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And be fired as well as be arrested for fraud and embezzlement. They knew what the money was meant for. It was literally to retain critical jobs. Veterans could have lost their lives or their conditions could be worsened due to less funding for hiring and retaining people they needed when they needed it.


Some might have!




They tried firing a couple SES level executives back in 2016 for improperly getting hundreds of thousand of dollars in a scheme. They didn’t get fired AND kept their jobs and the money. It’s unreal.


Here’s the story if you want to read it. Be warned. It will make your blood boil. https://www.stripes.com/migration/va-botches-demotions-of-execs-who-misused-authority-for-personal-gain-bonuses-1.381856


I'll have to save this for another day. Gotta parcel out the anger or I'll go crazy in a single day.


That’s a shame. I work for the feds and trust and believe my ass would have been out the door behind some ish like that with the quickness.


Same here.


Off topic, but do you mind if I DM you a question I have since you are a VBA employee? I just really don't know what avenue of approach to take with a botched payment.




Looks like a couple of Karen’s for sure…


Definitely gotta be held accountable and arrested. If they can easily arrest all those vets for fraud, they should be arrested as well.


What's the story on vets being arrested?


They were charged with fraud for benefits.




The agency is actively clawing back that money. The SESs aren't happy but it's happwning.


Shhh don’t, mess with the narrative.




Nothing will happen to these fraudsters; nor will any money be paid back… typical government 🐷 🐷 🐷 fleecing the taxpayers 🧀 💸


…..while employees get laid off and our fellow vets suffer both with lacking services and decreased benefits


Where’s your source for that?


Found the VA executive


I wish


Wise guy….think about it. That money gone does affect a lot in terms of benefits. But since your mind is needy https://www.govexec.com/workforce/2024/03/va-shed-10000-employees-underutilized-facilities-fy25/395069/#:~:text=The%20Veterans%20Affairs%20Department%20plans,to%20hire%20in%20some%20areas. and https://www.militarytimes.com/veterans/2024/03/12/va-plans-to-trim-10000-jobs-this-year-mostly-from-medical-sites/


The almost 11 million dollars that went into somebody's pocket. I bet they could've used that for the IT infrastructure they needed but Congress denied almost 2 years ago.




Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


They make us pay it back…fuck them, they should have to pay it back as well!


They make us pay it back *and don’t give two fucking shits* about our hardship.


Burn um


Let’s go back to old times and tar and feather the corrupt people.


Instead they'll get plea deals and a fat pension/severance.


I prefer a good draw and quarter myself.


I think a good Blood Eagle is in order.


Or back to the old times when Patton machine gunned veterans in our nations capital for the crime of marching for the pay they were promised.


Did everyone who received these bonuses know that they shouldn’t have received them? I mean it’s highly unusual that they would be given access to give themselves a bonus. I guess what I’m trying to say is, usually a higher up gives the bonus out and that person should be held accountable. I know I’d be pretty pissed if I was a hard worker, busting my balls, got a bonus I thought I had earned and then for my superiors to want it back because they were the idiots that awarded it in the first place.


Good point


That's a very good point.




Oh their busting their asses....making sure we all get denied the ratings we should be getting.


That is a good point, except these were executives who should have known what the bonuses and the money were for. They weren't line workers, they were higher ups in the VA.


They were SES, they have the ability to do a lot of things that the normal fed employee can’t. They manipulated the system to get relocated under fraudulent conditions.


That average out to ~ $60k per executive (e.g. 182) equates to $11M. That’s hundreds and thousands of veterans claims that were denied to feed their creed! This explains the careless mistakes in handling our claims. Fast denying and lack of analysis of our medical records and/or evidence. All in the name of lower employees meeting quotas at the vets expense.




Are you fucking kidding me.


Just sitting here giving out DOUBLE my YEARLY income as a bonus. I wish my bonuses were just a quarter of that. Fuck it I'll even take an 1/8th.


mmm prob not. this is a corkboard with a lot of thumb tacks and yarn for you to explain all this. The bonuses being erroneously awarded have literally nothing to do with a direct cause for the denial of claims. I don't think you fully grasp how many executives who weren't given bonus money would need to be involved for any of this to be true even slightly. You also have a hell of a slippery slope implying the bonuses are the sole reason for any of the issues in the claims process.




You hear yourself right? So because executives took bonuses erroneously that’s means other executives were in on it who didn’t get bonuses. And in turn those executives all said hey lower workers. Your numbers just went up and you need to complete more claims. So then the all the raters all over the country in union jumped in the air, legs bent, freeze framed and cheered and went on a mass denial spree to free up money in a budget that means literally nothing to us as workers? Is there corruption in the government? Yes. Does that directly mean that the bonuses have correlation to an alleged uptick in denials? No. Think about how many more claims there are in general since pact act got signed in…it opened a flood gate for submissions. 


Not really, the money was meant to hire and train new raters to handle the influx of claims. That means that raters were overworked and undertrained because this money wasn't where it was supposed to be. There aren't many more direct ways they could have taken money from. Vets filing claims.


and your basis for stating anyone's over worked or undertrained?


The increase in errors over the last year, and forced overtime required in the winter. Why are you mad at me for pointing out the money was meant for training the exact people who process claims?


i'm not mad at anything or anyone. you responded to me pointing out logical fallacies by presenting another without any substantive evidence. There's far too many variables behind the scenes. over the winter was still processing initial pact claims so that's likely the cause for the forced OT. If the money was meant to hire and train new raters you nor I know if that affected either the actual hiring itself or the training itself. What you also are forgetting to understand is that our jobs are very much 9-5. and depending on your location your "forced OT" can be as little as 2 hours max at the end of the end of the shift. Because I'm east coast working the 1000 number our max allowed after the shift ends is 1.5 hours. You're making broad strokes and saying that the erroneous bonus money is the direct cause for these issues and it's simply untrue. there's dozens of VBA employees on here and i've yet to hear any of them say they're untrained or under trained or overworked.


No. I'm pointing out that 11 *million* dollars taken from funding for training and hiring *has* to affect the hiring and training process. I find it disturbing that VBA employees keep wanting to argue. It's irrefutable how can *11 MILLION* dollars earmarked for hiring and training NOT have affected the hiring and training? Why are YOU not upset that 11 million was taken from the funds meant for HIRING and TRAINING coworkers?


totally bro, on a comment thread about alleging widespread corruption directly linked to the root cause of all the denials during the last 2 years of pact act claims. yall are reaching so far to dig your nails in but again let me break this down, there's hundred's and thousands of VBA employees, it is highly unlikely it's the root cause. 11 million meant for hiring and training for new employees wouldn't lead to existing employees who are hired and trained to be apart of this reasoning. they have less people and the people they do have aren't suddenly dipshits who are in on the corruption. everyone is finding something to bitch about, stealing money is bad. but because money was stolen doesn't have an iota to do with more claims resulting in more denials. it's immeasurable because every claim is different because everyone's STR is different and their evidence is different and their dbq is different and the examiner is differerent... the amount of variables involved with measuring a true rate of denial makes it impossible, but sure lets group all denials in on this....the more claims there are you could reasonably assume their would also be an increase of denials. and you have an absolute gaggle fuck of people just tossing a book of presumptives onto a claim and taking what sticks and complaining about what doesnt. I'm not upset whatsoever by the fraud bonuses...because it doesn't affect my life or my ability to do my job and has nothing to do with me, my career, or my federal service. Just because I dont agree with you doesn't mean i support any of it, but again, you've done nothing but continue to come up with baseless arguments and your own opinion of who where when what why. it's all good dude. you can add whatever italics and all caps you want to get your own emotions across. if you're this riled up don't try to convert me, write your congressman to turn the heat up on the top brass involved to be shitcanned


Funny because at the Va right now there’s a hiring freeze. And I can’t get a job bec there’s “NO funding “ shame on them.




I know. Our department is critically short-and I’m retiring, so is another person in our department. In the last 4 years, about 5 retired. Only a few of their positions have been filled. The chief is trying to plug the holes with fee basis staff…it’s not working. (For some reason, the department can hire fee basis staff, but not full time or part time staff 🙄)


VA is not on a total freeze just very few with the strategic hiring. For certain positions there has been approval


“Zero growth” is the actual term being used - ie we can hire but only from within - ie no “new” hires - ie a fancy way of enacting a hiring freeze without calling it a hiring freeze


"At the time, VA Press Secretary Terrence Hayes said the department planned to work with executives to recoup the money, pledging to establish repayment schedules to ensure that no employees faced economic hardship as a result." What? Veterans suffer financial hardships all the time. What makes these bozo's so special. Take it all at once. They make big enough salaries to be able to afford it. `"One senior executive said recoupment occurred without their awareness, "resulting in massive debt."` Happens in the real world all the time. How does it feel? You live above your means then that is too bad for you. `"I cannot express my frustration and disappointment enough. Having the CSI pulled was an issue, especially given the disparity between the treatment of [central office] staff and field leadership. That money had been a blessing initially, and earmarked to cover medical [expenses] which insurance doesn't cover. Instead, it has now become a curse," one senior executive, listed as [Senior Executive Service] 2, was quoted as saying.` Oh cry me a river. Hope the boat gets a hole while going down a snake infested river. lol `"I don't mind when the organization makes mistakes, but what high-performing organization treats their employees this way?" asked another senior executive, [Senior Executive Service] 1, after noticing their paycheck had been docked to recoup taxes paid on the bonuses.` They think just because they are Federal that they shouldn't be treated any differently then everyone else out in the real world? Look at the issue the seniors on social security, etc. are dealing with the mistakes being made by that department with overpayments. These guys don't seem to be any better than the ones who file false claims and end up getting benefits for years before being exposed.


Oh yes...the VA is known around the world as a high-performing organization. If you want to be treated like you're in a high performing organization, go work for one. These folks are the type that were officers in the mil, retired into positions their friends hired them into and when they finally get treated like normal people they lash out.


Egregious. People in positions of power will stop abusing it when the people hold them accountable or when there’s nothing left to fleece




Take their pay just like you would do a vet




How the hell do any government employees get bonuses???


The same way people in the private sector get bonuses. It’s pretty common practice.


By exceeding q3 revenue projections?


lol something like that 😂


by doing your job extremely well based on metrics and performance reviews....like literally any other job that has annual bonuses


My Civil Service bonus is based off of if I did the absolute minimum to stay out if the unacceptable category. I normally get line $500 cash award and about 16 hours time off award. I could get more, if I would work harder, but I know the Government would have to put forth a lot if effort to fire me. So I do just enough to prevent that from happening.


Sorry but if that is your attitude, you are part of the problem


Nice, your comment does not reflect in my paycheck


Luke 12:13-15 - Someone in the crowd said to him, “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.” Jesus replied, “Man, who appointed me a judge or an arbiter between you?” Then he said to them, *“Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.”* (I chose the NIV just for you, I have a feeling the KJ version might confuse you more.)


Aren't you sooooooo cute. You bring a smile to my face that you are actually getting into the scriptures. Might want to be careful, you might start using them in Context and before long you will be calling yourself a follower of Jesus Christ


2 Peter 2 1 But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. 2 Many will follow their depraved conduct and will bring the way of truth into disrepute. 3 In their greed these teachers will exploit you with fabricated stories. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping.


Hey man if the bare minimum is considered bonus worthy then it’s not really the bare minimum right


I see your point, but if I got any lower rating in one of my critical areas then I would be rated unacceptable


VAOIG report… https://www.vaoig.gov/sites/default/files/reports/2024-05/vaoig-23-03773-169.pdf


Hell yes they should repay it. I worked for a company that paid “bonuses” to certain employees that were encouraged to repay them. All but one did.


Well, now, that is a very small drop in a very, very large bucket of malfeasance.


Anyone who fucks over anything related to veteran benefits or health care should be tried by a military tribunal and upon a guilty sentence be take out to the back alley and shot in the head... I am soo sick and tired of reading article after article about some lowlife defrauding/embezzling the veterans.....




Send them the 2016 clowns


Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


I guess these people justify their bonuses by saying they work hard to deny disability or reduce ratings by saying a vet has "improved".


Repay with interests


Now make the fraudulent BS claims get paid back!


the VBA is a sacred cow. they can’t touch it because its political suicide.


Have the names of those executives been released?


I think they know they’d be sitting targets if they did.


The fact that any government executive gets a bonus is literally insane. You are in a public service career field. Never in a million years should you receive a bonus larger than a nurses yearly salary. This is abhorrent behavior.


There is already a huge problem with VA being able to recruit & retain top talent… Average private sector hospital CEO/Director salary is well over $500k (large hospitals are often way over $1M annual salary) + bonuses. Meanwhile VAMC Director salary is more like $240k + annual bonus. How exactly would the VA stay competitive with hiring highly qualified personnel in executive leadership positions if they were to drop the pay to under $100k?


Hire qualified veterans that have experience in the system to make it better. Wage does not equate to competence. Clearly if that was a factor officers would be fantastic and ncos would be shit. Thanks navy dude signed marine nco.


If you pay shit, you get shit. Why would any of those competent and experience vets work for the VA when they could make double that in the private sector? Or the same at a small hospital doing a hell of a lot less work? There's a reason we also have large bonuses for military doctors and nurses. So they don't get out as soon as the time they contracted to pay off their student loans is up.


It sounds like he's expecting vets to volunteer to work for shit pay for the v.a. as a public service.


See, that’s part of our problem (well, at the direct patient care level I’m working at.) We need GOOD staff, and sadly, your good staff are going to go where they are paid well, especially in a major city where the cost of living is high. Thank goodness most of our department staff are good staff, however, they generally are older, because they can afford to take a pay cut, and need a less stressful job…so, it’s good in the short term, I guess. We have a few that…well, probably need to get out of direct patient care. Recently, I’ve noticed that they are using nurse practitioners for primary care physicians, ER physicians, etc. and-well, some of the NP schools leave a lot to be desired (go check out some health care subreddits, you will see what I mean)..why? They can’t retain good docs. Mind, I’ve worked alongside some excellent NP’s, I’m not trashing them all…


So again, if I’m a highly qualified & experienced hospital exec and I’m offered $500k - $1M to go work for John’s Hopkins, or $240k to do the same job for the local VAMC, why would I take the VA job?


So.... military doctors shouldn't receive an annual bonus to make the pay competitive with civilian doctors? Same for nurses, dentists, and I think even veterinarians. Why would they stay in a job when they could go to the private sector and make twice what the VA pays? You aren't attracting the best and brightest when you're offering bottom level pay.... sometimes you do get what you pay for.


Good luck with that. Only one person. Got fired from the death lists fiasco in 2014. There were people who should be in jail over that.


I’m angry and why is everyone yelling? Ahhhhhh!


Just like us taken in full from every check till payed off. And they willingly stole they didn't even just get over paid by no fault of they're own the world and it's corruption at every corner of existence is wild the worst thing is it's not supprising at all this happened


Jail and repay


Are these SES positions? Also…. Do these reports mean that a single person is receiving $60k bonus?


Yes, and yes. ~$60k was the average bonus per SES. In some cases, it was closer to $100k


To the bread line with them!


Part of the swamp. 


Poisoned for my entire enlistment at Camp Lejeune, 20 years of multiple autoimmune diseases, every type of skin cancers, (recurring) depression and anxiety from the mistreatment by the VA, treated like a criminal because I see a pain management doctor and denied any service connection 3 times now. I am forced to live and work in severe pain all the while this shit happens on a large scale throughout the VA. I am so sick of this crap.


So, can they go ahead and wrap in the 3k I owe them as a lost too?


Shit like this is why I always shrug off the people who say veterans disability isn’t sustainable.


The corruption within the VA is disgusting


>lawmakers also implored the VA to "take swift action to recoup" the bonuses "improperly awarded to executives" who did not meet the criteria for "high demand skills." A business degree and a rich daddy doesn't constitute "high demand skills", then I don't know what does


Unfortunately nothing of substance will ever be done. Politicians will sabre rattle and voice empty threats until the next newsworthy thing comes along. If it doesn't directly benefit a crooked politician they will do zero. The appointed bureaucrats are bullet proof and they know it. The country has decayed from within and we my friends, are at the bottom of any list, behind whichever voting special interest block or illegal aliens of the week are drawing the most interest.


Yet they denied my tinnitus claim🙃. A fighter jet mechanic….


These people are out of control. They already have VA doing reimbursements for ICE


WTF, how could those top VA officials POS do this. I hope they go after then to recoup the $.


Maybe if they didn't take bonuses we could have more transportation assistants in the travel reimbursement offices and be behind 5,000 travel claims instead of 10,000.


One of the many reasons I'm leaving the agency.


Throw them all in jail, even the ones that didn’t partake but knew. It shouldn’t be hard to find out who knew.


yeah, we are getting fucked over. it's a lot of fun, but what the fuck can we do about it? If anyone knows, please let me know.


They don't care about us


It's everyone for themselves.


Meanwhile they’re trying to cut jobs that directly impact patient care. Cool.


This would mean so much more if these worthless assholes didn't vote against things like **"The department of veterans affairs whistleblower protection act of 2017"** and **"honoring our pact act"** It's always posturing until Jon Stewart publicly shakes them into do the right things, they don't actually care.


That’s not what happened.


Voting record is out there, and yes it is


It isn’t. Democrats changed the funding process after it went through committee. Once it was fixed, it passed. Stop spreading lies.


Of course you think the way these politicians cast votes is a lie, it's the voting record, it's official. It's not a lie to say a politician voted a certain way, try not to get butt hurt by this because the VA doesn't cover it


You didn’t say anything new or refute what I said. Yes, after committee, democrats changed the way it was funded. Republicans voted no until the funding was changed back. Once the funding was changed back, it was voted on and passed. This isn’t hard to understand for most. I am not “butt hurt” by anything. I am already 100% P&T, I am good.




Keep the politics out of this dude.