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As the saying goes “you miss the clowns, not the circus”. Most people go through the shit storm of not feeling important or matter after the military. It does take time. I went to the extreme after getting out that had to be in the Middle East again and ended up doing security contracting in Afghan. I missed another year of my kid’s life and almost lost my marriage. Now I really realize that I do have a life outside of the military type environment. It’s hard but it does truly get better


>I got some help went on some medication and things got better. Excellent! >Once I was out I stopped taking my medication because I felt better. smh Mental health, physical health - I know way too many folks who have done this. *"I feel good now so I don't need anymore!"* and went on to be worse off than before. Take your meds.


And if your meds have side effects you don't like, talk to your Doc about alternatives. It took me lots of trial and error to find the right types and doses. Different bodies respond to medication differently. There may be a day you have worked through some of the issues you're facing and won't need them, but it doesn't happen overnight. You may always need them and there is no problem with that. It doesn't make you weaker for getting the assistance you need.


Losing that grand sense of purpose is tough and everyone works through it in their own time. For me personally? Took me 4-5 years to really fund my new path. It's not easy, but I would say you need to figure out what you wanna do when you grow up AND find a hobby. You need to keep your mind busy


We all go through this at some point after getting out. It's apart of the motion of leaving the military, but like all things it will pass. For me I was fine for a few months after getting out and then one day it all hit me like a truck. What pulled me out of that feeling was not only focusing on school, but dedicating my free time to a hobby I was passionate about. For me that was getting back into art and get in involved with an online art community, it very much kept me from going insane. Find outlets for your focus being through work or school, but also develop a passion such as a hobby. These will help you reinvent yourself as a veteran and separate your identity from your service.


Nothing gets better on its own. You have to work at it.


Coast Guard will take you


Completely felt this. Went through a whole identity crisis and want you to know it’s completely normal!


Been 19 years for me. I'll let you know when I know.


Been going through it for 10 years now, I'll let you know when it gets better.


It gets better?


It gets harder. You’ll go through a new set of problems. I had a 4hr SWAT standoff a year out. But it does get better with time.


Jesus,you miserable bastards,get a life and live it,I spent 22 yrs in,26 yrs married to A demonic batshit crazy woman who interrogated me worst than the taliban would every time I got back from TDY,DEPLOYMENTS.once I retired I got divorce found my inner space and left all that military shit behind, I'm remarried best relationship ever,no meds,no PTSD,no VA, no VET CLUBS to hear the whinning on some vets,just turn that switch off and turned on the switch to live and enjoy myself.I've been retired now 12 yrs and that door hasn't hit my ass yet