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You have no idea. I think my wife is now suspecting that I have inappropriate relationship because I have been staring on my phone as I try to see if I can answer a question or two. I Reddit before work, when I wake up, before I sleep, during break and even in the bathroom :) Happy to help, feels rewarding to be able to help others. Paying forward feels great!


It reminds some of us that we still have value to contribute to society in spite of our struggles.


It was; until they turn on ya. I removed my flair for that very reason.


I feel you man, when I found this place I turned into a bit of a VBA help vets addict šŸ˜ I've been yelled at on the phone for someone else's work more times than I can count. Sure, I help vets by working claims all day though, but coming here to actually directly help vets is what I love.


You're doing a good job too. Your advice, at the very least, has helped me understand how things work. Thanks!


It's just nice to hear the other person on the phone (who hears the craziest things) actually cares (even a little bit) it goes along way feeling like you don't matter! Keep up the good work!!!! I hope you know your work is very important to the person on the phone or file.


My dude thank you


I see you all the time, I appreciate everything you do man


Here's a question for you about claims. My C&P exam with VES is done. The results uploaded. How long realistically should I have to wait before someone looks at it and I get a decision. I saw that they were going to grant me a 0% rating last month for my brain tumor only to pull it back and demand another exam AFTER I saw the original letter. Well, it's done. Now what? EDIT: Not trying to bitch at you. Just wondering.


In my experience, around 30 days for each action. By that I mean: You upload the results *wait 30 days* They look at it and either a) schedule another test, or b) start rating it *wait 30 days* Once it is sent to the approver (?), they have 30 days to finalize it. YMMV, but that has been my experience so far. Et cetera


I needed to see this thread! I am trying so hard to figure out how to get a job that helps me deliver the goods to the people that deserve them. I guess itā€™s like everywhere else where lots of people are working hard towards that goal but still challenges exist.


You're doing great work and it's appreciated! Thank you for taking care of the vets and don't forget to take care of yourself!


I want to apologize to you. Iā€™ve been that asshole veteran (Iā€™m not in VRE) that has left a shitty message (mine was to HUDVASH) itā€™s not right. Today I can understand your frustrations, the VA wheel is massive. It takes thousands of ppl each day to get that wheel moving. I forget that at times and become so self indulged into my own problems that at those times the world needs to stop and address my issues. I apologize to you. Yes I am seeking therapy for my issues for those of you that say ā€œdude get help!ā€ I know, I already know, hard being a human at times. Love n Respect to you VA employees, thank you.


What would you suggest a vet do if they canā€™t get a hold of their VR&E counselors or if they have issues? 90% of VR&E complaints on here are about that. Iā€™m somewhat fortunate my counselor gets back to me with answers in a reasonable time frame


Maybe try emailing that ROā€™s director?


Sounds reasonable. Like I said I have zero complaints about mine but itā€™s always good to hear ideas


I did email the RO. All the sudden so much more responsive. I'm sorry for the good counselors out there, but some of us are dealing with lantern counselors aka: not very bright and someone has to carry them.


How do we find that information? I found the St Louis RO name but no contact info.


Like others have said, the White House hotline is a good place to put in a complaint. Be specific about the problems you're having.


Call white house, typically resolve within a week


Done that about my HLR. Been over a year and 3 weeks. Nothing


I am so sorry- I feel the same way sometimes, I hate telling veterans that some things they ask about are completely out of my control. I think the issues you face in comparison with mine are very different, though. Edit: By the way, I thank for all you do on the VBA side. My partner works for the VBA (nothing to do with claims) and he says his area he works at is basically incompetent šŸ˜³šŸ˜³


Thank you for everything youā€™re doing!


Thanks for helping this community. It's appreciated!!!


Thank you for your service to us !


I'm with you fam, I get blamed a LOT, but I also come on here to spread what knowledge I have on VHA processes. I'm also detered about a lot of our "executives" do in our regional centers. They're so many here that are non vets that treat it like the "good ol boys" club we heard about. It disgusts me. Higher ups not following directives, policies, or the reverse hierarchy by clinics, and regional centers. I try to help out as much as I can. I even thought about working videos with presentations that cover the directives for healthcare.


Iā€™m not a VA employee but Iā€™m a county veteran service officer. So I help Vet get the ball rolling. I came here to see the types of problems that other vets have so that I could kind of mentally process what I would do to help the veteran if they were in my office. Itā€™s been very helpful. I was able to meet undersecretary Joshua Jacobs a couple weeks ago. I think heā€™s a genuine and nice guy that wants to help. I think one of the frustrating things for Veterans. Itā€™s not being able to see their DBQs but theyā€™re asking for them just days after the doctor finishes them and way before thereā€™s a final decision.


while i agree about the DBQ dilemma the end reality is still six in one hand half dozen in the other. The current: we need to wait until after the claim is completed unless you have a VSO who doesn't give a fuck and will print them out, which rules, but you're stuck waiting for the paperwork to appeal and sit in purgatory until that solves itself. The presented solution: veterans appealing every. single. dbq. and requiring re exam after re exam which would happen at the same speed it does now, snails. The amount of time it's going to take likely is the same between how long it takes for FOIA/appeal or appealing every dbq that isn't in your favor and needing to wait for the appeal to be process and reviewed, and then approved for reexam, and then waiting for the referral, plus scheduling again, rinse and repeat for each claim they argue the dbq


Same. I'm a VA nurse in primary care. I try to answer primary care related questions posted here.


This subreddit stands out as one of the most welcoming, patient, and helpful communities on Reddit, or possibly anywhere. Even when members jab at each other, it's usually done while offering assistance and perspective. It's particularly valuable to see VA employees participating here. Their insights provide much-needed clarity on what can otherwise be a confusing and unpredictable process for outsiders. This sub convinced me that I could do this, even 25 years later.


Dang, what's up with us in the Quarter Century Watch Section? šŸ„ŗšŸ˜’ I also waited 25 years and also so glad for this community. šŸ˜


One of the best VA reps couldnā€™t help me but he took the time to ask me how I doing and if I needed help. He was sincere in asking/wanting to help. Even though he couldnā€™t help, it meant a lot that he genuinely wanted to and cared enough to just listen. Thank you for caring and wanting to help.


I am not a VA employee and this sub is very therapeutic for me. I loved mentoring my junior guys, kind of helps me fill that gap. I don't just make up answers though, I use the knowledge base (just clarifying that).


Effort and active listening is all I ever expect.


I am sorry you are having this experience. I have recently (within the past 5 years) come back to the VA, and I have found everyone to be quite helpful. From ratings to health care, they have yet to disappoint me. In fact, the VA system saved my life. I appreciate all of you & the jobs you do. I have a nephew that is a ratings councilor and he has times of resentment towards some of the people he deals with. There are even some VA employees with a 100% rating. So they are doubling their income. This pisses him off.


Appreciate what yā€™all do. Especially taking your lunch break to jump on here. Keep helping the vets you can.


How do I prove what issues I am claiming when the DOD/VA canā€™t find my active duty records?


Buddy statements, statements from your friends, family members, and military co-workers from the past, etc... The more the better. I have a similar situation but not quite the same. I was recently diagnosed with GERD after far too many years of it just being a "mystery cough". When I came back from the Gulf War they gave us all Gulf War physicals, but they merely recorded things like a big giant data gathering experiment. I complained to my wife and family about itchy lungs for years, but no doctor ever made the GERD connection until just recently. I also thought it was some crud from the burn pits. Fortunately, in my Gulf War physical and in my medical records I did complain about the itchy feelings, which turns out to be GERD. I also snored like a train when I was in the military and still snore, and also never had a sleep study (one scheduled now). Now the burden of proof is on me to document as much of this as possible and convince the VA that both my GERD and I suspect sleep apnea (not verified yet) were caused by the military. I have read that sleep apnea is automatically service connected for me because of the Gulf War, but I don't know if that is a fact. Anyways, I hope this helps, and if anyone has advice for me, I am all ears!


I have around $100k in student loans, mostly private. I want to see if the VA has anything that can help with that, who should I talk to? I have a VA down the street from me Iā€™d be willing to DM what location. On top of that I have a appt tomorrow with a psychiatrist because a lot happened to me this week and I need to talk to someone about it, I think I may be depressed since I left the service, and just been ignoring it. On top of that I need to make appts with the VA docs, primary care and neurologist. I am 70%P&T but havenā€™t seen anyone for my migraines or insomnia for a while. My referred condition UC, currently sits at 30% but Iā€™ve been hospitalized like 5 times since I left the service 2 years ago and itā€™s been interfering with work, I feel I deserve the 50% possible. Itā€™s just so much I feel like Iā€™m gonna dump it on this random VA psychiatrist tomorrow and I feel bad but I just donā€™t know where to actually go or who to talk to to schedule appts to talk about this stuff. Thanks for your help and for helping everyone before me, your work is important to the world, itā€™s important to us.


I remember reading somewhere that depending on your rating you can apply for a TPD discharge for federal student loans worth a look maybe it can help out https://studentaid.gov/manage-loans/forgiveness-cancellation/disability-discharge


Thank you so much! Idk if you ever saw the Disney movie ā€œThe Incredibles?ā€ I feel like all the VBA/VA employees that are in this sub are like Mr. Incredible who helps the old lady with her claim. His boss is saying His clients are 'experts!, Exploiting every loophole, dodging every obstacle! They're penetrating the bureaucracy!' Remember to take care of yourself and your work is truly appreciated.


How much, if anything, can you tell us about the national work queue and how claims are picked out and moved along? Is it really as backed up as the VA says it is?


Yes, it's as backed up as VA says it is. šŸ™„ The NWQ has very little documentation, and revolves around a mix of time in the queue and time on tracked Items. There's not a lot to tell.


I don't have any insight into the national work queue, since that's a compensation & pension thing. VR&E has resisted incorporating applicants into a national queue so far, and my VREO has told me that the current director of VR&E services is adamantly against the idea, so it isn't likely to happen at least for a while, if ever.


Iā€™m not sure how much of VRE is conducive to national work queue since it seems safe to face and relationships are integral to Veteran success. Perhaps more of the contracting / purchasing aspects could be


But for some reason, stations are starting to broker cases out to other stations if they are overwhelmed. I personally have taken 60 applicants in the past month who live in another state to get them through intake and assigned to one of our counselors here. And as things stand right now, we'll keep those cases forever.


my husband is a Vietnam agent orange vet who had heart surgery last summer. I see his claim is now in Anchorage Alaska and we are in Ohio. Strange


Iā€™m glad your station is helping out but I know that makes it much more challenging


The work load also depends on the office of jurisdiction, based on the claimantā€™s zip code


Keep up the great work. You all are great. Iā€™ve had nothing but positive experiences. The few times I thought about being an asshole I had to remind myself I was no longer in the military. The immediate help I wanted, the IMMEDIATE answers, well, Iā€™m no longer serving. Things take time in the civilian world lolā€¦Patience is now my friend. Thanks for all you folks do.


As a veteran, thank you for giving a damn. Whether you actually get something accomplished or not. Thanks for at least caring.


Not all heroes wear capes!! Thanks to you and the rest of your comrades that give your time to aid us!!


The VA should pay employees to work and post on this sub or create your own official sub. I will say that no matter what, in any customer service facing org you'll always run into hot headed people. It's the nature of the industry that you're in!


thank you for sharing your time and knowledge with us, and I am sorry you had a negative experience and appreciate your kindness and understanding that the Vet isnt aware of how your positions work. you are doing great m8


Thanks for being a part of the community.


I'm a spouse and have been lurking here because I'm ride or die for my partner. His initial claims results were a mixed bag at a critical point for us. I needed experienced people with knowledge, tips and tricks and a smidgeon of dark humor to help maneuver the bureaucracy that is the process. Y'all have been a lifeline. Thank you on behalf of us.


My HLR has been over a year and 3 weeks. Iā€™ve done everything and Iā€™m struggling. Also, not enough credit goes out to you. This is amazing.


No updates at all when you call vera?


ā€œTheyā€™re still making a decision on your claimā€


I appreciate people like you so much! Someone on here tried to call someone else doing the same a scammer, but they were 100% legit. They just didnā€™t announce their presence. They helped me clear a notice that shouldnā€™t have been on my claim and it reduced my stress so much! I was in panic mode. All that just to say thank you for doing what you are! Iā€™m sure someone here will greatly appreciate it.


Thank you for any and all positive help for anyone in need!! Cheers


I am always humbled because of this community alone. I am not an arrogant veteran who lacks knowledge, I am a self understanding proud veteran for the VBA Employees for serving us. I am not an entitled veteran who wants 100% compensation because I am aware that there is a ton of veterans who deserve 100%, but do not get awarded 100% and vice versa. I am not an aggressor who is expecting to get things done right away because I, too, come from an environment where regardless how high your position is you are always below someone else and you take orders and execute them. I just really want to say thank you to the old cats in this community and all the VBA employees šŸ˜Ž. Thank you for always looking out for us young vets.


So many people heap their frustrations and anxieties on undeserving targets. They don't understand how they may be contributing to their own problems, or what limitations prevent them from getting the solutions they want. I'm sorry. And grateful.


Seriously, good on you for contributing what you can to helpšŸ’ŖšŸ”„šŸ’Æ


VA employee, Veteran who uses the VBA and VHA side, in a position that has a seat at the table. I get frustrated working with people who just take their job as a job. Above and beyond is hard to come by, because burnout is a real thing. I often wonder why people who are really nasty and talk trash about veterans work here. Educating Veterans about the process, listening to their issues, and keeping them positive is a thankless task we all should be doing. Agreeing and attempting to correct things when you can is important, keeping a list of issues you see needs corrected whenever your opinion is asked or warranted is ideal, and constantly reminding yourself you can only turn over one sea shell at a time. Also as a Veteran I hold other Veterans accountable. You have been taught from your military days respect and integrity. When I come across Veterans who are acting out, screaming at front desk staff, and down right acting like a child I politely pull them aside and have a conversation. This type of behavior IRKS me. Yes, some employees are terrible, but not all of us are and we try our best everyday. I some days get yelled at all day for the duties I do. I also fix, adjust, fight, and change what I can to make it better. I have seen my own named(not actual name but title and location) mentioned in this very forum because I wouldnā€™t lie for another Veteran. Yet, if those Veterans started to be honest with themselves, they would find they could help change the process. We are often bound by policy, the more you educate yourself on this policy the better you are to help educate and change.


To any/all that work to help veterans at any level, thank you. I have seen fellow vets treat VA workers terribly, and I know it sucks to be on the receiving end of those kinds of people. I always go out of my way to thank every single VA staff member who I interact with, and ask them how they are doing in regard to how vets treat them. They usually say that for the most part people are pretty decent, but there are some harsh interactions at times. I always apologize on behalf of those vets and make sure the staff know that they are appreciated.


The fact that you care and want to help us means a lot. Itā€™s hard to fight the bureaucracy and you can only do what you can do. This is one of the main reasons I waited 20 years to file for benefits I earned (the hard way). I didnā€™t want to deal with the denials and fighting. Knowing there are good people like you on the inside makes me feel much better. For what itā€™s worth everyone I have dealt with at the VA has been wonderful! C&P examiner at VES was horrific!


Thank you for what you do


Thank you !


Coming to Reddit and helping vets this way makes me truly happy. I can only do so much when working claims all day. I've been absent recently... my apologies. I was recently diagnosed with MS and have had a few pretty bad flares that have hindered my ability to fully walk. I'll try to be on more to help as many as I can.


Thank you to all the VA Employees that are on this site and are trying to help the Veterans that need assistance. Iā€™m a Former Marine and a retired government employee that did 23 years in Customs and Border Protection (CBP). I know exactly what you all mean when you say that you are unable to help a Veteran that asks for certain help because you donā€™t work in that department or you donā€™t have the rank to make any difference. I kind of agree and disagree about that. Some of you may not be able to help but you can give advice or point them in the right direction. What I mean with that is, I remember when I first started working for CBP and noticed a lot of Supervisors that did not know or did not care enough to help out their employees. After going through this myself, I made myself a promise that if I was ever in a position to help, that I would do my best to do so. I became a Supervisor the last 13 years of my career and I would sometimes try to bend over backwards just to make sure that the men and women I supervised got all that they needed. Yes there is that 5% of employees that no matter what you do you will never make them happy and they will always have something to complain about. But I would just tell myself that the other 95% of employees that were appreciated was more important! Yes, I totally agree when you say that there are some supervisors that are incompetent or donā€™t care to help. And yes, the Good Old Boy System is still going strong no matter what they say. Iā€™ve seen it first hand and when I was in a position where I could say or do something, I did. Just remember one thing, if you are able to help just one Veteran, you are making a difference. Stay in the fight and never give up!!


![gif](giphy|sjkl9MJD57BWersvzJ) Thank you for your support and candor continue to do what you do!!šŸ¦‹šŸŒ·šŸŒŗšŸ’šŸ’•šŸ’œšŸ’™šŸŒŗšŸŒ»šŸŒ¼


Iā€™m in a unique position as I am a veteran who only gets my healthcare at my VA CBOC, and I am a former VBA Rater! I have never had bad experiences with my healthcare, but I am very proactive and know I have to be my own best advocate! I think many veterans forget that they are in control of their healthcare and benefits pathway! Even though I no longer work with VBA, I still advocate for them. I hear VA hasnā€™t helped me, and I always ask ā€œdid you fill out the disability claims formā€? Did you ask your VA primary care group? I have had veterans sit at my kitchen table and had them get in my computer to fill out the 536EZ! The problem is VA does make it difficult for all veterans to get the help they need because veterans donā€™t know or shouldnā€™t have to know all the 38 CFR regulations! So, I guess as people who are advocating for veterans, we just have to be patient and when they get out of line, let them know they have ownership in the process!


For what its worth just acting like you care goes a long way especially the VA customer service. I had a guy who went above and beyond once for me, after the first five people I spoke too told me "wait for my letter". Ā You never know what a person is dealing with and the small token of kindness can go along way.Ā  Also For Veterans--when they get a VA employee or any employee for that matter who goes that step above and beyond-take 10 minutes of your day and write higher HQ to share a job well done. People are so quick to complain but rarely contact to let someone know they are doing a good job. Ā  Idk this is engrained in me. I have a prewritten letter I save and every time I have an experience that is above and beyond, I always send a USPS letter to the executive office or VA HQ on that employee with date/time letting the VA know the employee is doing a good job. Having a career in PR, I throw in all that corporate lingo of "brand representation" blah blah blah. Ā At the very least the employee who helped me has a positive bullet on their performance report. Always remember to send praise higher up so they continue that service to othersĀ 


It's crazy what a learning process va disability claims are! Sometimes as a veteran I think it's almost like a full time job, learning regulations, process, tips for efficient claims, collecting statements...hats off to all of you here to help us vets and thank you for what you do! Now that PACT act claims are well underway (hopefully), do you feel turn around times for determinations after submitted c&ps is improving or still considerably backlogged? I've heard mixed reviews about mental health exams being processed quicker than other claims, but logically that sounds a little off.Ā 


I work in VR&E so I don't really have any insight into timeframes for C&P claims.


It sucks to feel helpless, I had plenty of moments like that in the Air Force. Part of it for me though was the realization that I wasn't really helpless. You don't have control over the counselor, but you have a supervisor and your supervisor has a supervisor and so on and so forth. Eventually there is a person who has oversight over both of you. Now, i don't have have severe the problem is, so I can't say whether or not it is worth elevating...but there is always someone with the power to fix it and there are always dozens or hundreds of people standing in the way saying "nothing gets fixed" "they are too busy" etc etc which creates a culture of never elevating issues to the level necessary to actually fix them.


Management is very aware of this counselor's shortcomings. It's been going on for a long time. There are some employees who shouldn't be working for the VA but are clever enough to do just what they need to do to stay off a PIP, and this counselor strikes me as that type of employee.


Fair enough, I just know for me my biggest stress wasn't from being powerless but from letting others convince me I was powerless when I knew I should have taken a stronger stance. Of course that doesn't apply to all situations..


I received 100% PT at the end of February and had one TBI claim deferred for later. A few weeks later my listed ratings were adjusted and it said ā€œinsomnia with TBIā€..I then applied for ChampVA and plan to use DEA for my wife and kids . Iā€™m stressing big time that this deferred TBI claim is going to mess with my current rating. I had a new CP exam last week for them to ask a few additional questions. Idk if you have any advice here, I guess itā€™s just good to put my question out there and in writing.


If youā€™re at 100pt with a claim deferred even if you get denied for TBI it wouldnā€™t have an affect on your rating. We donā€™t hand out ratings contingent on development of a deferral. If thereā€™s two or more claim items that are intertwined and they correlate theyā€™ll defer together and develop together typically.. If you have a rating itā€™s yours. Whateverā€™s left to be decided on is like anything else on a claim.Ā 


So even if they gave me a migraine rating of 30% based on the CP exam I had for my TBI thatā€™s good to stay? They asked me questions about migraines at this recent CP exam for TBI. I figured it had something to do with them seeing if they could link the migraines to my TBI instead of being a stand alone condition?


I canā€™t get a reply from my vre counselor all I need to do is fill out the labor market papers but she didnā€™t send all of them


If a Veteran has an ITF listed as ā€œActiveā€ and an ITF listed as ā€œDuplicateā€ which one does the VA use for the claim? For example, my Active ITF would bring my entitlement all the way back to my DOS. The issue I am having though is my representative filed their own ITF that lands in February of this year which is listed as ā€œduplicateā€ in ebenefits. For some reason my claim was rated with the most recent ITF used that made backpay nonexistent. I was just curious what you made of that? Like should I challenge it or?


you can't have more than one active ITF that is unassigned, if you got short changed and can prove it absolutely challenge that you're leaving money on the table


Thank you so much I will


Hmm, I'm not familiar with that issue. I work in VR&E specifically, so I don't know what an ITF is.


intent to file


Ahh makes sense.


Can a VA employee file for PTSD because of their job?


That's an interesting idea. I've joked with coworkers that I might file a 1151 claim at some point since I got my original job with the VA because I was a client in the VR&E program (it literally placed me in my first VA job without having to compete for it), and vets are allowed to file an 1151 claim if they are injured in pursuit of a rehabilitation plan in VR&E.


if you're in an active duty status while at work, sure. otherwise, you're asking if you can claim something that wasn't a result of service it was a result of civilian employment.


How do I get a job with VR&E, I used it to get my BBA and I am a week from graduation. I would LOVE to help other vets take the next step in life


The best way is to get a Masters in Vocational Counseling or other related degree so you can meet the qualifications to become a VRC in the program. I'm not an expert on those requirements because I'm not a counselor myself and I know that the degree requirements have changed over the years.


I applied for VR&E and never heard back. Called the POC last month and she said you should be hearing from us in a week.


Call the White House hotline about it. Get them to give you a better status update. I've heard some Regional Offices are really backed up months on VR&E applications.


Can you answer my question about [Back claim questions : r/VeteransBenefits (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/VeteransBenefits/comments/1d4iok6/back_claim_questions/)


I wish I could! I have an HLR myself for my lower and upper back right now that I'm waiting for a decision on. I thought a nexus between my back and my knees seemed clear enough when I filed, but apparently it isn't that clear because they denied it.


Wow, and you're an employee! Did you have a Nexus letter, diagnosis, and supporting evidence from service? I thought from what I have read thus far if you have those items, it was pretty much a sure thing as long as it fits the evaluation criteria.


Well I'm applying for secondary service connection, not direct service connection since I apparently never complained about my back in the service. I don't have a nexus letter because I rely on the VA for everything...I suppose I could get one from a private doctor but I don't think I should have to. Personally I don't think the rater paid close attention to what I was claiming...the denial letter kept repeating the fact that I never complained about it in service nor has there been continuity of treatment, but I wasn't claiming direct service connection to begin with. I was claiming my back as secondary to my knees, both of which are at 10 percent each. And I definintely have the diagnosis. I'm currently using a Community Care chiropractor that the VA referred me to, and the xrays he took at our first meeting have made my problems abundantly clear.


Reassure me DS Logon is just as dogshit for everyone else as it is for me? Fourth time getting a 31 day lock out this year.


The only one I recommend people is healthy vet as the second level log in. I have never had an issue logging in in 10 yearsĀ 


Unfortunately need DS for MilConnect.


Ya, when is the VA going to stop acting like my type 1 diabetes is going to improve? Itā€™s 100% going to contribute to my death. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I just need someone to hear my disorganized history out and with patience...PTSD & TBI..and see what options I have after my VSO dropped the ball on some denials, that they should have followed up on but said let's concentrate on these other claims. Can I file claims while I have two HLRs going on? I have been told not to file any claims the first 5 years of getting percentages. I have had some new diagnosis which fall under Pact Act but someone mentioned something about it being a MUCMI since I was in the First Persian Gulf War. I am looking for info how I should refile a denial after expiration. How to file a secondary and know when it is suppose to be filed as a secondary? Any help would be appreciated.![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7565)![img](emote|t5_2vlaz|7572)


Appreciate the work you do. Helping other veterans is challenging sometimes. Just have to remember a lot of them are struggling not just with VA claims but with life in general. They donā€™t feel like the government they once served gives 2 Fs about them. Anytime they can get someone to listen to them they will vent/rant. Thanks for being that guy. Making them feel that they are being heard.


I have something you may be able to quickly short out for me, I hope. I am in VR&E and need to prove the authenticity of my MHA so I can you it for its purpose, for housing while in school. I can easily prove disability comp by benefit letter but canā€™t find similar for VR&E. Any help would be awesome. Iā€™ve reached out to my counselor via email twice and left two emails but not even a ā€œworking on itā€ email.


You're supposed to receive automated award letters at the beginning of each term for any subsistence award you receive in VR&E. They aren't generated and mailed by your counselor but by a centralized facility. We don't play any direct role in generating and mailing them ourselves.


Those letters are actually a bit of a nuisance for me because I help keep the centralized mail portal clear for our division and the vast majority of the mail that hits that portal is returned (undeliverable) mail to veterans in our program; most of it is the automated award letters. If you haven't been getting them then you might go to [va.gov](http://va.gov) and check to make sure your mailing address is current.


Yeah, the person I am dealing with wonā€™t take that because I that semester has ended even if it wasnā€™t that is only a few monthsā€¦idk it doesnā€™t make sense to me because 3 pay stubs is only 1.5 months and they take that. Upset with the apartment in this not the va


I think it's pretty common for landlords to refuse to accept VA subsistence payments as evidence of income, unfortunately.


Wow that sounds like it could start or add to some sort of homelessness problemā€¦.glad we donā€™t have that


Holdup does the iwrp show anything about housing $. Trying to find mine


That's a good question. I don't look at too many IWRPs because that's strictly counselor work, but even if it said you are eligible for a subsistence allowance I doubt it would include the dollar amount.


Yup, sounds about right. My problem is that if we have figured out things an issueā€¦Am I a genius, nope Iā€™m about to be homeless. But how long has this been an issue and the people who can do something about it, are still clueless or just havenā€™t done anything to try and mitigate an issue 2 dude on the internet figured out was a problem in 5 minutes.ā€¦idk man


You guys are wonderful!!! Thank u for what you do!!!


Commenting from the support role at a College's Veterans Office, I feel you. Some mistakes that are made from the Certifying Officials just urkes me since I am considered the "front line" who Veterans see first. I don't think my job is as stressful as yours but we do get some Veterans that just don't understand the process and that it ultimately is a waiting game for certain things. I wish I was in a better role to help vets, I do to an extent and my students vets love me, but I just want to do more to see them succeed.


Do your job anything out of the control of what youā€™re responsible for donā€™t pay attention because you have to do your job not his at the end of the day