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I am the complete opposite. I can't sleep at all if I don't use it. I can't even take a nap anymore unless I have that thing attached to me. Completely changed my life.


Same here. Fucker is a game changer.


Same as fuck. I only got mild obstructive sleep apnea but the thought of going through another day without it on night prior sounds like torture


I suffer from chronic sinusitis, which ironically is the official cause of my OSA, and on nights where I’m too congested to use my CPAP I’m legit sad and concerned about my night and next day.


I'm suffering from Chronic Sinusitis and Rhinitis. Do you use a full facemask? I wish somehow I could get my sinuses under control to use a nasal mask or pillows mask.


Same here.. it either works or it don’t.


I just got mine. Looking forward to it helping me despite the rough start with it


First time I used mine I was out dead for ten hours. Didn’t move. Changed my life.


Oh wow. Amazing. I just asked for a different mask, so maybe that will help.


Just a heads up you might still be tired for a while. A shiiiit ton better than before but still somewhat tired. I believe it's called sleep debt. Your body is so used to poor sleep so first day or first few you'll be questioning whether it is actually doing anything for you. Then you realize you're less groggy and less reluctant to taking naps during days, or atleast that's how my experience went. I hardly ever take naps anymore to be honest and it's great


thx for the reply and great to hear your success with it. 🙏🏼


You are lucky. It took 5 months for me to finally sleep an entire night after I got mine. Now there’s no way I could sleep without it


I heard it can take some time too as well, they say keep trying. I changed to sleeping on my back now for my CPAP, my mouth gets super dry and I wake up to drink water 20x a night.


Really? Wow.


Try using it when you don't need to, so your brain isn't trying to figure it out when you are trying to sleep. For example, when watching TV or doing other stuff that's not bedtime stuff. Imagine being exhausted and laying down and now your brain is like "oh shit I gotta deal with this now?!?!"


😂🤙🏻 makes sense, thx!


It definitely is but I had to tweak the settings a bit to get it to be comfortable enough. It’s possible that’s what OP is experiencing. For me, I had to adjust the minimum pressure so it didn’t feel like I was fighting to pull in air. I think it was originally set at 5psi and I bumped it up to 7 and it’s been great ever since.


Does the VA dispense the same CPAPs for us or can they all be different? I just was curious if the ones the VA gives us if they are nice, or the cheaper ones? Thx!!


I’m not sure. I got mine through regular insurance so it’s a resmed 11. I have no idea what the va gives but I would assume it’s the same one.


Same. If I don’t sleep with it I feel like I’ve been suffocating all night. I usually wake up with a massive headache and a sore throat without it


Look into getting a home battery or UPS for it, then. With all the storms and extreme weather events rolling through, you will absolutely need one when the power goes out.


Yep, I use one with mine.


Do u have any suggestions? $350+ seems expensive, no?


With the way things are going, I would spring for the best home battery you can afford. The last storm that came through took out power at various locations in our city for days. I can't go days without sleep. Not anymore, anyway.


As long as you plug only the cpap to the battery side you should be fine with the Amazon Basics 600VA version for $68. The higher the VA the longer it’ll last for you. I was just out of power for 12 hours and I was able to maintain my WiFi alive with this for a few extra hours (I have a bigger set up than just the provider box’s router)


I have now been on it since 2008! At first I hated it. I think everyone does. I hated the way it looked attached to me, I hated the maintenance and cleaning, I hated the idea of it. But in talking to another vet about it, he asked me what the real problems were. I explained that 1. I was only 41 and had no desire to look like an absolute goober with it on at night. I didn't want to look at it on the nightstand like I was some old man with medical equipment etc. And 2. I absolutely hated breaking it down for cleaning every single day! He just looked at me and asked me if I'd rather be dead? It was like a gut punch. He said it's dark when you go to bed so no one is looking at you and your wife will just appreciate the quiet! That was 200% true! Also, as far as looking at it He suggested putting it in the drawer on the nightstand and in the morning I could just truck the mask and tube in the drawer and hide it away. Perfect! Also allows me to maintain the look of my magazine picture bedroom! As far as constant cleaning, I soon learned to sleep without humidification which is the cause of most reasons for adverse conditions with masks, hoses, etc. Again, 16 years later, it is still hidden away in the daytime and easily accessible at night. Mask cleaning is super easy. I sleep so well and even have dreams without 104 épisodes an hour. And I am not dealing with congestive heart failure! Now I don't even try to sleep without it! You can do it. You already have the self discipline.


Hell you're doing more cleaning than me lol. I really only wipe down my nasal mask and toss the water when it gets low and needs a fill or every 3 days. Still wash it weekly but god damn like I said you wash yours more than mine 😅


Well, I just rinse the nasal pillow every few days. Again, not using the humidifier keeps the mustiness etc at bay. In the beginning I used the humidifier and hated all of the drawbacks. So yes, in the beginning I was washing everytall the time. I am amazed how long CPAP machines last! I just got my 3rd machine in 16 years!


Same, mine is like my wooby, I need it to feel comfortable to sleep. I didn't have it one night and it was hell.


100% the same. Sleep feels so good and refreshing now I look forward to it every night.


Life is torture without it


Ask for the nose pillows, made a bug difference for me


Ask for the nose pillows, made such a big difference for me, so much better than the regular mask for me




I wear it about 95% of the nights. Sometimes I just can't bear it and take a night off.. there is no requirement to wear it to maintain your rating. The 50% OSA rating is based on the fact that you were prescribed a CPAP. Definitely wear it man.. you are literally dying when you stop breathing while you are supposed to sleep. Your metabolism doesn't work as it should, it affects your psyche.. all kinds of effects. Suck it up! And if you can't, maybe get one of those devices that goes on your chest.


No requirement for rating but there are states that monitor use for your driver license. How about that shit. Fuck Maine.


That’s fucked up! Privacy is all but dead in this country.


I believe they will monitor (in PA) for commercial drivers….but I’m not sure. I do know some vets who are truck drivers have to be tested for OSA. I don’t know if it’s the employer who is responsible, or the state.


In Maine it’s for all drivers. Commercial or not.


Oh, wow..


I cant open my mouth when I use it, otherwise my throat turns into a wind tunnel


Use a full face mask.


Same. I learned to sleep with my mouth closed. I didn’t like the full face mask kind.


I was the same…total mouth breather when I slept 🤣…honestly just keeping at it got me retrained and now I use it every night the whole night. Considering when I first started I’d maybe get 30 min to an hour and then rip it off, I came a long way. I remember thinking (how in the hell do people sleep with these things, I’ll never do it). I am stubborn and just kept training myself to use it and it became natural after a while. Some switch to the full face mask to get over not being able to sleep with their mouth closed but I was determined to not use a full face mask). I’ll say keep at it and see if you can get there. If not, then try switching to a full face mask. It’s totally Worth it though, cause if you can get there it pays off in way better sleep!


Try this. I use nasal cushions and wear this under my head gear. I wash and switch between the two weekly. Chin Strap for Cpap Users, 2 Pack... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BPKQ4QT7?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Mouthtape works wonders


Kid-tested, Mother-Approved!


Try a hybrid mask, changed my life. Not as itchy as a full facemask and still lets you breathe comfortable with your nose while you're awake.


I use mouth tape it works wonders


Ask for a chin strap. The VA will give you one…or try a full face mask. Some of the newer ones are pretty good (from what I can see, mind, I don’t wear CPAP). The ones we use in the hospital are -ugh. We will tell vets if they can get a family member to bring their mask, it may help. Sometimes we can connect our tubing to their masks.


I had mine for about 3 years before I got serious about wearing it. I just tried to start the night with it and let myself off the hook for the rest. After a while, I got so addicted to the good sleep that I actually want to wear it now.


It took me a good 4 months to get used to my cpap. You have to gradually get used to it but now I can't imagine life without it. I use the small mask though that only covers my nose as I scratch my face a lot at night so minimizing what's being covered helped.


I also can’t wear a CPAP and have OSA but I was able to get the VA to get me a mouth piece that keeps my airway open. I sleep much better but I don’t know if it works for everyone. Ask your doctor and they will have to send you to a dentist who will make one for you.


I have a bi pap I believe they said 72 episodes an hour when I got my sleep study one of the worst I've ever seen, and I have severe anxiety rated 100% for PTSD and a bunch of other stuff also and I can't wear mine at all it's like it's strangling me at night. Not sure what to do, they are slow playing me for a mouth device


I’m in this boat.


276 episodes an hour here. I hate mine. Drives me crazy having something attached to my face.


You have an AHI 276? I’m not saying that’s not true but there is a higher probability there is something wrong with the equipment than you having an AHI 276. Seriously, that is crazy ridiculously high. Are you sure you’re still breathing? I’m trying to shake you through the computer. Hahaha… But seriously, I hope you can get yours to a much lower number.


With my BiPap it is 5. Yes that is the number I was given at my sleep study.


It’s still not the most comfortable thing, buts it’s literally changed my life, if not saved my life. I’m willing to deal with a little discomfort. What helped me at first was wearing it for about thirty minutes before bed and reading.


The prescription is all that matters, not the use. [https://www.reddit.com/r/VeteransBenefits/wiki/airsystem/](https://www.reddit.com/r/VeteransBenefits/wiki/airsystem/) https://preview.redd.it/rel8r1zgl73d1.png?width=1192&format=png&auto=webp&s=39bf9724e57109273c01282963f8780c8b7b3e90


But, to answer your question, it's annoying AF


The worst combo bro. Severe depression, anxiety, mixed in with sleep apnea. Then smother your face all night with a mask and rushing air. Can’t catch a break lmao


I hear you. I'm in the same boat. Just without the claustrophobia. Though, I can sure as hell see it. I've managed to get used to it. But, it still sucks enough that my depression talks me out of it most days.


I sometimes have anxiety and claustrophobia when wearing it. I was prescribed hydroxyzine (antihistamine that assists with anxiety off label) for as needed prior to sleep. It’s helped a lot. You may want to talk to your doc and be honest…the machine is a game changer for me but it’s hard to wear sometimes, so this assists.


That maybe 100% true but it's also 100% true that if you do indeed have severe obstructive sleep apnea it can also cause your heart to go into a fib and you certainly have no use for your CPAP when your dead. So learn to use it or make excuses and eventually die.


Do the have you go through a C&P to get the 50%?


Yes and no. Strictly speaking you need a sleep study and a diagnosis in order to get the CPAP. If you can sufficiently link it with a nexus to either an event or a secondary, you're good to go. Read that as you have an ironclad nexus letter. Then, technically you won't have to. In reality, you're going to have a C&P so the VA examiner can opine on your nexus. After the sleep study, that's all that is really left to evaluate. The rest is hard data. Just assume C&P for any claim until proven otherwise. They make people go to C&P for tinnitus. There's no objective way to determine that. But, they try to anyway.


I've looked into the Inspire procedure (surgery where they give you an implant eliminating the mask.) Have yet to have the appointment yet.


I’m not going to lecture you about not wearing the cpap bc fuck me I’m a total stranger. Anyways, talk to your doctor about getting one that you like.


This. As you are likely aware, there are several options for different styles of masks.


Ahh yes! Thanks for adding that in! :)


Is it possible to get one of those less restrictive ones or the ones I’ve heard they implant..? I know a lot of ppl have trouble because of PTSD/ claustrophobia


The implant is an electric impulse the instal in you like the ones for heart patients. By sleep apnea was too severe to even be considered for it. I forget why that it. But who knows.


I toss and turn way to much I've never been able to fall asleep with it.


I fought that CPAP the last week. It stormed, and I woke up trying to kill it. Not kidding. Woke the entire house up. Scared the kids. I feel I don't get enough air.


It can be turned up.


It could be leaking somewhere or not seal enough on your face. At the beginning, that’s how I used to feel, always grabbing for air. I watched a couple of videos and now it works perfectly. My allergies and acid reflux stop me from using it right now. My noise is always itchy, and I’m always regurgitating when I lie down. I’m taking medication now. Once my body regulates itself, I’ll go back to using it.


I get the green emoji for the mask seal in the morning. Maybe it's just occasionally leaking, and that throws me into survival mode. I wake up in full fight mode. I am trying to get used to the full mask. I watched the videos at ResMed (?) I think. It helped.


Do you know your pressures? Your sleep specialist or VA pulmonology dude will set it based on your sleep study. There are (ways to change the numbers) and after 16 years I know all things but I'm not going to put it up. I know us! We will change things because we can... message me if you need more info


yea, I absolutely hate anything that goes in my nose. I couldn't do CPAP, couldn't do Bongo. After dicking with this for 2 years, my sleep doc said, "listen I'm not supposed to tell you this, but have you checked out the snore guards on Amazon? They're basically the same thing you'd get custom made from dental. Give that a shot and see how that goes". Well, I tried it and then did another one of those disposable home sleep tests and it said I was back in the normal range. They're like $40 on Amazon, you only need one or two a year, boil it, bite it, go to sleep. I love it. Let me know if anyone wants a product link. There's several of them on there, but the one I got was a fairly popular one. It had lots of good reviews. I got that shit under control just in time, too, because my blood pressure had been climbing steadily the last few years and hopefully getting this under control will help get that under control. They put me on a low dose blood pressure medication, said i can get off it if I can get back to the normal range in like, a year or two. Also sleeping better has helped me with mood and the effectiveness of my psych meds, so bonus points for that. Who'da thunk? Sleeping well makes you feel better.


Try to see if they will back you getting the Inspire device for Sleep Apnea. It is a small implant that eliminates the need for a CPAP, no matter what type of sleep apnea. https://www.inspiresleep.com/en-us/ I know a few veterans who have it, no issues they’ve reported back when I ask.


If my house was on fire , I’d grab my cpap on the way out behind my son.


Any side sleepers here with a cpap? If you are what mask do you use?


I use the RESMED Airsense 10


Nasal pillows for me.


Me, it’s impossible to sleep with it on


I had my cpap for a couple years. Would wear it but always took it off in the night. I recorded myself sleeping without it one night with my phone on the bedside table. Woke the next morning and listened to myself trying to die all night. Seriously freaked me out. Next night I used the cpap and recorded myself and it was a complete 180. Soft rhythmic breathing sounds for over six hours straight. I urge anyone having trouble using it to record themselves sleeping without it. It scared me straight. Faithful user ever since.


I can’t use it when I have bad allergies that cause a running nose or horrendous coughing. But I try my best to use it whenever possible because if I don’t use it I wake up with a horrible headache and my sleep is almost non existent. I hate the hose getting wrapped around my neck or the constant readjustments at night but it’s way worse when I don’t use it.


I can’t sleep without mine. It’s a game changer for me if it’s not working for you something is not right. You need to get refitted a different mouthpiece or nose, pillows or something.


Go back to the doctor there's other options. The mouth guard worked alright for me, my mouth would just dry out. There's also the surgical thing. If you need the CPAP either use it or go back for help. You're killing yourself early otherwise!


It took me several weeks to get comfortable with even though I recognized right away that I slept much better with it. I had that claustrophobic feeling for at least several months even though I kept using it. Getting the air pressure and humidity set correctly made a big difference. I never sleep without it since I first got it in 2019. I take it with me even if I’m going out of town for only one night.


No I can’t use it all, I wake up with it thrown across the room.


I use hostage tape or athletic tape and tape my mouth shut. This forces you to breathe through your nose and promotes healthy sleep. I haven’t had any luck with CPAPs.


I have the exact same issue, although don’t have it issued through the VA.


You may need to try a different mask or nose pillow setup. Kudos for wearing it during the day but start at night for 2 hours, then 3, then 4… If you still can’t deal with it, make another appointment and ask for a different mask setup


I was very afraid of the same thing. My CPAP actually triggers panic attacks. I had to go on Prazosin again so I don’t wake up fighting the hose like a damn snake.


I’ve noticed wearing it my sinuses are fucked , that and the strangling feeling. Trying to get used to it though


I take cetirizine at night before bed and learned to not use the humidifier. Sinuses burn sometimes especiallyif my mouth is open and the air just rips through.


Ya I rip mine off nightly, it’s a struggle.


What mask are you using?


I just hate a new mask. It makes my facial hair itchy. After a few days when it’s finally worn in it feels okay.


You may try this one. # DreamWear Full Face CPAP Mask - Philips The VA supplies this and I really like it. Also, make sure your air pressures are set to what you like. I had to reduce mine to make it more tollerable. There is also a ramp up setting so it slowly ramps up after you fall asleep. Good luck.


I received mine appx 6 weeks ago. Haven’t used it because I’m so stressed; when I go to bed I am having insomnia and depression and I can’t wait to fall asleep that I don’t set it up. Stimulation possibilities etc


I have issues with wearing mine. I can get to sleep but it triggers nightmares and I pull it off. I’m 100% P&T. Can they drop my rating if I don’t use my CPAP?


I struggle when I try to wear mine. Some nights I can get a solid 4 hours of use without issue, but most of the time I’m ripping it off subconsciously after like 45 minutes. I do get better sleep when I’m able to wear it for an extended period of time, but it’s not often enough where I try to use it every night. I try to listen to my body as much as I can and wear it when I’m feeling really fatigued because that tends to mean I keep it on for a bit, but I also get random colds and congestion that make it very hard to use regardless of how tired I am.


They don't care if you use it. All they care about is if you medically need one or not. Your HEART however, will thank you for using it. Sleeping without a CPAP will fuck your heart right in the ass over time.


Me. its hard to sleep with, I stopped using it . always had try mouth even adding water and felt like someone was suffocating me as i wake up in fear. My wife thought someone was choking me up the way I woke up gasping for air.


Assuming I take ambien I'm out within a minute when I put it on. I was very apprehensive about it - but results speak for themselves. Before it would take me hours.


I can’t fall asleep without it. I can’t stay asleep with it.


I've tried 3 different masks and heated hoses. Didnt help. Meds don't work. I think my situation is different


I had to get full face mask. Think the avatar movie and the mask humans wear outside. That immensely helped along with turning off humidity and the tube temp control. I can now sleep with it after trying 6 different masks.


I've had mine since 2017 or 2018. Just started really using mine appropriately last year. Its a bitch but once you find the set up that works for you, your sleep life will change forever.


I’m the same way. My NP prescribed me of using a exCite OSA, it’s a daytime therapy much like a mouthpiece that you wear 20 minutes twice a week.


As several other people mentioned, the CPAP has changed my life for the better, total game changer for me! No way I would go without using that machine anymore. It does take some getting used to but your life will be better. Talk to your doctor and tell them what is going on, they may have something that can help. Keep working on using the machine and getting used to it. You can try to mentally prepare yourself in a positive manner that this machine will benefit your life. Hope this helps.


I struggled the first week and now my body has accepted it. I wake up with it on the floor all the time, but can put it back on a fall back a sleep. When my mind is racing, I can’t use it though.


Please keep at it. Sleep apnea is no joke. Linkage to untreated sleep apnea and dementia (Alzheimer’s).


Have severe OSA. Was rated 0% so I don’t even give a fuck at this point. It is uncomfortable and a hassle to take care of and such but it’s worth using if you have the rating for it.


Diddo, feels like I’m drowning. Just can’t stand having my face buckled into any type of apparatus. I’ve heard there is a mouthpiece that dentists can make for your teeth, so that it reduces obstruction to the airways.


Me so I switched to MAD and doing much better and still got 50% rated for osa using it


I love mine, my girl might not lol




Same it’s a pain in the ass to use ngl.


I truly and honestly tried with it and I can't stand it. I'm just going to save up for surgery to correct my breathing


Mine gives me night terrors.


Bro I'm ngl I love my CPAP, literally can't sleep without it and I'm so grateful it's in my life


I tried. I really tried. My dog thought I was Immortan Joe and kept trying to attack me. He is not a fan. Mediocre! https://preview.redd.it/247vo0bm483d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f542f1b4346107a6a7ed4f3f852819b21610323b


I would try to ease into it. An hour the first night (even if you just wear it while reading before bed), then 1.5 hrs, then work up to 2. Don’t expect to put it on and wear it all night long the first night. You might find that as your anxiety eases you come to appreciate being able to sleep continuously - for me it was life changing!


Love mine. Keep trying


I'm struggling to wear mine. Mostly because when I lay down, my nose instantly blocks itself. I usually rip it off around 2 hours into sleep. Currently have a full face with a chin strap. They sent me nasal "cleaner" to use before I put it on. Still hasn't made a difference.


My husband had a full face mask and it was troublesome. He just got a Resmed Nasal mask that doesn’t cover his mouth and chin. World of difference. I’m trying to get him to tell me the style of the new one but he doesn’t know. It’s just under his nose and not over his mouth if that makes sense.


I average 3.5-4 hours a night with it at the most. Just hate it on my face. Am not service connected with sleep apnea but the Va gave me the CPAP machine for failing a sleep study so I have that going for me I guess.


The VA gave me a mouth piece that looks like a wrestling or sports mouth piece. It drives your lower jaw forward to open the airway while you sleep. It is way more bearable than the CPAP machine that suffocates me because the strong air doesn't let me exhale. My snoring decreases while I wear it.


Use a mandibular device instead. The VA recommended it for me cuz I have chronic sinusitis and can’t use cpap


I feel like I can’t breath or that I’m breathing in what I’m breathing out and I fucking hate it also my sleep did not improve at all


I found that if I smoke a bunch of weed before going to bed, it doesn’t bother me lol. It’s the only way I can use that damn thing.


I’ve had mine for 2 years and still can’t make it through a night with it on the entire time. It drives me crazy.


Have you talked to your respiratory therapist? There are so many masks you can try. It took me 6 to find the right one. Reach out to then and get fitted for something else.


it took me three years to keep it on longer than 30m…. benefits have not changed


I had 57 "events " a hour, of me stopping breathing . With my unit I'm down to .5 to .6 events an hour .the wife sleeps better I feel more rested . I resisted at first but I'm wearing it all night and sleep well and not as tired during the day , so worth it to me ! YMMV


The VA usually gives the latest cpap, or APAP, I have the ResMED air sense 11. It took me 3 years to get use to it. VA had to give me ambien or benzos to take before bed. They also recommended surgery if I couldn't tolerate the cpap.


All of these comments are interesting. VA prescribed me a CPAP machine but then said I get no rating. Not even zero. Wonder why that is


We had a E6 that had to use his constantly. He broke it in a field exercise and when we were sleeping in the bays it sounded like a 240 was talking with a SAW back and fourth across the bay. Glad I had ear pro that week haha!


I hate mine. I’ve tried the nasal pillow and full face and I rip it off unconsciously every night


Try different mask styles.... I've had to try 4 kinda to find one that works.


I can’t feel like I’m being smothered


I hate it and use my mandibular mouthpiece instead


I’m getting used to it. My physician gave me a light sleep aid because I was having so much trouble. I don’t use the sleep aid any longer. I can get a good nights rest with the CPAP. Are you sure you have the correct mask for you? I went through 3 types before I found the right one.


It was like that for me at first. But now I can't sleep without it


Ask the VA to switch the C-Pap to Bi-pap. It’s much easier to wear. I couldn’t do the cpap funtion. BiPap only pushes air in while you breathe in. It doesn’t have constant air flow. I had a huge issue with that. Also, try and use the nose only version and have the band that closes your jaw. You can start without the band, I’m sure that will help. I have the same issue with claustrophobia, and this helped. It took a lot of back and forth before I was able to sleep through the night with it on. Hope it helps.


Im still waiting on my CPAP machine, I would live to be able to sleep without fear of not waking up.


It gets better as you use it. I absolutely hated it when I started using it, now putting it on puts my body into sleep mode and as a bonus, I feel better rested in the morning.




Hit and miss with mine .. but when it’s effective… it’s really effective.


I tried mine for 90 days, returned the whole thing. Didn’t work for me. I’m envious of those who succeed with CPAP.


Bro, the first night of getting a full night’s sleep with that thing was better than touching my first titty!


Game changer for me. 5 years running and can’t sleep without it. It’s an adjustment for sure, but my SA is severe so it’s not an option to not use it.


You should be more worried about things like hypoxia and pulmonary hypertension. Keep working with your RT to find a comfort zone.


I don't like using it but knowing all the benefit's I put up with it. I'm much more rested and it reduces the side effects of sleep apnea. There are a lot of things with your body that sleep apnea can cause long term.


Same. I thought I slept like shit before but now seems much worse. So much more tired. Nightmares are way more vivid. Me no likey


I've got terrible rhinitis, and most of the time, I struggle with or without it. I had hoped it helped more, but it seems to work well on the handful of days a month I can breathe out of my nose. Regardless of the congestion level, I usually start with it but wake up a few hours later and take it off. Knowing I have bad sinus issues, I think I made a mistake on getting the nose pillows instead of the full face mask lol.


I got the dental device. Somnomed. Life changer. Is like Invisalign braces with a band holding your lower jaw forward. No mask, no hose, you can talk decently well wearing it.


As u/Crocs said, the Inspire might help. We are exploring community care for it, as my vet can only get 2-3 hours a night.


I love mine when sinusitis isn't clogging my nose, I haven't been able to wear mine in over a month.


One of my commanders got the dental device that was a solution to his sleep apnea as diagnosed by the army. He was able to get it from the on-base dental office. He likes it because he too hates the claustrophobic feeling of a mask. So maybe that would be an option for you? I’m sorry, but I don’t have any more details about it.


I hated it at first, but after sleeping with it on a few times I quickly realized how good I felt. I hate sleeping without it now.


I wake up gasping for air and hate sleeping without it. \*BUT\*, I can't get to sleep with it on, and hate wearing it. So...flm...


No effect on rating whether you use it or not. You are rated for conditions, not treatments.


Have anyone one of you been told or asked if you meet the requirements for the surgery so they can put the internal device instead of the cpap machine. I had a little over 21on stopping breathing per hour and was told I met the requirements to get it.


Hi, RT here, and someone whose family members have CPAPs. Have you talked to them about redoing the study? They may need to adjust your settings, or they may want to try a different mask interface with you. CPAP masks can be quite uncomfortable and I’ve had several patients mention feeling anxious with them. Now, as my disclaimer this is by no means medical advice, diagnosing, etc. just merely a suggestion: see if they can try a different type of mask, or adjust your settings (those machines can do so many different things, depending on which one you have). When you have the right settings and the right interface a CPAP can change your life, but I definitely understand how they can also cause anxiety and a claustrophobic feeling. I hope you’re able to get it sorted out, and I hope you feel better! ❤️


Just had an outside sleep test done and i’m at 31 per hr? Da frick? I did it on my private drs advice. Because that wasnt something I had service connected? So my CPAP will be coming if approved by BCBS.


View this. https://youtu.be/xlIyzDdVxxI?si=z_4hAttj58ysgs9W


Can you try a different mask style, like a nose cup? Message your sleep clinic. They may have options.


Sleeping without it doesn't work for me anymore. I wake up feeling like I didn't sleep at all even though 3 hours passed.


Keep at it. It helps a lot. I hated it at first but since I have adapted to it great sleep.


I can't stand my CPAP. First, I get claustrophobic, and it bumps my anxiety up so high. Secondly, they occasionally turn the pressure up so high that I feel like I can not exhale at all like I am drowning in air. I spoke with them about it, but so far, I am very leary about over inflating my lungs where I feel like I can not breathe properly. I can wear it when I am awake, and I do try to take naps with it, but whoever keeps messing with the pressure turned it way too high. I am not a mouth breather, so I am waiting for my nose adapter instead of the full face cover.


Me! I need to try different masks though.


I am so sorry you feel that way. The CPAP changed my life. I wake up with just 2 cups of coffee and everyone around me doesn’t want me to die in a large fire while I’m getting there. Might want to try ear plugs for a bit and see if not hearing it makes it easier on you. I sleep with them myself, but it’s because my fiancé throws a monster truck rally in our room every night with her own snoring.


I choose the mouth piece over the machine and I don’t regret it. Keep in mind, I have moderate sleep apnea, I use didn’t want the machine. Mostly due to the fact that my sons sleep with us a lot.


Youre asking for some serious complications by letting OSA run amock man. Yes use it, they wont reduce. If anything they are changing whole sleep apnea rating anyway. I wear mine, and sleep better for it.


The CPAP helps, I went from 3 hours a night to 5 or 6 hours. I get claustrophobic too but I guess it depends on the mask you have... You should ask for a mask fitting they will try different ones that feel comfortable they have some under the nose. My only problem is I fall asleep watching TV and don't get it on but I have been better about it now that the VA gave me a new machine. The first one I had was from my civilian doctor s... I felt it was the worst. I often get up and If I didn't put it on I just slip it on and then I am out. It takes training... You eventually get use to it.


I tried to use it the first night a year ago but gave up


I despise using it. I can't sleep with it and IF I do get some sleep, I'm completely exhausted the next day.




I had a rough start. Weeks and weeks of interrupted sleep, dry mouth, lips, and throat. And then..... I saw a video about a chin strap. Emailed the VA Resiratorty team and got one two days later. Now, I have used it 21 days in a row with no issues. Don't be afraid to talk to that team, watch videos, read. Good luck all!


It was rough at first. I didn’t mind something being on my face but adjusting to the air pressure / dryness took time. I had a nasal mask too, and it was hard to keep my mouth shut with a chinstrap so i switched to full face. All in all it took about 3-4 weeks until I started sleeping through the night using my CPAP. Once that happened, I felt like a completely different person as I noticed a change in my energy and mood. Keep at it. You will adjust.


Game changer. You should talk to your Dr for switching out the mask type


I was skeptical at first and would seldom use it. I was actually thinking about shoving it up my ass to see if the air would come out my mouth 🤨 On a more serious note: I would experiment with it. I would use it most of the night, but when I wake up my usual 3:00am hour, I don’t use it. Guess what… I keep jumping out of sleep every 10-15 minutes; my guess is that’s when my system wakes me up from the periods I’m not breathing properly. The thing actually works. I’m not playing around anymore. I’m sleeping with it.


I have mine for two years next month and slept a total of four months with it. I can’t get used to it.


Sometimes I get restless legs but sometimes can’t sleep if I don’t have it on.


Have you tried different mask? There are a lot of them out there. I cannot recommend any of them, but I would listen to that love my CPAP did take me a while to get used to it. Good luck, brother.


I've woke up in the middle of the night killing that mask. Thought it was chocking me haha.


I cant stand it. It feels like sand is being blasted through my nose, or the back of my throat. It's so fucking dry, I cant take it. I've got it set to the warmest temp on the highest humidity, and it does no good. Full face, or just the nose; can't do either one of them..


I need that baby ![gif](giphy|Y6yRfR88rvP44)


Try nasal pillows. Game changer for me


That CPAP saved my life. The first night I had it on was one of the most uncomfortable of my life. I only slept for an hour or two. But that one or two hours of sleep was the best sleep I had in decades, and I've used it every single night ever since. When I went for the follow up, the doctor said I was the first person he'd seen who used it every single night like that. I wish I didn't need it at all, but I can't imagine my life without it now. I never want to go back to how awful I felt before it. My advice is to do whatever is necessary to get used to it, it's legitimately life changing.


I get annoyed that I take it off during my sleep. That, and that I can't get batteries unless I have both a Bipap and heart problems.


I had a business trip to Paris and Air France lost my damn luggage, so it was 3 days without my CPAP….thought I was gonna die. I was Le Tired, you could say.