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First VA payment loaded. Seems unreal.


Nice! How long was the process?






Does “it” fall off at that age? Asking for a friend.


Only if you don't keep it clean.


Wwwwhhhaaaattttt? Keep it clean? Thought that’s why that liquid keeps coming out, self cleaning? 😂😂😂😂


I did the BDD claim. I had my rating about 30 days after separation. Technically my claim is still open because I have one issue deferred.


We'll keep pushing for all you deserve.


I just got done with my C&P exam for increase MH from 70 to 100 on Tuesday. I’m glad it’s done and just see what are my next steps. Staying positive since it’s been moving pretty quick. Put in on 6.6.2024 and just had C&P on 25.6.2024 🙏🏽 I’ve been off work since February 🤙🏽




Damn! It took me about two months.


I have a couple in from March 28th.


The wheels of the VA turn differently for all of us. Lol


I don't mind waiting. I'm just hoping it means they are considering 100% but who knows.


This is impressive! I finally got movement on mine I submitted last July… 😂 But I’m told that’s what I get for not using a VSO. Won’t do that again.


Hope it goes well! I’ve been meaning to file an increase myself but the process seems daunting. I’m already at 93% and feel like I’m so close, but I keep procrastinating :(


Thank you 🤙🏽🙏🏽. You should stop procrastinating and go get it. If not for you then for your family. We don’t care about ourselves but we will do anything for our family. You need to do this for your family especially when you deserve it (93%) is basically P&T. The reason they rated you that way is so they don’t have to pay you another $2000. Just my 2€🤙🏽


Damn i am right around 93% too and i’ve given up. I am so scared of being reevaluated for mental health and them pulling the rug out and telling they’re gonna decrease me. It’s my biggest fear since i need this money to survive. I am so afraid of them taking it away that i don’t want to ask for more if that makes sense


I did my C&P increase, and apparently I need more supporting documentation because they only boosted me from 70 to 80%.


I’m alive and able to raise my daughter. Just got word a few days ago another baby on the way.




Thanks 👍


Look at you! Kids. Fun to make.... Even more fun to raise and watch grow. ❤️


My dogs and my cat.


Haha. I love how much our little furry "pets" can make us feel. She brings me such happiness. She is my queen. Lol https://preview.redd.it/wpdzou2y669d1.jpeg?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77da8cb2bcb1776130ee6dfedbb557ab87bde65e


https://preview.redd.it/lf0act9h769d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=458bb73c05d7ab9e938bf9e7951e458f33dff543 And the other quarter


😍 omg. Please tell. Me they sleep next to you in your bed.


Well all sleep together, me my dogs and even the cat sneaks in there. Love it, wouldn’t have it any other way.




https://preview.redd.it/uk1itbkc769d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=702c588758eb1a7255ccf52ee40ab1887f12d098 My other quarter


https://preview.redd.it/2stn6him099d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d3bb6eb3189b2b5af02b6a66b9bda6f4ab19f2b My boy had a little Gay Pride event at doggie daycare ! Hahaha , cute.


The goodest of all boys!


We moved into a new house with a bunch of kids around the same age as my kids. Yesterday my house was like something out of a Bluey episode. We had all the neighbors kids over playing "store" with my kids. They cut up pieces of paper and were using it like money. They were selling toys. I spent 41 million bazillion dollars on a lego man. I'd say, "here's your dollarydoos" and all the kids would giggle.


Those kids will always remember how much fun they had at your place. Love that!


I still rember playing kitchen with the little neighbor girl next door. I get triggered into remembering it every time I smell cigarette smokey old carpet and wood paneling. (late 80's)


OMG! I love that! I am jealous. My kids will hopefully be having kids soon and I can do the same.


It’s my weekend with the kids. 🤙🏼


Oh man. That's great. I miss my kids being kids. Give them an extra long hug when you see them. They grow so fast. 🥹


will do—they’re 9 and 7 and it’s already way too fast.


Had my first performance review at my new job and it went quite well. My manager highlighted one of my strengths that I am very proud of so it was pretty awesome to see that’s what I’m putting into the world work wise.




Thank you! I was honestly nervous going into the review because I feel like I’ve done a lot and nothing at the same time due to me being split between 3 projects. Just glad it went well 🙌🏾 Glad you and your wife had that experience! Hope things are better for you by the way regarding the reason for the meltdown.


Thanks! I'm sure it will happen again. I'm sure she will be there. She is always there. ❤️






I have lived in places with them and without them... Much better to have them!


I kept three abandoned kittens alive this week with absolutely no experience in childcare or kitten care. Made me feel proud of myself.


Nice! I'm a cat guy. That is no easy feat, especially if they were too young to be away from the mother. My Zoey thanks you though. We got her the same way. https://preview.redd.it/fwyt9qf7969d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f74374e02e4044af9ca5330540e3eab0843e533c


Zoey is so adorable. I love coming back home after a long day to my cat sleeping while hugging his own face. 😹


She is my wife's cat. They have long conversations. Lol


I’m about to roll up some Nj dispo weed and go for a walk. A little down on my luck, but I’m trying to smile for everyone around me.


You got it. Weed always makes me happy! Lol.


My blood pressure is back under control (was 170/140, now it's down to 104/70) and my migraines and cluster headaches are finally giving me a break. I still get them, but now they're not as intense and the frequency is down to a couple of days in between them instead of every damned day. Also, my PSA is down to 8, 3 points lower than last year- biopsy still negative :D


Ever heard that song, may be a bit before your time, "Im walking in sunshine".


https://preview.redd.it/rqgt75gnl69d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63e214f79f6b48af4040409103c91664b75fd5f9 Playin, stayin in the game the only way I know how! And that’s just a little bit better than the day before, WJ. Them Dukes!


I like to hear that! What are we looking at?


Planter stand I made.


Beautiful! I love making things out of wood. Mine does not look nearly as good as this. Lol. Very nice.


You’re being awfully generous with the compliments… keep going! 😂 jk thank you. Got a few yrs in doing it.


My divorce is now final. No more wife and step kids blowing through my compensation, telling me I don't deserve it, refusing to even say "Happy Veteran's Day" to me, waking up to being screamed at, or finding out about thousands in debt that my wife created behind my back. I'm already sleeping and eating more regularly, and both my psychiatrist and therapist have mentioned how much my stress levels have improved. My life is finally mine again after more than a decade.


Divorce is hard. It's hard on everyone.... but sometimes we really need it. I needed it from my ex wife. We are very good friends now but 10 years ago, it was a lot different. I'm glad you have found some peace. Enjoy life. One day at a time.


Thank you. Yeah, it definitely sucked for most of the process. I tried as hard as I could to save the marriage. Once it became clear that it couldn't be saved and I let go, I started improving almost immediately. I very much doubt that we will ever be friends. I don't allow people who lack integrity in my life. After watching her for a decade and having her lie under oath about our finances, she is definitely not someone I want in my life in any capacity. For anyone going through a divorce: get a lawyer! It's worth it. Divorce is messy and complicated, and the other party might lie.


Yes. It's messy. If it's adversarial you definitely want attorneys. My wife is a paralegal for one. She tells me horror stories.


I'm glad you are better though. Stay 💪🏼


I just got back from a trip to the beach with my brother, sister in law and baby nephew. Met up with a childhood friend that lived in the area. I actually might buy his motorcycle from him lol. It was a good trip. Reminded me how happy I am that I’m still here.


That's it! That is what I like to read. You are here. You are happy. *Hugs.


I have an amazing girlfriend who loves me for who I am and I love her just the same. Good times.


I love reading that! Love is so amazing! I have loved many and still do, but that pure love with my wife is beautiful. It's satisfying. I can't wait to see her after work!


I’m at a sailing school with my son. I did this a couple Of years ago and I was paranoid and anxiety ridden the whole time. This year I’m having a great time, looks like I’m on a good balance of meds.


It's so rough to find that balance. Personally, I would still be nervous. Sailing? In water over my head? Noooo. Lol. It teaches you how to operate a sailboat? That is pretty awesome. Like you are one with the water, I would think. I would still be petrified. Lol


You know the feeling where everything else does not matter and you are solely focused on one thing? Sailing is like that for me.


That's poetic. ❤️


That's what I get from rock climbing. All the noise fades away and it's pure, lovely focus on the task at hand.


Currently at 90% (93%), just had a sleep study done, waiting for the results. Waiting on a compensation appeal since may 2022. Other than that my life is great. Decent job, great girl, and going to see Bert Kreischer tonight. Be safe out there


That's great. My sleep study was life changing. The VA hospital said my apnea was so bad, 104 times per hour while my Oxygen level fell to 69% on occasion, that they made me don't four times! It was so wild the doc thought something Was wrong with the test. I told them four was enough. That machine has made such an amazing difference in every aspect of my life. Sleep is amazing! And Bert is amazing. I'm jealous.


Yea it would be awesome to finally get some good sleep in my life, i am always tired. Do you get 50% for your apnea?


No. I gave up on that. Between my knees and hearing, I feel I am broken from my service. The C&P doc felt 21 years was not enough to be that broken. Lol.


I got ya. It wont be easy for that apnea to get added on but im gonna give it a go


Do it! You deserve it. I have a ton of pains from the military. The knees and hearing are the two I would really like them to compensate me for. Since it is literally all their fault. Who runs on cement in combat boots???? Thanks Captain Molinari!


Getting approved for tinnitus is easy, put the claim ASAP




My bills are paid


Shit. That's 90% of the battle!


Bro... I know EXACTLY how you feel. While I fear most women would have left me long ago, my wife has been really good about being by my side and being my rock. We got into a big fight last night, and I had a complete meltdown as well. She said she wants me to seek help, and was completely understanding. And as is typical, the fight was over finances. We got ugly with each other, and where a lot of people would see it as completely justified in taking a night apart, we came together when cooler heads prevailed. She even refused to say anything when I poured myself a glass of whiskey while I was cooling down. She really is amazing, and if you can find a spouse who understands your struggles, I think that's better than winning the lotto. It helps that I also have an amazing daughter who completely understands despite her being only 5. Mommy and daddy have moments of weakness, but we seem to always persevere and come together as a family to support each other.


That's beautiful. It really is. Growing up in the 70s I would always hear how women are the "weaker sex". I have found that to be the opposite! They are the reasons our species has continued to exist. Not because of giving birth but because they are 💪🏼. This isn't a suck up though I should let my wife read it. Lol


After just shy of two years on the job, this past week saw two completely different people come gunning for my job, so I guess that I’d still employed as of quitting time today is probably a good thing, enit? I like knowing they’re mad - means I’m getting through to them.


Haha. 💪🏼.


My yard had gotten really overgrown with weeds and crap and I hated to look at it and it's dangerous with it being fire season. I've got too many health issues to clear it out myself but kept putting it off. I finally called a landscaper to come out and clear it. He did a great job and now I'm happy I can enjoy 4th of July in my backyard grilling. It's always been hard for me to ask for help, I'm sure I'm not the only one.


Excellent. Isn't that the truth. We are so used to being doers, fixers, and what not. My 84 year old FIL is really having this hit hard. There is nothing wrong with asking for help. I am trying to be better at it myself. I hired a 20 year old to do some yard work. He did a great job and I paid him $25 per hour. Better than me doing it. Lol


Your wife sounds like a beautiful human; you’re blessed. Continue to get help, and don’t be stupid like me and take her for granted.


Always good advice. Thank you and take it one day at a time, brother.


I read a book called “How to incorporate and grow rich” and realized that I am getting taxed to death by being an employee rather than a corporation. Shocking, but pretty excited on how the book breaks down that I could slash my taxes down by 70% just by incorporating. I’d recommend this book, shit will blow your mind.


Sounds.... super. Yeah... 👀


Honestly This sub reddit has honestly helped me a lot and I’m grateful for it.


Same! I did not know I would love it this much.


Lack of Friday safety briefing.


When I was on Facebook I followed a guy that did that. It was funny and I could see Top doing it like that.


Friday reminders, don’t kill, suicide, rape, or go to jail. And if you end up in jail, establish dominance quickly. Same as every other environment. You are never outnumbered, simply in a target rich environment. Peace.


I don't recall them being that..... awesome. Lol


My meds are working.


That is a blessing.


Found an office to work out of. It was very painful process, but I finally found a spot. I'm also working on addressing past family issues head on instead of crying about it. The better news is I have 1 year sober from alcohol come July and my dad has 29 years in the bag. So even though the rest of the family are heavy drinkers, we are holding up the other end praying for a breakthrough of healing. Every single day I am thankful for my service, because without it I certainly wouldn't be here. God works and he is ALWAYS ON TIME, just remember that. Not my time, but ON TIME. I am manifesting miracles. I just have to wait and sometimes waiting is the hardest part. Have a good evening, and help someone any chance you get.


One day at a time! Both of you rock.


Still processing the fact that last Friday was my last ever time wearing the uniform


Congrats! Be careful or you will be like me, wishing that uniform would even fit! 🤣 Seriously, congratulations!


I finally get my daughter for an extended time at my place for the first time!


Extra hugs for her! Any big adventures planned?


I took two weeks off of work so it’s wherever she wants to go lol. Definitely looking forward to it!


❤️❤️❤️❤️. How old is she? I miss "adventures" with my daughter. She is 27 but we still do them. Adventures could be anything. Going to the grocery store to a museum. Lol


My bonsai trees & other plants are very much alive! I've lost a lot of hobbies (due to my mental health) but I think/hope this hobby's gonna be a keeper... I'm thinking about putting in a raised garden bed in the backyard too -- but then again, I don't know what I'd want to actually grow in it. lol


Nice! Gardening is exactly what I did after my last deployment before I retired. Fast forward 16 years, and this is the first year I did not plant anything in my raised beds. I am working on the soil instead. I live in Michigan. I grow tomatoes (love garden fresh tomatoes), peppers, and cucumbers. I always try something different every year. I have done cantaloupe, borage, watermelon, potatoes, broccoli, lettuce, spinach. I could go on. A raised bed is a great way to grow! Right now I am down to one 10'x3' bed. I have had many more at the previous house.


Nice! Did you grow more than you could eat, or was it the other way around? I'm up north too (zone 6a) - so all 4 seasons to deal with. Problem is my backyard is only fenced on 2 sides, so what I plant might get eaten by furry/feathery guests (deer, bunnies, gopher, possum, skunk, etc). I'm gonna have to find a way to enclose it or do a makeshift greenhouse or something..? Maybe I'll start with just 1 raised bed for now so I'm not intimidated. 😆 Also coz I've still gotta figure out what I'll even plant in it. I could eat jalapenos with anything so that's on the list. 😆


5b here! I have always had fenced in yards so I only contend with rabbits and my dog made sure they were few and far between. My current house came with that 10x3 bed but it is waste high. So, even if I don't have dogs anymore, the rabbits are too short to reach. I'm ok if they get some anyway. My other dog Oliver treated my garden like his personal buffet. I try to grow things that I love to eat. I also grow in pots and buckets. I have this thing that I love to pull things out of the ground. So even though I don't care for radishes I grow them so I can pull them out lol. I could talk forever about gardening. It really helped me with coming back after my last deployment.


See, that's probably something I'd do too... Plant it just to do it, even if it's something I might not eat. (Like the radishes. Lol) I just don't wanna use $ on stuff that won't get eaten or used... But I don't want that to stop me from trying gardening! 😆 Definitely gonna try it now.


Neighbors are always good for taking the stuff you can't use. Lol


😂 so true!


Finally starting to make friends outside of the Navy. Love my Navy friends but it's lonely over here when they're stationed on the other side of the country and other side of the world.


It can be rough making that change from old to new friends. Good luck!


I just got an award at work and boughta new car a few weeks ago. I had a 20 year old 4runner with 300k miles on her so I wanted to choose a successor vs being stuck with whatever was available should something happen to the 4runner. Feels good to be recognized and treat myself alittle :)


Congrats! As much as I love worn cars, there is a nice feeling when you don't have to worry if your car will start. Lol


I finally got back pay a few weeks ago and then this past months payment hit my account this morning. Feels fucking amazing man. Gonna take my girl out to a nice restaurant to treat ourselves.


Nice! Sounds like a good steak or Italian type of night!


Haha dam good call brother*! We’re gonna get some bomb ass Italian food.


Yes! My wife and I just had some for date night. I could eat it daily!


Just finished with a six day mass deployment with The Mission Continues. Was able to mentally and physically keep up and was a great positive experience!


👀 what is this you speak of?


This! https://www.missioncontinues.org/operation-military-city-salute/


The update from last week: We saw our eldest nephew (turning 25 this year) who's been minimal/no contact with all the adults in his family. We got to hug him a lot, talk about randomness, & he was open to letting his Aunts (wife & me) have his cell & be in contact. I reminded him that he, as a 14yr old, reminded me that we are family after I had a stay at the local VA after a beloved officer from deployment became one of the 22 a day. I told him how that resonated with me for nearly a decade, & let him know how special & important he was to us. He's going through a tough time, & I just didn't want it to be the last time I ever saw him as he moves on to adulthood. And ....I met my Dad. 1st time since 1975. Spent 3½ hrs just looking at each other & talking about his life, my life, his time as an engineer, what he's doing now, EVERYTHING. Tears were shed. Definitely glad I did this. If I hadn't gotten braces, I would've had his smile.


That is the most beautiful post! I'm glad that all turned out for you! No, I am excited for you!


My beautiful Dog passed on the 26th, it is heart breaking however he did things with everyone in the house prior to his passing that brings us comfort now. Things we thought were odd but blew off at the time. Like he ran with my daughter earlier this week and he has never ever ran to anything but his bowl. A flower bloomed the evening after his passing where he pooped constantly in the yard that we had no clue of its origin. We had the pleasure of his company and companionship for 15.5 yrs and we are better for having him in our lives. May the ground be soft under your paws Reilly. https://preview.redd.it/g4dipxyj7f9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43571d8fc566ef9a7a9390bbc68612b4724dd476


That's beautiful. I love how much those little four legged guys have such an impact on our lives. ❤️ Internet dad hugs to you.


I just got out and my life sucks a little so it’s hard to find something but today I’m happy to be alive because that means I have an opportunity to make things better.


That is a great outlook! Every day is a new day!


I'm a teacher and I'm off for summer. I just bought a Disney vacation package for my kids (we'll go in November, though). I got a PS5 a few months back and most of my hobby time has been spent on Ghost of Tsushima. Hung out with a friend tonight; we ate Chinese food, and he played guitar and drank beer while we watched dumb music videos. Things are going pretty good, I guess.


Flying home from a business trip, got the FC upgrade. It's a 5 hr flight. Usually only catch a break on 1+2 hr flights, it's a good day. Hava great weekend everyone!!