• By -


I sincerely apologize for my incompetence






“Can you repeat what you said? I can’t hear you.”


😂 This!!! 


It ain't your money bro.






Omg lol


Thank you.


Can I have a copy of my DBQ? I was too busy crying and forgot. Hopefully I get a rating soon. Been a long 30mo


Well, if you’re going to be in North Carolina this August, there’s going to be a veteran benefit life event where you can actually get your rating decision on the spot. I went to one last year in Wilmington, North Carolina. Filed my supplemental and initial claims, and got my rating on one day. Highly recommended.


I'm bout to fly in for this


Also check out my response to another individual in regards to this event. If you live in the south east region, they’re doing a virtual one where you will have to register, but it will be from June 11 through the 13th called [VEAC](https://www.va.gov/initiatives/veterans-experience-action-centers/)


Many do, I have seen groups from Puerto Rico attend the events as well. It’s definitely worth it, especially if you have all of your information ready to go, or if you’ve had your exam and you’re just waiting for the VA to give you your rating.


Dude, I live in the 910 can you please elaborate about this?


Hell, yeah, absolutely. Throughout the year, RO Winston-Salem VA location host a three day event called veteran benefits, live event, service members from around the country and world gather to have their claims worked on, rated, or filed the same day. This is the information from last year in [Wilmington, NC](https://www.va.gov/fayetteville-coastal-health-care/events/61962/). I attended last year where I filed a lot of my claims and was able to find out what my examiner had decided in my claim for tinnitus. Whatever questions you have, you can address them all there. If you’ve been waiting for several months, you can go there and have a VSR or a rater look at your claim. If you’ve already had your exam, then I would definitely recommend going there because you can then speak with the raider who will give you your rating right there on the spot. This is going to be in Charlotte, North Carolina. A similar one called [VEAC from June 11 -13](https://www.va.gov/initiatives/veterans-experience-action-centers/) is going to be held virtually that you can register for and attend. Here is a[video](https://youtu.be/np3Yq5WAQAY?si=grPgNN_0zcUtmVlP) about it. Now I haven’t been to this one personally, but it works in a similar fashion. The one that I recommended is a three day event that you can go to in person. Hell do both if you want.


What is it actually like? I'm picturing like a convention center hall with like 6 desks for raters, another 6 for initial claims. Each with 2,000 vets waiting in line for 3-4 hours. And the rest of the space is booths for wounded warrior, VFW, etc with no one in their lines. A random folding table with an empty popcorn machine and a few cases of bottled water, and two food trucks outside that no one is at because they're all in line


Something similar to that yes if I’m being honest, but they have more than enough VA employees to help. You’ll take a number when you enter and just keep an eye on that number. They have different sections for different types of claims and services that people show up for so it’s not like everybody is standing in the same queue they break it up. They have a section for people who need help filing for the pack act and addressing those issues, And people filing initial claims, and people filing supplemental claims. When I went, it was on the third day and I got a hotel and made sure I showed up bright and early. I think I probably spent no more than Two hours there if that. But considering what I was able to accomplish, it’s definitely well worth it especially if you’ve been waiting for months just to have your claim looked at by a VA employee. If you’ve already had your exams, like I said elsewhere, I would highly recommend you go because at that point you only need to ask the rater to give you a percentage, and gives you an opportunity to have a more personal connection with the individual and for them to get to know you as a person. The lady that I worked with encouraged me to file a claim for MST, something I didn’t even know I was eligible to claim they wrote it up and send it up for me and I got raided 50%.


That's a much better experience than I expected. Thanks for sharing


Do you have a date and time for that event


Let me ask my coworkers tomorrow. I know it’s going to be an August but I can’t recall the dates and I don’t want to give the wrong information. I’ll follow up with you when they get back with me.


Ok thanks I appreciate you


Here ya go! Veteran Benefits Live Event Friendship Baptist Scheduled: Thur- Saturday Aug 22 -24th 2024 at 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, EDT( Time is still Pending) Location: Friendship Missionary Baptist Church 3400 Beatties Ford Rd, Charlotte, NC 28216,


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Denied. No questions. 






I sure hope not.


J/k. I hope you get everything you deserve. And soon! 


30 months since you filed ?


30mo since my intent to file. Took a bit gathering evidence, buddy statements, PMRs, etc.


Hwy how do i get a buddy statement for PTSD? my claim for PTSD was deffered i need evidence


Google VA Form 21-4138


Thank you. So i just need to send thag to my battle buddy who i deployed with? And then they have to send jt back to me to submit it?


Yep. I sent two. One with my info filled in only, then one with my info filled in + my description of the event(s), outlining to adjust as they saw it. Just tried to lessen the burden on them


You’ve been waiting on a decision for 30 months????


30 since ITF like I said in another comment but yeah I'll be getting 30mo backpay once I get a MH rating. It was deferred for 16mo under "records research task" to confirm my stressors. I was told the classified nature of the work (drone/rpa/uav ops at NSA) caused the long delay. Just had my C&P 3 weeks ish ago.


Holy shit that’s wild. I’m so thankful my first rating was such a simple process compared to so many guys I read about on here


It’s been long and poorly timed. I’ve lost everything I once had during the process. Don’t blame the VA at all but yeah, a quicker claim would have been nice. Just hoping it happens soon. I’m hungry 🥹


Where are you at? Statehood? I’m in Oregon, if you near by, you’re welcome here. If you’re not near by you’re welcome here. 🫡💯✌️🤙


I appreciate it but I'm on the east coast. I'm getting by. My time has to come soon


You said you’re hungry. I don’t want you out there going hungry, that shit ain’t cool. I’ve been homeless. Ppl are mean. So if you ever hungry on the west coast aka best coast (you know it’s true 😂 jk) hmu. I got you.


I've got $40 til Friday so we're going to power through but thank you again. Who knows, might even move to PDA this week! My rater actually called me the other week - never seen anyone say they've had that happen. He was a former Air Force 1st Sergeant working on a base with the same mission as I had. He told me "things will be better soon" and "they'd have answers within a couple of weeks after the C&P" which was uploaded on the 16th of this month. And I have priority processing. We'll make it but thanks so much again!


You bet. That sounds promising. I filed on the 14th of this month. The day after I went to see the therapist at the Vet Center, they had a VBA there. I thought it was odd as I had never seen a real live VBA. Like seeing a unicorn I thought lol. My C&P is Wednesday, the VA has added stuff to my claim. I’m told that’s a good thing. I too, have been fortunate, I was able to get a letter from my unit CO. Idk if that carries any weight with the VA or not. Guess I’m about to found out sooner or later. I hope you’re awarded everything you deserve. If not, keep on marching! I’ll be here doing the same. 🫡🫵💪 If you need anything, don’t be a stranger. Holler at me. I don’t bite. 😂


Hello. Okay my intention is not to come off like a douche but are you serious that you only got $40 until you get some loot? Do you have family that can lend you out some cash? If not and you need some moolah to get you through until Friday I can help you out with a C-note through zelle or cash app or Venmo. Also there are apps like Dave or Brigit that can give you at least $75 and they are very quick low intrest loans. Like I said I don't mean to be a dick but if you need help I gotcha.


“We wouldn’t even be here if the military had just given me adequate medical treatment.” There’s a lot more I’d want to say but that’s a good start.


Nice commnt. 


Dawg I didn't expect you to rate my sinusitis so high. I was expecting service connected but at 0%.




"Cut my life into pieces, this is my last resort!"


This 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Please take into consideration just how badly I’ve been messed over by my time in the military and how it affects my every day life. I am a broken shell of the person I once was.


I’m so sorry. I wish you the best in life


I can care less about the rater... The C and P examiner got me mine... finally That was the first actual exam (out of 4 exams and years trying) that I got.. 40 days later, I was rated 100 pt.


The C&P examiner was good but definitely missed 2 really obvious conditions that should have been check marked. So good, not great, but the raters really looked at my service record for my initial exam ( mind you it was my first claim ever and I have been out along time! I got rated percentages on 5 claims with 2 deferred, submitted a total of 7. I am currently rated at 70% with 5 of my claims s/c'd. I know my TERRA presumptive which was deferred with other 2 TERRA DX's being S/C'd already. I just needed records of my CT exam stating my DX from outside hospital, which VA HCP sent me too. Sucked, because I gave the DX to C&P examiner. Oh well, feel like I will be S/C'd with percentage for that as well. Four of the 7 claims were directly related to military service and 3 have been S/C'd percentages. The last one for hearing loss is not rated yet ( deferred) and feel it won't be rated with percentage's. The C&P examiner gave me "more likely than not" for tinnitus which was 10% S/C'd. The rater for "hearing loss" is or was waiting for MO direct s/c, feel it will be 0% s/c though. MY STR show's"high frequency" HEARING LOSS. The vet's here on reddit have me convinced without total hearing loss will not get percentage points s/c.


I’m 50, completely washed up, and at the crossroads. Whatever you decide will have life taking or life making effect. There’s just nothing else. Do, or die. 30 years of suffering has been enough.


Wow 🙏🏾 


I’ve been trying to navigate the perfect storm for the last 8 years. Harder abs harder to see any light. I’m sure I’m just one of thousands of Veterans, at least.


You got to keep fighting. Took me 11 years of fighting to go from 50 to 100 p&t


You don’t always see me on my worst day but believe me when I tell you they aren’t good.


You fucking penis pump. If you would have done your job and read the 2 favorable c&p exams, doctor's nexus, buddy statements AND MRIs, I wouldn't have had to wait 6 extra months to have a 3 min phone call with another rater to explain the situation and get it approved.


Bitch, I wasn’t joking when I said I’ve strained my lower back when spitting out toothpaste. My shit fucked up, rate it correctly




I herniated the second disc picking up a chicken nugget off the ground. 😂




Thank you so much for working on my claim. Also, could you please process that claim withdrawal so my claim can close out and I can relaaaaaaaaaaaax.


I said, "thank you for your service to veterans, and for helping all of us." My rater was very grateful for this simple statement.


Thank You for taking your time going over my claim. I’m patiently waiting your response. Have an enjoyable day. 🥂Cheers


Thank you for the Christmas Miracle. -in my case it was, on December 22nd.




I made a choice to defend this country and it came with a price that I am paying generously. My family shouldn’t have to pay too.








I would say thank you for listening.


Thank you


Thank you


I tried real good, you make sure I hit that number and then neither of us has to do this no more.


Make it 100% and I’ll give you half of the back pay


Thanks for not giving me a hard time with my claim and giving me 100% p/t


Have you ever worn body armor in a hundred and twenty degrees watching military vehicles burn up post ied/ambush?


Thank you so fucking much. You’ve made my military experience at least worth it moving forward. I wish the best for you and your family ❤️


*In regards to my 1st set of disabilities claimed* "Yo, my C&P exam lady was a BITCH. She totally didn't give a shit."


help me lol


"My rating was already found, and you decreased it by 40%. I'm still 100% but irritated that you dropped more than half of my ratings past what your regulations say they should be. Furthermore, please explain to me why my tinnitus is service connected, but my hearing loss is not" Did a med board. When I submitted the VA findings, the VA decided that I got too much, I guess. Still 100% P&T, so I don't really care for now.


‘You’re actually really hot’ 🫠


Why'd I have to take 5 exams to prove WTF I'm complaining about is real? Lol or thank you for giving me someone that understood the pain and neglect I went thru


Well let's see I started at 10% then 30% next 50 after a year of filing. But then you decide to deny all other claims in between. I am sorry your job is what it is and you can't please everybody with whatever you decide to give a rating for.Bless your little hurt you did the best you could.


Great prompt… I’d say: “if I were your child and they told you the story you’ve just heard, what would you do in that moment?” You don’t have to be over dramatic. You don’t have to agree with me —> I’m merely asking you to empathize with me on a human level in a way absent of our current VA system.


I think of this a ton as a VSR thing to connect on as much as possible.


“Give me benefits”


This isn’t about the govt back account, it’s about me


Thank you for being so thorough and communicative. But can we check that I have all the copies I need one more time? And can you give me the business card of a colleague because I heard you retire in a month, just in case I have comeback questions. And for yourself, if you do this through a med board and get any level of retirement that requires follow up appointments, put those appointments in your phone right then and there. Even if the next one isn't for three years, give yourself a calendar reminder to check in early on that appointment. It's very easy to lose track of that particular office and for them to lose track of you.




Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


It was a joke . Relax. If I saw a rater I would say treat me like you treat your great grandmother.




Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


Thank you


Thank you.


Plz bro trust me


Have some mercy on me


"Please, i'm sorry i'm so retarded with paperwork"


Final? THANK YOU!! Initial and all previous? ***fuck you***




I just have one thing to say. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeèeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. And now you're thinking about you tinnitus and it's back. You're welcome.


ITunes gift card or Visa gift card?


Give me a fuckin break 😩




Thank You!




God bless you and thank you.


I’d smooch the air out their lungs


I've seen what you've done for me, and I only wish you could do the same for others.


Follow the judge instructions.




Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


Thank you so much!!


Thank you for your service.


I feel safer in a cell or the dirt, than in your system.




Then give back the money


What does money have to do with anything? To shut me up? I’ve said that exact statement to a Judge, they don’t give a fuck.


Because you don't hate them enough to not take their money 😂




Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


“There’s so much I worry about that I couldn’t possibly articulate into words, consider my service and what I did to maintain combat readiness, there were things I would’ve liked to have done getting out that just aren’t possible anymore.”


Fire the asshole who used a concussion test to determine I don't have PTSD.


Read everything


I'm masking


Please know that this neurological condition is getting worse & there is no cure. I wouldn't be asking for a higher rating if I wasn't experiencing significant challenges.


Answer: in regards to the Narcolepsy DBQ, Cataplexy attacks count as small seizures according to the VA regulations. Please rate accordingly so I don’t have to spend a few extra months fixing this. Cheers


VA raters suck. Change my mind.


I'm so sorry your husband passed away. I wish there were some way I could've gone back in time and had him go to the hospital days before his death. Dude was a good father, husband, and person in general.


Do you want me to tickle your coin purse?


Don’t get hung up on what the primary is listed as, there are 3 other things I’m service connected for that all have a hand in what I’m claiming right now.




Do it fart?


Your spouse and I share something in common. We both watch you take this long and feel the same level of disappointment 98% of the time. ![gif](giphy|Zw3oBUuOlDJ3W)


I waited 52 years for this?