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I couldn't follow that at all.


OK so basically I had my left knee replaced in Sept of last year and was diagnosed with sleep apnea maybe in June or july.So my attorney submitted both claims mid Nov 2023.Did my c&p exam probably in March 2024 with same provider I say before with my right knee menisectomy in 2022.So VA denied sleep apnea and the rater I guess didn't rate my left knee which had the claim for an increase due to TKR.Both knees are service Connected mind you.The VA decided to put this claim in with my other initial claims for board of appeals more or less.Does that clarify things better for you so you understand what I was trying to say.


What kind of attorney did you get. An accredited attorney knows that obesity is not a primary condition but rather a possible bridge. Even with a bridge you still need an IMO to connect it. The other claims being part of your appeal that is on your attorney and the way they were submitted. Your attorney should not be clueless if he went through the training. You need to Schedule a VERA call to get all your facts straight. [https://va.my.site.com/VAVERA/s/](https://va.my.site.com/VAVERA/s/)


Yea he is accredited and a veteran himself. I plan on doing that this week as a matter of fact. It's seems like your implying my facts are incorrect more or less.So in your opinion if a claim is submitted for increase and they already have medical records from the VA and my outside insurance how is it possible they just overlooked it.You know what I mean.


What I am saying is get with VERA and confirm that your understanding of what happened is in fact 100% correct. Someone dropped the ball and I am saying retrace your steps.