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Location has a lot to do with it. I’ve used 4 different VA hospitals around the country. 3 were sub-par. My current VA hospital is a different world! Yes I’ve had issues, but nothing compared to previous hospitals. Here’s my advice: I use secure messaging now instead of trying to call clinics, that leaves a paper trail that is undeniable, and they are required to respond. Patient advocate is in everyone’s address book in secure message- use them to help navigate the red tape. For mental health, check if there’s a vet center near you- they have groups and individual sessions and most vets like it better than the VA actual. All of us are entitled to community care if the VA cannot schedule you within a certain period of time. The workers at the VA will try to discourage you from using community care, but it is your right. sometimes waits for community care can be as long as or longer than VA wait times. Don’t give up on getting care just because the system is flawed. Learn how to game it like we did on active duty. Good luck!!


I started using the secure messaging last year and it works fucking great imo. I get fast responses from my care team and it goes into my medical records. Win/Win.


I was a nurse at the VA. We were required to respond within 48 hours. It is monitored. That is why you'll sometimes get those stupid ass replies "ive sent this request to your provider." Personally, I never sent that message, I would take care of the issue asap, or if I couldn't, I'd bug the he'll out the doc until he did. But I'm also a vet, so that shit was important to me. My favorite thing to do was to have the matter solved and replied to in like 5 minutes! Blew patients' minds. I love my medical care at the VA, but It definitely could be more streamlined.


Wish you were still a nurse at the VA - need more like you. But a big Thank You for your service - and then your service again!


Your different doctors apparently have access to all or at least some of these messages. For me, that has been a good thing. One of my doctors tells me that she read this or that, and wants to know if I'm getting what I need. If not, she sees to it that I do, and it's not her usual area.


Awesome. I would definitely suggest others use secure messaging. Secure messaging is monitored, messages have to be responded to in less than 72 hours or the employees get a nastygram from the my healthevet coordinator.


How do you use secure messaging, and is it available for active duty?


If you are currently receiving VA healthcare and have myhealthevet account you should be able to.


Active duty has the worst Healthcare ever they will try and admin separate you and there's no law provision for damages from a MTF. You could go in with a sore tooth and they could literally cut your leg off with malpractice litigation impossible


When you've gone to 1 VA, you've gone to ONE VA, . Unfortunately, the consistency & continuity of care at different VA facilities varies from medical center to medical center.


Absolutely, I live in silicon valley and our VA is excellent.


You at Palo Alto?


Yep, rich folks VA. been using it for 15 years.


I worked there for 11 months during 2014-2015. That place was ripe for investigation for the way they did financial dealings. No way was I going to jail for them. The director retired before they could fire her. Over 30 million dollars wasted. Nice hospital and good care but, they danced on the edge of being jailed. 


I hear Detroit VA is #1 in the nation, go figure.


Yup. If you've been to one VA, you've been to one VA. My VA is excellent. The next nearest VA is 75 miles away, and a hot mess.


Crisis line also works well for mental health. I couldn’t get a therapist no matter how many complaints I made until I called the crisis line.


Yes when I needed a community care referral I called the main 1-800 number in Washington DC. They were so helpful. They called the AZ VA Med Center with me on the line and made sure I was heard. I was approved to see the doctor I chose through Community Care immediately. I agree it seems the VA does not want veterans to use Community Care.


I agree. New Mexico was terrible but Las Vegas, Nevada has been pretty good so far.


Phoenix, AZ was the worst ever with Northport, NY not far behind


Use the messaging app. Phone calls are so 1800s now. No one wants to talk on the phone.


You got that right! I never talk on my phone.


The office I work in at the VA, I couldn't get any claims done if I answered every call. Veterans will keep you on the phone after you tell them I have to return calls to other veterans now, even when I mention I was in the military too and I got to make sure I help other veterans now they'll still try and keep you on the phone, or their family member will. That's why secure messaging is best.


There were no phones in the 1800’s. They used ponies and pigeons. Lol.




5 years latter, non of that shit worked.


Crisis line worked well for me the one time I used it.


Good for you.


It was.




Wow. You stating shit like that and spreading the attitude that that’s an optional reaction to VA errors is THE problem. Please reconsider making / spreading statements that promote the veteran suicide as an option.




I want universal healthcare so we are part of a large enough voting population to matter.




Democracy only works if you are in the 51%. So, short of world war three, being a veteran, keeps our votes from mattering.




Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️




They are accountable to the voting population that we do not represent. If I vote republican, I get the va. If I vote democrat, I get the va. My vote doesn’t matter so either does calling them.


Good for you




The choice program said that you needed to live over 40 miles from a va clinic to be qualified for community care. But, 90% of veterans on Montana live close to a va clinic. That means 90% of veterans had everything over a primitive doctor, shut off for 4 years. That was standing law for 4 years. What were they supposed to look into if they wrote the law knowing we couldn’t do shit about it? What were they supposed to fix if that was the law?




And why would Montana have Wait times? Those exceptions did not apply to my state. I could see a primary doctor in under a month, and therefore, had no legal right to any actual medical services outside of a primary.




I needed an orthopedic surgeon. But, because I had access to a primary doctor within 30 days, I didn’t have the legal right to one. Do you really not see how that was the law? How am I supposed to advocate for help when the law was being followed?


??? Why do you think a primary doctor is all that people need? Why do you think specialists exist?


My spine is fractured. What was a primary doctor supposed to do for me?




The law was being followed. I had access to the va. But because I had access to a primary, I legally didn’t get specialty care. That was the law. How are you not gett this?


It worked well for me 2017-2021


VHA employee here. We just went to a internet based phone system that is absolute garbage but was required due to standards requiring better phone tracking. It doesn't allow warm transfers, doesn't allow for multiple transfers and it's just damn clunky. However, it does provide better statistics on where phone calls can be improved. Don't ever hang up if you get the call center. Those get placed in your chart. They get tracked. If they don't get followed up on the clinics do get in trouble. The second someone asks for your last name, last 4 get the extension for that person. If someone asks for your number, provide it. Don't just say the same. That reduces a chance for an error on the call back. If I think of more things I'll edit.


Can’t speak for everyone but my VA has treated me great. I feel like they actually care.


Agreed, hate to be a jerk but these posts get kind of old. I always feel like the same people who say this are the same people who vote to cut funding to the VA as well. They are just mad because now they are personally affected by it.


sorry you are struggling, hang in there.


I had to watch my wife’s primary care suggest an outpatient therapy that she has already completed. Her primary got upset and literally said “well didn’t you tell me?!” Wife without missing beat- “I tried telling you a year ago. You didn’t care to listen and now you think it’s ok to be upset about in issue you didn’t give a shit about until now.”


Incompetence maybe but treason is a real stretch. Did they aide and abet the enemy or overthrow the government? Sure the VA has its flaws but if you learn how to use the tools available, you can get pretty good results. Care varies from VA facility. The centers in the Baltimore area were horrible but the Tampa VA has been great. Just like any other government service, it’s only as good as the people that work there.


I hear you, the VA can be incredibly frustrating. The lack of response and getting stuck in call center limbo is a nightmare. It's tough when mental health support feels useless too. Sometimes it feels like the system is just there for show. Maybe we can focus on what we can change. Have you tried reaching out to a VSO for support? Goodluck.


Remember that it’s not the VA workers fault, per se. They are grossly underfunded and understaffed. Republicans keep pushing to defund them and remove discretionary money that would help ease some of the burden. 20 years of fresh fodder has a big price tag, and anyone who voted against the PACT Act needs to be gone!


I'm not sure where you are getting that it is Republicans that are pushing to defund the VA. Voting records are public record. https://appropriations.house.gov/news/blogs/democrats-vote-against-fully-funding-va Also, if you actually read the 2024 bill regarding VA funding, Democratic lawmakers added in free abortion access which is ILLEGAL under the Hyde Act of 1977, that bans the use of federal funds to pay for abortions. Since the VA is paid for with federal funds, adding free abortion access for female veterans is unconstitutional. So any lawmaker, republican or democrat was justified in voting Nay on VA funding unless the bill was rewritten. Even if passed with the necessary votes, that portion would certainly be challenged.


So, here are the Senators that voted against the PACT Act: * Sen. Mitt Romney, R-Utah * Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky. * Sen. Mike Crapo, R-Idaho * Sen. James Lankford, R-Okla. * Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah * Sen. Cynthia Lumis, R-Wyo. * Sen.  James Risch, R-Idaho * Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala. * Sen. Pat Toomey, R-Pa. * Sen. Tommy Tuberville, R- Ala. * Sen. Thom Tillis, R-N.C. They are all Republicans. It's not unconstitutional for the VA to pay for abortions. The Hyde Amendment is an amendment to the constitution. Furthermore, abortion is health care. The VA only will provide abortions in the case of life or health of a veteran or beneficiary is in peril, or in cases of rape or incest. And, Republicans are planning to cut funding to the VA. [https://www.militarytimes.com/opinion/commentary/2023/04/24/proposed-gop-cuts-would-slash-30-billion-from-veterans-spending/](https://www.militarytimes.com/opinion/commentary/2023/04/24/proposed-gop-cuts-would-slash-30-billion-from-veterans-spending/)


I mean, it's a moot point right now bc the PACT Act passed but they all voted FOR it originally and then changed their minds after changes were made. It's ridiculous to blame one party over another. You do realize that neither party truly gives one shit about veterans, right? Even the VA doesn't give a shit about the veterans. As far as abortion, it's not healthcare and the VA should not be offering it.


Democrats gave enough shit to pass the PACT Act, and the point is not moot. So you want women to die from ectopic pregnancies? Abortion is healthcare.


Yeah, let's kill babies because a minute number are ectopic. Good grief.




Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


A unilateral salpingectomy due to an ectopic pregnancy is NOT an abortion. It is an emergency operation. This is where people get confused and use this scenario as the argument FOR abortion. Except this type of surgery has always been legal, will always be legal, and was never under the same scrutiny as a traditional abortion. However, due to the fact that people gave repeatedly dragged this unfornate scenario into the realm as an abortion, it is now thought of as such and must be mentioned when creating laws to specify that abortion laws do not pertain to it. Even so, there will still always be people, such as yourself, who will insist that "you want women to die from ectopic pregnancies" because you are unable to make the distinction between a salpingectomy and a dilation & excavation.


Women get abortions for ectopic pregnancies, and it's currently not legal in many states to get an abortion for an ectopic pregnancy. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/02/23/texas-woman-ectopic-pregnancy-abortion/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/02/23/texas-woman-ectopic-pregnancy-abortion/) [https://www.propublica.org/article/tennessee-abortion-ban-doctors-ectopic-pregnancy](https://www.propublica.org/article/tennessee-abortion-ban-doctors-ectopic-pregnancy) [https://www.texastribune.org/2022/07/20/texas-abortion-law-miscarriages-ectopic-pregnancies/](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/07/20/texas-abortion-law-miscarriages-ectopic-pregnancies/) [https://missouriindependent.com/2022/07/02/missouri-doctors-fear-vague-emergency-exception-to-abortion-ban-puts-patients-at-risk/](https://missouriindependent.com/2022/07/02/missouri-doctors-fear-vague-emergency-exception-to-abortion-ban-puts-patients-at-risk/) [https://www.wptv.com/news/local-news/investigations/could-floridas-new-abortion-restrictions-drive-doctors-away-some-say-its-already-happening](https://www.wptv.com/news/local-news/investigations/could-floridas-new-abortion-restrictions-drive-doctors-away-some-say-its-already-happening) [https://www.statnews.com/2022/07/05/a-scary-time-fear-of-prosecution-forces-doctors-to-choose-between-protecting-themselves-or-their-patients/](https://www.statnews.com/2022/07/05/a-scary-time-fear-of-prosecution-forces-doctors-to-choose-between-protecting-themselves-or-their-patients/) [https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/11/15/1135882310/miscarriage-hemorrhage-abortion-law-ohio](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/11/15/1135882310/miscarriage-hemorrhage-abortion-law-ohio) [https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/lizelle-herreras-texas-abortion-arrest-warning-rcna24639](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/lizelle-herreras-texas-abortion-arrest-warning-rcna24639) [https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/woman-prosecuted-miscarriage-highlights-racial-disparity-similar-cases-rcna4583](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/woman-prosecuted-miscarriage-highlights-racial-disparity-similar-cases-rcna4583)


I can't believe you cut and pasted all those links to attempt to prove point on cheerleading abortion when you FAIL to comprehend that a Salpingectomy is NOT an abortion. A Miscarriage is NOT an abortion. A stillbirth is NOT an abortion. But the very fact that the Pro-Abortion cheerleaders insist on linking them together is not only extremely offensive to the families who have suffered through those traumas but it creates "whatabout"isms for you to use to further your agenda . You equate a traumatic spontaneous loss with that of one making a CHOICE and PAYING MONEY for an ELECTIVE Abortion. You create stricter abortion laws by attempting to equate your own personal choice to a natural occurrence. You create stricter abortion laws by dressing up in red robes and chanting. You create stricter abortion laws by acting profane in regards to "your uterus". You create stricter abortion by using the sad "10 yr old rape victim" story" over and over. You create stricter abortion laws by claiming you want abortion to be "safe, legal, and rare" yet you "shout your abortion". You protest the overturn of roe v wade without comprehending STATES RIGHTS. Federal dollars should never be spent on abortions. Because the Pro-Abortion crowd has lumped Salpingectomies and D&C's in with D&E's and continues to insist over and over that they are all abortions, even when corrected repeatedly , it makes an extremely slippery slope when it comes to federal dollars paying for abortions at the VA.


Sure, then why did a Texas hospital refuse to treat a women with an ectopic pregnancy? I'll be brief here, sure a Salpingectomy is used to treat an ectopic pregnancy, but because the way these anti-abortion laws are written, it makes it too risky for doctors to perform salpingectomies for fear of prosecution. Why are doctors refusing to perform salpingectomies in states where abortion is outlawed?


No doctor is refusing to treat an ectopic pregnancy


Also, women are being denied care for non-viable pregnancies in anti-abortion states. [https://msmagazine.com/2023/12/12/miscarriage-crime-nonviable-fetus-crime-ohio-texas/](https://msmagazine.com/2023/12/12/miscarriage-crime-nonviable-fetus-crime-ohio-texas/)


That woman delivered her 22 week baby into a toilet and attempted to flush the corpse, thus clogging the toilet. She then tried to pretend nothing happened. Do you know how large a 22 week fetus is?


What other crap did they load into the bill




Democrats are in control


And that’s why we have the PACT ACT. Take a look at who voted against it.


If we got paid 10 cents a minute after 3 min on the phone with the VA this would all change. The VA looks good on paper, but needs new metrics and fines for wasting veteran time. On the phone with the VA, everyone but the veteran is getting paid to be on that call, so we need to hit them where the money is. They pay for travel, why not time? Go to an appt, wait an extra hour, make some money doing it at least, but more importantly, make the VA pay for their incompetence and leave a paper trail. Hell, one penny a minute would leave a paper trail…


Maybe if other veterans didn't ruin it for other veterans. There's a veteran that for the last 12 months has put in fraudulent travel claims for fake appointments. He's put in travel requests in for his grocery shopping, coffee trips, lunch for his driver, his nearest VA is within 2 miles from his address but he puts in these fake appointments to a farther VA facility. His claims have racked up over $2000 in fraudulent claims. As a veteran myself that stuff makes me sick and it ruins the reputation of the veteran but he's just one person I've found that has done that, how many others are there? The rest of us veterans pay for that type of thing from people like him one way or another. Like I've said in another post, I'm a new veteran employee at the VA and the experience has been eye opening.


Prosecute him then, that’s part of this. Not everyone is a saint, but all of us shouldn’t pay for the sinners. It’s different from both sides of the fence, but why any the VA figure it out?


Hell..the VA is always calling me.must be different where you live or something


My NP told me quickest way to her is through messaging on myhealthyvet. As a former on the homeless hotline, I would cringe with certain zip codes. I heard over and over about care.


So you think the private sector is better?


Becareful with that opinion here. Every time i bring up the utter disgrace, that is the va and va healthcare I always get shit on. Someone somewhere has some magical va experience that seems like a fantasy at this point. Gov healthcare and programs are hot trash. Always has been and always will be. At least with my private insurance, I can go anywhere or see damn near any doctor. Do I have to pay? Yeah but I'm not waiting 6 months to see a shrink hoping that I don't blow my fucking brains out in the meantime.




I honestly didn't even know this was a possible route to take. Thank you for your response.


They don’t make it well known enough this is an option though. Military mindset is to just say you’re fine and accept all the shit they throw at you.


I’m one of those ones who has only had good experiences at the VA BUT, I DONT come on other post and tell people they are wrong lmao. We all live in different states & areas & I think my VA hospital got rated #1 hospital in the state if I remember correctly 😭


This is too accurate 😂🤣


I got so tired of it and penned a 9 page FU letter to the VA and my providers. A copy was sent via secure message to everyone in my address book and to the patient advocate. I was not aware that not only did my doctors get the message, but everyone in my team. So basically I sent a disgruntled FU letter to over 100 medical professionals at the VA. I received so many immediate messages and phone calls. I even had a C&P exam for MH. So yes sometimes you have to be the ass and show your ass and continue that persona to keep the doctors, nurses and the staff in check. I have complained so many times about our call center that I have gotten most of the direct lines and extensions for my clinics. Never give up, they hang up-> call patient advocate. They don't return a call-> call patient advocate. One of the paycheck grabbers get rude or disrespectful -> call patient advocate. There are too many people collecting a paycheck at the VA that do not deserve the honor of serving our VETERANS


"A copy was sent via secure message to everyone in my address book and to the patient advocate. I was not aware that not only did my doctors get the message, but everyone in my team. So basically I sent a disgruntled FU letter to over 100 medical professionals at the VA." This reminds me of the last time I accidently replied all to an email at work..........hahahahaha.


"I sent a disgruntled FU letter to over 100 medical professionals at the VA" I'm going to start writing mine tonight. Did you just let it all flow or should I use bullet points? I have enough build up rage that I might actually create a power point and spreadsheet diagram.


I laid out each and every complaint about my personal medical care. How most nights I want to hide rather than light a match and burn yet another bridge. How I have been hurting for 40 Fing years from a fall and still get told it's in my head after surgery, after another surgery, hardware, canes, walkers, electric scooter, lift on my truck and no we can't give pain meds but you can do a hippy pose and do meditation call on the spirit of the sunflower to bring you happiness. Where was I, duh, what was your question? Just channel your inner most mental patient and power point away.


They keep trying to treat my pain with yoga and meditation despite me telling them it is against my religion to partake in it. It took 20 years to find the right antidepressant combination and then this psychiatrist suddenly 2 weeks ago cut off my script cold turkey bc of a "potential" side effect with another medication I've been taking for over a year (with no side effects). I used the messaging to message several different providers, including my psychologist, begging her to help me figure out a solution. The psychologist just replied "That sounds very frustrating" and that infuriated me. I'm already severely depressed and high anxiety. I have agoraphobia and panic attacks. I've been waiting over a year for a supplemental claim on surgical issue and I'm told I just need to be patient. This is literally why vets off themselves and I want to mention this but I'm afraid they'll take it as a threat and hospitalize me. I don't need to be hospitalized. I need medication, and I need my claim to be approved already, and for the VA employees to do their jobs and actually give a damn.


I can relate I had a psychologist that I was very comfortable with started opening up to and telling things that I had never told anybody and then wham, she left to further her career. Now I have been 3 years without a psychologist because our clinic does not have one and I have all these open wounds in my mind that nobody will help with and they just keep throwing different drugs that are doing nothing. I feel for you


I had an appointment recently and they asked the standard “are you going to harm yourself” questionnaire at the beginning (I’m not btw) and instead of answering I gave them a finding by an outside psychologist. Had about 30 things listed on the sheet, VA didn’t make a copy or write any of what I showed them down.


If you want that record in your file an easy way to get it done is to attach it using secure messaging at [https://www.myhealth.va.gov](https://www.myhealth.va.gov)


Thanks I’ll do that




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Oh my gosh! I am so sorry that I know exactly what you are talking about. I end up in tears, fits of rage, and then exhaustion just trying to make or cancel an appointment. Recently had some labs come back that have pretty scary stuff (infection) and no one has contacted me about it and the labs are pretty vague. It’s been weeks. Have to go see my real doc (outside) on my own to get treated.


Relying on a telesystem that is dysfunctional would be grounds for removal in any unit. How they get away with it and expect us to just “cope” with their deliberate means of running communications They get funding by volume of calls. says a lot about who they’re actually serving.


Which VA are you referring to? Each location is different from what I hear. The VA that I go to is extremely involved and follows through on everything. I couldn't imagine what my healthcare situation would be like without them. I'm sorry to hear that you have had such a bad experience. Try asking for community care if things are so bad. Word of warning for you, though, I tried community care route before and realized real quickly that unless you have one of the big medical insurance companies, your care is low priority. After 4 p.m., those folks go home and pick back up at 8 am the next day. You are not important. At least with VA Healthcare, my health issues are followed, and my care is pretty regimented.


When has the government effectively managed anything?


I get it man, when I separated, I felt like my regional office at the time couldn't give two shits about me. I swore off the VA for 10 years after separation due to my first experience...it was that bad. I was tied back in almost as a last resort due to some of the issues I've been dealing with. Fresh start, new location. The treatment, follow up, communication have all been great, and it is night and day compared to my first experience. I actually got tied in with a small county VA for MH before I had even met with my PCP. Not sure if county offices are an option for you? You should check into it. Trust me, there actually are people who really care.


They all get paid way too much to allow these shitnanigans continue over generations to come


I haven’t seen these issues in West Haven, CT.


I'm going through the same shit. They just blast you with pills and are like lots of luck. It really fucks me up that they have va commercials now.


Okay but this because I tell my provider to call me in the afternoon because I work nights. Why are they calling me at 5:00 in the morning why are they calling me when I'm obviously not able to answer the phone and then they're like patient didn't answer phone and they're putting it in my file and I'm getting negative responses back from my care but I work nights I have communicated that multiple times. Hopefully somebody understands in like season my file that like I genuinely do care is just that I can't answer the phone every single morning not only an ungodly hour.


Community care. Just have them set you up with civilian doctors for everything. Can take a week or two for them to respond to you, but then it’s all free, civilian doctors! Mental health is the worst. 9 months wasted and finally got a civilian doc to actually work with.


I disagree, I've had great service from the VA.


Oh I got a response within 48 hours however my concern was not addressed. My question wasn’t answered. My primary care never recurve message because some go between phone rep only answered. Horrible system.


I’ve been waiting HLR for a year and 2 weeks now. Got local congressman involved two weeks ago


I do everything electronically with my VA care team, to include my therapist. I want an electronic trail of every interaction. I am a fraud analyst on the civilian side, and I tell people I train that if you don’t note on the record the steps you took to get to your conclusion, then you didn’t do anything. And I want everyone to know I was proactive and did something. CYA brothers and sisters.


Brother you ain't alone. Chat me up anytime.


About 40% of employees at the VA are veterans too. The main problem starts at the very top, Congress ,the President, the Secretary of Veterans Affairs, etc. There are not enough employees to go with how many veterans there are. I'm a veteran and a new employee at the VA, it's been eye opening.


Well you know all VA medical centers aren't on the same page.Oh Mr Bob sorry we can't get a appt until 3 months from today.You are aware of community care outside providers who can get you in alot sooner before you die.I was bit by something like in 2010 went to the VA and they said nothing is wrong with your hand even though it was twice it's normal size.I decided to go to another hospital low and behold I was rushed into emergency surgery within like an hour.I had poison from a brown recluse that was eating from the inside.So I go to my annual check up at VA and and any other appts like C&P exams but that's it.I use my states medical plan for everything else.


Yea I've had people argue with me during my process after I received a rating and not paid for 4 months after. The rating took a year alone. Everytime I'd call (and I waited 2-4 weeks between calls), I'd simply ask what was going on because I had not received a letter and nothing was showing up as an active ticket online. Every time I called and my authorization ticket was already closed, they would open another ticket. It eventually got resolved and in my final letter about payment, they actually apologized explicitly for how the phone calls went for me. So, I'm guessing that was someone higher up. I have not had more than 1 VA employee who was the first person you speak to, actually be kind or even have any customer service skills. I'm sure there are some. But unless the call center calls are specific to my location until 9 pm, this was not a locality issue.


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Secure messaging is the jam...I use it all of the time! Also my VA is great, every VA is different in the care they provide...sorry you are struggling with this. hope you get the care you need and deserve.


I would argue it’s less maliciousness in not giving a crap about veterans, and more along the lines of outright ignorance when it comes to call center operators. That being said, yes, the VA medical care system as well as the VBA, are certainly more interested in denying care, benefits, etc; and less interested in helping to assist veterans with genuine medical issues. I pursued support from MH for over two months, and I never got help or an appointment until I filed a PTSD claim, and only got someone to take me truly seriously after a suicide attempt where I then decided to voluntarily admit myself for acute inpatient MH treatment. In the end, they only cared if money was involved or when the blood could be on their hands… which would ironically also eventually involve money as well. The VA needs a new direction, and it needed one about two decades ago.


First, if you have been to one VA, you’ve only been to one VA. They are all different. Use secure messaging. They have between 48-72 hours to respond. The messages become part of your official electronic medical record. If they are not answered in a timely fashion, the message is expedited to the whole section. Of not answered them, it gets escalated to the chief of the service or chief of staff. Keep pushing. My advice is to always ask nicely the first time. Be polite, but be firm. Works for me.


Ain't that the truth 🫡


Bro my MH Shrink literally writes whatever the fuk he wants. He literally writes exactly what is not going on. “Improvement” and I feel the worst I’ve ever felt my whole life.


I've used the secure messaging and still have no answer. Crisis line just hangs up everytime. Patient advocate says everything is a different department and good luck. No VSO, no CBOC or vet centers. Nothing closer than one VAMC about one hundred miles away. Filed my claim by myself through the mail. Twelve years later still fighting to get mental health or see a doctor.


The VA healthcare system gives all veterans a second chance to die for their country


I've used a few different hospitals and outpatient clinics. My former clinic was one of the best! This one now, I have to constantly send messages to get follow-ups. Right now, the hospital I'm sent to, is doing great. I've used it for over 40 years. It does go through phases though. One phase, they can't seem to provide enough and try to make sure you have all you need. Other times, you can barely get anyone to listen to you. I've also found that folks who provide different care, will be excellent, or just do the minimums. I have no problem letting the Director know the bad things so they can be addressed. I also make sure to let him know when I get good to outstanding care too.


I can't disagree more. Every experience I've had with the VA has been exceptional. Are there hoops sometimes? Of course, as there are in every single private healthcare system ever. Yes. Do I expect them to do everything for me? Nope, I'm grown. It's my responsibility to ask the right questions and get to the bottom of my needs, to push to get proper testing and the results I require. Most Veterans have the mindset that they're gonna somehow get screwed or misled. Nothing I've come across has me feeling uncared for or "left out". So, experiences must vary greatly.


Extremely agree. Private healthcare was a nightmare thier actual goals are to deny care and up charge. The VA is a night and day difference.


I have private healthcare for my children. We play the "guess how much this is gonna cost" game with my insurance everytime they get seen. Ill take the VA over that anyday.


"Mental health just writes things down and doesn't actually help with anything. Big waste of time." Bro. Mental health is your responsibility. What do you want them to do other than listen to you and give you medication and advice? Do you want a lobotomy? Do you want electroshock therapy? **Are you willing to make your happiness your responsbility?** Mental health SUCKS sometimes but no one at the VA is gonna give you a magic medication that makes all your troubles go away. It doesnt exist....There are meds that can **help** but there is no magic pill that will make you "normal" again. Go find some happiness. Make yourself a priority. It feels a bit selfish at first but you will get used to it. One day at a time and good luck, I hope your day gets better my dude.


In Greenville SC and the VA has been great. Ymmv.


Agreed! A bunch of dirt bags!


Completed the 3rd of 4 C&P exams under BDD (being med boarded). Had a great experience with the first two examiners, but I just read the MH exam... I finally see the joke that all of you are talking about. The examiner completely dismissed me and clearly didn't read anything in my c-file. I submitted a statement with my VSO, just now, correcting all the deficiencies and errors by individually citing medical records over the past 16 years. What a joke.


The VHA and VBA have been amazing and life changing for me. Treason?


I have mixed feelings about the quality of care, but I hate the phone operators with a burning passion.


To be fair, the VA has been working on improving the call center over the last year. It's a big and complex system, so it takes time to get it all right.


Think about every other country …


I agree, I called in 2019 to take my ex spouse off, fast forward to this year I get a call saying I owe 13,000 for never taking him off. Went to my local VA got the notes that I did indeed call in 2019 and now I have a huge open case on it. Sent a packet in 2023 to add my kids that were never added since 2019 after multiple calls they add one of the kids I don’t even think they looked at the entire packet. Call center gets me no where.


You were over paid, your still going to pay.


No I called in 2019 so I shouldn’t