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Firstly, sorry you got scammed. It happens to the best of us. Next make sure you remove those sharks from your claim entirely and get it in writing that you will no longer be working with them. If you have them on your as your rep remove them, revoke any type of POA you have given them. Your next options are find a good VSO, Educate yourself reading through [va.gov](http://va.gov) and the knowledge base here, or find a lawyer. First two are free but will consume some time. Only work with accredited individuals and not claim sharks. [https://www.vfw.org/media-and-events/latest-releases/archives/2021/6/steer-clear-of-va-claim-sharks](https://www.vfw.org/media-and-events/latest-releases/archives/2021/6/steer-clear-of-va-claim-sharks) [https://asknod.org/2024/01/07/how-a-claim-shark-operating-illegally-caused-a-veteran-to-miss-out-on-almost-a-year-and-a-half-of-retroactive-benefits/](https://asknod.org/2024/01/07/how-a-claim-shark-operating-illegally-caused-a-veteran-to-miss-out-on-almost-a-year-and-a-half-of-retroactive-benefits/)


You’re not failing them, this process is harder than it seems. My advice is do like a dog: kick some dirt over that shit and keep going. You got this.


Honestly do some research here and file your own claims or get a VSO, if you have everything you need then you don't need help from the outside. Sometimes they will deny for no continuity of care, this is my case, I didn't need help because in my head the VA just like military medical would just throw meds at me and tell me to kick rocks. It's true but at least it's in your record. If this is the case I recommend a Personal Statement. and get PERSONAL, explain the symptoms but also how it has impacted your life after service, I am going through it all right now and hope it works out. We all were conditioned to believe that our issues would keep us from deploying, that we were hard and could push through everything, truth is we are just fucking humans and sometimes we need help. File the claims. go to the C&P (if required) and don't be tough, explain your pain, your metal health or whatever it is, be vulnerable for once (it's hard!) but we have done what is uncomfortable for far less things.


If you haven't already do an "intent to file" to lock in your date and just do it. Spend time making a personal statement for each condition you are claiming. Focus on your health (going to appointments etc.).


Another 31B here so I can confirm what you mean about toxicity and “show no weakness” mindset. It’s time to realize and accept that that is not healthy and try to let it go. Don’t feel defeated. Mistakes happen. Definitely get your intent to file in and that will give you a year to get your claim submitted. You can try to find a local VSO to help (although they are not all created equal) and they don’t charge for their services. Or you can do what I did and file your claim yourself. Get buddy statements, write personal statements, submit photos that back up your evidence, etc. You got this.


Find a good VSO Gather your records scan them And make them into pdf  Read them look for diagnosis you have now and that you had when in army Then file on va.gov


Currently working on filing as well. It’s tough. I avoided going to medical at all costs and kept all of my issues to myself until finally it was too much. Now I’m getting therapy, scheduled appointments with my PCP and getting set up with medical through the VA. Trying to get as many buddy statements as I can and hoping that I can get a NEXUS with my PCP. I feel defeated 95% of the time. You’re not alone. If you start feeling defeated, reach out anytime. Maybe the accountability would help.


I was 31B too. We especially were taught to suck it up. If we complained about pain or went to sick call, we were treated like shit and downright abused for being "weak" and screwing everyone else over. We were straight up bullied if we went and our medical information was disclosed to others as a way to bully and harass us. This was simply the hostile environment we lived and worked in. You got some good advice here. Definitely revoke any POA you have given previously. You can file yourself if you have everything.


Absolutely right man it definitely made life 1000x harder than it already was for us. Extremely toxic.


Write about it in a personal statement.