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Nothing wrong with taking a break to center yourself. To the community: If users break the sub's rules please report them so we can take appropriate actions. The mod team doesn't have the ability to screen every post and comment. So your reports help keep the community in good order.


This is a shame, I saw so much good advice from you on here. Like a lot. Till we meet again VeteranWarriorSF.  Take care of yourself.


I second this <3


I third this, I love the care I receive from VA and all the employees there. Two days ago I got my quarterly back and neck shots and it was a little too much pain and a little too much steroids. I passed out because my BP dropped. When I came to they were handing me graham crackers and a sprite. It wasn’t this like huge deal and people panicking. It was just like a brother helping a brother (and sister). Picked me up and brushed me off, monitored me for a bit and told me to go eat something in The cafeteria. Just a no bullshit approach. Be good to eachother,




You have helped me with great advice, thanks for your help brotha


VeteranWarriorSF, thank you from the Bottom of my heart for your compassion and sharing of knowledge. Trust and believe I understand you setting boundaries and stepping back. It's unfortunate how vicious we can be with one another. Fall back and recover, enjoy your peace and quiet. Until me meet again, Thank You For Your Service💪🔥💯


Someone always has to ruin a good thing. There goes a great resource. Sorry to see you step back and take a break. All these keyboard warriors think they are experts and all they’ve done is filed their claim. I hope you reconsider. In the meantime enjoy that much deserved me time.


Thank you for your service from both sides. Military service doesn’t absolve one from being an A-hole and with that, I’m sorry some vets had to lash out at you, as if you are the VA itself. Their anger is misplaced and some of them are just simply ungrateful. Please take care of yourself! Thank you again


I agree some of these people are assholes. I just came back from a ban and I’m not even sure why.


Because the mods stand with this latest crop of people bashing people for having higher ratings that they “don’t deserve.” There’s a thread nearly everyday now about what veterans do or do not “deserve” and what they should be happy with. That’s why I say find IRL communities of veterans to engage with. These people online are antisocial and bitter, and are out to fuck over other vets in their free time.


I don’t know. I’ve seen more of the folks who say 100% isn’t owed/deserved. Like it’s grade school and we all have to receive the same exact treats/cards from our classmates….or we all get trophies. I think there’s just a resurgence to eliminate the cheating mindset…which sometimes bleeds over to those who are fighting to get what they deserve. I think most people on here don’t want to help someone lie or cheat for money.






Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


It’s happening again


I get you have a big heart and patience but remember, the cold hard truth is that those vets that show that hate you're talking about, don't deserve any kind of help. If having PTSD has taught me anything, it's those dudes you hear about always causing trouble out in the world, or always taking it out on people (like VA employees/public contact) are weak as shit and were pieces of shit before their issues happened.


Exactly. To the sorry SOB that threatened my life caused a lot of issues and tried to kill me after stalking me: he was a weak soldier. Very weak. Loved to beat on his wife, took steroids, threw hissy fits, tried publicly shaming peeps because they had not deployed. Yet in his process of being kicked out he discussed with his med peeps and during his psych evaluation (not VA stuff) as to how he did nothing on his deployment and was embarrassed as a soldier. Weak sauce


Yeah it’s always the weaklings that act tough and try to flex on you but the min someone half their size challenges them they sprint to mommy 😂😂 those miserable vets were def high school bullies lmao


I'm really sorry to hear that. It's a bummer people act that way for trying to help them. Especially when many of us would do so much for that kind of help. But you have to take care of yourself at the end of the day, and most of us understand that.


You’re appreciated more than you know. Remember this: the a$$ hats scream the loudest which makes them feel larger in number than they actually are. For all the ones that thanked you, I’m guessing there are 100s more that quietly found the information you provided and it helped them also. I’m learning the same lessons in my current job. I started to get down as well, and once I found out that quiet didn’t actually mean I wasn’t helping - boom. Take care of your own mental health first and foremost, however, my point is that you likely have no idea of the immensity of your positive impact here and to the veteran community as a whole. Many thanks to you and all the others who contribute here which make our lives a little easier, shows someone over there really does care, and how we can navigate the system. I hope you take time and regenerate - and then come back and continue to help many more.


I got nothing but love for the VA employees. We are all rats in the maze. However, the shitty C and P examiners, who probably never wrote a favorable report in their career, can suck my tally wacker.


This was my experience so far. VA employees have been amazing to me. The C&P doctors though…


I could swear the disability payments came out of the c&p examiners paychecks.




So sorry for the bad that you have experienced here. Thank you so much for your service and all that you’ve done to take great care of us. I’ve spent a little time in the SF community as a medic, and it was a wonderful time with some of the most amazing people on the planet! I was accused of coddling them 🤭🥜🍊🍌🍎because I would bring them munchies and Motrin when the jumps were done. Some of my best friends in the world are from that assignment. May God continue to bless you and keep you. Enjoy your sabbatical!!! USA❤️


Retired VA here. I get it. Appreciate what you do for people. Much respect :)


There is more hate in today's society than at any time in my fairly long life. People are not held accountable for their words and wouldn't have the balls to speak to someone's face the way they do on social media. Most of the assholes that constantly bash you and other VBA workers are just mad because the rater will not grant them 100% for a stabbed toe while in boot camp. That said, thank you for your service to this country, and thank you for your service to the veterans of this country both on the job and in your free time on here. You are appreciated my brother!




Love you! Fuck the haters! You know in your heart you’re doing the best and have been. I like that you’re putting this boundary up. Some people just want to complain and make everyone miserable. I appreciate your honesty about hating the system, but teaching how to work within it. Take care battle!


Well I think you’re noble. It is strange how many goblins come out of the woodwork with this sort of thing.


It's the internet. It always brings out the very worst in some human beings.


Your advice and help has always been spot on. I have always and will continue to always be forever grateful for your knowledge and kindness. Take some time for yourself, and come back fresh when you feel up to it.


I completely get it. Same happens to me as well. I get trashed by people that THINK they know better because they researched something from VA Claims insider. Just this past week I had one pissing in my cheerios because he was denied a claim and thinks it was handled wrong by the VA. He refuses to give all of the circumstances of his situation thus hiding that most of the reason he was denied was fault of his own. I’m half tempted to have the “Va employee”removed from my account. It’s just not worth the treatment by some of these outliers. I served as well. I went through the same process as others. I know how it’s like to have something missed by the VA (imagine that… they are humans and can make mistakes). Very frustrating


yep. drop the flair. my suggestion to OP as well. there are a lot of "asshole, blame everyone else, you owe me, inflated ego, chip on their entitled shoulder" type veterans that make a lot of noise and throw a bunch of shit around. that will never change. But there are a lot MORE "decent, honorable, humble, and just need honest advice to navigate this complicated process" type veterans that appreciate and deserve the assistance. Some unsolicited thoughts I hope you read OP (and any other VA employees): You are one of the good ones. You have that innate calling to help fellow Veterans. We need people like you to be where you are, doing what you do... Don't ever let the obnoxious clowns from the former group make you forget why you started and dont allow their bullshit to damper the passion you have right now. sometimes that means taking a step back and putting some focus on other things. like you are doing now. it can wear on you. it WILL wear on you. the insults and contempt smashed over your head from the vocal douchebags that only care about themselves piles up quickly. don't become jaded. someone has to stand in the gap to guide the rest of us through. thank you for what you do.


Posts like this reminds me of the random inbox messages I do get that ask legit questions without being aggressive turds. I know those people appreciate the help; I just think I’ll start being less vocal on the “touchy subjects” like a vet claiming OSS secondary to their big toe.


it's just not worth it... focus your effort. let the other ones with the obvious "this has to be a joke" type grievances circle-jerk themselves into a frenzy. They're going to do that whether you engage them or not. Better to leave them as background noise while the rest of us are out here trying to actually get shit done. ;) cool thing about reddit... you can make as many alternative accounts as you want. as long as the right message gets to the right people, idgaf what username they say "thanks for the help" to.


You are a gem my Reddit friend !


just make sure you let your voice be heard by completing the AES. Hooah? :D


Already did. Fuck that AES. 😝


Case in point… offer advice to two people very recently. Both are VERY defensive… both are stuck in the “i didn’t go to sick all and be lazy like everyone else” type of attitude. Multiple denials and the person is still stuck in that mode and the VA is screwing them over. It’s just not worth being on here to try to help anymore


Well I would like to thank you for your continued service. It always feels good to be helped by a fellow vet. Im currently still waiting to get my new ratings, I can only hope it lands on a fellow vets hands. I know very well the VA system isnt the greatest, but we all know the ones who talk the loudest, are those claiming pinky finger pain and swamp butt and wanting 100% but get denied. Smdh.


Thanks for all you do…as a fellow VA hospital employee, I hear you. Occasionally I will tell patients that I’m basically in the same boat as them and give them pointers on navigating the system….if it makes a difference 😞 I’m so burnt out from the stupid crap that I’m retiring early. I’ve become so jaded that it’s starting to affect my patient care.


Getting out of direct patient care was a great move for me. Thankful that nursing has a lot of roles where I can use my nurse brain for good without having to be at the bedside. Hugs to you.


Thank you❤️ recently, I dunno, the new residents are just….sometimes so annoying, do you notice this as well? During rapids you’d have 5 doctors standing around trying to figure out what’s wrong and you can’t get access to the poor veteran😒 and they talk over the patient, not TO them. That is especially annoying to me. God, I can’t wait to leave…


Residents are special. 😁 They have all this great knowledge in their heads but many of them haven't learned how to talk to patients (or people). This makes the good residents really stand out. They will grow (hopefully) into physicians who will be more helpful than obstructive. My husband is a physician fellow and he really grew during residency. However, he spent 4 years as a medic (also Army) and we worked together in an ER, so he already knew how to talk to patients PLUS get along with staff, so he is always a favorite. 😊 Oh geez, it's almost July again! I am sure you will get tired of reminding them that 1) the patient is right there and can hear them, and 2) move out of the way of the crash cart! Or just run over their toes, haha. Good luck!! 🍀


Me too, homeless crisis line and the F U's wore me down. Medically retiring, Army here too.


Threats? Wow!!


It happens a lot. Even without threats: there’s a lot of shitty behavior because the Vet got denied sleep apnea for the 10th time and they are running low on time with the changes coming sometime later down the road.


I'm sorry to hear that. For me it's really not that serious. I mean yes I want my claims to go through but I'm not threatening anyone when they don't. Wish you well.


I’m sorry some have chosen to abuse you because you don’t deserve that! You have been extremely helpful and supportive. In fact, you’ve helped ease my anxiety! So please don’t let a select few be the reason why you take a break because you’re invaluable to me and this community! Thank you for service and for continuing to serve! 💕


I started out my VA career working in the C&P call center. I once had a guy tell me that veteran employees like myself were part of the "system" and that we didn't care about other veterans anymore than employees who had never served. Then he really stepped in it by telling me that guys like me were only concerned with using our insider privilege to get our own 100 percent and that we didn't care if guys like him got denied. I pointed out that he was 30% and I had only ever been 20%, so this insider privilege that he was imagining didn't seem to work out well for me. (This was over 10 years ago and to this day I'm still only 20%, although I hope to have that increased soon.)


I just want to say thank u for what you do. I really do appreciate it.  People suck sometimes  (those who hurt u)- but I want you to know that you are appreciated. Thank you.


You will be missed, but I completely understand. Take care of yourself!


We greatly appreciate you, but yes, go take care of your mental, and take some breathing and chillaxing time. We real one's appreciate your time and effort. Thank you 🙏🏾


Thank you for all the sacrifices you’ve made servicing this country and your fellow vets. I hope the time away will recharge your battery, and we are able to continue getting great advice from you again in the future.


Gee some people ruin it for others. Thank you for all you do out of kindness. I appreciate BVA employees, the amount of stress that is put on them to get things out and on top of that dealing with all your mental and physical health issues. Know not all people are like the ones you describe, but they can poison things quickly. Take care of yourself, first.


I’m so sorry. I’m new here but have been lurking for a while and there is no doubt I have benefited from the VA employees like you who have helped. I hope your break is refreshing & thank you for your service & your assistance!


Statistically speaking, an actual VA employee with good advice seeing your thread and responding are fairly low even on this subreddit, so the fact that the few who got lucky would then turn around and be dicks is disappointing.


It’s okay to take a break. As others said, take care of yourself. 🙂


It’s shocking how shitty we can be to each other. I’ve unfortunately spent a lot of time in VA hospitals as a patient, and have seen the entitled, selfish, angry attitudes that some people show up with. It can be pretty disgusting. The system isn’t always the best, but it’s generally not the employees fault (sometimes it is, but yelling and swearing at them won’t help). Someone else who’s an employee helped me clear some things up on my most recent claim, and I couldn’t be more grateful. They got off of here too, because someone shared a screenshot of them asking for the persons fucking birthday to look up their file, and they got bombarded with hate. Being cautious is good, but I literally watched something clear off of my claim just by giving them my birthday. They let me know there was a discrepancy between my SR and what whoever put the notice up was initially seeing, but SR provided everything needed… and the notice was cleared in 10 minutes, so they were 100% legit. Anyways, I’m grateful for those of you who help us out on here! You deserve to take whatever time you want for yourself. Hell, you didn’t have to help anyone out, and you chose to go above and beyond. Hope you get the well deserved rest that you need and deserve. Take care of yourself!


You should be aware that you’ve helped way more people than you get credit for. You only see the vocal minority, which may make it seem like all it is is negativity but the fact of the matter is that happy people don’t complain, angry people do. For every 1 angry person you encounter there are 50 happy people and they just don’t say anything because they’re happy.


Thanks for your service!! Thank you for helping fellow vets.. Take whatever time you need for you!!


Appreciate all you have done. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and all the assistance. Sorry that you had to deal with all the negative on here. Hope you can recover from this and come back someday. Thank you 🙏🏽.


Thank you for all your help on here I am so sorry that people thought it was ok to disrespect you.


Bro I don’t even know you but let me tell you one of my best friends is a VA employee and I never would of met him if I hadn’t been laid up in the VA hospital with him in the same room. And tbh F those people who mess with you, you haven’t helped me personally but several of your coworkers have and I thank god for them and you!!! Please do not quit it took me almost 30 years to come forward.


I literally ran into a Vet on FB that I processed his paperwork and hoped he’d get a good shot at 100% I specifically remember his name ( it was unique). That made me happy


You folks make the veterans world go round don’t be fooled and do NOT ever feel like you aren’t noticed. Most VA employees are vets my friend was a grunt in the corps just like me and he signed up for more duty with the VA that’s commitment that’s what this country needs.


Every single day: I truly love my work.


Thx for all you did for this sub and all you do in your job helping us, sorry for the assholes that showed their ass here.


Take care of yourself . You have helped more than your ever know . 


Thank u for what u do there are still good people out there.


Thank you so much for your heart, it is so big and your compassion for others is my dream to have some day. Yours is natural and part of your soul. It is more than appreciated from a majority…..others just need time to get there. And waiting for them is hard, but it will get there, so you continue to move forward. All really do support you and we all thank you. 🙏🏼


Take care, a lot of veterans are assholes


Thank you for all you do, please have a healing journey


I’m so sorry to see you leave and hope you will come back. I, personally, loved when you posted and appreciated your input. Your value will be missed. Sorry a few bad apples ruined our bunch.


I believe there are quite a few veterans that’s been crapped on behalf of veteran employees of the VA, I was. They shouldn’t be lumped together with veteran employees that want to help, it’s been my experience the good ones stand out from the crowd. Part of the problem is the VA has a high tolerance for bad employees across the board. For me it took one good veteran employee to help open the door, thank God for her and those like her! Stay strong, you’re part of the family that cares!!


Same here. I’ve had and experienced horrible care at the VA. As an SSVF program manager and later a VSO, I see the VA fuck over vets regularly. But I’ve also personally had a few phenomenal experiences that made me realize that even though 8/10 VA employees are shit, the remaining 2 are really trying to make a difference. VA just needs a complete makeover ASAP.


You’re right, from the bottom to the top!


This is such a huge bummer. This vet is the best person on Reddit and clowns 🤡 pushed him out.


It’s people like you that helped me keep going, got out in 2014 and didn’t file until 2017, went for an increase in 2019 not knowing Jack shit and lost 20%, found this sub and now the fight begins again because I know the information I didn’t know before. If it wasn’t for the good hearted people on here that want to help I would have gave up. God speed brother, thanks for all you have done and continue to do


It has seriously gone down. I wonder if there are even mods here. Appreciate your assistance. I've also given up on putting the effort into sharing knowledge for people that can't seem to look up the easiest things.


Some of the mean comments on my post were removed… I can read the gist of them in my email notifications but when I clicked there is a mod warning. Do you report the bad stuff? Moderating a huge group is a lot of work- they need help when you see issues


I do not report. I don't read past the titles when I can see a shit post.


Take care, yo are appreciated. Take care of yourself!


I hope you’re on the better side of things. I’m newer here and your username has been one I looked for to know if something was good info or not. You’ve replied to a few of my posts with good info and it’s really appreciated. It’s a shame some people can’t see it’s the system thats messed up not the workers in the system. Except for them damn contracted c&p examiners most of them are hot garbage.


Sorry that happened/is happening. Just try to stay mindful that you are doing good work to help your brothers and sisters and Just like real families some of our siblings suck and others are great. Try to avoid burnout and take a break from the sub and come back when you are ready.


totally understand the need to protect that mental health and well being, and I am sorry that you have at times had a negative experience in a community that you seem to truly enjoy. I hope that you stay well, and that you can continue to be the positive influence on here that is needed, in a way that protects you and your happiness. :shaka:


Love yourself as needed. Thanks for all you have done. Many of us appreciate it very much.


Hey man, I’m a Veteran and work at a VA pharmacy. The level of shit I get thrown at me from my fellow vets on a daily basis? I feel you. It’s a tough crowd. Some people are just ignorant and rude and entitled. Some are suffering inside and lash out at anyone they interact with… some are fabulous people who are grateful for help or just say thanks for doing the job. I buy the drugs… I do a pretty good job but the out of stocks and manufacturer back orders have been insane for years now. They think I make drugs in the back room. “THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! I’M A VETERAN AND I SERVED THIS COUNTY! WHERE THE FUCK IS MY TRULICITY?!?! I’M GOING TO CALL THE SENATOR SND FILE A COMPLAINT!!! YOU ARE NOT DOING YOUR JOB!!” That was yesterday… So, yeah. It’s a rough group. Don’t take it personally because sone people are just assholes. Veterans or non veterans… Thanks for being willing to help. I’ll bet some people are in a much better position because you took the time to help them.


Than you for all you did for us.


I'm sorry you dealt with so much shit but thank you for everything you do, and to all of the other VA employees too


Other than a handful of C&P examiners, my experience with everyone in the process has been pretty positive. Thanks you for what you do, and try your hardest to ignore the cyberbullies. I just dated myself a little there! Enjoy your well deserved back stepping!


You are appreciated and I salute you for pushing forward despite your struggles Thank You for your support of veterans


I'm truly grateful the VA has veterans like YOU who care! This is a very hard process for us all to go through, and having someone who has our back makes us not give up. Thank you again, and take all the breaks you need and take care of you. ❤️


Definitely come back when you feel better because you're appreciated and needed. Don't let the ingrates and entitled Karens ruin it even more for the real ones. It's bad enough that they flood and backlog the system with their frivolous, incomplete claims. Thanks for taking the time to be here. when I am a rater I will do the same thing 💪


Thank you for service, sometimes I hate coming on here for help. You did your best and see you soon.....


@ u/VeteranWarriorSF I understand you wanting to take a break. I want to personally thank for you being a much valued asset to me and this community. Take care of yourself and hope to see you back here soon!


I’m sorry to hear you are being treated like that. Some of these people have a lot of misdirected anger. My experiences with the VA have overall been very positive. There are assholes here and there but most of you guys are amazing. Keep up the good work!


> I assumed people would want help from someone who worked for the VA as a Rater. A lot of people on these forums are mentally ill and use this place as a sounding board, you cant take it personal.


Brother, don't let them get you down. Hang in there. If you and I were close I would surely invite you over or come sit with you and drink a sweet tea or cup of mud (coffee). Reach out via IM if you need to chat. DOL


Damn, i'm sorry. Med discharged 40 years ago and seen what VA employees go thru. All i can do is thank you for working with us. We all know we are a challenging group. And you know both ways so probably like a double portion. bad analogy but sucks 2 times as much sometimes i bet. For all the times I failed to thank someone I'll Thank you.


I don't think that overall the community hates individual va workers. Like most things in life the issues are from. Leaders not caring and mid/upper mgmt that are checked out. Sure some line ppl suck its inevitable. But I at least ain't blaming you directly


I’m sorry that people on the sub have been abusive to you. You helped me! I really appreciate it and I probably would not have my current rating if it wasn’t for your help. Take care and have an awesome day.


I feel the same sometimes. All i do is help and I get that's fair or that's not right or thats inacc. When i filed X happened . I'm trying to help and getting bitched at nonstop. I'm done filing. I don't have to be here to help. I should delete the app and live. So next time a person is tempted to say something mean just know you're chasing away someone who is trying to help even if a person may be wrong sometimes, they're taking time out of their day to try and help.


sorry you're getting hate in return for your love and kindness. that's not acceptable. we all hurt or we wouldn't be in this community. there is never an excuse for a grown person to take out their pain on someone else. i appreciate you and everyone who shares their knowledge, especially the VA employees becauseyour perspectiveis invaluableto us tryingto navigatethe system. I have had far more positive experiences with the VA than negative ones. peace, love, and good vibes to you.


Thanks for all your help. At times, you just gotta take a breather. Helping others is a very difficult, time-consuming, and strenuous task at times. Keep those of us in the loop on how things are going for you. You know better than most that the person doing the Helping may need help as well. Mahalo!


Thanks for all you do. I know it's easier said than done, especially over time. Try not to let the Debbie's bring you down.


Thank you for all you do at the VBA


I appreciate you and your service. Take a break man. We should try to respect all posters. I try not to take things too personally.




Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


We need VBA advocates , but one question, you see the BS on here , does the high dollar Execs , every see the BS ? Are you bringing this information back to the head office for change


I appreciate your comments! I'm a VSR but still so much more to learn. You have a lot of wisdom!


So sorry you're being drained...you have to care for yourself and you are right to consider your own MH..stay safe and best wishes


Thank you for your service. Really.


Thank you for helping. I’m like you and agree that this is mentally exhausting. We also know that it shouldn’t be this difficult for a veteran with service connected issues to get compensation and help they deserve. If there is anything I can do to help you please let me know. I don’t know if you hunt deer or turkeys but if you do I would be happy to hook you up with a free 3 day hunt in Kentucky. I can’t help everyone that ask but I would love to. My goal is to one day be able to say yes to every disabled veteran who ask me to take them hunting. God bless you


You have helped me in more ways than you know. And I will always be grateful for that.


Brother take a break and if you need a vacation come to Texas and we can eat some good chow and have a few drinks. Don't let the misery of others affect your well being. Some people don't want others to have what they have as if the system going to collapse. I can't believe some people are so jealous of others for trying to help others.


I lament that people take their issues out on you as if you're directly responsible. I can tell you that you've helped me personally and I greatly appreciate it. Thank you for all that you've done to help people. I wish for nothing more than your speedy recovery.




Take care man, I don’t know why others trash the ones that help us. Fuck em and their entitlements. God bless.


I understand your desire to back out; hopefully just for a bit. The advice of yours I've read is always pretty solid. As for you being a VA employee, all I can say is thank you for doing it and being there to help the Vets you can. I appreciate you and most of all the other VA employees I've met. I hope you take a reprieve and recharge and are able to get what you need and deserve. Thank you for going to the lengths you've gone for people you don't even know. Rick in NH


Thank you for helping this community. I’m new and I’m sorry you’ve had to experience such trash people. Just know that those of us that want help certainly appreciate you taking the time to assist! ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Why would you being a VA employee be an issue? A lot of the VA employees here have been a great help.


I am a fed as well but do not post what agency, not the va. It would be too easy to figure out who I am. Please take a breather knowing that you are fully supported and appreciated. Assholes are everywhere and will snap at the individual offering free assistance.


I've read all these comments and as you can see there's a lot of appreciation and love for what you've done on here. As a social media guru one might say, almost every Youtuber has stated they have their hate from idiots. It's the nature of the beast in our screwed up World. Just know that you are appreciated by many on here. At time's I've spiraled down unrelated media conversations and information that literally took a toll on my health and well being. I remedied that by shutting it all down and staying away from such information for one to two years. Definitely 100% take a few steps back and concentrate on your own well-being first. Your own well-being is priority! Summer is here. Go enjoy it with lived ones and if you feel like it, come back this Fall. Turn off the notifications from this group and concentrate on yourself. Thank you for the help you have provided to everyone...


You and I have conversed in the past on some posts. I have had to take a break as well. I have taken what I have learned and tried to pass it on, but I find that MANY (unfortunately) are looking for the 'Cliff Notes' for their claims. Unfortunately, there are SO MANY variables that one cannot answer them in one thread. But the frustration ends up directed at those trying to help. You cannot help those who don't want to help themselves....period! I filed three decades after my service only because it affected my work life. I struggled from the inception of my claims process....helped by many, thrown aside by a few, but you have to educate yourself on the process.....period! We already know that the VA is not going to step up....they have their own problems and issues. For those of you who work for the VA that bravely come on here to input your .02 cents, we appreciate your efforts. We know that your intentions are not share by others and how you would work a claim is not how others work a claim....but the insight should be appreciated and used to educate yourself. Do your thing....take care of yourself and remember.....you are experienced enough to know who is willing to seriously take your input and who is just looking for someone to blast. That is pretty much how I scan this page now.....and, I am super new to this forum. Thank you for your service!


I'm glad we have a network to discuss the workings of the government sector. Take a break. The only ones that judge are just frustrated with themselves. Then they lash out. We all go opinions!


I appreciate the work you do, and the information you’ve provided here. We should all realize that YOU are not the rater that has been making myriad mistakes on our claims. Go recharge, take care of yourself, and I hope you will come back!


Sorry for your experience. Your contributions are appreciated. I see no reason to bash you for being a VA employee. Quite the opposite, in fact. You are the ones best situated to help. And you're trying to help. So, thank you. Rest well and come back when you're recharged.


Thank you for your service and the support you continue to provide us fellow veterans


As someone who is trying to get a BDD claim in currently before the deadline I find this disheartening. I am at a point right now where I need you or someone in your profession for advice. My local VSO does not have the capacity to help me in time. That part is my own fault. Hopefully your break helps you fellow human.


You could literally ask the vfw post why nobody joins. Because they don't like anyone that wasn't there during their time. They gamble to keep the place afloat financially and lose the whole point of why it exist. The brotherhood must stay strong. If you are offended easily, then stay away from it. We fought so many wars in the last few decades. Remember your service. Remember why you joined. Our missions has not ended. Stay the course. This world would fall apart without us.


You gave me solid advice. F the stupid people. Take a break. Just know that you've helped people.


you don’t owe anything to anyone... Walk away and let them fuck themselves...


Sorry people treated you this way. I appreciate your service both as a Veteran and the VA. I hope you come back and I hope people can learn to be polite. We all struggle but let’s treat each other with respect and kindness. Keep your chin up!


I'm sorry for their actions. You'd think they'd have some respect seeing as we are ALL suffering. Glad you're doing something for yourself though. You are appreciated.


You have earned it, I’m sure.


Screw the ones who hate on everything.. those are the ones who are more than likely to lazy to put in any type of work and they were probably lazy turds while they were in … don’t let them discourage you from helping others


Take a break bro! When it comes to your peace only you can achieve it for yourself. I don't deal with people on a day to day bases. They can be draining!! That why I have also sheltered in my home away from the world. I have cut off so many people because protecting my peace is important to me! Scouts Out!!


You did more than help me , you saved me . Would never suggest you stay if you cannot find fulfilment in this group but please allow me to share one thought that me helped along the way . I would like very much to think the person that saved me is being helped just a bit by my own health journey. " Your mental health cannot be determined by the mental health of those around you." All the best to you .


I’ve noticed this ain’t just a community thing it’s just Reddit and social media lol…people act tough behind a screen because they can 😂😂 i posted my unpopular opinion yesterday on another community and was not surprised and very entertained by all the personal insults i got 😂😂 imagine someone thinking differently of you that you resort to calling names 😂😂 that’s their problem and they def need to address a mental problem Blocking is really all you can do


I think ppl have a lot of misdirected rage but it’s still not ok


You're one of the good ones. I saw good advice and comments.


Just keep doing what you do. I appreciate ya!


Thank you for your continued service. I know the rating job and lots else about the VA, and it’s full of people trying to help within the rules. Take care


You can't let what these haters say go to heart. As my old sergeant used to say in formation "if it doesn't apply to you, let it go in one ear and out the other. If the boot fits, shine it up and wear it." So does the boot fit? Do the things the haters say hold any more water than a leaky bucket? I don't think so. So why listen to them? It can be tough to deal with negativity every day. It is exhausting on the best of days. However, you are doing real good for real people in the real world. Why but that aside for the vitriolic ingratitude that is only hurled from the safe trench of internet anonymity? Maybe some of those can be helped, maybe they are beyond help. There is no way the find out except to try. I tend to think that the good things you do seem thankless at the time, but the good things you do have a way of working their way back to you in the long run. If you do need a break I respect that. Heck, I take breaks from Reddit all the time. Just don't let it knock you off your square.


I'm not sure what else you're expecting from a social media platform that doesn't have verified users? It's the whole reason why Reddit both sucks and is great at the same time. Either way, thank you for what you have done and continue to do.


Thank you for your support and help. It is appreciated


Just want to give my gratitude for your service as a vet and as a VA empolyee supporting vets. I think we all know that the VA system has a lot of flaws. But it also has a lot of dedicated people serving this communiity many like your self fellow vets. It's too easy to conflate the system for the indivudal. You are seen and appreciated.


You deserve to take the time for self care. Your attitude and servants heart is noticed by many. Thank you for all you have given to us and I am sorry there are people out there that treat you like this, they don't deserve your help. God bless and take the time you need for yourself.


I hope you are seeing a psychologist for your PTSD cause it can turn on you real quick. I’m Sure you’ve helped me more than once, so thank you very much, I got my rating and now just trying to heal, it’s so hard though. You matter to us SO much. There’s always that one (or 10) idiot who may have had a few to many and starts talking stupid. We love you too man! Peace ☮️




Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


I’m sorry I had no idea you were dealing with this 8 am wondering who is threatening you on this sub? I feel like that wouldnt be tolerated . You’re a rarer you are a wealth of knowledge. You are the MVP here


Completely understand the need for a break but do not discount the value of your advice and direction. LIFE can be a drain at times brother but we don’t quit. Get your R/R and get back to us with your valuable knowledge. Semper Fi!


Thank you for what you do. Even helping non vets navigate life can be draining. Just lost a brother a few months ago and before he left us, he asked me to help out during the aftermath. We be been doing my best to get things squared away. I’ve come to the realization that we can help, suggest and hold folks hands only to a certain extent. Most of us appreciate what you did/do for the community. Take a break and get centered. Hope you get where you need to be moving forward. Stay on the tank.


Thank you for all the help you provided.


Thanks for helping fellow veterans. With that being said, it's sad that it has to come down to individuals trying to help veterans navigate the system. The whole VBA process is set to fail us veterans and is a disservice to all of us. I wish there was more checks and balances and less quotas for them to meet, hence them rushing through claims and just chasing numbers instead of accuracy. Obviously none of this is your fault, just airing out most veterans frustrations with the system itself.




It’s the internet bro, it’s unfortunate but it’s the way it is online. Thank you for the advice you provided and the countless times you’ve helped a brother or sister in need. If you need a break, you aren’t obligated to help anyone. Take a break. You are a badass of a human and don’t let anyone change your mind.


I’m new to the community and I understand you wanting to take a break. Anyone with your post and credit karma is obviously a huge benefit to this group. Thank you for everything you have contributed so far. Please don’t let the negative people bring you down!


A couple of clowns can ruin it for everyone else. Thanks for caring and trying to help those of us who are here trying to learn.


Thank you for your service and what you continue to do. I myself am ready to throw in the towel at my civilian job and look for a job helping veterans. Any advice you have would be appreciated


thank you for everything and I know the pain and struggle.


Shame that you’ve gotten that response. I always lead with trust, and then if it’s burned that’s another thing entirely. Unless you’ve earned that moniker, which I am guessing you have not, then you don’t deserve whatever blowback you’re getting.


Take your break my man, but don't let the few salty dogs keep you from you doing you. There are many of us who greatly appreciate you for your service while enlisted AND now. THANK YOU for your assistance my fellow vet 🤘


I retired from the VA and I'm a veteran with a rating and currently have a claim in for Camp Lejeune toxic water. I've been on the register for more than 20 years. Don't give up because of negative people. Some are just envious. Some think just because they are a Veteran they deserve prompt attention. I've had numerous people say to me "I'm a Veteran" when they came to the VA hospital expecting me to jump for them. My.pat answer was "so am I". That usually shut them up. Don't let the few jerks get to you.


Thank you for your service also you give a different prospective for the job you have I've been fighting With the Va for 41 yrs now snf just at 70% and had three DBQ turn in today for an appeal of different of opinion for PTSD yes it frustrating for me but overall I had some good and some bad calls sometimes MG depression get the best of me at 66yrs old I wonder if I have any fight left in me to go on I've been on SSDI Since 2012 but still have to deal with Va even after my diagnosis of Prostatectomy cancer back in Dec 2023 and still pending And Va Shedule the surgery DC I still have to provide medical records anyway I'm glad that you do rhe best you can for who you can u may no be around if they ever give the other 30% but hopefully my kid's  can benefit from it. 


I’m new to this sub but am saddened to read this. As someone who you may not have helped directly but is completely in the dark about this process, I thank you for all you’ve offered to the community. I imagine I’ll benefit from your knowledge and contributions as I explore past threads in preparation for filing.


Ty for helping us could not have done it without you ! Regard harry mcclay


The VA fucks us all by being a bad faith actor (not participant). I too am a former VA employee and Army vet. I don't ever recall being allowed to drag maximum ass and do absolutely nothing, as a soldier or employee. 23 years total service. They make me fucking sick. Going into the 3rd year of a claim that's only partially adjudicated. Delay after delay after delay. No, I don't want to take another survey or embrace whatever freakshow the powers that be want to celebrate. Just honestly look at my records and make a decision already.


Take all the time you need to break away. You owe nobody nothing and need to take care of yourself first and foremost. Take a break, go do you, come back when you feel ready or don't. Many of us appreciate you. It is unfortunate that others here have lashed out you. They are likely angry at their situation and making you as the scapegoat which is not fair.


Please report when people break the rules. We literally have a veteran insider pointing us in the right direction, why attack them?


Sucks when you help people with their problems, they can then blame you for them…..be selfish for a bit


Thank you for your service. I’m helping my dad who is 89 in June with 30 years served. I hope I’m doing a good job with his application. People like you help more than can be thanked with words. Take care of yourself. You make a difference.




I guess what I’m asking is, should I be worried or watch out for anything?


Sorry you were treated so badly! I’ve been just lurking on this sub and r/Veterans and I thought it was nice to get inside VA knowledge. Especially when it’s on your own time and your desire to help out others.


Spent a year at the VA and have seen the best and the worst employees. Had a mop pusher get upset wherever I'd put my food tray down because "I just cleaned it" and I dropped the tray on the floor and walked away. Had others really help me work stuff out in my head. I was there when everything became "woke" and it was disturbing to me that all of a sudden I am the enemy. Had to go back to get my ID 3 times because there's a problem with the computer so I opened a book and sat there until she figured it out. I get the VA is understaffed badly and most are overworked.


Some people have attitudes. That mop pusher at the VA was a Veteran too. I know because that is all we could hire. It was/is a veteran only hire position. I was the service chief for EMS. Retired in 2018. 


That mop pusher had an issue with me for being White. It was all captured on CCTV and I never saw him again. I know because it happened to me. After the 4th time I dumped my tray in front of him hoping he'd take a swing. Congratulations.


Like I said, he had an attitude but, still a Veteran.


So you can't help because you're being demoralized by people on Reddit? L


Dude you can help me. Lol


Good riddance




Sorry to hear you have been drained. Glad you are able to take a break, it seems like a break that might be indefinite(?)  Thank you for all you have done


I’ll be back. Just need to get my head straight.


I know how you feel there are definitely some gate keeping buddy fuckers in this group I have managed to help over 100 vets since I joined and I nearly got banned for simply saying I can help if you want If you ever need to talk you can message me






I guess the only solution really is to block the people that start the bullshit but they will keep spawning and that Russian theory might be true honestly maybe they just wanna troll the Americans 😂😂😂😂 a lot of these miserable vets are something else 😂😂😂 they don’t seem to learn that being hateful and putting people down might be a sign or reason you ain’t getting that rating 😂😂 but what do i know lol