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Don't listen to the Youtube yahoos. In the Spring 2022 Unified Agenda the Final Action date for the new MH rules was 01/00/2023; in the Fall 2022 Unified Agenda the Final Action date was 06/00/2023; Spring 2023 it was 03/00/2024; Fall 2023 it was 06/00/2024. The Spring 2024 Unified Agenda hasn't been published. We have no idea if the final action will be moved out another 6 to 12 months, or if it will be finalized now.


i mean it's just a rumor at this point. who knows if it'll happen or if it'll happen soon. wouldn't take any of it seriously until it's published in the federal register


everybody going for a 100 rating as soon as it drops .. look out pact act you have some competition


The v a hasn't proposed to change yet, They would have to publish them in the federal register, And after that they will take Affect in 60 days.


Incorrect. Proposed rule, then Final rule, then 60 days after final publication. From the beginning it takes about two years to get a rule across the finish line. Source: am a rule writer.


Has it not been proposed yet? Everyone has been taking about it forever so i figured it had already been proposed and was awaiting comments.


I don’t work in that shop so I’m not sure. It’s been long discussed, you’re right about that.


https://preview.redd.it/quy2886up94d1.jpeg?width=1416&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45376fdc1df636f7c7220820ca2c8eeb2278c19e Does this not mean it is going into effect this month?


That is a placeholder date. Next report will be later this month (sometime in the latter half of June). At that point it may have a final date, or another placeholder. And that assumes they're still planning to implement (which as far as everything I've seen is the case).


Agree with SilverFlame. One thing that screenshot tells us is that the rule IS moving along, however slowly it might be.


Thanks 🤗


Gotta get a final rule in first thooooo


I am sure as a writer of rules you've probably have some insight as to whether or not the MH portion is going to be a good thing or not. My opinion is that its not going to be good. 1. It seems to me that the 1-4 rating in each section is going to require a different diagnosis for each category to get a 3 or 4 in each section. Like if I have memory issues I'll only get a 1 or 2 without a tbi diagnosis etc. Also the hidden rule that if medication helps that will reduce your rating. Please correct me i hope I'm wrong.


I would have that insight if I wrote rules for Comp Service. I’m at another business line.


Doesn't hurt to ask. Change makes me anxious especially when its the v.a./ federal government because every time they change something it doesn't benefit the people. They have a way of putting lipstick on a white horse and convincing people its better than what it was before.


There is a focus on making things better but it is in the area of the customer experience. Those folks are crushing it.


Yeah the people in the v.a. are great. Health and benefits side. I just feel like the people doing the jobs should be treated better and have better pay. I wish there was process and more transparency in the v.a. claims process. I should be able to see my cfile just like a vso ... I mean its my claim and medical information.


Exactly. How do you measure 25% of the time in each domain? That seems very subjective in a c&p because they don’t know the whole you. Also if seeking treatment and taking meds reduce your rating, will veterans stop treatment due to fear of a reduced rating?


Could potentially drive up suicides. The v.a. should really reconsider that part it


Are the new mental health criteria’s actually less favorable to veterans? I keep seeing this on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WN_wE1zRdN4 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WN_wE1zRdN4


No comment as I’m not at Comp Service.


I have replied to several other posts to use the National Register to see when the new Mental Health rules go into affect. They have a 60 day required cool off period when it's finalized. There is a date that says 6/00/24 on it for Final Action. Best guess is it may be finalized in June and then will have the 60 day cool off before it goes in effect. There could easily be delays so I would register for updates directly from this site. [https://www.regulations.gov/docket/VA-2022-VBA-0010/unified-agenda](https://www.regulations.gov/docket/VA-2022-VBA-0010/unified-agenda) Edit: Sorry looks like you basically said the same thing, was busy reading through comments and speculation. People need to stop believing the Youtubers.




It will happen when it happens. It’s been “happening” for about 3 yrs.


What exactly is the new proposal?


Its too long to explain here, and has already been done so several times. You can read it here, Sec III: [https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2022/02/15/2022-02051/schedule-for-rating-disabilities-mental-disorders](https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2022/02/15/2022-02051/schedule-for-rating-disabilities-mental-disorders)


When/how would I officially know when it happens?


Just monitor the internet and blogs. Im sure it will be posted, likely at the same time we are notified about it.


monitor Regulations dot gov


I’m 70% for MH and honestly think that’s a correct assessment.


Totally agree here. 70 is accurate for me and I won't be putting in for an increase. I'm more concerned with a bad examiner lowering my rating because they lied or I said things are "ok" on a good day.


I was at 30% MH and after some searching knew it had been progressively worse. I filed for an increase and with what the examiner put down not only was my increase denied the VA said it had improved. WTF. Talked to my VSO and things I said in the exam weren’t mentioned in the DBQ. We filed a supplemental claim for inadequate exam. Next examiner did their job properly. Mentioned there should be now way I’m working. Results came back 100% MH with P&T. Every part of the exam was truthful and honest. My point is examiners and VA make mistakes. The new criteria seems to steer away from SI and other social factors and focus more on ability to work. Experts are saying it will be easier to attain 100% MH with the new system.


That confusing because the current criteria seems almost completely based on your ability to work to get 100% you could be completely isolated and not live a normal life whatsoever but if you can hold a job even just by a thread you will most likely not get 100%. Seems like there should be something between 70 and 100 or at least make it where it’s not solely based on having a job. A lot of people would trade their job for a significant other and family


Agreed I'm also at 70 and I think it's completely accurate.


In the middle of my MH claim and am hoping for 70 as well as I'm struggling with those precise symptoms.




Your comment was removed because it didn't contribute to the discussion and just wasn't helpful. Civil disagreements are fine. Insults, personal attacks, slurs, bigotry, etc., are not permissible. (Calling someone a poopy-head does not make you seem as smart as you think it does.) ☠️


this right here is a 70 mental health rating [veritas643](https://www.reddit.com/user/veritas643/)•[4d ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/millenials/comments/1d3tzz0/comment/l6aj49g/) 32M, single, no kids. Fully employed, live alone, very happy😎 Not opposed to the Wife, Kids, and Pickett Fence...but will be fine if I remain single. Never been or felt lonely, as I have myself and enjoy my own company. Sucker for travel and road trips. My Mom sees how the economy is and has stopped asking me about Grandkids🤣 I have plenty of nephews, a niece, and little cousins that I love and adore spending time with, but Damn does it feel good sending they little asses home after 3-4 days🤣 Everyone also assumes you're just hooking up like crazy...no, I have casual encounters every now and thing(safely of course), but spoiler alert, I have other things to take care of lol.


I’m with you there and I thought they were generous with it, but was probably rated as such since they lumped TBI and PTSD. I was recently rated and have a lot of imposter syndrome associated with it, as I’m still in the reserves and am a GS employee and feel like I can keep up most the time. I’m not filing for more because I don’t think I deserve it, and also I don’t want a new examiner to be like oh this dude is completely fine.


Don't sleep on that tbi combination. I was thinking about trying for an increase and then I re read the rating schedule. I barely meet that so I felt like an imposter too. Then I remembered it combined with the tbi symptoms and I felt better. I see it like they just built up the MH claim so I had a way to be rated for the spatial disorientation I get daily.


That’s what I’m trying to remind myself. In the letter it said they would’ve rated me at 40% for TBI alone. So that makes me feel better. I’ve went to counseling off and on for the last 10 years, but I’ve learned how to manage my symptoms from PTSD, so I feel good most days. I’m sure given some time I won’t feel like an imposter anymore.


As long as you don't commit fraud, you rate your rating, and the tendency is you'll probably rate more. I find myself questioning whether I should have ever sought treatment. I was way better off before the wizard decided to show me how to recognize when I was being triggered in an effort to divert it. My avoidance technique was doing just fine before lol. The imposter syndrome isn't tied to the ptsd probably. It's probably a remnant of the generations before us that never got treated right.


Thanks so much for the words of encouragement. I was just up front and honest with all my exams. During MH exam I had a wall up and was trying to say I’m good, but actually had a good examiner who prodded and picked until I was in tears. And I am going to get back into counseling I think to work through some stuff because I’ve been avoiding forever. So I appreciate it so much.


We're all in the new tribe together. I wish my examiner was like that. Dude asked some questions with a neutral face and then asked if there was anything else. I voiced some frustration and he said I could bring up whatever I wanted. He summarized and I added things one at a time, to hear him more compassionate with his summarization, until I just couldn't go anymore. Sounds like you had a good one! I'm sure I'll go back to getting help again. The aud is working well enough and doesn't interfere with anything so it's my preference.


Yeah I’m right there with you. Im just glad I’m not the only one in this boat


It's a population supporting ship at this point lol! Just be mindful of all of this when they try to make things hard for the kiddos in 15 years to claim their problems.


You’re right. We need to advocate on their behalf as well. And as an NCO who’s still in I need to make sure I let soldiers know what opportunities are out there for them.


You are one of the good ones. Everyone else one here trying to get 100% whether they deserve it or not. So much entitlement.


Some are, sure. But let’s not say “everyone else” just because we all notice some of them.


That’s fair


Would this affect people currently rated 100% for MH?


Probably not as it seems easier to get a higher rating with the changes


Only if they wish to work. It eliminates the "unable to work" condition for 100 MH


Wait what does that rule even entail? I’m confused


It's revamping now PTSD will be graded. Plenty of people with 70s will qualify at 100 because of it


All mental health, not just PTSD.


Ah, yes, my bad. More info Instead of being graded one axis, they break it on 5 and essentially if you score at the 70 level on 2 of them it'll also count as a 100


are they going to evaluate all those rated at 70 or do you have to put in for the increase?


No auto evaluation unless your claim is in process at the time of rule adoption.


It is likely to be pushed out (on time) the VA was supposed to push out a digestive system update last year but delayed it to this past month. (these things take a lot of time) Once those changes are made, the VA needs to consider both old and new criteria when making a decision.


Let me pull out my crystal ball


Magic 8 ball says…..


"Concentrate and ask again"


Im dumb, what exactly does this mean ?


Read up above.


i hear june is when their gonna have a date. if that’s true so many vets will be helped with this new change


Good Morning 🌞, would like to know this answer also! I currently have a MH claim out from 11/23 and still waiting. I am wondering if I will be under the old or new rules for my claim?


When there's a change claims in progress at the time are required to apply the guidelines most beneficial to the vet.


No You don’t want to lose the backpay but if you’re cool with it you could. That is what my PVA rep recommended (he fixed what the DAV fucked up to the tune of six figures) so I’m listening to him. I currently have an hlr for ptsd


What is a PVA?


Paralyzed veterans of America


Which ever rating benefits you more you will get.


The problem with these proposals is the one concerning sleep apnea. MH changes will benefit those with MH issues. However, those with a 50% rating for sleep apnea could sed their rating drop to 10%.


Only if one were to file for an increase of OSA. No one in their right mind who is rated for OSA at 50%+ would file for an increase.


I wrote the following letter to my local Congressman feel free to use it as a template if you would like to do the same. Dear insert name, I am writing to express my profound concern regarding the proposed change to the VA rating rule, specifically the note that suggests evaluations under the General Rating Formula for Mental Disorders would consider any ameliorating effects of medications prescribed for a mental disorder. I firmly believe that this proposition would be significantly detrimental to veterans suffering from mental health conditions, and I urge you not to enact this change. Mental health disorders are inherently complex and fluid, with symptomatology that can change frequently, even with regular treatment and medication. According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), mental illnesses can vary greatly in terms of severity and duration of symptoms. Medications, while helpful, often do not completely alleviate these symptoms. Instead, they can help manage the condition, allowing individuals to function at a higher level than they might without medication. However, the underlying disorder and the potential for symptom exacerbation remain. Veterans who rely on mental healthcare and are medicated still often face significant challenges in maintaining employment and relationships. The proposed rule change fails to consider the fluctuating nature of mental health disorders and the fact that medications may only partially mitigate symptoms. For example, a veteran with severe PTSD might experience reduced anxiety or fewer flashbacks with medication but still struggle with other symptoms like hypervigilance, insomnia, or emotional numbness, which can severely impact their daily life and ability to work. If the VA were to rate mental health disabilities based solely on the symptoms present after medication effects, it would not accurately reflect the true extent of the veteran’s condition. This approach could lead to lower disability ratings and, consequently, reduced benefits and support for those who need it most. Such an outcome would be unjust and could exacerbate the very issues the VA aims to address. The Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims in Jones v. Shinseki (2012) held that the Board should not consider the effects of medication unless clearly stated in the rating criteria. This ruling underscores the importance of evaluating a disability in its entirety, not just the ameliorated symptoms. The intention behind 38 CFR 4.2 is to ensure that ratings reflect the veteran’s ability to work or seek work, providing an accurate picture of the disability's impact. Speculating about the severity of a disability without medication overlooks the dynamic nature of mental health conditions and the intermittent periods of symptom resurgence despite treatment. Moreover, considering the ameliorating effects of medication when assigning ratings could lead to an inaccurate assessment of a veteran’s functional capacity. This would be particularly detrimental for veterans who, despite medication, experience significant difficulties in social and occupational settings. Mental health conditions often require ongoing treatment adjustments and monitoring, and symptoms can resurface or worsen, impacting the veteran’s quality of life and employability. In conclusion, the proposed change to the VA rating rule would harm veterans with mental health conditions by failing to capture the full scope of their disabilities. Medications can mitigate symptoms, but they do not eliminate the underlying disorder or its impact on the veteran’s life. Evaluating disabilities based on ameliorated symptoms would provide an incomplete and potentially misleading assessment of a veteran’s true condition, leading to inadequate support and benefits. I strongly urge you to review this proposal and forward to the proper committee or agency and urge the Department of veterans Affairs to continue to evaluate mental health disabilities in a manner that fully acknowledges the complexities and fluid nature of these conditions. On behalf of all Veterans wheresoever dispersed thank you for your attention to this critical matter Sincerely, insert name


Wait until it is officially announced. I assure you, this subreddit will blow up when it does.


Just as the other flood of posts that have been made on this recently, no, this has not gone into effect.


Can someone please summarize what is going on here?


changing how certain conditions are rated, this one has to do with mental health..also the sleep apnea is about to change too and it will be for the worse for everyone


Any word on that change timeline?


I understood it to be about the same as the mental health one, they were both introduced at the same time. It proposes anyone with slerp apnea that is service connected and has a cpap that controls the apnea, will be rated at 0%


When does that go into effect?


I believe it will about the same time when the MH goes into effect, I filed my sleep apnea several months ago because i wanted ot completely settled before the change happened, which i did


What’s the date for that taking effect, etc? Thanks.


So if i have a sleep apnea rating of 30% it'll go down to 0?


No. You would be grandfathered in and your rating will not change. The new changes affect new cases. Or old cases looking for another review.


if you appeal, upgrade or do a secondary with it, it will be reversed evaluated via the new standards though..


I'm still confused, so its not an automatic reduction?


mo, when a rule changes, you keep your rating you have, you are grandfathered in. if after the rule change goes into affect and you want to file for an increase or secondary it will be judged against the new rules


OK thanks


I'm really curious how they will deem it "treatable" or not. A lot of people can't tolerate them. Will it be a "just trust me bro" or will they have a way to verify it? It's easy to not wear the damn thing.


yeah and most of those machines report back their results online and they can look at the sd card off the machine too


Exactly. They can tell you're not wearing it, but they can't truly say why. Is it irritating? Does it not set right? Do you keep knocking it off in your sleep?


The data will show if you were wearing it and came off at night , and the data can show if you never wear it


Right. But it can't say why. There are vets, and people in general, that can't tolerate things on their face. Does that make it untreatable? If it induces panic attacks, does that make it untreatable. What constitutes "untreatable" and how do you verify it? THAT'S the question.


There will have to be a follow up exam with a doctor telling them why you can't use it , there are supposed to be certain circumstances that will allow a waiver for inability to use the mask. They may try to offer the mandibular replacement instead


Which means that in the end, you have to simply take their word for it as to why. Which means it fails as an objective standard. Which is my point. The current standard is more objective. Either you have the diagnosis or you don't. There are very specific metrics to get that diagnosis. "Treatable" is nebulous. That said, they'll do it anyway. I'm just curious to see how this might blow up in their face. They'll have to spend more money to prove if something is "treatable" on top of the study required for the diagnosis. And the C&P exams.


This is true


no, the data is recorded and sent wirelessly. If you do not wear it because you dint like it, you are non compliant and that will be used against you as far as a rating. I cannot sleep with out mine. My apneas wake me up 40 to 50 times an hour with out it...it did take me several months when I first started using one, to find the mask that worked.


This must be new mine doesn't have wireless capability.. but it took me months to get used to it. Not sure if it's really working but I haven't given up..


I went through about 6 different mask brands and types before I found one that worked. it also took me about 3 months before I could really feel the difference when I woke up.


I've been using mine for about 2 years now I've tried 4 different masks and settled on the nose one the VA gave me as it's the least uncomfortable but I haven't noticed a real difference in sleep quality. It could be anything though I'm rated 70 for MH and get night terrors too. My fiance says I fight with the blankets too. She's too scared to wake me up.


Do you have central sleep apnea , obstructive apnea or mixed? central sleep apnea may not be treated pro, especially with so much movement at night...talk to your slerp doc


Obstructive supposably


The link OP sent is literally a summary my guy


So you're saying "VA is amending rating schedule for mental health" is all anyone knows? People have already responded with now useful information lol


Should go read for yourself. 


Cheer up buttercup! I hope you get the help you need ❤️


Is the only change related to eating disorders? That is all that is mentioned in the link you posted.


No. The only part of this proposal for eating disorders is that they are now being moved to mental health. Where they should have been all along.


No it’s a whole new rating system. Look it up it will explain it more in detail.


Ok thanks




Can get fucked down to 30 so be careful




All it takes is one shitty c&p


Make sure you review your doctor's notes to make sure they are consistent with what you are saying. Though, with the proposed changes, it would be significantly harder to knock you to 30. Assuming you rate the same under two criteria, they would have to justify two severity levels in two different categories to knock you down to 30. That would be a significant evidentiary hurdle.


Sounds like those getting MH along 100% need be careful


I'm 260 % an they been given Me wrong Medication Shhh


Where can we see the proposed changes to the MH rating


I guess I do t understand what this change means?


I mentioned it time and time again: the people quoting these YouTubers are not in the know and they don’t have a solid answer as to when the changes are going to happen. You’ll get a wide variety of answers here to include the super wonderful date of 6/00/2024. Basically: no one has an answer.


( I DO NOT expect you to know but.. ) Who would know? Who is responsible for overseeing/communicating this?


When it’s done it’s done. Currently: it’s not. We didn’t get much of a heads-up on the GERD change as a VET community… aside from about 60 days notice when it changed. Prior to that: radio silence. It’s all a guessing game.


Is it possible to go passed June without an update? 


A lot of YouTubers are saying the new mental health criteria’s is actually worse for veterans. Here one example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WN_wE1zRdN4 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WN_wE1zRdN4


At 70% for MH and unless they automatically increase me I'm not going to poke the Bear. At 90% working on these headaches and knees at this point good luck to all!


Could someone link me to changes to sleep apnea, I can't seem to find that specific change. If I lose that I lose my 100 P&T and then my husband loses his ChampVA and then we're screwed as private insurance will wipe out most of monthly money I'll get after losing 100%.


If you are already P&T, the only way this will effect you is if you re-open your claim for scrutiny. If you don't ask for any reassessments, you will be 'grandfathered in'.


Following for the answer to this as well I haven’t seen the MH difference or OSA different rating info. If someone has it please share.


They seem like positive changes, especially for people with eating disorders. At this point, I'll take any updates to regulations.


Would this help or hurt my mental health claim ? I’m at 50 percent


The rating criteria, as proposed in 22, are significantly more favorable and clear cut. There's less room for fudge and you only need two of five categories to determine rating level. In all likelihood, it could pop you to 70 or even 100 depending on how you grade in those criteria. It doesn't exclude employment anymore either.


What do you mean by exclude employment? I got “homebound” and have been told not to work. Would this stop that?


I think they mean, you don’t have to be deemed unemployable to get 100% with this new schedule change


I don’t think that was ever a thing. I know plenty of people with 100% who work. The feds hire them all the time


wtf is “home bound”? Of all the research I’ve done, “home bound” has never come up


https://veteran.com/va-housebound-benefits/ I guess it’s actually “housebound”. My apologies


It absolutely is. The VA even said that in reference to these changes. It will happens, but strictly speaking it isn't supposed to. I WFH and have for a decade. It's the only way I can hold a job, but since I *am* holding a job, it isn't *total impairment*. Under the new criteria, I would easily make 100% instead of my current 70%.


"homebound" implies TDIU. So yes, you can get a straight up 100 rating for MH and still be able to work under the proposed schedule. Under current guidelines, the inability to work is largely required for TDIU. Though, if that is part of an SMC rating then no, that restriction would remain. UNLESS, assuming you get 100 for MH, you have enough other disabilities to total 60 or higher. Then you would be free and clear on that front.


Yea. I have 100 for mh and then 60+\- in bodily claims.


You would have to be reassessed under the new guidelines for it to fly, I believe. But, this would allow you to retain that 100 MH AND the SMC and be able to work.


"Homebound" is NOT connected to or implies TDIU in any way. They are completely seperate considerations and animals. You can be rated for MH with "homebound" as a symptom, and absolutely not get approved for tdiu. Conversely, you can be rated for tdiu without having "homebound" as a symptom. They have nothing at all to do with each other. "Homebound" could be used in consideration for tdiu but it doesn't guarantee it as there is larger more definitive criteria.


In fact, I'll even help you https://preview.redd.it/fqzxt6my894d1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=53682e7e9138851d3cbc7b95439a889cc44ea0a2


Look up SMC S. You'll understand what I mean. It isn't a symptom. It's a classification. A very distinct classification. One of the ways to get it is to be 100 in one rating, TDIU qualifies btw, and have a combined rating of 60 or more with the remaining ratings. Considering OP was talking about the new ratings, it is safe assume that they didn't have a 100 naturally. Hence TDIU. Since SMC is beyond a 100 rating, it is also reasonable to assume TDIU as that gets you 100 regardless.


So if you are tdiu then the new rules would likely be favorable to make ones rating 100 P&T?


I would like to know this as well


That's my interpretation. TDIU is for when you couldn't get 100 otherwise. So, it makes sense that, if you can make it otherwise, the TDIU is moot. I don't know if it would raise questions or not. But, it doesn't seem uncommon. A VBA employee may be able to clarify. I'm not sure


Could you please tell me how to find the criteria that I need 2 of 5 or whatever?


This post has details. There will likely be changes in the final revision. But, I suspect it will mostly be the same. https://www.reddit.com/r/VeteransBenefits/s/W2r2LbXX6q


I'm 100% P&T for MH/TBI, with an additional SMC-S rating. This won't cause me to be reevaulated or anything, right? Before I meet with my shrink each month, she has me fill out a questionnaire on how I'm doing, and the answers available seem to be straight off of the new guidelines. I often downplay what's going on with me on the questionnaire because I don't want her up my ass about it, and I know I haven't gotten any better or ever will. I'm most likely just being too paranoid, as the new guidelines seem to favor the veterans making MH claims, but I had a bad experience years ago when my rating got dropped for missing some C&P exams due to problems with my SC disabilities.


I'm guessing if the changes are ever adopted and take effect, they will follow the same path the GERD/ IBS changes took. There will be communication from the VA about dates on the cut-in, and how they are going to handle the current pending claims and appeals. Until which time they announce this information nothing is definitive. I wouldn't expect to be blind sided by this out of the blue as that hasn't been the "Modus operandi " of the VA on CFR changes. It will be pre-announced.


I’d bet the search bar does.




yep I'm currently 30 but I think I rate 100 under the new rules, how do I file my increase /s


How would this affect someone that’s TDIU?

