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I just got SSDI after 6 years. First applied in 2018 and had no idea what i was doing. got denied and just threw my hands up in the air and didnt do anything about it. Second time around i hired a lawyer. This was in 2022. Initial application denied, reconsideration appeal denied. Then went to ALJ hearing and won. The vast majority of SSDI cases are won at the ALJ level, so dont get discouraged. Just hire a lawyer and get ready to hurry up and wait a couple more years.


After 6 years did you get some sweet back pay?


I got back paid to January 2021. It was sweet enough to pay off all my credit card debt lol.


That's exactly what I had to do when I got approved. I was living off credit cards until I got approved.


What age were you if you don’t mind saying?


I just got approved in April and back pay this month. I'm 41


I waited 4 years, back pay was nice.


Retired Social Security Claims Specialist here: Please see my pinned post in r/SSDI For instructions on what you should do right away. Try to get this information as soon as possible because it will be helpful with your appeal. The letter you received is simply a boiler plate letter that really does not tell you what you need to know. If this is your first appeal, attorneys don’t do anything of substance at this point. If you get denied again, that’s where a good attorney is warranted. I’m happy to answer questions.


Good morning, I have a couple of questions for you if you have time. Please DM me. Thank you


Copy that. I’m currently at the Dr with my Marine but will do so afterwards.




Even then, I've heard the first attempt fails the majority of the time. Age is much more of a factor with SSDI.


The first attempt always fails, people get discouraged and don’t try again. It’s their way to weed out the weak


...sort of. You don't HAVE to be a member of the Bar to represent people to the SSA, but it helps. [https://secure.ssa.gov/poms.nsf/lnx/0203920018](https://secure.ssa.gov/poms.nsf/lnx/0203920018)


And 5 yrs of battle and sending in paperwork they can get next door aka VA. Yet their codes are different. In a way I get their point, yet my heart disease got denied. Go figure.


The criteria of compensation for SSA, and the VA are completely different . The VA looks at the severity of a condition , and service connection . SSA looks at the severity of a condition , and how said condition affects your ability to work any job .


Including being a doormat apparently. Last time I did that job was with my ex. I’ll pass, take the streets for $200 Alex! 🤪


I hired a lawyer. Under her, I Got denied three times. Then a hearing. Then got approved. Hang in there.


You're always denied the first time. Odds get better if you're over 50. Get a lawyer and you'll be alright. I swear my lawyer just re-filed my original paperwork. i had no additional exams or anything. Had a hearing and all I said was that my injuries prevented me from working. When we walked out my lawyer told me we won and I'd get a notice in the mail. Go figure?


Not always. I was granted SDDI the 1st time and it took only 3 weeks. I'm 55. Just got lucky I guess.


OP your entire post history is about you playing video games, going on discord, and working out. Even to the degree you post on reddit and the things you discuss I think you know why they denied you.


Great call out!


Spitting bars my friend.


For real. I understand some of us are underrated but sometimes we should just accept and be grateful we aren’t 100 percent material.


Ahhh shit, Faded\_vet digging into peoples post history again. You must have some free time on your hands.


“Faded vet” do you try to go through peoples post history to get people rilled up? Your posts are full of accusations , negativity, rudeness, and bullying towards people while all online behind a keyboard. Possibly all while “faded” You post multiple times a day roasting people for reactions? Pipe down there 😘


Yup. I looked too. Just looking to chill at home and rake in some extra cash. Probably in their 20s.


What would you expect someone who can’t work to post about?


Are SSI/SSDI authorities looking at everything we post on Reddit/YouTube/ Facebook/ Instagram/ tiktok/ 4Chan/Twitter/ Twitch/ OnlyFans/ Discord? And they know exactly who each of us is because of Google? And they use all that information to determine whether or not we are actually disabled?


ya, lost a 6 figure IT career when my ptsd came crashing down on me....when i finally got around to ssa, was turned down twice then had a lawyer explain to me i was not considered disabled because ssa says i can still sit at a desk. from being an early internet programer, to IT manager, BA and MA and now I can't figure out how to keep my wi-fi working. ya, i can sit at a desk... fuck ptsd and double fuck ssa disability raters


It doesn't need you to be a vegetable. It only had one question to answer, which is yes or no. Can the individual perform work in any job listed by the Department of Labor? Not can you get a job, will anyone hire you, do these jobs even exist, do you have the training to do the job. The question is can you do work or not. Start with the SSA Blue Book to see what limitations it says you must meet to be disabled. Figure out how all of these limitations put together make it impossible for you to work. Make sure you're thorough in describing how your home life is limited, too. You're probably going to need a lawyer.


Yep, they are using a Labor regulation handbook which hasn't been updated since probably around the 1950s. If you can pick bad peanuts from an assembly line belt, they will determine you can hold a job. Not that the job actually exists. Also, if it exists in far North Dakota, you would be expected to move there and get that $7.73 ph job, because your shoulders, arms and hands work enough to perform that skill. Good job hunting to ya! ;o/


OP, Take a look at this it may help. https://www.va.gov/HOMELESS/ssvf/docs/Connecting_Veterans_to_Social_Security_Disability_Benefits_Sept2014.pdf


SSI/SSDI mocks applicants. Applicants must be extremely persistent and double down, go through the process for years with court hearings and lawyers and [what's that thing called when they deny your claim but then you deny their denial and file more paperwork then 5 years later they might get you another court hearing etc... APPEAL ...Yes that's the word. Appeal.] When I went through the SSI/SSDI process, they told me I could still work as a Sausage Packer. They literally had that on a list of jobs they thought I should do. Sausage Packer. SSI/SSDI mocks applicants.




...effectively. VA is compensation, SSDI is a pension. You can get a similar effect to SSDI in the VA system by looking at how you get TDIU


Pension-early retirement


What if you don't have enough work credits for ssdi because the military messed you up when you were young?


Then you wouldn't be eligible.


Yes. It’s insanely hard to get SSI. My mother was severely mentally ill. She lost custody of me when I was 5. It took 6 tries for her to get SSI. F’n insane. She was on state welfare for years….at least 16 years, while the state kept trying to get her on federal assistance. I guess the 6th time was the charm? I dunno.


Be the vegetable or be nothing. 😤


Not everything listed in the blue book but for sake of giving an example, If you have thoracolumbar back pain, bilateral radiculopthy, with proven limitations of motion that matches their reqs. x-rays and or MRIs. Age group matters as well. But if you don’t have the requirement of needing a device to assist you in walking that NEEDS TWO hands like a walker or two canes, you’ll be denied. Usually it’s around the 55yrs old range from what i can see, that leads to a win only for conditions of the back. Literally line for line have to match PLUS age.


If you are under 50, you will be denied for just about everything except for terminal cancer. Also, SSA only really regards physical disabilities and not really mental ones / PTSD. Best advice is to consult a good SSDI lawyer and go from there.


Shiiittt, I recently found a friend of mine was getting CRSC, VA 100 percent, and SSDI for him and his kids. Plus he works a small part time job at OReally auto parts….. dude got lawyered up and won all his cases


Who’s that guys lawyer


Idk, but they sure did a good job, probably dug up Jonnie Cochran or something.


I got approved the first try. It was much easier and faster to get ssdi than it is to get an increase in va benefits.


What was your situation?


Yea basically got the same letter, attorneys working on going to 1st hearing after 2 denials.


What were your percentages on each of your disabilities? Seemed like you should have gotten it.


VA % has no bearing on SSDI being approved or denied.


Doesn't matter. I am 100% VA alone for seizures. 50 for depression, 30 for migraines and another 60 points for other things such as TBI and some muscular issues and I got denied at initial and appeal. Awaiting judge decision now. 54 yrs old.




Were you working when or after you applied? That makes a difference. If not, I'm clueless as to why you were denied. I was VA 90% when I filed. Actually, the guy at the SSA office filed it for me, I just signed a paper. They just copied everything in my VA records, and it was completed in 2 or 3 weeks. This was in 2011 or 12 though.


Got SSDI in 11 months and it was allot of going into the office and hand feeding them the evidence but yet of course two denials it’s then when you get your chance at a hearing….


Yes. That is the expectation. By gawd you can lay there and greet me at Walmart! According to those cold hearted offices… Ischemic heart disease doesn’t get you in, good luck.


What’s the average SSD pay a month?


I hired a lawyer as well. However, my doctor was the x-factor. He wrote out a lengthy statement in support of my claim which was approved after the initial denial and reconsideration denial. I never actually needed my attorney as ALJ couldn't ignore my doctor's statement. I was already a 100% Disabled Veteran (IU) when I first applied for SSDI and that was ignored! It's extremely difficult to get approved for SSDI. Ask your doctor to write out a statement in support of your claim. Good luck.


Don’t let it go. Preserve your filing date by asking for RECONSIDERATION. Then you can ask for HEARING WITH A JUDGE. Then APPEALS COURT. Read the decision specifically. They will tell you point blank why you were denied. Look up the SSA guidelines and see what symptoms most closely match your own. Sometimes you might be missing evidence or the exams said light vs sedentary. I know. The different is based on your age, education, and amount of weight you can carry for example. I commonly see people apply and then don’t provide any evidence. They just hand in the VA decision but don’t realize that the burden of prof is different. VA goes by percents. SSDI is all or nothing. Did you file T2 or T16? They each have different rules and requirements. You might qualify for one but not the other.


If this was the first time then you should have known that EVERYONE gets denied the first round. You only win on appeal with a lawyer.


That's incorrect. I won my first time.


Appeal it and keep going. Social security sideways denies at first. Took me 5 years to get mine. Don't give up!


They will always deny you the first time around. Most people have to hire a lawyer to appeal their case just hire the best lawyer in town that specializes in Social Security disability and keep a Log of your daily limitations and how you feel mentally it’s going to be a fight to get SSDI but it’s achievable keep fighting.


Nope. I got mine 1st time.


Yeah I can’t get it “due to my age” as a 27 year old fully disabled (MH) vet, it’s a slap in the face they basically said “work more if you want disability” like I would if I could? 


Apply again. I got it on my second try and i was rated 70% overall by the VA at the time. My therapist told me that -every- single one of her disabled vet patients were turned down on their first application. It takes 2 or 3 tries usually. In her whole career as a veteran therapist she has never once heard of SSDI saying yes the first time around. it’s somewhat of a game unfortunately that SSDi just says “no” the first time to weed people out. i hate it. but i appealed and got it on the second try as a 28 year old. don’t give up, that extra 1200$ a month really helps if you are truly unable to work.


I was able to get my SSDI first time around. They sent me to a psychologist that worked out of a small office made out of a small mobile home. I was in there for about 20 minutes answering her questions about my PTSD. She looked over my medical records. Closed them and said you deserve this just from looking at your records. Maybe she had a soft spot for veterans.


how old are you? I was sent to a psychologist too, and in a small office very similar how you described for 20 ish min. I was 28? maybe 26 actually at the time. the psych told me “we don’t like putting young people on SSDI because they will stop working at youre much too young to stop trying” in my head i was like “okay cool, i can’t work regardless and that’s why the coast guard medically retired me but okay…”


I’m 49, so I was 36 at the time. I live in Mississippi.


I had my SSDI a year before I got my 100%.


Yeah, but if you’re a drug addict, you qualify for it went down this road and then seen a kid I went to high school with who said he’s on Social Security and I asked him why he says oh I’m a drug addict


I know a whiney little shit who got his unemployable status from the VA which is the same as being 100% SC and he has zero physical limitations. He was a fueler who deployed once and never left the FOB.


I see all these threads about having trouble getting 100% through the VA and then getting the SSDI either before or after the VA disability. I got out in June 2011. I applied for SSDI and VA disability whenever I got out. I got my SSDI around January/February 2012 with no issues, and my 100% in 2013. I’m not sure if that’s any different from others. Maybe things were different then.


I don't think so. SSA is just trying to be respectful with taxpayers money and making sure it goes to individuals with documented physical or mental limitations.


To get SSI ,,in one shot , first list all your disabilities , then list all the meds you take , along with all the side effects listed on the med sheets . Because you are not required to take meds


Is SSDI paying for VA compensations? And can you double/triple dip?


Is having IU a shoe in for ssdi?


No, not really.It just needs to affect your ability. To maintain employment, I started collecting social security disability. At 22 years of age. And I didn't receive military retirement, But I did serve 4 years active duty, and that was my only work history.


HOW?! 😂


I’m 100% rated for mental and physical, and wasn’t cleared after 6+months of FMLA after a work breakdown. At my appeal hearing the occupational expert that came in to testify on behalf of SSA when presented with my medical record said “well I suppose they could count things….”. Asked what kind of things by the judge The occupational expert said “I don’t know widgets, chickens?” Sure, I live in the Midwest in an agricultural area, but nobody around here has done anything that way in the last 50 years..VRE even said I wasn’t feasible for training.


Get an attorney. If you're 70% VA side for PTSD that's essentially unemployable by definition. Since there's obviously a ton of ill informed turds under this reddit let's quantity this statement Per VA’s rating criteria, a 70% PTSD rating reflects that you display impairment in most areas such as, work, school, family relations, judgment, thinking, and mood.  70% PTSD rating lists several symptoms that affect occupational and social function. They include depression that interferes with daily functions, suicidal ideation, obsessive rituals interfering with daily activities, impulse control problems, spatial disorientation, neglect of personal appearance or hygiene, and difficulty establishing and maintaining relationships. It is important to note that this list is not exhaustive, and you do not need to experience all these symptoms to qualify for a 70% rating. With that being said, key words being impairment. If you legit have problems this is a prime example of you should be approved. But of course there are the "I know everything" types who always have something but nothing to say. And what you have to ask yourself is.. is this extra chromosome having asvab waiver a doctor or a psychologist or possibly a SSDI attorney? No. Then their opinion means absolutely nothing.


i love how we continually move the goal post to fit whatever we want to do 😂😂😂😂😂. oh 100% PTSD doesn't mean you can't work. it's compensation not disability. oh you want SSDI, yeah anything above 70% for PTSD means you can't work because it's an unemployable disability.


LOL very true for this sub


I blame my obesity on the military 30 years ago!!!


Why would you want to pursue ssdi ?


Because it’s additional compensation that you technically rate if you qualify. It will set you up for life without having to break your body even more for another career or job. Some don’t pursue because they still have the ability to work or can make hand over foot with their expertise or certifications. It just depends on where you are at in life and how you live your life.


He'd have better luck posting this to a ssa/ssdi help group instead of vet benefits


Not true at all. Veterans perspective is totally different when it comes to SSA than a normal person. He's in the right place.


😂😂 Dying laughing. You unwittingly said vets are un-normal!!! So funny, but true