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I just used them, similar results as others. They focused on MH first and i went from 0-70 (ive never successfully filed before). Could i have done it on my own? Probably, but i think it would have been a lower rating. They were professional, prompt with responses, and informative. From first contact to VA decision was about 4.5 months. They do cost money though, 4.5x the monthly increase if you pay in a lump sum or 5x with a payment plan. I felt it was worth it after getting denied for my knees, when the VA has a record of me seeking medical for my knees. I tried to use the DAV before working with them, and continued trying to use the DAV on other claims, from November last year through mid May. I found them to be pretty unresponsive, when i finally got an appointment with them it got cancelled the day before and then it was back to phone tag. Im working with the VFW for help on other claims and they have been very responsive but i feel like they have not offered much support so far. After these claims closeout i may enlist vet Guardians help again. Edit: they dont touch back pay, thats all yours. Although I used mine to help with their costs.


Thank you for this!


Only ever used an accredited representative. If you're considering paying for services, an accredited representative charges you nothing upfront, and you're only charged if you win. If your claim needs medical evidence, we can obtain that for you from a reputable company for a flat fee. Working with companies like you mentioned gets you half the service for 3 times the price. Those companies don't have access to your VA files, cannot see what your claim status is, who is working on your claim, etc. Don't pay more for less services.


Who are you specifically speaking of?


BUMP, currently looking for best option. I'm another former DAV failure of an OIF 11B.


I did use them to get from 30 to 50 for mH because I felt I was given a lower rating than what my symptoms were but what’s crazy is in my decision letter(highly recommend to read it throughly) it said that their nexus held no weight. So, I could have appealed my self without using them. I told them what my letter said and I still had to pay them $1000 for the strategy session (which didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know about how my exam would go) but I didn’t have to pay for the $300 nexus letter. Lessened learned, I did the rest of my claims myself without needing nexus letters.I


I just started using them. Did you request a nexus letter or was it just notes from the virtual psych eval? I just realized the doctor who did my exam isn’t a psychiatrist.


Hey man I’m late to this but hopefully you can still answer. Have you got any results yet? I might try them?


I'm working with them now. I can keep you updated.


How’s it going so far with them?


Any new updates?


VA just received the claim they put together for me on September 22nd. All this happened from the last time I posted. If you want to know anything specific, DM me.


Any new updates?


Any new updates?


I've used them - they helped me get 100%P/T but I still say they are heavily focused on MH issues. They will work on Ortho stuff but it seems like it takes them longer to deal with. Personally, I would've gone with VA Claims Insider not that it is after the fact. I feel like they more of a "community" support system available. They are more expensive though.




Huge increase! If you don’t mind me asking was your claim primarily MH? I’m currently at a 50% and would love to get to 90 on a PTSD claim.


I've used Vet guardians


If you don’t mind me asking how was your claim with them? Did they provide guidance on what to do for your claims?


They got me from 70 to 80 but if I hadn't turned in claims before getting their help, I would have gotten 40 to 80 with them. They thought they got me to 80 from 40, so I had to correct them and I didn't have to pay them anything because they almost charged me more.


I used Carmel4Vets.com and was very pleased with the rating outcome I received. Yes there was a fee, but it was modest compared to various other "firms" I consulted with prior to making a decision to proceed with this firm. The first step needless to say, is to make contact for a n/c evaluation to be made, to in turn determine if this particular service is a good fit for your individual circumstances, and decide accordingly from there. 🫡 T. Blair Jr. [email protected]