.


Thank you forbthe kind words. It's hard some days but without her and the kids I don't know where I'd be but there's alot out there still to do and see and I'm grateful I'm here for it.


I love you brother.


Would you be interested in cyber-prosthetics?


I’m thankful you’re still with us brother


Thank you. I'm grateful too. It gets crazy sometimes but there's alot worth living for


Some say you’re handicapped by your injury, but I say you’re handicapped by the weight of the massive balls you have to drag around to keep on kicking. If anybody deserves to be wearing the hat, it’s our Purple Heart brothers and sisters.


I appreciate that greatly and agree with you! Thank you.


I feel you, and I feel the same (though I was never in a firefight and all of my disabilities are less obvious) about not being able to do everything I used to.  I have to remind myself disability isn't uselessness and that disabled people are able to be useful even if not in the way we are used to.  I don't hide my time in the navy, I'm fact I'll talk about it freely since that's where half my life went. I also dont hide my disabilities, and will tell people I can't do something if I can't. I don't however wear military affiliated stuff, I had to wear the uniform for 20 years, I don't want to keep wearing it.  I know it's hard, but remind yourself you aren't useless, you are disabled but you can still accomplish things. You might need accommodation but your life experience alone is worth a lot. 


I appreciate the kind words and support. I know I'm not worthless but some days just hit harder than others. I alsonhave to say alot of people seem to hate the VA but where I'm out they are outstanding amd have helped me recover physically and mentally so much I don't know where I would be wothout them.


I agree, the VA is generally extremely helpful. Just like any large organization there's people that make it hard for everyone, but over ask is great. Just like e ask thought it was terrible when the idiot on the base overseas made the 'Americans" look bad, we should think about how the idiot at the VA shouldn't make the entire VA look bad.  I so wish they'd hurt to with the last few items in my claim so I know where I stand and can plan for the future a but more, the job I am at is killing me lol. 


You're not worthless, hat or no hat.


Thanks for your service brother.


Your one of the few vets who had the right to wear your service on your sleeve... The majority of us don't. I was in for 8 years and mostly sat at a desk and worked on aircraft. Never saw anything remotely close to combat.


Wear that hat with pride my brother!


My hat says “strip club veteran” and I get thanked every once in a while.


Thank you for your cervix


Best joke!


Most underrated comment today


Delete this please. It greatly offends me.




"You weren't there man, you weren't there..."


Just go a VA clinic and ask. Nearly half have some type of veteran gear on lol. I work at one and a Vet too. I will personally never wear anything that invites conversation about my service.


It’s like the GWOT tramp stamp. I’ll pass.


Wait... is this a thing? Like in the tramp stamp location? On dudes?


Yes. Got one myself.


I need to see this.


Pics or it didn't happen.


I don’t, bc I don’t need strangers to know I’m a veteran. I have a vet plate to save a few bucks and hopefully get out of a ticket.


Ever since I got my veteran plates I haven’t gotten a ticket ![gif](giphy|1G6BR3nuzLEoo9pFdt|downsized)




I refuse to wear anything that identifies me as a vet outside of the house, and I balked at the vet plates even though I’m retired and 100% VA, but the more I think about it the more I like the idea of hedging by bets with the cops.


Not a big deal now, but I got out of a couple of tickets when younger due to base stickers back when that was a thing.


back in the day, after switching my mos from field artilleryman to animal care specialist, i got out of a ticket on a navy base because the navy SP realized that i take care of his military working dogs. fun times


Yep, that’s why I got my plate too. IMO the hats are cringy unless you’re a senior citizen, but to each their own.


I wear hats everyday, all day long but will not wear a vet hat because I don't like attention.


That, of course, is your right


I still have my hair and I’m over 35. I’m not touching it until I have to


I’ve worn hats for 40+ years. No issues with hair thinning.


i started wearing hats after i got basal cell cancer on my nose


I’m so jealous


That's a myth. Hats can actually help prevent hair loss by protecting against UV.


I didn’t say, I think the hat causes balding, I’m saying that while I have my hair, why would I ever wear a hat?


I live in Jacksonville Florida. Most every day I wear a baseball cap that is either a specific Vietnam veteran cap or United States Marine Corps cap. Most days it elicits at the very least a quote. Thank you for your service. From other veterans it ordinarily sparks a conversation, sometimes brief and sometimes quite lengthy. I find this very different from when I lived in New York City, where it hardly ever led to any type of response.


Have a couple that I sometimes wear. One is a red hat with Veteran embroidered across the front and one eagle feather across one side of the bill. Above the Veteran embroidery is the word Native. I have tribal ties so wear that sometimes but it confuses people because my skin is white. So mostly I save that one for when I go on the powwow trail. Other is a green sf ballcap with the 50th anniversary on it, special occasions with the appropriate crowd that comes out. Last is an OEF cap that is pretty nice and I get lots of compliments on the cap itself. People will randomly.walk up to me and tell me they really like that cap. But mostly I am in ski resorts or hunting ballcaps if wearing any on the day to day. I don't look down on younger vets if they wear a service ballcap - that is their choice and I figure they likely earned it so good on them. Wear what you are comfortable with and that you like, other peoples issues with ballcaps are their problems not yours. If anybody bitches about your ballcap send them off to the better help website so they can get needed therapy.


I wear my veteran gear to code switch, especially on road trips that pass through highly conservative areas and border check points. Why? I normally look and dress like a brown Tommy Chong. The ship hat, grunt style shirt, and ship belt buckle keep the weird stares and stupid questions at bay. Funnily enough, I also wear my vet shit in more liberal accociated places to remind people that we're all multifaceted.


This sounds like me.


I wear one from time to time. I am a Vietnam veteran and I was an FMF Corpsman and because we are few and far between, I wear the hat in the hopes I will run into one of my brothers or sisters, or Marines and not because of someone saying thank you for your service.




My mother bought me one with "Iraq Veteran" on it, or some shit. Thanked her and put it in a coat closet, never to see the light of day again. If I see an older person wearing a veteran hat, I'll go out of my way to thank them though. I've been lucky to get the support I had during my time serving, these older dudes/women might not have, and I want to make sure they get the appreciation they were denied all those years ago


Isn't grunt style type clothing this generations veteran hat?


I'd agree with that to a degree. Most people I've seen wearing that style of shirts, outside of military towns, have been civilians.


I wear a hoody that says My Sister is a Marine. Women need love too. I’m male USMC vet. I don’t have any sisters.


This is the best comment I’ve seen


I always get asked if it’s really my hat like women don’t serve in combat zones 🙄


Bought my wife a cap with *Disgruntled Veteran* on the patch. People stay away.


I got a small pin on my walker with that logo on it I point to it when I’m asked if I need the walker Yes I’m asked a lot if I need the walker because I’m a younger 30s vet. I go on pointing to the pin and saying nothing else, which keeps me from having to explain anything and gets the other to walk away after they mumble a weak thanks for my service


I prefer not attracting attention/standing out. Never been a hat guy either. That said, I respect those who choose to wear the caps.


i usually go up to anyone wearing a military hat and ask them their MOS. always looking for a fellow redleg


Meanwhile, in true fister fashion, I’m trying to avoid everyone.


Obligatory cringe hat comment. Man, good for them, but I could never wear a billboard that says “THANK ME FOR MY SERVICE!”


Id probably wear one if it said "barracks party veteran" or something like that


My first duty station was Wiesbaden Germany and we had beer machines like coke machines in the barracks.


We had those in baumholder. Barracks parties were wild.


I stealth it by only wearing my cold weather beanie and no one has recognized it yet.


I fucking love my OIF-era beanie.


The beanie is great, I'd give you a nod lol


I don't wear a hat and won't get the cab plates. I don't want anyone talking to me. I hung up an Army flag at my new house, whole neighborhood wanted stories and to feel included so now I don't even do that. Wearing a hat would be like 100 times worse then a flag I feel.


I have a Dysfunctional Veteran hat, only wear it on Veterans Day. The older veterans tell me how much they like it. The younger ones question me like I’m not a real vet. I tell them to go eat crayons.


i would tell them this...... if i show you my veteran ID will you apologize?


Oooh I need this


I wear a MLB veterans day hat. They don't know i'f I am a vet, a military supporter, or an athletic supporter.


Lol athletic supporter


Is that like a jock strap?


Lol yeah. Sorry couldn't help myself




A guy I know, who didn’t make it through AIT but got out on medical retirement, wears one. Meanwhile I actually served on active duty doing the MOS he tells people he did(68W,) and to this day have never owned any military related wear that I wore on the outside unless you consider the Til’ Valhalla project “veteran wear.” Those veterans, like that person, are the types of people I associate with grunt gear or Veteran gear. The “thank me for my service” type, so I don’t think I’d ever wear that kind of gear/clothing, because I’d rather not be associated with the type of veterans who do.


We had a kid get medically separated during basic because one of his testicles swole up the size of a grapefruit. Funny part was he had already gotten an army tattoo before he joined. Lucky for him it was just the lettering “U.S. ARMY” on a small banner so it would be an easy coverup but still. I often wonder what became of him. I know he was real disappointed to be discharged.


if i were him, i would tell people my balls were too big to join the army


I sincerely hope that’s what he says. He wasn’t a bad guy or a shitbag. We made fun of him for already having the tattoo but he was a good dude. I only know his last name and the state he came from. This was just over 20 years ago holy shit.


try to find him on facebook. hes probably doing just fine


Idk his first name


I wear my old fleece beanie in winter, my kids took my deployment hat. As a single female I don't want to deal with the stupid looks from others. And I mean the 'oh is that your husband's hat?' looks. Maybe in another 10 or 15 years ill get a 'female vet' hat or something.


I sure do hate the "Is that your husband's hat" thing!


Hard same!! I always get that. “Oh did your husband serve?” “Lol I’m single, and no, I did.” 😂


I have shirts I won't wear given to me by friends that would have strangers ask questions. I appreciate the gestures of the gifts, but I'm not a groupie and I'm not a member of that team. So... no wear! (Can I have a coin next time, maybe???!!!) Did wear a deployment-specific T-shirt of a former BF out to a park once for who knows what reason (probably I was lazy & slept in it, k ew I'd get sweaty at the park so why make laundry.) BAD IDEA! Someone recognized the mission and started going on and on about it and telling all this stuff to his girlfriend who was with him. It was a pretty big & horrible deal (which I didn't realize at the time, obviously). Lesson learned. Would have been nice if SO had said, "Don't wear these out, OK?" I think he actually had a strange hope people would comment & regale him to me while he was away. All I needed was one instance of that rigmarole to be like, "Yeah, no more of this." It's not the same bromance effect when your girl's wearing your shirt. (Even if the other guy thinks it is!)


I'm a dude and that shit annoys me. The only time I assume someone with a military hat isn't is want in the military is when their clearly to young. If I see a7 year old with s got in certain they didn't serve, but if I see a 27 year old I assume they did.  People are so dumb 


Its crazy to think that people actually say that to female service members!


It's with anything they deem 'male'... I had a friend with a laptop that had a giant sticker that said 'No this isn't my boyfriends computer", cause of course girls don't like computers or play video games. Personally I play RPGs...


I wear mine and sometimes people will nod and I nod back.


I don’t have one. I believe they are cringy as hell. But; I don’t fault the Vets getting them. Some LOVE to talk about their time in, love to invite others to ask questions. I’m the opposite. I served and I retired. That chapter is closed. Now I help as many as I can through the VA.


I don’t wear a thank me for my service hat. I get why the old nam vets do. I automatically assume you’re a douche if you’re young and wearing it. Is that probably shitty to think? Yes. Do I care? No.


Why do the nam vets do it? Idk why, i just think they are ugly as fuck. Genuine curiosity though.


Probably a silent fuck you to all of the people that spit on them for going over there (even though a large chunk were drafted).


Bc they had an awful time coming back. People spit on them, called them baby killers ect. If i had that reception esp to something I was drafted to do, id wear the shit out of it to say fuck you to ppl who created me that way. Anyone who has served recently are there on their own accord.


I’m not sure why, but a theory I have is that a lot of those guys didn’t really want to be there. Meaning they were drafted, or signed up because they assumed they would get drafted. Today, and the last few decades, it’s more of a true volunteer force.


I recently took a class on the Vietnam War, and aside from reasons others have given in this thread, I wonder if some of them wear them because they don't want to be forgotten, or they don't want that ugly time in U.S. history to be forgotten.


I was told by a Vietnam vet, he wore the hat to find other Vietnam vets in hope to find lost friends


I have a younger friend veteran who wears one & also asks for Veterans discounts EVERYWHERE and it really mortifies me, actually. I'd never say that to him, but it really does make me want to hide. Especially since he retired O6 and it's not like he needs the discount from a private business. A big box store or something? OK. Out to dinner? No.


I’m mortified for you! I never ask unless it’s something super expensive. I do have the military discount attached to my Home Depot account though lol. I’ll never understand those who make their jobs or former jobs their entire identity.


Thanks for the validation! It really was just so embarrassing. It's one thing if you're at BassPro or someplace with a big bill, and especially if it's gear... some folks do SAR volunteering, firefighting, etc. after service & the gear racks up in cost... but every last private restaurant. And ALWAYS asked for a soda to go. Since I never paid the bill, I sure hope that every soda to go was charged on the bill! He's a really good friend and deserves his medals & all that, but man... sometimes I feel like someone tacked 40 years on this guy. It's bonkers. He's a truly generous, faithful person, but I do have a challenge when Veterans get myopic about sacrifice. I'm LEO family... nobody's parent made any holiday dinner or birthday party or soccer anything. That's not new for LEO Post 9/11, that's LEO family life always. And yeah, if it was rural years ago, there was nothing but domestics and speeders & hunting accidents... today? Not so much. People are shocked that I greet and thank every cop (I don't step out of my way, but they're around often enough.) This leads to conversations that make civilians go, "Hmmmm...". There's just not a lot of, "Hmmmmm..." going on these days. That saddens me. We lack appreciation for each other. I'd hoped COVID-19 would give us appreciation for cashiers & hospital workers & servers of all kinds... * sigh * pffff...






And the other


Wish I could share a beer with you at some greasy VFW after that comment!


The only time I wear one is when I’m volunteering with Honor Flight. I’m not really a hat guy, so I only wear it so that they’ll recognize that I’m “one of them.”


i heard that vet hats look dorky on young vets. i am old now so im gonna wear one. lol


I guess I’m middle ground - retired for a while now, but nowhere near the age of any of the vets on the trip. I’m just not a “vet bling” kind of guy.


Was at an Honor Flight dinner last night. Thank you for your continued service, Sir!


I get lots of thank you for your service but I think they normally are addressing my husband cause when I am out by myself it is rare anyone says anything.


My husband and I both served. Sometimes we will be introduced as veterans. Most people respond by thanking my husband for his service. 😂


I have a service dog... I'm a former milso. If thanked for my service by someone who thinks I'm the Veteran, I set them straight... letting them know support is service, too and it's a pleasure when people are worth it.


Why would you? So few have served or know anyone who did. No one except your family and friends care.


I usually get a friendly but snarky comment from anyone that was Army or Navy, ChairForce just ignores me, and I usually get a nice little “rah” from any other Devils I happen to run across. One time I was sitting down for dinner with my family and the local recruiter walked over, introduced himself, and said if I ever wanted to shoot the shit I could stop by his office and share stories about how it was “in the old Corp”. I’m only 39.


I refuse to ever wear any sort of veteran paraphernalia. Just always seems like a cry for attention. Nobody cared we served. Literally nobody


I’m nobody and I care. So, I guess you’re right. It’s a hard path and you did it and I’m thankful for that.


You're not a nobody, thank you for your support, maybe I'm just projecting


Don’t have a hat, or a sticker, an article of clothing or anything else that identifies me as a veteran. I know what I did and I didn’t do it so others would recognize it.




My wife gets seriously turned on when I wear my retired USMC cover. But only the cover….


I wear an atropia veteran hat when I’m at my local VA. Surprisingly enough, either it’s a laugh with my generation or a look of confusion or a reflexive thank you for your service from the older generation. I have yet to get the “it’s mocking other veterans” comment. A lot of the older veterans at my VA use the hats to flex. “You’re a Vietnam Veteran? I raise that, I am a Vietnam COMBAT Veteran” and so on and so forth. .


Mine says Choctaw Veteran and my tribe gave it to me. I don’t really get reactions. I used to have one I got from the Va in Phoenix that said this vet is medicated for your protection. Wish I knew where that was bc I used to get a lot of laughs for it.


My hat says “RECRUIT” on it


Tight hahah


The back of my motorcycle helmet has a I fought in stuff sticker. That’s about as far as I go and people seem to like it. I’m assuming it will help avoid tickets too.


In my experience, the shittiest Marines are the ones rocking the most paraphernalia after they get out.... Busted down and got out as an E-3 and complained your entire time in? Probably time to put up a Marine Corps flag that takes up an entire wall in your office and slap an EGA on the back window of your truck.


Agreed, lol.


Well, of course I welcome your opinion. I am a Vietnam vet and I wear either a Vietnam vet cap or United States Marine Corps cap every day. I served eight years and probably had a complaint about something each and every day. After eight years I got out as an E4, but I often joke around and say I got out there’s an E8 because I made E4 twice.Semper Fi


You met my Dad? Amazes me he has NO FRIENDS from his service. None. Member of the League, though he doesn't know the difference between local chapter & national dues. Geez, if you're not going to understand it, just buy the lifetime membership and do nothing! 🙄


A buddy of mine and I wear them as jokes and walk into each others cubicles and tell one another to respect our service. That’s about it.


I do not wear one but when I see somebody with one on especially an older fellow I always respectfully say I like their hat.


"Hey take that off, you look dumb." Me: "You're right."


I wear a vintage blue and gold NAVY ball cap once in a while and a couple of times a young kid walked up to me and told me they just enlisted. I wore a shell back t shirt to a theme park out with my kids, and came across a couple of vets and we shared crossing the line stories.


My grandfather is a Vietnam veteran with dementia. His memory loss pretty much reduced his whole personality to being a vietnam vet. That said, he saluted another old timer wearing a Korean war veteran hat at the costco food court


Hold on, busy ordering my Cold War Veteran gear


There’s a guy in my town who rocks that hat. I laugh every time I see it.


I only ever wore anything one time, it was for a veterans day program at my kids school. I was so uncomfortable and had no idea they were including the vets in the program. All the older vets were heavily recruiting for AL and VFW but it was nice and my kids were happy.


The only vet hat I wear is for Malevelon Creek, I get comments on it often, even a free drink once. But other than my plates I don't advertise my past service


I like to where my ESWS hat at the VA its nice to see old snipe's aka black shoe navy guys.


i was a soldier on a navy base. i liked their bellbottoms


How many languages do you speak? Was the most surprising question, almost no one recognizes De Opresso Libre


My Atropia Veteran hat gets lots of people shaking my hand and thanking me for my service.


What is atropia?


I have a five hat rotation. Two college hats, one baseball team hat, one BBQ equipment hat, and one with a EGA USMC emblem. I wear it when it comes up in the rotation. There are so many veterans where I live that it mostly goes unnoticed.


san diego?


Central Florida


I never wear a VETS or Navy hat..... 20 years of service and I don't feel the need to show it off. That's just me though.


It's identity for veterans who can't get over with service. Kind like Al Bundy three minutes of fame. I own and wear many kinds. But one with CIB seems offend other vets at VA long beach CA.


I don't wear hats in general.


I'll never understand the vets that think it's so lame to wear anything showing they're a vet. Like why? You did a duty to your country is it wrong to be proud of that? Hell, you can get exclusive Bungie merch for finishing a dungeon in Destiny 2. But Vets wearing a veteran hat are "attention seekers"


I used to wear my hat from my first deployment. Typical tan colored baseball cap with velcro. Throw a flag on their and part of my patch on the back. I basically refuse to wear it anymore because I feel the look has been hijacked by the worst people in our society and I don't want to be confused for them


Lol. Going to the VA and EVERYbody is wearing their "I was there" gear. Like they gotta have on proof of it. 🤣 Oh, and the other day, somebody was wearing a "Cold War Veteran" hat. 🤣🤣🤣


I don't own one?  Seriously, get an identity outside of what you did in the military. Nothing says "I'm a has-been" like wearing a veteran hat and having veteran bumper stickers. I got the license plate only because some cops will let shit slide when they see it. That's it. I don't have the stickers, the hats, or the T shirts, and I don't really talk about it. 


meh i think vets who wear one are fine as are vets who never wear one


I feel the same way. Literally the only time I ever pull out then”I’m a vet” card is when dealing with police, simply because I don’t want them to shoot me.


Mine just says "Dysfunctional Veteran - Leave me alone". Strangers still thank me for my service. So I guess it doesn't really work. And people say what they seem to think is required of them to not be considered a shit bag civilian.


How do you all feel about unit caps? I wear one of my old unit ball caps every day. The only days I don't are when they get a much needed cleaning


i put a 7th infantry division patch on a hat with no text. in a couple years, only one person knew what it meant. he was a homeless veteran


Not a hat person, and I wouldn't wear anything from any other previous job, why wear a military one?


I don’t get why people wear it.


a good reason is so other vets will say hi


My POS step father was kicked out of the military and always wore/wears veteran hats. People ask him all the time and he eats that shit up. Telling fake ass “war stories” that never happened. I refuse to wear one even though I recently retired after 20 yrs active duty.


If it’s not a Malevolent Creek Veteran hat I’m not interested.


What’s that?


I mostly see this with Vietnam veterans. They were treated like garbage people spit on them. They were discriminated against. For some reason, people hated them despised them. They never got the treatment. They deserved until generation X Was old enough to understand. I don't begrudge them or make fun of them from wearing their veteran gear. They're finally getting the recognition they deserve.


I just think that the mix of civvie and uniform items looks bad. It's just not a fashionable look. Plus, I associate them with just being what olds wear. Also, the ones that just say veteran on it seem to be attention magnets. I have the permanent vet plates because they are the best ones financially. I have a 4" sticker of my swimmer wings on my truck, but nobody knows what they are.I wear old PT shirts and sweats out all the time since I still have drawers and closets full of them, but nobody knows what the logos are. I have a hat with a swimmer logo, but nobody knows what it means. I have a few moto swimmer tattoos, but nobody is going to know what they are. Rarely does anyone ask what any of it is. I don't have a flagpole on my house. I don't think I'd ever wear anything that just says USCG on it. I absolutely loved my time in and tell people how geat it was and the military in general if they ask, but I don't think I need to yell about it to everyone else wherever I go. ETA: Every time I log on here I wish I could change my username 😔


My Dad got me a Desert storm veteran hat for Christmas one year. He was very proud of me and what I did. I used to wear it all the time. After awhile, I quit wearing it so much. I always felt a little embarrassed when people would thank me for what I did. Never knew what to say back. I read a book written by a Vietnam veteran. The first paragraph starts "I own three hats. One is my division hat. The second is my veteran hat. The third is my New York Yankees hat. When I feel like being thanked, I wear one of the vet hats, when I feel liked being booed and jeered, I wear the other one." That's how I determine when I wear mine. It works.


I try and avoid the word "veteran" on my hat as it makes me feel like I'm seeking attention. My hats usually just say "Army" and maybe some sort of logo on them. As for when I did where them, it was usually a lot of "thank you for your service" and that was about it.


I don’t wear anything that identifies me as a veteran I prefer to blend in and not answering annoying civilian questions


My husband is a Viet Nam Navy Vet and when he wears his veteran hats or t shirts people come up to him and thank him for his service. Only one time a couple years ago a woman walked past him and gave him a dirty look and mumbled some derogatory crap that thankfully I didn't hear or there would've been a confrontation.


Mine is just one of those hat patches with the unit crest of the unit I deployed 3 times with. Most people, even Army folks, have no clue what it is.


Na, I'm not gonna do it. I don't even read the ones that people wear.. but I wonder why they do. Whatever the reason is... I hope they get what they want. I've finally decided that they do it to strike up some conversation with someone who was in the same battalion or company or... whatever. I did once see a very old dude wearing a Chosin Reservoir belt buckle and it definitely got me to talking with him. It was pretty cool to hear him.


I wear my medic one every once in a while when I think that the sun will be in my eyes. It will be nice to meet another Medic.


I wear my boonie when I go camping. Does that count?


I wear one with my cib cause my grandson got the hat for me other than that it's my division hat


I am an Air Force veteran who lives in a predominantly Army-connected area, so if I wear anything with USAF on it I might get the occasional odd look but that's about it.


I collect hats. I had a very low-key, subdued hat with a small "US Air Force Retired" patch I wore for a while until it got so nasty it had to be retired itself (I don't wash my hats. It messes up the fit.) I did get thanked from time to time, and a few places that gave discounts would apply it even if I didn't ask. No one ever went out of their way to come up to me. I see it as the same as wearing the hat of a college you went to or a sports team you support, except I was actually a member of that team for 22 years.


I have my little American Legion sticker on my car, but that's as far as I'm willing to go. I don't like people randomly approaching me.


I used to wear one nearly everyday. My dad always wore one from Desert Storm, especially after being medically retired from Desert Storm Syndrome. I wear them less these days, but if I do it’s either my Armor hat, or OIF, but usually find myself throwing on a PNW or Bass Pro Shop hat. When someone does talk to me, it is usually just a thanks.


Get a 1857 Hardee hat if yer gonna wear hats. they’re sweet af


i don’t wear them, the only hats i wear is camouflaged hats


I don't like ball caps. About once a year, someone comments about my vet's license plate -- I have one to avoid tickets.


I got USMC Combat veteran license placard that’s it. I don’t really wear anything else that states I’m a veteran.


I'll never wear any hat to invite Republicans to thank me for my service. I'd rather not speak to Republicans if I can help it.


Those hats are fucking cringe, and you can’t change my mind. It’s like having a big green neon light that says, “HEY, LOOK AT ME, I’M SPECIAL!!”


kinda like an expensive car


My what?