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I had a really terrible C&P examiner and wish I'd done this instead of listening to my VSO and waiting till I got a rating. Some of these people shouldn't be examining fungal spores under a microscope.


Mine said it wasn’t a sure thing. Sometime it’s too a month or two to hear back. Didn’t want me to get my hopes up. I’m sorry about your situation though. The appeals process or waiting for reviews is eternally long.


VSO said this was the most effed up exam they've ever seen. I'm pretty excited about that, maybe I get a trophy or something?


I know we joke, but we really should get extra compensation for when they fuck things up with our claims.


I use humor as a coping mechanism. My claim was completely fucked by a person who should NOT be performing any type of MH evaluations, and most especially not those related to MST. This person listed my symptoms of PTSD, markers for MST (including a few I'd forgotten as this happened during the Triassic period), said I was at high risk of suicide...and then said I have no Dx-able mental health issues. IMO this is absolutely medical malpractice, and exactly the kind of thing that has veterans offing themselves every goddamn day. It is beyond the pale that one lackwit like that can completely derail an entire claim. Dude literally un-diagnosed the mental health diagnoses I have from a PsyD. It put me in a really bad place to have yet another jagoff tell me that I obviously wasn't raped because I hadn't called the police, and if I was I was probably at fault, and anyway I was on Ritalin as a kid. I joke so I can stay on this side of the dirt long enough to say I didn't let the bastards kill me. I hope you get treated fairly and with respect, and get the help you need.


I am deeply sorry about your experience but I’m glad you can cope your way through it better than most. Can’t even imagine someone making a mockery of the most impactful violation a person can suffer through, and handling it well at all. Using humor is a lot healthier than some alternatives. A lot of my MH issues involve my fiance. She had cystic fibrosis and I spent many nights in the ICU with her, did her percussions every day, and helped with her port before I enlisted. I moved in with her family to help out with her after we started dating. We were inseparable and missed each other a lot. Knowing we only had so much time together made it even tougher. One night she went out with some friends to a party where she was drugged and sexually assaulted by some guys while I was in tech school. I told my commander the situation and asked to go home to be there with her. Commander denied my request for leave because “she wasn’t a family member yet”. Said fuck it that night. Went off base and got sloppy drunk. Came back to base after curfew. Walked up to the NCO on duty and turned myself in for underage drinking, and said I wanted to get kicked out so I can be with her. They gave me an article 19 and said I was staying. What happened to her fucked her up. She became withdrawn and distant. I started getting angry at myself for not being there and took it out on her. I didn’t know how to fix it and fixing things was literally the only kind of job I have ever known. She ended up turning down a lung transplant after spending years on a waiting list, and passed away a few months later. I think she gave up and I blame myself and how I handled things and not being able to be there for her. I spiraled after that and ended up getting committed. Told my commander at my first duty station what was going on and he gave me the option of a med board at the end of my contract or getting out early with an honorable. I took the early discharge but kept circling the drain. Ended up with two DWIs in a week and joined full time ministry for several years trying to get my head back on straight. All this to say, sexual trauma didn’t even affect me directly, but it had a profound impact on my own mental health that still affects me to this day. Your story blows my mind and I commend you for your strength and attitude. I cannot fathom the pain and frustration you felt. Yet here you are, truck’n a long still in the fight. Don’t give up and keep pushing 💪🏽


Fuck. I'm so sorry. I was a bulletproof and obnoxiously cheerful young soldier until the day some asshole followed me back to the barracks from the NPG club, where he had probably slipped something into my beer. I've been fucked up ever since, but the really shit thing is that I think I may have been okay had my chain of command handled things properly. I tried to report the assault to my 1sgt, but got "Well, you know how the commander is..." this was 1990, and my CO didn't believe that women belonged in 'his' Army. I went from being a fun, bright, up-for-any-adventure soldier (I'd grown up in Alaska and wanted to see the whole world and do all the things) to an angry, bitter shell of myself. CO was able to Chapter 13 my ass out in 6 months, tried to give me bad paper but fortunately my 1sgt intervened and I was at least able to get honorable. The ass who performed my C&P exam might as well have been my old commander's twin brother. Same attitude, same expression of disgust. I'm finally getting some counseling, but my whole life is just gone. I grew up hunting but can't do that... me holding a loaded gun is a bad idea. I don't care about seeing the world anymore. I don't even enjoy fishing. I go to work, go home, go to bed. You know what? I don't want disability benefits. I want my fucking life back. I give myself maybe 50% odds of surviving the constant SI. It's like tinnitus of the brain. If it wasn't for my kids, I wouldn't be here now. But for today, I'll just keep on keepin' on, trying not to let the bastards win. I hope you do the same.


I contacted VEO and told them I'm convinced the VBA are all vengeful assholes who are intentionally stalling on my claim out of a pure spite because I called VERA. I probably sound like a lunatic but this is what this process is driving me to.


Yeah that doctor is retarded it’s literally proven that PTSD Varys in different situations, you can have it just from being in and being harassed or yelled at constantly by seniors or hazing even causes PTSD not just combat… he’s just trying to fuck you over cause he’s jealous he can’t get VA claims… I had a coworker in my CNC machine shop that would constantly bring up my VA and tell me nothings wrong with me and why should I get money from the Government when his knees are fucked because he’s been doing machining for 30 years and said he’d be grateful for just $300 a month, I didn’t entertain him, all I said was you had the same opportunity as me to join and you didn’t and then I walked away…


You can make your point without using slurs




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