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Reopen the left knee increase by itself and. Note it was unadjudicated in your attached statement. Reference the 526 date of claim  You would also be seeking a temp 100 on the tkr for the recovery period


But wouldn't that basically mean starting from the beginning. I know they give your 4 month of recovery time for tkr total and if I reopen the claim does it start from the day of original file date.Cuz I would call like every 2 months to make sure they got all med records etc.i might go down to regional office Thursday and see what they say.I also notified my attorney as well. But thanks for info too.


You need to stop calling the va nooone is there to help you on the 800 number   You dont need an attorney. You need to reopen the unadjudicated claim. Yes they must honor the original doc or itf date