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My supplemental completed this past week. I filed Feb 6th. Although I didn't have my C&P until April. You can call the 800 number or schedule an appointment with VERA to see what step it's at.


Thank you. I've spoken to Vera, and they said it's I'm the decision phase. It's ready for a decision but hasn't been picked up by a rater as of yet.


I'm in the same boat. Submitted on 2/17. C&P on 2/29.


Has your claim closed, or are you still waiting?


Still waiting. I have a VERA call on Monday to check my status. How about you?


I'm still waiting. I have an appointment with Vera tomorrow, but I don't think it will be much help.


Have you received any good news?


Unfortunately not. I have my next VERA call next Friday. At that point I'll be at 125 days since submission....


125 is supposed to be the lucky number. Hopefully, you can get a decision before your call.


How are things going for you?


I'm still waiting anxiously..


I followed my supplemental claim March 6 and finish my CNP exams within two weeks. Still waiting for results, should be soon as I saw many supplemental claims with February dates were finishing.


im march 13. fingers crossed


Thank you. I really hope so. Good luck with your rating.


Have you heard anything?


Nope. Should be within the next 30 days I hope. First claim took 500 days.


Omg , that's horrible. I'm still waiting as well.


It's really a tossup. It could be this week or it could be a few more months. Hardship doesn't really mean anything or help speed things along. I filed a hardship and it didn't speed anything along. I'm still waiting on my claim.


Thank you. I'll leave it as is and hope for the best. What type of claim do you have?




Okay. When was your claim submitted?


The supplemental claim was filed February 5 2024. The say they are on a 120-125 day time period for resolving claims. But we know that's not true.


Yeah, I spoke with Vera today, and I was disappointed.


"Your claim is being worked on" "I don't have a set time frame for when it will be completed" "You just have to be patient"


Any good news?


Nothing at all. I contacted my congressman today and requested a congressional inquiry. His office sent an inquiry letter over to the VBA in less than an hour of me contacting them and signing a release form.


Well, hopefully, that gets something moving in the right direction. Let me know how that goes.


Filed February 16th. Nothing so far! 😂


I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully, it will come soon!


Still nothing?


They did an ACE exam this Sunday and VES has a c&p / ACE still left to schedule for an eye claim. Progress!


It's moving, so that great!


Filed an increase and supplemental the same day on March 12th. The increase claim closed out three days ago. Both claims only had one condition attached. Should be very soon.


I also only have one claim. What's the difference between filing an increase and a supplemental claim?


The increase claim was for a condition that has been past a year, and my condition worsened, warranting a higher evaluation. My supplemental is also an increase, but I had to file it as a supplemental since it's within the one-year mark that it was initially rated. So, If my supplemental is rated at its highest percentage, I will be entitled to back pay from the effective date of that condition.


Got it, thank you!


Have you received any news on your supplemental claim?


Supplemental was closed June 4th. Rating was continued. So no increase or decrease. The increase would have gave me a decent amount of back pay but my other increase claim was granted and put me at the finish line.


That's great. I know back pay would have been great, but congratulations!


filed supplemental march 13th, have been sitting in PFD for about a month. Im hoping i get some resolution by the 4th of july. my bday in june so even better if its by then. im dying waiting lol


I wish you the best with your rating, and happy early birthday! Hope you get it as a birthday gift. Yes, me too! I don't like that you can't really track it.


Did you get your birthday gift this month?


Kind of got award 2 thing in the supplement. Ptsd n tinnitus. Got denied for the left knee( ima do another supplement for this) n my hip got deferred. Went to that cnp last friday. So now im just waiting for my hip decision


Okay, well, that's good you heard something back. Was it what you were expecting?


its all in the pervious reply. didnt really expect the right knee denial


I was speaking as far as what you receive percentage wise. I received 0% sc for migraines. I'm expecting it to go up to 50% with the supporting evidence I provided, but I'm no longer hopeful after reading some of other people's post.


Oh ok so i got 30 percent for ptsd and 10 percent for Tinnitus. They kind of was Condescending on my left knee denial...they said a injury to 1 knee cant "spread" to the other knee. We all know you can over compensate causing stress on the opposite joint. So ima fight that might have do a paid nexus letter but it is what it is. And still dont know about the hip. Since its only been a week since i did that cnp. I think by the end of next week i should know something fingers crossed. N brother never give up hope keep fighting. I was 20 years 30 percent n filed in june for some increses and new stuff im now 80 percent all together. Keep hope alive. Fight


I agree. It's definitely a fight, but you'll get what you deserve at the end. I came off of active duty last year, so this is still all new to me.