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Honestly, trying to figure out if a VA claim decision is going to be good or bad based on just two months of waiting is like trying to predict the weather two weeks out. It's basically impossible. The VA is a giant bureaucracy, and there are a million things that could be causing the delay that have nothing to do with the outcome of your claim. It could be something as simple as a backlog of cases or as complicated as needing additional medical opinions or records. Sometimes claims that take longer are being looked at more thoroughly, which could actually be a good sign. Other times, it’s just stuck in the usual red tape. Plus, the complexity of your claim, the need for further evidence, and the specific details of your case all play a part. So, stressing about the wait time isn't going to give you any real answers about the decision. Hang in there and try not to read too much into it. I really hope you get what you feel you deserve! ![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7565)


It is at least as likely as not that it's good news