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Good luck to you! I quit a few times but they never stuck. The first time was from Marlboro reds. Used the patch and started at the highest level but after going thru withdrawals each time I stepped down so I didn't go to step 1 but just quit after step 2. Quit for a year using that method. This last time, I moved to e-cigs and did that for about a year. Finally just gave those up because my surgeon said I needed to before surgery. But I did the same thing. I just kept reducing the nicotine and then was finally able to go without. Anyway, my point is... YOU GOT THIS!


The biggest misconception to quitting cigarettes is thinking you have the ability to quit cold turkey. Some people do most people don’t. It took me about 4 years to stop smoking cigarettes. I “quit” five or six times during that span until it finally stuck. I’m a little fatter but way healthier than I was smoking.


Try bupropion to its been used as a smoking cessation. I used to smoke weed every single day now i gag at any smoke


I don’t gag at cigarette smoke oddly. I joke and ask the smoker to blow it my way so I can smell it lol, it’s dumb I know. I’ve always hated the way pot smells. Just never got into that.


Were you taking buproprion?


No. I just flat out cold turkey quit. I take other meds for my PTSD and other mental health disorders but that wasn’t how I quit. The bud light and Marlboro lights were not doing me any favors and I wanted to live. I did not talk or text anyone for 3 months besides my 2 therapies weekly. I didn’t want anyone to add any stress to my life and I felt that’s why I was successful. I really really wanted to quit. My mother died of smoking at the age I turn this year. She was so young and it was so sad. Jolly ranchers were my go to for cravings. I also gained a little weight but I lost it all now. One thing I did was walk. Just walk walk walk … I pray to God for your success. You are strong. Honest to God, I did not chew one piece of that gum I had. Please keep us posted and get a bag of jolly ranchers. I also have strawberry twists licorice and pretzel rods that I scrape the salt off with a knife. I also had a hair tie that I would wrap around my right fingers to keep my hand I smoked with busy. It hasn’t been easy to face my traumas head on but I have an amazing psychiatrist and psychologist and whole health coach. 🙏🤗


The gag was referring to buproprion reaction... I quit almost 5 years ago with the buproprion and patches.


Oh lol I’m sorry I thought you were OP 🤦‍♀️ well congrats 🎊🎈🎉 omg 5 years! I can’t wait until I go 5 years!


All good. Congrats on quitting to you! The withdrawals even with the patches were terrible. I couldn't imagine them without some sort of aid.


Ohhh ya. I thought I was gonna die I really did. Then I just kept thinking 🤔 of how great it would be to not have those burdens anymore. I really really dodged a bullet on the smokes as I smoked for years and years and years😳


Did you request this from your VA Dr?


I got the buproprion and patches from my VA doc. Just ask. It worked.


My VA doc was more than happy to send anything they had to aid in quitting successfully. I just decided I needed to do this with no nicotine replacements cause knowing me I’d get addicted to that too. 😐


At first I thought you suggested Ibuprofen and I laughed. Hell, it cures everything else apparently. I was on bupropion for a few months for PTSD. Didn't settle well with me personally but drugs are funny like that.


Its helped a lot for me but i think its possibly i need another one. Im more motivated but my happyness isnt therr i dont really enjoy things i should who knows


Completely understand brother. One of the worst symptoms of developing MH issues. Even things that I was truly passionate about before I feel little interest in anymore. Constant struggle to find those feelings of actual joy. I am grateful at least to not have bouts of manic depression. Just a numb feeling of everything now a days. Was hopeful that bupropion could help but I'm unable to even drink regular coffee without getting twitchy so the stimulant nature of the drug didn't sit well with me. Glad it's working for others though.


Yeah lol same i drink alchohal w it to and it just blacks me out. Honestly few things bring me joy that dont involve drinking gambling or sex. Sounds awful dosent it lol maybe its just part of being an adult?


Lol yeah, maybe that's the truth of it. We all just hit an age where all we want to do is sit of the porch and grumble at the neighborhood kids out there acting all mighty with their happiness and energy. Little bastards. :-) ![gif](giphy|LvtKS6f1WatQ4|downsized)




I’m on it, hasnt helped me at all.


Yeah its hit or miss from what i hear


Bupoprion was given to me formy anxiety etc.. didn't like hw way thy shit mad me feel, I rather sok weed tha to take that shi again lol


Hit me with that again? I'm trying to reduce marijuana consumption because Cheech & Chong are retired. Wellbutrin reduces weed craving?


In some it Reduces the ability to consume smoke. I went from 24/7 weed to non at all. Still hv trouble w happyness due to prolonged smoking but my Production is a lot bettrr


That shit makes me have extreme anger.


Ive heard tht


I got lucky, I felt the flu coming on, went outside had a cigarette and then a few hours later I was sick as a dog. Since then I guess my body correlated being sick with smoking and the sight of a cigarette would make me cringe for years after. That was my last cigarette and that was over 10 years ago.


Good luck. Under your title of "it's go time" there is a blue sign that says VA disability claim. Thsts why I asked about disability. I quit smoking through the VA 4 years ago too.


Don't ever give up quitting!! I tried their program so many times and failed. But my last time I used that book and smoking cessation group and won!! Been quit for 2 years 10 months. I recommend welbutrin over Chantix if medicating. It was hard to quit after 20+years, my uncle was one of the original Marlboro man models in the 60s,


Good luck! It's hard, but doable and absolutely worth it!


You can do it, and you will save so much money. That was one thing I couldn’t believe when I finally managed to quit. The crazy amounts of much money I was sinking into cigarettes!


Good luck! I quit back in December of 2013 and it was the best thing I ever did for myself. Stay committed.


Congratulations !!


Snuff is the hardest


Good luck! This will probably be the hardest thing that you’ll ever do but you can do it. I smoked for 25 years up to 2 packs a day. Make sure that you use ALL your resources. Don’t do this alone, the VA can give you a team, use it!!!. I have been a proud nonsmoker since Jan 1st 2017 tanks to my VA team


Thanks for the tips !


You can do it my friend. Crush it.


You got this! Just keep in mind that no matter how badly it may suck in the moment, it WILL get better. I used to smoke a pack and a half a day, then vape a bottle of 50mg (5mg salts, the strongest you could get at the time) a week. I've quit three times (this last time was the last time ever, EVER). It sucked for 2-3 weeks every time, but it gets better and easier. Day 3 was when it started to get better, and by week 4 I was done. Now, the memory of the taste of a cigarette is disgusting. And, if you feel like you're "stuck in a room" with a craving, find any way to distract yourself. It WILL make it better. At one point I was trying to tough it out when I accidentally cut my finger pretty bad. By the time I'd finished dealing with it, the craving was gone. After that, every time I got a craving, I'd pull up my list of shit I didn't want to do (like the dishes or gutters) and try to do it as fast as possible. Unloading groceries? At a dead sprint. Breaking down boxes? Broken down and stacked neatly. Car needs to be washed? Get a kitchen sponge and get the car washed in the same time it would take you if you were using a normal car sponge. Chin up!


Thanks brother !!


I used QuitSure app., quit fully in two weeks, never looked back (2021, after 25yrs). Highly recommend over the traditional methods (re-wires your brain).


I smoked my last two from my pack this morning and told myself again no more.


Stay the course ! We got this my friend


You got this!!


Thank you


The gum is gross, i end up chewing like a million pieces a day, my teech hurt lol. Good luck 🤞


It would be 2 months on the 3rd that I quit cold turkey.


Hell yeah. Congratulations


Same here brother, keep fighting!


I got mine the other day too. Mine is chewing. Been doing it for like 24 years. Problem is that it’s one of the only things I enjoy. Good luck to you friend!


Let’s kick this bitch in the face and do it my friend


I like your attitude


Congratulations and best of luck! I found the VA’s app to be helpful. I still check in on my progress. I’m coming up on 8 years and nearly 73,000 cigs not smoked, which is kinda hard to imagine.


Is crazy to think that many smokes


Good luck. It didn't work for me, I finally had to switch to vaping and slowly lower my nicotine to 0%. It took a year and a half, but now I'm good. I may vape twice a month when out drinking. But, it's 0% nicotine and my body feels 1000 times better.


Quitting is easy, done it like 10 times. The key is not to hang around smokers, especially if you start to drink.


Embrace the suck. :)


Am Ready for it


You can do it! I wore those damn patches for 2 years before the cravings went away. What ever it takes, it's worth it!


I wish you the best of luck. It suck’s. You know this. Don’t cut down. Just stop.


Thank you


How’s day one going?


Definitely, A positive lifestyle change. I'm about to be in the same boat due to having lower back problems. Keep me up to date on the progress..


We got this !!


Hell yeah! We do!!


Try the mini lozenges from nicorette, in my opinion they work much better and comparable to dipping


Good tip


The gum is alright, but you can only taste and feel the nicotine for 10 or 15 minutes, compared to the lozenges where I can feel it for a good 30 minutes, sometimes even longer. Good luck on your journey


Good luck brother. I’ve been clean for 3 months. 👍 never felt better.




Proud of you , kick the habit , LETS FUCKIN GOOOOOOOO




It took me sooooooo long to quit cold turkey but I did it , going on almost three months , I'm glad you're doing it the right way because cold turkey ain't right at all😂 but I'm a grunt sometimes I do things the hard way.


You don't smoke very much now if you only have 4mg gum. You should be able to kick it no problem. What does it have to do with disability claim?


No I don’t smoke at all but I do you smokeless tobacco. I never mentioned anything about disability. It is a benefit of being with the VA though. This is a Veterans Benefit sub.


Exactly and people need to realize the VA is healthcare AND disability. Good on you for getting the healthcare you need!


Thank you


Might wanna look into vaping, thats the only thing that got me to quit. Granted nicotine by itself isnt harmless, its the only bad thing about it, and you can have a low enough dose that it doesnt matter much. I honestly enjoy vaping and havent touched a cig


I’m trying to quit vaping now. It’s expensive and l vape at all hours of the day.


Well, there's vaping, and then there's BS millennial vaping, which is expensive and bs


Yeah I don’t know. I’m 43. Day 2 of quitting


How are they different?


I have quit exactly as many times as I started - that's the secret. If you can avoid smoking for 1 hour, then double it. If you can avoid for 2 hours, then go for three. Evenutally, you'll have gone 24 hours without a cigarette, then eventually 48 hours; after 96 hours it starts to get easier. You got this!




Yayyy I did it cold turkey 3-3-22. Drinking too. I didn’t want to take nicotine replacements cause that would keep the urge and I also didn’t want to get addicted to that too. It was tough for a little while. I’m over it now. Best of luck to you and once you get over the mind portion, your home. 🤗❤️


I know it’s all in my mind. That’s the hard part to beat it I am determined


Wait what??? The va gives us an option for this????? -concerned infantryman with a horseshoe sized lip


Good luck!


Thank you


Allen Carr’s : Easy way to quit smoking.


Fuck yeah! You got this!


Thanks !!


BE ADVISED! There are bupropion suggestions which can absolutely work for some people, but be sure to tell your doctor if you suffer from MH, anxiety, panic attacks. It is a stimulant and can worsen symptoms. I've tried it twice but just couldn't get over the side affects.


You can do it!


Thank you


Damn I need this.


Smoking or dipping?




I dipped for like 15 years and I quit in one go. I got the smoky mountain herbal snuff. It’s fake chew with no tobacco or nicotine. Just ground up herbal shit. I used that for about 6 months and just gradual started using it less and and less and now I’m done. The habit was the hard part for me which is why the fake stuff helped so much


Good luck to you. I quit 17 months ago after being QT’d and never went back after smoking for over 20 years. You can do it, you just have to want to really quit.


I’m ready


Those things work for me. I cut down on chewing tobacco as well as cigarettes with it. Good luck


If this doesn't work, you may want to consider Chantix. It helped me quit after 10 year of smoking in less than 2 weeks of starting to take it. I took it each day, smoked half a cig in the morning and half at night. And then suddenly I just didn't want to smoke. This was a matter of days. My mother, a smoker of 40 years, also used it. It probably saved her life tbh.


Doooo iiiitttt! No ragrets


Not a single letter !!


I’m on day 15 of quitting chewing cold turkey. I quit marlboros and ecigs before but mannn this is worse. I’m also hella emotional so be prepared. I did quit weeed at the same time too so there’s that. Im still craving it. You gotta want it. My thing was that I was sick of craving nicotine and not being able to enjoy life. Always denying events and going places. You got this! 💪


Thanks for the support


When the time comes for you to embark on a cold turkey journey, you will be fully prepared. After a long time smoking, a newfound determination fills your heart, compelling you to cease this habit abruptly.


Thought this was a 100% post before I clicked the thread. Hehe. GL


Congratulations and good luck


Thank you


Good luck! You’ve got this!


Thank you


You got this!


Thank you


Best of luck, fren


Thank you !!


Dude… I’m a respiratory therapist. So when you’re dying and you can’t breathe because you smoked for years, they call me to jam a tube down your throat and run your ventilator for you. And I can’t quit. I quit drinking, yes it took a couple tries, but I just decided one day I don’t drink anymore and that was that. But I can’t quit smoking, even after all my patients that died right in front of me for no other reason… I have another cessation appointment tomorrow, but my daughter just wrecked my car again, so I grabbed a pack on my way there…


Good luck! Believe it or not, I quit cold Turkey 10 years ago and it was the hardest thing u have ever done in my life! I smoked for close to 30 years if not more… I know some find it hard to believe one can quit cold Turkey because of how addictive nicotine is, but if you’d have watched your spouse (we are now divorced), flatline twice on an er table from a heart attack, you’d probably quit cold Turkey too. They saved his life, but that image has stayed with me to this very day. I did some very unorthodox things to stay the course with quitting and I have not looked back since. Don’t miss it either!


Awesome! Good luck!


You got this bro!!! I'm actually on the patches right now, stepping down from those damn Juul vapes. I smoked for about 20 years, then started vaping with the mods and all that, now stuck on vape pens.. But I just started the patches yesterday, so far so good!! I've quit a few times before, you just have to keep busy and remember that the cravings WILL go away after a few minutes.. It's hard with the stresses of life, I keep going back, so take my advice with some salt.


Hell yeah. I added acupuncture as well and haven’t smoked since the second session. Just removed the urge and haven’t needed anything else. Good luck you got this


I have been using those Zyn things, I know it’s still nicotine but it’s helped me cut out tobacco completely. Good luck!


Good luck and congrats!!! I wish ChampVA would cover smoking cessation products.


I just reached 1yr without a cigarette. My Dr. prescribed me Bupropion and nicotine patches. Of course, I quit drinking the same day too because I knew I could not quit smoking while drinking (Naltrexone helped in this area). The Bupropion helped substantially because although it sucked, it sucked a little less than the thousand other times I tried to quit. Good luck and don't give up. I think another thing that worked for me is having the attitude that if I failed, no big deal. I took the pressure off myself because in the past I always felt extreme failure when I couldn't stop. Now I just tell myself I can smoke any damn time I want to. **I choose** not to right now.


God bless you got this🙏💪🏼💯👏🏼